Tropical Dermatology


Key Points The leishmaniases are a group of zoonotic infections of humans and certain animals caused by several species of a flagellated parasite belonging to the order Kinetoplastidae, genus Leishmania , and transmitted by the bite of a fly of…


Key Points Also known as sleeping sickness, African trypanosomiasis is an acute and chronic disease caused by a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei , which is transmitted by the tsetse flies. Recent travel to endemic areas of Africa should lead physicians…

Working in the Tropics

Key Points Preparation is everything. Study the history and culture of the area where you will be working. Refresh your knowledge of the local spectrum of disease. Find out what is locally available in the way of medical personnel, facilities,…

Issues for Travelers

Key Points Among travelers to developing countries, both tropical and non-tropical diseases are commonly reported problems and most of these are self-limited illnesses such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, and skin disorders. Of the non-tropical diseases, dermatosis including cutaneous larva migrans,…

Syndromal Tropical Dermatology

Introduction With increasing numbers of persons from industrialized, temperate countries traveling and / or working in tropical lands, there is a marked need for physicians to be able to diagnose accurately and treat tropical diseases with mucocutaneous manifestations. While some studies demonstrate…