Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology

Diverticular Disease

Introduction Description: Diverticular disease involves the herniation of the colonic mucosa through the muscular wall. These herniations are most common in the sigmoid and distal colon, increase in prevalence with age, and can lead to significant morbidity when rupture or…

Depression (Unipolar)

Introduction Description: Depression is a biochemically mediated state in which anger, frustration, loss of pleasure, discouragement or hopelessness, and withdrawal predominate. This must be separated from normal stress reactions and grief. The term may be used to describe a mood…

Crohn Disease

Introduction Description: An idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by transmural involvement resulting in severe gastrointestinal symptoms and significant morbidity. Prevalence: 2–10/10,000 people, slightly more women than men. Predominant Age: 15–30 years. Genetics: First-degree relative for 20% of patients; more common…


Introduction Description: Constipation is the infrequent passage of hard stools, often associated with mechanical or other means to stimulate bowel movements. It is often also related to changes in the size, consistency, and ease of bowel movement in the subjective…

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Introduction Description: Chronic pelvic pain has been defined as noncyclic pain of 6 or more months’ duration that localizes to the anatomic pelvis, anterior abdominal wall at or below the umbilicus, lumbosacral back, or buttocks and is of sufficient severity…


Introduction Description: Cholelithiasis is the formation of stones in the gallbladder or biliary collecting system. Most stones (80%) are the result of precipitation of supersaturated cholesterol. Prevalence: 9% of women; 1 million cases per year. Predominant Age: 70% of patients…

Cardiovascular Disease In Women

Introduction Description: Disease and dysfunction of the heart and vascular system, including coronary heart disease (CHD, 30%–50% of cases), atherosclerosis, heart failure, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, aneurysm, and stroke. Prevalence: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of American women—annual deaths…


Introduction Description: Asthma (from the Greek for “panting”) is an intermittent or chronic obstructive tracheobronchial condition that is characterized by wheezing or cough. Adult-onset asthma is more common in women and poses potential problems during pregnancy. Prevalence: 7% of the…


Introduction Description: Anxiety is a common acute or chronic emotion that is associated with physical symptoms. It is two to three times more common in women. Subtypes of anxiety include situational anxiety, adjustment disorders, panic disorders, phobias, and post-traumatic stress…