Gabbe's Obstetrics Essentials: Normal & Problem Pregnancies

Skin Disease and Pregnancy

Key Points With the physiologic skin changes of pregnancy, no risks are incurred for the mother or fetus. The changes should be expected to resolve postpartum. Preexisting melanocytic nevi may show mild changes in pregnancy, but no increased risk for…

Malignant Diseases and Pregnancy

Key Points Because many of the common complaints of pregnancy are also early symptoms of metastatic cancer, pregnant women with cancer are at risk for delays in diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. The safest time for most cancer therapies in pregnancy…

Neurologic Disorders in Pregnancy

Key Points Epilepsy affects approximately 1% of the general population and is the most frequent neurologic complication of pregnancy. Prepregnancy counseling is imperative in the patient with epilepsy. Valproic acid has been associated with a significantly increased risk of major…

Gastrointestinal Disorders During Pregnancy

Key Points The differential diagnosis of GI symptoms and signs such as abdominal pain is particularly extensive during pregnancy. Aside from GI and other intraabdominal disorders incidental to pregnancy, the differential includes obstetric, gynecologic, and GI disorders related to pregnancy.…

Hepatic Disorders During Pregnancy

Key Points The differential of hepatobiliary conditions is extensive in pregnancy and includes pregnancy-related disorders in addition to disorders unrelated to pregnancy. Indeed, several clinical syndromes are unique to pregnancy, such as intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and acute fatty liver…

Hematologic Complications of Pregnancy

Key Points Four percent of pregnancies will be complicated by maternal platelet counts of less than 150,000/mm 3 . The vast majority of these patients have gestational thrombocytopenia with a benign course and need no intervention. Surgical bleeding occurs if…

Pituitary and Adrenal Disorders in Pregnancy

Key Points About 30% of prolactin-secreting macroadenomas enlarge significantly during pregnancy. Dopamine agonists can be used safely for the treatment of prolactinomas if stopped when pregnancy is diagnosed. In patients with acromegaly, the risks of gestational diabetes and hypertension are…