Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Invasive Fetal Therapy

Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the hard work put forth from the previous edition authors in writing this chapter: Jan Deprest, MD, PhD; Ryan Hodges, PhD, MBBS; Eduardo Gratacos, MD, PhD; and Liesbeth Lewi, MD, PhD. The fetus is…

Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance

Acknowledgment The previous edition of this chapter included the contributions of Dr. Larry C. Gilstrap III. This chapter is built on his contributions and is still reflective of that work, for which the editors and author are greatly appreciative. Factors…

Assessment of Fetal Health

Assessment of fetal health is an important part of the management of any pregnancy, but it becomes more critical when maternal and fetal complications arise. Understanding the range of normal fetal behavior and considering the clinical context in which testing…

Teratogenesis and Environmental Exposure

A teratogenic exposure is defined as one that has the potential to permanently damage the normal structural or functional development of an embryo or fetus. A teratogenic exposure is determined not only by the agent (e.g., a particular chemical) but…

Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Disorders

The field of prenatal diagnosis, once dominated by amniocentesis and karyotype analysis for advanced maternal age, has changed significantly over the last decade with improved screening technologies reducing the use of diagnostic procedures. Much of this expansion has been associated…

First-Trimester Imaging

Introduction The later part of the first trimester is an opportune time to assess the fetus for chromosomal aneuploidies and structural anomalies. One approach to screening is utilizing sonographic markers such as measurement of the nuchal translucency (NT) and appearance…

Uterus and Adnexae Imaging

Adnexal Mass, Complex and Simple The majority of adnexal masses are detected incidentally during obstetric ultrasound examinations; however, some are diagnosed due to symptoms related to their size or complications. Definition An adnexal mass is a lump in the tissue…

Placenta and Umbilical Cord Imaging

Marginal and Velamentous Umbilical Cord Insertion Definition The placental insertion of the umbilical cord (PCI) may occur centrally into the placental disk, eccentrically at the margin, or into the membranes beyond the margin of the placenta (so-called velamentous cord insertion,…

Skeletal Imaging

Skeletal Dysplasia Definition Skeletal dysplasia (also known as osteochondrodysplasia ) is a genetically diverse group of >450 disorders , of the skeleton causing abnormal bone length, shape, and density, with varying degrees of disability. Incidence and Epidemiology Incidence of skeletal…

Fetal Urogenital Imaging

Pyelectasis Definition Pyelectasis (or pelviectasis) is a fluid collection causing dilation of the fetal renal pelvis, indicating a risk for persistent postnatal renal impairment and/or need for surgical intervention. Incidence/Epidemiology Renal pyelectasis is seen in 2%–5% of all pregnancies. Etiology/Pathogenesis…