DeLee, Drez, & Miller's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Knee Diagnosis and Decision-Making

For the experienced practitioner, the history and physical examination remains the most efficient, sensitive, specific, accurate, and cost-effective method of establishing a diagnosis in patients with knee-related complaints. Several investigators have demonstrated that the history and physical examination have equivalent…

Knee Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Knee

Knee Anatomy Superficial Anatomy An understanding of the superficial anatomy is essential to explore the knee in a correct manner ( Fig. 89.1 ). When the knee is viewed from the anterior aspect, the presence of the patella is highlighted.…

Hip Arthritis in the Athlete

Hip arthritis is a common disease. One in four people may develop symptomatic hip osteoarthritis in their lifetime. The treatment of arthritis in the active individual is challenging. The often intuitive recommendation of avoiding pain generating activities and sports seems…

Hip and Thigh Contusions and Strains

Contusions Contusions are the most common injuries to the hip, thigh, and pelvis. Collisions with other athletes and falls to the ground are the most common causes of contusions. Contusions can be superficial and limited to the subcutaneous tissue, or…

Hamstring Injuries

Introduction Hamstring injuries are common in athletic populations and can affect athletes at all levels of competition. Several studies have shown that the rates of muscle strain in high school football (12% to 24%) and collegiate football (18.9% to 22.2%)…

Posterior Hip Pain

Posterior hip pain can be a debilitating condition, and a structured physical examination is essential for a differential diagnosis in patients with a posterior hip complaint. The examination incorporates the five levels of the hip: osseous, capsulolabral, musculotendinous, neurovascular, and…

Peritrochanteric Disorders

Peritrochanteric disorders often present with hip pain that is challenging for the clinician to diagnose and treat. Recently extra-articular disorders that generate pain throughout the hemipelvis have been defined more clearly as biomechanics and anatomic relationships have become better understood.…

Iliopsoas Pathology

The iliopsoas musculotendinous unit is a powerful hip flexor that is important for normal hip strength and function; however, disorders of the iliopsoas can be a significant source of pain and disability in the athletic population. These conditions include iliopsoas…

Hip Dysplasia and Instability

Overview of Pathologies Hip dysplasia, or developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), is a common cause of pain in young adults, including athletes. Hip dysplasia encompasses a wide spectrum of disease pathology, from severe dysplasia with hip subluxation/dislocation, to milder…