Social Determinants of Health in Surgery

Neighborhood as a Social Determinant of Health in Surgery

Introduction Social determinants of health (SDOH) defined broadly are the nonclinical factors that impact a person's health. According to the World Health Organization, SDOH consist of the conditions in which people are born, grow, learn, work, and age. Alongside schools…

Finances as a Social Determinant of Health in Surgery

Introduction Cost in healthcare is a complex, multifaceted topic that affects every stakeholder differently. Understanding the financial implications of surgical care as a social determinant of health (SDH) has become an increasingly crucial aspect of this field of study. Patients…

Social Determinants of Health in Surgery Overview

Introduction Health outcomes are mediated by the intersection of socioeconomic and environmental factors with healthcare. Although life expectancy and disease outcomes have improved over time, it is important to note these improvements have not been equal across all populations, with…