Gray's Surgical Anatomy

Neurosurgical anatomy

This chapter contains an overview of the surgical anatomy of the brain that will be amplified in later chapters. The use of cisternal anatomy to guide microsurgical procedures in the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments is emphasized. The pterional, transcallosal and…

Root of the neck and tracheostomy

Root of the neck Core Procedures Percutaneous Access Subclavian vein access: Supraclavicular or infraclavicular approach – temporary central venous access Brachial plexus block: Interscalene approach – anaesthesia for shoulder and upper extremity Supraclavicular approach – anaesthesia for distal two-thirds of…

Thyroid and parathyroid glands

Core Procedures Thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy Total thyroidectomy/near-total thyroidectomy Sistrunk procedure (resection of a thyroglossal duct cyst) Parathyroidectomy Subtotal parathyroidectomy and transcervical thymectomy Parathyroid autotransplantation Parathyroid cryopreservation Central neck dissection The thyroid gland takes its name from the Greek words…


Core procedures Outpatient Transnasal flexible diagnostic endoscopy Transoral rigid diagnostic endoscopy Vocal fold medialization injection Vocal fold biopsy via channelled endoscope Inpatient Diagnostic ± therapeutic rigid laryngoscopy/pharyngoscopy Laryngeal framework surgery Total laryngectomy/pharyngolaryngectomy Partial laryngectomy Outline of voice production The primary…


Core Procedures Tonsillectomy Transoral robotic surgery Adenoidectomy Nasopharyngectomy Embryology Lymphoid tissues develop at several sites around the oro- and nasopharynx. In each case the endodermal epithelium proliferates and grows into the surrounding neural crest mesenchyme as solid buds, which form…


Core Procedures Neck dissection (selective (also called functional), modified radical and radical) Submandibular gland excision Branchial cyst excision Lymph node biopsy Access for microvascular anastomosis The anterior neck extends from the skull base (inferior surface of the clivus) above to…

Temporal bone

Core procedures Tympanoplasty Stapedectomy Cochlear implantation Mastoidectomy Labyrinthectomy Endolymphatic sac surgery Facial nerve exploration/transposition/repair Congenital malformations Petrosectomy The temporal bone contains the organs of hearing and balance. The facial nerve, internal carotid artery, sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb passage through…

External and middle ear

Core Procedures Surgical approaches Transcanal Endaural Retroauricular Canaloplasty Osteoma/exostosis Middle meatal stenosis Tympanic membrane Myringotomy tube Myringoplasty. Tympanoplasty: small, medium and large perforations Ossiculoplasty Basic situation one: malleus and stapes present, incus missing Basic situation two: incus and stapes missing;…

Salivary glands

Core Procedures Parotid gland: superficial parotidectomy, total parotidectomy Submandibular gland: excision of submandibular gland Sublingual gland: excision of sublingual gland, excision of ranula The salivary glands are exocrine glands that discharge saliva via a duct into the oral cavity. Grossly,…


Core Procedures Cleft lip and palate repair Submandibular calculi and sublingual gland removal Maxillary access for trauma or orthognathic surgery Mandibular orthognathic surgery and trauma surgery Anaesthesia for dentistry Embryology The oral cavity is demarcated as early as the fourteenth…