Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
D efinition —Congenital glandular differentiation present within the vaginal mucosa. Clinical Features Epidemiology Prior to the use of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and in patients not exposed to DES the incidence of vaginal adenosis was rare. In patients who were exposed to…
D efinition —A fibrovascular response to injury comprised of small vascular structures, loose stroma, and admixed inflammation. Clinical Features Epidemiology Affects all age groups; vaginal granulation tissue is commonly seen after surgery in the vaginal cuff. You’re Reading a Preview…
D efinition —Protrusion of the fallopian tube into the vagina. Clinical Features Epidemiology Occasionally affects women after simple hysterectomy. You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are…
D efinition —Infiltration of the perianal squamous epithelium by mucin-producing neoplastic cells associated with an anorectal neoplasm. Also called type 2 Paget's disease. Clinical Features Epidemiology Uncommon; represents only 1% to 2% of vulvar malignancies. The average age at presentation…
D efinition —Malignant tumors arising from the epithelium of the anal canal. Clinical Features Epidemiology Rare; incidence is estimated at 7 per million women and 9 per million men. Incidence is increasing at a rate of approximately 2% a year.…
D efinition —A high-grade, human papillomavirus (HPV)–associated, in situ lesion of the squamous anal mucosa. Clinical Features Epidemiology Associated with oncogenic HPV types (16 and 18). Increased risk with HPV, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), anal intercourse, and multiple sexual partners.…
D efinition — A human papillomavirus (HPV)–related exophytic lesion of the perianal skin and anal canal. Clinical Features Epidemiology Associated with low-risk HPV infection (types 6 and 11). Increased incidence with immunosuppression, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Other risk factors…
D efinition —A rare, benign, spindle cell proliferation that occurs in the vulva of prepubertal women. Clinical Features Epidemiology Rare. Prepubertal women, age ranging between 4 and 12 years (median age is 8 years). You’re Reading a Preview Become a…
D efinition —A (usually) benign soft tissue tumor of the vulva of presumably neural crest lineage. Clinical Features Epidemiology Uncommon. Can occur at any age, with a mean age of presentation of 50 years. More common in African-American women. You’re…
D efinition —A discrete vascular ectasia with overlying epidermal hyperplasia. Clinical Features Epidemiology Typically seen in women under age 50. Typically sporadic but also associated with Fabry's disease (deficiency of lysosomal alpha-galactosidase). You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree…