Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology


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Mathematical functions relevant to respiratory physiology

This book contains many examples of mathematical statements which relate respiratory variables under specified conditions. Appendix E is intended to refresh the memory of those readers whose knowledge of mathematics has been attenuated under the relentless pressure of new information…

Symbols and abbreviations

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The gas laws

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Physical quantities and units of measurement

International system of units A clean transition from the old to the new metric units failed to occur. The old system was based on the centimetre-gram-second (CGS), and was supplemented with many noncoherent derived units such as the millimetre of…

The history of respiratory physiology

Key points That breathing was essential for life was clear to the ancient Egyptian civilizations 5000 years ago, but the reasons for this were unknown. Early explanations for the function of breathing involved the air drawn into the lungs fuelling…

The atmosphere

Key points The mass of the Earth and its distance from the sun provide optimal conditions of gravity and temperature for the long-term existence of liquid surface water and the retention in its atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.…

Pulmonary surgery

Key points Surgical resection of lung tissue via thoracotomy is a routine procedure, used mostly for treating lung cancer, which requires careful assessment of the patient’s physiological reserve. Less invasive surgical techniques such as video-assisted thoracic surgery are increasing rapidly…

Respiratory support and artificial ventilation

Key points Noninvasive ventilation may be used to increase airway pressure and support a failing respiratory system without the need for tracheal intubation or tracheostomy. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation can be delivered by a variety of different techniques, many of…