Fetal and Neonatal Secrets


Prenatal Consultation and Fetal Interventions 1. Which congenital malformations can be detected prenatally? Numerous structural congential malformations can be detected prenatally, including the following: anencephaly, encephalocele, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, transposition of the great arteries, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, limb reduction…


Differential Diagnosis of Neonatal Pulmonary Disorders 1. Although apnea in premature infants is often caused by the degree of immaturity (so-called apnea of prematurity), what are other causes of apnea in this population? See Table 18-1 . TABLE 18-1 CAUSES…


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Neonatal Ophthalmology

Normal Visual Development 1. How well does a normal term newborn see? Term newborns can often fixate on a target. The ability to track an object, however, does not generally develop until approximately 2 months after birth. Visual acuity, measured…


Neurologic Examination of the Newborn Infant KEY POINTS: BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE NEONATAL NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION 1. Mental status (level of alertness) 2. Eyes and other cranial nerves 3. Primitive (neonatal) reflexes 4. Motor and sensory function 5. Deep tendon reflexes…

Infection and Immunity

Developmental Immunology 1. In which way is the immune response of the neonate unique? Except in the case of congenital infection, all pathogen encounters in the neonatal period are first-time encounters. For those first-time exposures to pathogens, neonates are dependent…

Hematology and Transfusion Medicine

Normal Erythrocyte Values of Neonates 1. A term newborn infant on the day of birth has a hemoglobin (Hgb) of 11.8 g Is that value low or is it within the expected (normal) reference range? Expected values, also called “reference…


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Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Development of the Gastrointestinal System 1. How does the primitive gut develop in the fetus, and what are its three divisions? Folding occurs along the embryo in a cephalocaudal progression that leads to the incorporation of some of the endodermal-lined…