
The Evolution of Contemporary Keratoplasty

Key Concepts The development of contemporary corneal transplantation has been evolutionary and largely evidence-based over the past century. The first successful, documented corneal graft was reported in 1906. Ramon Castroviejo is recognized as the pioneer of modern keratoplasty, and R.…

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-Associated Uveitis

Key Concepts Early diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis improves ocular morbidity and long-term outcome. Despite growing understanding of immunopathogenic mechanisms, the etiology of juvenile idiopathic arthritis remains speculative. Frequent ocular examination of high-risk juveniles is key to early initiation of…

Fuchs Uveitis Syndrome

Key Concepts Fuchs uveitis syndrome (FUS) is a chronic iridocyclitis that may be underdiagnosed and over treated. The diagnosis is clinical, with characteristic features. A viral etiology is suspected, with rubella virus and cytomegalovirus as primary candidates. The inflammation in…

Behçet Disease

Key Concepts The main clinical findings in Behçet disease are systemic and ocular vasculitis. Behçet disease is characterized by exacerbations and spontaneous remissions with structural damage of the involved tissue. Anterior segment manifestations include peripheral corneal infiltration, peripheral ulcerative keratitis,…


Key Concepts Sarcoidosis is a multisystem chronic inflammatory disorder with a high incidence of ocular involvement. Uveitis is the most common ocular manifestation; it may be acute or chronic, anterior or posterior, and is frequently granulomatous in appearance. Involvement of…

HLA-B27–Associated Uveitis

Key Concepts Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27–associated uveitis is the most common cause of hypopyon uveitis in North America. HLA-B27–associated uveitis is nongranulomatous, anterior, and often severe. It is typically of sudden onset and limited duration but occasionally becomes chronic. It…

Idiopathic Anterior Uveitis

Key Concepts Idiopathic uveitis is a diagnosis of exclusion that should be made only after a significant attempt to find etiologic associations—not only at the initial presentation but also at every follow-up visit—as the causative relationship may subsequently reveal itself.…

Classification and Diagnosis of Anterior Uveitis

Key Concepts Using the Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) criteria facilitates standardized description of uveitis and aids in the development of differential diagnoses as well as investigative studies. Acquiring a detailed past medical history, review of systems, social history, and…


Key Concepts Scleritis is characterized by a chronic inflammatory response centered in the sclera with possible spillover to involve adjacent ocular structures, mainly the cornea and the uvea. Scleritis may be idiopathic (50%) or associated with systemic autoimmune diseases (40%)…