Hagberg and Benumof's Airway Management

Ultrasonography in Airway Management

Key Points Ultrasonography (USG) has many advantages for imaging the airway: It is safe, quick, repeatable, portable, widely available, and gives real-time dynamic images. The cricothyroid membrane (CTM) can easily be identified by USG prior to management of a difficult…

Radiographic and Cross-Sectional Imaging of the Airway

Key Points Airway practitioners should be acquainted with common imaging modalities. A review of available imaging studies should always be included as part of the preoperative assessment of the airway. The most useful imaging studies to review include neck, spine, and…

Functional Anatomy of the Airway

Key Points Cricoarytenoid arthritis can lead to airway difficulties in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. To diagnose vocal cord dysfunction, it is necessary to examine the position of the vocal cords during inspiration and phonation. The recurrent…