Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

Greater Occipital Nerve Block

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Transtracheal Block

Transtracheal block provides topical anesthesia of small branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve that lines the tracheal lumen below the vocal cords. Because transtracheal injection usually elicits a strong cough reflex, local anesthetic also will distribute over the walls of…

Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block

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Mental Nerve Block

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Supraorbital Nerve Block

The supraorbital nerve (SON) is a branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1). This nerve travels through the supraorbital foramen or notch to provide sensory innervation to the upper eyelid and forehead. After leaving the orbit, the…

Caudal Epidural Block

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Neuraxial Block

Introduction In many patients, epidural and spinal blocks are routine procedures guided by loss of resistance and confirmation of free flow of cerebrospinal fluid, respectively. However, in patients with obesity or advanced age, these neuraxial blocks can be more challenging…

Pudendal Nerve Block in Children

Introduction The pudendal nerve is the major paired nerve of the perineum. It supplies sensation to the genitalia and perineal skin, and motor innervation to the external anal and external urethral sphincters. It is a branch of the sacral plexus…

Thoracic Paravertebral Block

Introduction Thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) is the technique of injecting local anesthetic alongside the thoracic vertebra close to where the spinal nerves emerge from the intervertebral foramina. This produces ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve blockade in multiple contiguous thoracic dermatomes…

Quadratus Lumborum Blocks

Clinical Anatomy/Sonoanatomy The quadratus lumborum (QL) is a posterior abdominal wall muscle that lies dorsolateral to the psoas major (PM) muscle. The QL muscle originates from the inner lip of the medial half of the iliac crest and inserts into…