Imaging in Abdominal Surgery

Neuroendocrine Tumors

KEY FACTS Terminology Terms such as carcinoid and islet cell tumor are decreasing in use, in favor of well-differentiated (low-grade) or poorly differentiated (high-grade) NETs GI tract: Most common primary site (74%), followed by bronchopulmonary (24%) Small bowel most common…

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST)

KEY FACTS Terminology Submucosal tumor of gastrointestinal (GI) tract derived from interstitial cells of Cajal Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are…

Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst

KEY FACTS Terminology Loculated fluid trapped within peritoneal adhesions, typically surrounding ovary Imaging Most often in pelvis (can rarely occur elsewhere) Ultrasound Loculated cystic mass with "spiderweb" pattern due to peritoneal adhesions reflecting from ovary Fine septations throughout collection Normal…

Postoperative Free Air and Fluid

KEY FACTS Terminology Presence of intraperitoneal or body wall gas/fluid following surgery Imaging Pneumoperitoneum is common imaging finding after surgery on both plain radiographs and CT CT has 2x sensitivity of plain films for detection of pneumoperitoneum Pneumoperitoneum is seen…


KEY FACTS Terminology Alveolar rupture caused by elevated transalveolar pressure during mechanical ventilation Imaging CT definitive test for presence & source of extraluminal gas Pleural spaces, mediastinum, subcutaneous, intra- and retroperitoneal, bowel wall Radiographic findings Pneumothorax – Radiolucent gas between…

Foreign Bodies

KEY FACTS Imaging Ingested foreign bodies Commonly affect children, developmentally challenged or psychiatric patients, and inebriated adults Most ingested foreign bodies traverse GI tract without problem: < 1% cause obstruction or perforation – Elongated or sharp objects may impact at point…

Cystic Fibrosis

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