Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery

Superior and Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flaps

Introduction The superior gluteal myocutaneous free flap was first described by Fujino in 1975 for breast reconstruction. In 1978, Le Quang performed the first breast reconstruction with an inferior gluteal myocutaneous free flap. Shaw popularized the myocutaneous superior gluteal artery…

Perforator Flaps in the Lateral Thoracic Region

Figure 56.1 Perforator flaps in the lateral thoracic region. Open full size image Introduction The conventional latissimus dorsi muscle or myocutaneous flap has undoubtedly served an important role as one of the most common flaps in reconstructive microsurgery. However, its…

Toe Flaps and Toe Transplantation

Introduction It is thanks to the illustrious Austrian surgeon, Carl Nicoladoni that the foot began to be considered as a precious warehouse for all requirements of thumb and digital reconstruction. In his three papers (1897, 1900, 1903), he described the…

Glabrous Skin Flaps

Introduction The word glabrous is defined as “smooth, having a surface without hairs or projections.” Anatomically, glabrous skin is present on the palms of the hands and volar fingers, as well as the plantar surface of the feet and toes.…

Fibula Flap

Figure 52.1 Fibula flap. Open full size image Introduction With an outstanding length available for harvest, a solid and sizable bone stock, a reliable blood supply, an allowance for manipulation of the components of the flap while maintaining adequate blood…

Soleus Flap

Figure 51.1 Soleus flap. Open full size image Introduction The soleus muscle, one of the components of the superficial posterior compartment of the leg, was used initially as a local flap, as described by Ger and later, by Mathes and…

Gastrocnemius Flap

Figure 50.1 Gastrocnemius Flap. Open full size image Introduction The gastrocnemius flap is one of the most useful flaps. Described very early, it has been proven to be easy to raise and very reliable. Typically, it can be used by…

Gracilis Flap

Introduction The gracilis flap was described in 1972 by Orticochea, as a pedicled myocutaneous flap, and the first cases included a penile reconstruction and one of calcaneal soft tissue coverage. It was one of the first myocutaneous flaps described in…