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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction From a morphological point of view, most anatomy textbooks have described the skeletal muscles of the human body as being discrete actuators with clear origins and insertions ( ). Recent analyses of published anatomical cadaveric studies have challenged this…
Main nerve trunks contain many thousands of axons. When a trunk is stretched, but not ruptured, by dislocation of, say, the femoral or humeral heads, or by the nearby passage of a bullet, the axons within that nerve may respond…
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Introduction Biological electron microscopy (EM) is pivotal in life science research. A measure of its ubiquity is the diversity of its capacity, e.g. three-dimensional structural information about proteins and viruses at Å resolution; three-dimensional reconstructions of cellular organelles and tissues…
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In this chapter, the types and functions of skin in different parts of the body are described first, followed by the microstructure of the epidermis and dermis, and the appendages of skin, including the pilosebaceous units, sweat glands and nails.…
The cardiovascular system carries blood from the heart to all parts of the body through a series of tubes, all but the smallest of which are muscular. The muscle in these tubes is of two types: smooth muscle is characteristic…
The musculoskeletal system comprises the specialized connective tissues of the articulated bony skeleton (including bone, cartilage and tendon) and the skeletal muscles that act across the articulations. Connective tissues are characterized by a sparse population of cells within an abundant…
Blood is an opaque fluid with a viscosity greater than that of water (mean relative viscosity 4.75 at 18 °C), and a specific gravity of 1.06 at 15 °C. It is bright red when oxygenated, as in the systemic arteries,…