Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials

Paediatric Neuroradiology

Cerebellar Malformations Cerebellar Hypoplasia Definition The cerebellum may be small due to a congenital lack of formation or from subsequent atrophy ■ Causes: infection (especially congenital cytomegalovirus) ▸ inborn errors of metabolism (e.g. glycolysation disorder) ■ Other rarer causes: carbohydrate-deficient…

Intracranial Tumours

Imaging Techniques and General Features Computed Tomography NECT Intra-axial tumours: usually of low attenuation on NECT ▸ high attenuation areas within a tumour indicate tumour calcification or recent intratumoural haemorrhage Extra-axial tumours: associated with bone erosion or hyperostosis CECT Improved…


Imaging Techniques in Gynaecology Ultrasound (US) Indications Evaluation of a pelvic mass, uterine enlargement, endometrial abnormalities, ovarian masses or acute pelvic pain ▸ it allows transabdominal and transvaginal guidance of fluid or tissue sampling ▸ it allows transvaginal-guided drain placement…


Introduction Normal Anatomy The breast lies on the chest wall and on the deep pectoral fascia ▸ the superficial pectoral fascia envelops the breast ▸ suspensory ligaments (Cooper's ligaments) connect the two layers 2 components Nipple–areolar complex: ▪ Collecting ducts…

Myeloproliferative Disorders

Reticuloendothelial Disorders Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Definition A non-neoplastic proliferation of Langerhans cells Letterer–Siwe disease (acute disseminated histiocytosis) Rare and usually fatal ▸ it affects children <2 years of age ▸ splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy with anaemia predominate (patients usually die…

Congenital Skeletal Anomalies

Developmental Skeletal Anomalies Osteochondrodysplasias These are classified into 33 groups (1–33) ▸ abnormalities are intrinsic to bone and cartilage and will continue to evolve throughout life ■ Dysplasias: abnormalities of bone ± cartilage growth ■ Osteodystrophies: abnormalities of bone ±…

Bone and Soft Tissue Infection

Acute Osteomyelitis Acute Osteomyelitis Definition Acute infection of the bone diagnosed within 2 weeks of symptoms (subacute if diagnosed > 2 weeks) ▸ causes: ▪ Staphylococcus aureus : commonest organism in any age group (80%) ▪ Gram-negative organisms ( Pseudomonas/Enterobacter…