Textbook of Physical Diagnosis: History and Examination

The Geriatric Patient

Videos 25.1 Discussing the activities of daily living 25.2 Screening for depression in the geriatric patient 25.3 Demonstrating polypharmacy 25.4 Full video: Discussing advance directives 25.5 Evaluating the geriatric patient 25.6 Full video: Interviewing a patient with a cognitive impairment…

The Pediatric Patient

Videos 24.1 Full video: Examining the newborn 24.2 Full video: Examining the toddler 24.3 Full video: Performing the neurologic examination 24.4 Conducting a telephone interview with a parent of a sick toddler General Considerations Since the late 1920s, awareness of…

The Pregnant Patient

General Considerations Diagnosis and confirmation of pregnancy is one of the common reasons that women come to visit health care providers. At some point in their reproductive years, the vast majority of women will be pregnant and give birth. The…

Putting the Examination Together

The Techniques The previous chapters dealt with the individual organ systems and the history and physical examinations related to each of them. The purpose of this chapter is to help the student assimilate each of the individual examinations into one…

The Nervous System

Videos 21.1 Assessing mental status 21.2 Testing cranial nerve V (trigeminal) 21.3 Testing cranial neve VII (facial) 21.4 Testing cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear) 21.5 Testing cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus) 21.6 Testing cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory) 21.7…

The Musculoskeletal System

Videos 20.1 Performing the screening musculoskeletal examination. 20.2 Evaluating gait 20.3 Examining a patient with a trigger finger 20.4 Full video: Performing the nervous and musculoskeletal systems examinations General Considerations Pathology of the musculoskeletal system 1 1 . Reviewed…

Female Genitalia

Videos 19.1 Preparing for the pelvic examination 19.2 Inspecting and palpating the external genitalia of the woman 19.3 Testing for pelvic organ prolapse 19.4 Using the vaginal speculum 19.5 Performing the traditional Pap smear 19.6 Inspecting the vaginal walls 19.7…

Male Genitalia and Hernias

Videos 18.1 Inspecting the external genitalia 18.2 Inspecting the penis 18.3 Inspecting the external meatus of the penis 18.4 Palpating the penis and urethra 18.5 Inspecting the scrotum 18.6 Palpating the testes 18.7 Palpating the epididymis and vas deferens 18.8…

The Abdomen

Videos 17.1 Inspecting the contour of the abdomen and evaluating for abdominal hernias 17.2 Evaluating bowel sounds 17.3 Evaluating for abdominal bruits 17.4 Evaluating for shifting dullness 17.5 Evaluating the abdomen by light palpation 17.6 Evaluating the abdomen by deep…

The Breast

Videos 16.1 Inspecting the breasts 16.2 Performing an axillary examination 16.3 Palpating the breast 16.4 Examining the nipple 16.5 Full video: Examination of the female breast General Considerations In the United States in 2018, approximately 3,418,124 women were living with…