Operative Techniques: Hand and Wrist Surgery

Tenolysis of flexor tendons

Overview Flexor tendon tenolysis is a difficult procedure, in which it is frequently more challenging to obtain a good outcome than primary tendon repair, and should not be taken lightly without ensuring patient cooperation. Patient selection plays an important role…

Tenolysis of flexor tendons

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A2 flexor tendon pulley reconstruction with free tendon graft

Overview Although flexor tendon pulley reconstruction is not common, several surgical techniques have been described, including grafting to pulley remnants, Lister’s single loop of extensor retinaculum, Widstrom’s loop-and-a-half technique, and the triple loop technique. Some surgeons prefer to use the…

Two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction with silicone rod

Indications A two-stage flexor tendon reconstruction is typically used to reconstruct a severely damaged flexor tendon system in patients who cannot undergo single-stage tendon grafting. when significant joint contracture release is needed ( Fig. 79.1 A-B), or pulley reconstruction is…

Acute repair of flexor tendon injuries in zones I to V

Indications Early surgical treatment (ideally immediate primary repair) of flexor tendon injury is preferred, but repair within 1 to 2 weeks of injury still produces good results. Surgical repair is essential for complete tendon lacerations. See specific indications under each…

Wide-awake approach for tendon transfers

Indications Many, if not all, tendon and nerve conditions can be approached using wide-awake local anesthesia. It is also common for arthritic conditions of the fingers and may be considered for digital fractures as well. The following are example conditions…

Nerve transfer for spinal cord injuries

Introduction Given the success of nerve transfers for the treatment of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injuries, many surgeons also use this form of treatment to circumvent the damaged areas of the spinal cord and reestablish essential motor function (…

Intrinsic tendon reconstruction

Indications The goal of these procedures is to correct the absence of intrinsic function in the tetraplegic hand and to improve the functional result of extrinsic reconstruction. Intrinsic reconstruction can enhance grip in patients who have an extensor carpi radialis…