Textbook of Critical Care

Infections of the urogenital tract

Infections in the intensive care unit (ICU) contribute significantly to patient morbidity. Depending on the type of ICU, nosocomial infections may account for 70% of infections. Nosocomial infections of the urogenital tract are frequent and sometimes underestimated in the ICU.…

Septic shock

Incidence Septic shock is a form of acute circulatory shock that occurs secondary to severe infection. The incidence of septic shock may be rising, partly related to medical progress that allows individuals to survive longer, resulting in increased numbers of…

Intravascular catheter-related infections

Introduction Intravascular catheters are essential in the care of critically ill patients in order to allow safe intravenous administration of medications, help in the monitoring of hemodynamic parameters, and aid in the intravenous administration of fluid resuscitation. In European intensive…

Selective decontamination of the digestive tract

Infections acquired in the intensive care unit (ICU) often occur during the treatment of critically ill patients, increasing their morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. , Several studies suggest that the use of prophylactic antibiotic regimens such as selective decontamination of…

Antimicrobial agents active against anaerobic bacteria

Infections caused by anaerobic bacteria are common and may be serious and life-threatening. Anaerobes are predominant components of the bacterial flora of the normal human skin and mucous membranes and are a common cause of endogenous bacterial infections. Because of…

Prevention and control of nosocomial pneumonia

Pneumonia causes 79% of all infectious deaths in the United States and is a leading cause of death around the world. Although community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) causes most of these deaths, nosocomial pneumonia, both hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) in general and the…

Antimicrobial stewardship

Antimicrobial stewardship is an important concept that is pertinent to virtually every clinician. Its goals are to combat the emergence of resistance, improve clinical outcomes, and decrease healthcare costs ( Fig. 105.1 ). In this chapter, we will focus on…

Interstitial nephritis

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