Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction Description: Primary amenorrhea is the absence of normal menstruation in a patient without previously established cycles. Prevalence: Uncommon. Predominant Age: Mid to late teens. Genetics: One-third caused by chromosomal abnormalities such as 45,XO, 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, or 46,XX q5…
Introduction Description: Paget disease of the breast is a malignant process that involves the nipple and areola. It may also rarely involve the skin of the vulva. Paget disease is named for the 19th-century British doctor Sir James Paget, who,…
Introduction Description: Nipple discharge is a distressing symptom that accounts for approximately 5% of breast complaints. Prevalence: 3%–5% of breast problems; 5% of women who are not lactating; more than 80% of women can express secretions, third most common breast…
Introduction Description: Mondor disease, or superficial angiitis, is a superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast. Prevalence: Uncommon, considered to occur in up to 0.8% of women. Predominant Age: 30–60 years. Genetics: No genetic pattern. Etiology and Pathogenesis Causes: Phlebitis is most…
Introduction Description: Mastalgia is the nonspecific term that is used for breast pain of any etiology. Although breast pain frequently occurs to nursing mothers, the terms are generally reserved for non–pregnancy related symptoms. Prevalence: Most women (70%) experience breast pain…
Introduction Description: Mastitis is an infection of one or more ductal complexes of the breast, generally associated with breastfeeding and potentially causing significant morbidity if not recognized and aggressively treated. Prevalence: 2%–10% of women who are breastfeeding after delivery. Hospitalization…
The Challenge The challenge in mammography is to effectively use mammography to detect occult disease. Scope of the Problem: First developed in 1965 the widespread use of mammography has been credited with reducing the mortality rate of breast cancer by…
Introduction Description: Spontaneous, bilateral nipple discharge (milky fluid only) unrelated to pregnancy or breastfeeding. Prevalence: Uncommon, but reports vary from 1%–30%, depending on the population studied. Predominant Age: Reproductive age. Genetics: No genetic pattern. Etiology and Pathogenesis Causes: Pituitary adenoma…
Introduction Description: Galactocele is the cystic dilation of a duct or ducts, with inspissated milk and desquamated epithelial cells that may become infected, resulting in acute mastitis or an abscess. Prevalence: Common in asymptomatic form. Predominant Age: Reproductive (lactating) age.…
Introduction Description: Fibrocystic breast changes are characterized by stromal and ductal proliferation that results in cyst formation, diffuse thickening, cyclic pain, and tenderness. The term fibrocystic change encompasses a multitude of different processes and older terms, including fibrocystic disease. It…