Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The lungs receive blood from both ventricles—the entire volume of the right heart and also a small fraction of blood from the left heart (via the bronchial arteries). Functionally, the lungs have two roles: oxygenation of venous blood and filtration…
The veins of the neck, arms, and chest are visited frequently by interventional radiologists. Placement of long-term central venous access catheters is a common yet essential procedure. The upper extremity veins are of critical importance for dialysis patients, whether they…
Arterial disease is diagnosed less often in the upper than in the lower extremities, but unusual pathologies such as vasculitis, entrapment syndromes, and trauma are more common. This makes upper extremity arterial diagnosis challenging and intervention interesting. Normal and Variant…
The organ at risk from carotid and vertebral artery disease is the brain. Central nervous system ischemia can be severely debilitating and even lethal. Vascular imaging has a major role in the diagnosis of all aspects of cerebrovascular disease. Catheter-based…
Percutaneous vascular interventions can be grouped into those that improve or occlude the lumen and those that implant or remove things. The fundamentals of each of these interventions are the same across most of the vascular system. This chapter describes…
Diagnostic imaging of patients with vascular disease is most often performed with ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The purpose of this chapter is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of each of the…
The development of modern angiography was enabled by one simple technique: the percutaneous introduction of devices into a blood vessel over a wire guide ( Fig. 2-1 ). Described by Sven Ivan Seldinger in 1953, this elegant innovation (now known…
Blood vessels are, in the simplest of terms, the plumbing of the body. Problems arise when blood flow is diminished, excessive, in the wrong direction, or when leaks occur ( Table 1-1 ). In reality, blood vessels are complex organs…