Diagnostic Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology

Disorders of the Peritoneum

Introduction The practice of gynecologic pathology often entails the evaluation of abnormalities in the peritoneal cavity and determination of their relationship to the reproductive tract. This exercise requires that the pathologist distinguish which peritoneal disorders are müllerian derived versus originating…

Benign Conditions of the Ovary

Introduction To the obstetrician-gynecologist, the ovarian examination is a fundamental part of the gynecologic evaluation and, depending on the age of the patient and other risk factors, ovarian enlargement triggers a series of investigative procedures. The surgical pathologist examines the…

The Fallopian Tube and Broad Ligament

Introduction The fallopian tube comes to the attention of the surgical pathologist under four general scenarios: The tube has been interrupted for sterilization, and the pathologist must confirm this. The tube has been removed as a component of the hysterectomy…

Uterine Mesenchymal Tumors

Introduction Definition Uterine mesenchymal tumors are neoplasms derived from or differentiating toward mesodermally derived tissues. Differentiation is typically toward normal constituents of the uterine corpus—endometrial stromal and myometrial smooth muscle cells. However, differentiation toward heterologous tissues—that is, mesenchymal tissue not…

Adenocarcinoma, Carcinosarcoma, and Other Epithelial Tumors of the Endometrium

Introduction This chapter addresses endometrial carcinomas, including those with mesenchymal differentiation (carcinosarcomas). Primary endometrial carcinomas constitute a range of morphologies, including carcinomas closely resembling preexisting endometrial epithelium (endometrioid), clear cell carcinomas, uterine serous carcinomas (USCs; also referred to as uterine…

Altered Endometrial Differentiation (Metaplasia)

Introduction Endometrial metaplasia is defined as epithelial differentiation that differs from the conventional morphologic appearance of endometrioid epithelium. Altered differentiation would be a better term in that its use would avoid implying that the distinction between metaplasia and neoplasia can…

Preinvasive Endometrial Neoplasia

Introduction The pathways to endometrial cancer are multiple but can be condensed into two major carcinogenic sequences, each with their pathologic correlates. The most established pathway is the one leading to endometrioid carcinoma. This route has a well-defined precursor lesion…

Evaluation of the Cyclic Endometrium and Benign Endometrial Disorders

Introduction Pathologists routinely evaluate endometrial biopsies, which account for at least 20% of gynecologic specimens requiring pathology consultation. The majority of endometrial biopsies are performed for abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) and questions that are posed in each situation requiring biopsy…