Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs


General information Acipimox (S-methylpyrazine-2-carboxylic acid 4-oxide) is structurally related to nicotinic acid. There were flushing and gastrointestinal disturbances in 7137 patients, of whom 15% stopped taking the drug because of adverse effects; there were no adverse effects on blood glucose…


General information Aciclovir is an acyclic purine nucleoside. Its antiviral activity depends upon intracellular phosphorylation to its triphosphate derivative. Because of its higher affinity for viral thymidine kinase, aciclovir is phosphorylated at a much higher rate by the viral enzyme.…

Acetylsalicylic acid

See also Benorilate ; Diflunisal ; Lysine acetylsalicylate ; Salicylates, topical ; Salsalate General information Over a century after its introduction, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is by far the most commonly used analgesic, sharing its leading position with the relative newcomer…


General information Acetylcysteine (N-acetylcysteine) is used as a mucolytic and to treat paracetamol overdose. Acetylcysteine splits disulfide bonds in mucoproteins and thus lowers mucus viscosity, resulting in a larger volume of sputum. It is normally administered by inhalation as a…

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

General information Cholinesterase inhibitors increase parasympathetic nervous system (cholinergic) activity indirectly by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, thereby preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine. They are only effective in the presence of acetylcholine. They are listed in Table 1 . Table 1 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors…


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See also Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) General information Despite claims that aceclofenac is a COX-2 selective inhibitor, experience shows that its adverse effects profile is similar to that of the non-selective NSAIDs. Organs and systems You’re Reading a Preview Become…


See also Antidysrhythmic drugs General information Acecainide (N-acetylprocainamide) is the main metabolite of procainamide, and it has antidysrhythmic activity [ ]. However, in contrast to procainamide, which has Class Ib activity, the main action of acecainide is that of Class…


See also Beta-adrenoceptor antagonists General information Acebutolol is a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist with membrane-stabilizing activity that is sometimes cited as being cardioselective but has considerable effects on bronchioles and peripheral blood vessels. Organs and systems Respiratory Bronchiolitis obliterans has been attributed…


See also Herbal medicines General information The family of acanthaceae includes about 250 genera, including Andrographis (false waterwillow), Ruellia (wild petunia), and Ancistranthus (desert honeysuckle). You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited…