Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Lymphomas are solid malignancies of the lymphoid system and are subdivided into Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs). It was estimated that in 2017 there would be 8260 and 72,240 new diagnoses of Hodgkin and NHL, respectively, in the US. The…
Definition and Normal Physiology Protein-losing gastroenteropathy describes a diverse group of disorders associated with excessive loss of serum proteins into the GI tract. This excess serum protein loss can result in hypoproteinemia and may be manifested by edema, ascites, and…
Eosinophilic GI disorders (EGIDs) are defined by selective eosinophil-rich inflammation along the GI tract in the absence of known causes for eosinophilia (e.g., drug reactions, parasitic infections, malignancy) and in association with GI-related symptoms. EGIDs include a spectrum of conditions,…
Abdominal Abscess An intra-abdominal abscess (IAA) is a localized abdominal infection arising in the background of infectious peritonitis. Primary peritonitis (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, discussed in Chapter 93 ) is not usually associated with development of abscesses, whereas secondary peritonitis ,…
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies (GIFBs) are composed of food bolus impactions and intentionally and unintentionally ingested or inserted foreign objects. Bezoars are ingested materials (food or other materials) that accumulate in a normal or abnormal stomach. Caustic ingestions present following ingestion…
A hernia is a protrusion of an organ or structure into an opening or pouch. Abdominal wall hernias protrude through the muscular and fascial walls of the abdomen and have 2 parts: (1) the orifice or defect in the aponeurotic…
Diverticula are outpouchings from tubular structures. True diverticula involve all layers of the intestinal wall, whereas false diverticula are due to herniation of mucosa and submucosa through the muscular wall. Many diverticula contain attenuated portions of the muscular wall of…
Vesiculobullous Skin Diseases The vesiculobullous skin diseases include pemphigoid, pemphigus, epidermolysis bullosa (EB), erythema multiforme (EM), and the Stevens-Johnsons/toxic epidermolysis spectrum. They may have oral and GI manifestations, as discussed later. Pemphigoid Pemphigoid is a general term for heterogeneous blistering…
Lip Disorders The lips are paired structures that are highly visible in the mid face and function to facilitate mastication, speech, and numerous habits. The lips are symmetric from left to right. Separating the cutaneous aspect of the lip from…
Acknowledgment The authors thank Marc D. Feldman, MD, from the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama for his many contributions to this chapter in the 10th edition. An accepted principle of the patient-physician relationship…