Contact Lens Complications

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Endothelial Polymegethism

In the 1980s, a series of articles alerted contact lens practitioners to a potentially adverse effect of contact lens wear that could be observed in the cornea – namely, endothelial polymegethism ( Fig. 32.1 ). These observations were made soon…

Endothelial Cell Redistribution

Concern that contact lenses may be adversely affecting the corneal endothelium has resulted in endothelial examination becoming a routine procedure during biomicroscopic examination of the cornea of contact lens wearers ( Fig. 31.1 ). This concern can be traced back…

Endothelial Blebs

Before 1977, it was thought that contact lenses could only affect the cornea by direct mechanical influence or oxygen deprivation. Because the endothelium is located on the posterior surface of the cornea and is known to obtain all of its…

Endothelial Bedewing

Eye care practitioners from time to time will observe deposits, such as keratic precipitates, on the endothelial surface. These may be benign or may be associated with a broad range of uveal responses. In 1979, McMonnies and Zantos described the…

Corneal Warpage

Because contact lenses are in direct contact with the eye, it stands to reason that physical forces can act to change the shape of both the lens and the eye. Indeed, both types of change have been documented and both…

Microbial Keratitis

As explained in some detail in Chapter 26 , microbial keratitis is a particular type of corneal infiltrative event (CIE) characterised by the fact that replicating microorganisms are the cause. Microbial keratitis can be ‘self-limiting’, whereby it develops to a…

Corneal Infiltrative Events

One of the most challenging aspects of contact lens practice is the diagnosis and management of potentially sight-threatening microbial keratitis (MK). When involved in any such form of clinical decision-making, practitioners rely on their own clinical experience and draw upon…