Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis Prior to any arthroscopic procedure it is necessary to confirm the procedure with the patient and identify and mark the correct side. The chosen method of anesthesia depends on the length and type of procedure. There are…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis The knee is a complex joint and is a common site of musculoskeletal injury. Understanding basic knee anatomy and physiology is key for providing effective treatment and care. Important points Knee anatomy Bony anatomy Ligaments and soft…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis This chapter describes the technique for completing a distal biceps brachii tendon repair and provides an overview of the contemporary results. Important points There are two predominant methods to repair the distal biceps: the one-incision and the…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis Surgical intervention for medial and lateral epicondylitis should be performed only after a year of conservative, nonoperative management that has failed. Methods consist of anti-inflammatories, bracing, injections, and physical therapy. If a patient continues to have pain…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis Elbow stiffness is common after injury. A stiff capsule can usually be stretched with confident exercises; patience is warranted because intentionally hurting one’s elbow after injury or surgery can be counterintuitive. Operative treatment is more appealing when…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) complex consists of four ligaments: the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL), the radial collateral ligament (RCL), the annular ligament (AL), and the accessory lateral collateral ligament (ALCL). Injury to the LUCL and…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis Traditional operative treatment of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injury in the throwing athlete consists of reconstruction with autogenous graft. However, some athletes can have a UCL injury isolated to either the humeral or ulnar insertion without significant…
Overview Chapter synopsis Elbow ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries are potentially career ending. The DANE technique is an effective way to reconstruct the ligament. It is performed through a muscle splitting approach and employs a combination of interference screw fixation…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis The Jobe technique was the first technique reported for ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction, and several subsequent modifications have been described. The procedure involves passage of a graft, most commonly the palmaris longus tendon, through the ulnar…
OVERVIEW Chapter synopsis The docking technique has resulted in excellent outcomes for athletes at all levels of play and has proven to be a less invasive and reliable method of reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). Important points The…