
Big Data and Deep Brain Stimulation

Acknowledgments This concepts and work presented in this chapter have been supported by the NIH through 3 R01 (1R01-EB006136, 2R01-EB006136, and 9R01-NS095291) grants and performed in close collaboration with the following partnering research institutions: Ohio State University (Dr. Ali Rezai,…

Patient-Specific Modeling of Deep Brain Stimulation

Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01 NS085188, R01 MH102238). Conflict of Interest Statement C.C.M. authored intellectual property related to the content of this chapter, is a paid consultant for Boston Scientific Neuromodulation,…

MRI and fMRI for Neuromodulation

Introduction From the first reported applications in pain ( ), the indications for neuromodulation have broadened over the years to movement disorders, epilepsy, spasticity, and psychiatric disorders ( ). Neurostimulation systems consist of metallic electrode contacts (either paddle or cylindrical…

Neuromodulation and Neuronal Plasticity

Introduction The immediate and dramatic improvements seen seconds after deep brain stimulation (DBS) in a patient with essential tremor or Parkinson disease, combined with the rapid return of symptoms following DBS shutoff, suggest that its mechanism of action involves modulation…

Waveforms for Neural Stimulation

Acknowledgments Preparation of this chapter was supported in part by Grants R37 NS040894 and R01 NS050514 from the US National Institutes of Health. Introduction The primary requirement for a stimulation waveform is the ability to excite or activate neurons or…

The Safe Delivery of Electrical Currents and Neuromodulation

Introduction When considering the safety requirements for electrical stimulation–based neuromodulation, a common misconception is that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Union notified bodies require that an implantable medical device be 100% safe and cause no…

Fundamentals of Electrical Stimulation

In the context of neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics, electrical stimulation is applied to restore function to people who are unable to move, see, or hear or to alter behavior such as seen in a variety of disorders of motor, sensory, and…