Fetal and Neonatal Secrets

Endocrinology and Metabolism

Hypocalcemia 1. What perinatal factors are associated with hypocalcemia in the immediate newborn period? ▪ Prematurity ▪ Asphyxia ▪ Maternal diabetes ▪ Maternal hyperparathyroidism ▪ Transient congenital hypoparathyroidism ▪ Congenital absence or hypoplasia of the parathyroid glands (sporadic or as…


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Cardiology Secrets

History of Pediatric Cardiology 1. When was the first report of a successful ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)? The first successful ligation of a PDA was by Gross and Hubbard in 1938. 2. Who was responsible for the…