Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Deformation

Calcaneovalgus Feet

KEY POINTS Calcaneovalgus deformation is usually the result of extrinsic deformation. The foot is usually quite flexible and should return to normal without intervention. If not resolved after several months, consider the use of external splints. GENESIS Calcaneovalgus deformation has…

Principles of Human Biomechanics

Rather simple principles apply for the role of mechanical factors in morphogenesis. These are that the direction and magnitude of forces affect the form of the developing individual, as illustrated in Fig. 51-1 . Some of the factors that affect…

Obstetric Procedure–Related Defects : Early Chorionic Villus Sampling, Amniocentesis Needle Injuries, Failed Termination Procedures, Limb Reduction Defects

Genesis The underlying mechanism for most defects related to problems associated with obstetric procedures is vascular disruption. With chorionic villus sampling (CVS), removal of villi may result in embryonic hypotension, hypoxia, endothelial damage, hemorrhage, and necrosis with tissue loss. Defects…

Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence

Genesis Fetal movement is essential to normal joint morphogenesis. Joints develop secondarily within the condensed mesenchyme of the developing bones, and chronic lack of movement leads to joint contractures. Fetal akinesia is associated with a specific combination of clinical findings…

Oligohydramnios Sequence

Genesis The relative and absolute amount of amniotic fluid tends to decrease during the last trimester as the fetus fills out the uterine cavity, as shown in Fig. 46-1 . A serious deficiency of amniotic fluid will result in significant…