Gray's Surgical Anatomy

Temporomandibular joint

Core Procedures Closed Procedures Arthrocentesis Arthroscopy Open Joint Procedures Discectomy Disc plication Eminoplasty Total joint replacement Open reduction and internal fixation of fractured condyle The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a bilateral diarthrodial, ginglymoid synovial joint, which is mobile independent of…

Infratemporal fossa and pterygopalatine fossa

Core Procedures Pathology in the Infratemporal and Pterygopalatine Fossae Biopsy Partial/selective excision Total clearance/compartment resection Route for more proximal surgery Open Approaches Lateral Anterior Inferior Superior Combinations Endoscopic Approaches Endonasal Transmaxillary Transpterygoid Combinations The space behind the maxilla (retro-maxilla) and…

Nose and paranasal sinuses

This chapter is divided into two sections, dealing with the nose and paranasal sinuses, respectively. Nose Core Procedures Endoscopic ligation of the sphenopalatine artery Septorhinoplasty Surface landmarks The proportions of the nose and face should be carefully evaluated ( Fig.…

Orbit and orbital adnexae

Core Procedures Anterior approach to upper eyelid ptosis repair External dacryocystorhinostomy Anterior orbitotomies in four quadrants Transcutaneous and transconjunctival orbital decompressions Clinical anatomy The orbit is a quadrilateral pyramid, with its base facing forward, laterally and slightly inferiorly. It contains…

Orbit and orbital trauma

The paired orbits housing the globes are highly evolved and specialized structures that maintain the structural integrity of the globe and the highly complex coordinated movements that facilitate binocular vision. The neuromuscular mechanisms are complex and require considerable neurological investment,…

Face and scalp

Core procedures Management of scalp lacerations Development of the scalp coronal or bicoronal flap to give access to the upper facial skeleton and for craniofacial surgery Donor site for reconstruction to cover defects by mobilization of a variety of scalp…

Overview of the head and neck

This chapter contains an overview of the topographical anatomy of the head and neck. These anatomical regions are probably amongst the most complex in the body because so many structures are contained within a relatively small area. The head contains…

A short history of surgery

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