Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy

Introduction Description: Acute fatty liver is a rare complication of pregnancy that results in acute liver failure, often with catastrophic consequences. It is also known as acute fatty metamorphosis or acute yellow atrophy. Prevalence: 1/7000–20,000 pregnancies. Predominant Age: Reproductive age;…

Active Management of Labor

The Challenge Active management of labor is a system of labor management that is designed to promote effective labor and reduce the need for cesarean delivery. Scope of the Problem: Cesarean birth rate for nulliparous patients approximates or exceeds 30%…

Breastfeeding (Lactation)

The Challenge The challenge is to assist patients in successfully nursing their infant(s). Scope of the Problem: Although most infants born in 2019 started breastfeeding (83.2%), only 24.9% of infants were exclusively breastfeeding at 6 month. Objectives of Management: Encourage…

Normal Postpartum Changes

The Challenge Description: Abrupt changes in maternal physiology are necessary to ensure the survival of the mother immediately after delivery. Slower changes return the woman to the normal, pre-pregnant state. Depending on the system and definition, complete return to the…

Obstetric Anesthesia/Analgesia

The Challenge Description: The processes of labor and delivery are associated with physiologic and tissue changes that result in neural signals that are universally interpreted as pressure and pain. Scope of the Problem: On average, more than 60% of women…

Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Tachycardia

Introduction Description: Tachycardia is an increase in the baseline heart rate, generally above 160 beats Mild tachycardia is generally defined as 161–180 beats/min, and severe tachycardia as greater than 180 beats/min for more than 3 minutes. Prevalence: Mild fetal tachycardia…

Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Periodic Changes

Introduction Description: Periodic changes in the fetal heart rate in conjunction with uterine contractions may occur. These may indicate fetal stress when they are persistent or become progressively deeper or longer lasting. Recurrent decelerations are defined as occurring with 50%…

Fetal Heart Rate Testing: Bradycardia

Introduction Description: Bradycardia is a decrease in the baseline heart rate, generally below 120 beats Moderate bradycardia is generally defined as 80–100 beats/min, and severe bradycardia as less than 80 beats/min, for more than 3 minutes. Prevalence: Mild fetal bradycardia…