Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Although the majority of arterial abnormalities of interest to vascular surgeons are caused by atherosclerosis, a significant number result from inflammatory, acquired, congenital, and developmental abnormalities. This chapter briefly describes the pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of…
Vascular surgeons commonly treat patients with the manifestations of atherosclerosis. An improved understanding of atherosclerosis and advances in its treatment now provide scientifically based prevention and management strategies. Precise lesion classification, accurate imaging, a better understanding of atherogenesis, and increasingly…
Introduction Most of the bleeding that occurs during surgery or in association with trauma is mechanical and usually can be controlled. In contrast, nonsurgical bleeding most commonly is caused by the concomitant administration of antithrombotic medications, and less commonly by…
Blood flow in human arteries and veins can be described in terms of hemodynamic principles that provide the theoretical foundation for the treatment of vascular disease. The major mechanisms of arterial disease are obstruction of the lumen and disruption of…
General Principles Knowledge of vascular anatomy and surgical exposures are foundational components of vascular surgery. A detailed understanding of the location of blood vessels, surrounding structures, and the methods to obtain a safe and effective working space around a vessel…
Normal Anatomy The primary purpose of the vascular system is to serve as a nonthrombogenic conduit for blood flow, which is necessary for the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, hormonal signals, and cellular components throughout the body. The cellular elements of…
It is quite evident that the vascular apparatus does not independently and by itself “unfold” into the adult pattern. On the contrary, it reacts continuously in a most sensitive way to the factors of its environment, the pattern in the…
History is not a precise record, for it is only that which has been remembered or written down. Inevitably, there is much personal interpretation of that original material. In addition, interpreting events from the past is often difficult, and history…