Sobotta Learning Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves

Cranial nerves

58 Cranial nerves, overview a N. olfactorius [I] b N. opticus [II] c N. oculomotorius [III] d N. trochlearis [IV] e N. trigeminus [V] N. ophthalmicus [V/1] N. maxillaris [V/2] N. mandibularis [V/3] f N. abducens [VI] g N. facialis…

Lower limb

41 Joints of the lower limb, Articulationes membri inferioris 41.1 Bony connections of the pelvic girdle, Juncturae cinguli pelvici Name Type of connection Types of movements Sacroiliac joint Articulatio sacroiliaca rigid joint,amphiarthrosis flexibility and rotation by a few millimeters as…

Upper limb

23 Joints of the upper limb, Articulationes membri superioris 23.1 Joints of the shoulder girdle Name of joint Type of joint Types of movements Medial clavicular joint Articulatio sternoclavicularis, Articulationes cinguli pectoralis uneven articular surfaces, Articulatio irregularis, functionally: spheroidal joint,…


14 Muscles of the thoracic wall The M. pectoralis major shapes the surface of the anterior upper thoracic wall. Beneath this muscle lies the M. pectoralis minor. These two muscles, together with the M. subclavius, belong to the group of…


6 Muscles of the pharynx The pharyngeal muscles are divided into constrictor muscles (Mm. constrictores pharyngis superior, medius and inferior) and levator muscles (M. stylopharyngeus, M. salpingopharyngeus and M. palatopharyngeus) . 6.1 Pharyngeal constrictor muscles M. constrictor pharyngis superior Rr.…


1 Facial muscles The facial (mimic) muscles only partially originate from defined bony structures, but all insert into the skin. 1.1 Forehead, vertex, temple M. occipitofrontalis and M. temporoparietalis are collectively named the M. epicranius. M. occipitofrontalis N. facialis [VII]…