Atrioventricular (AV) Conduction Abnormalities, Part I: Delays, Blocks, and Dissociation Syndromes

Normally, the only means of electrical communication (signaling) between the atria and ventricles is via the specialized conduction system of the heart. This relay network comprises the atrioventricular (AV) node, the bundle of His, and the bundle branch system ( Fig. 17.1 ). The atria and ventricles are otherwise electrically isolated from each other by connective tissue in the indented rings (grooves) between the upper and lower chambers. The major exception occurs with Wolff–Parkinson–White (WPW) preexcitation, as described in Chapter 18 .

Fig. 17.1
Nodal and infranodal blocks. Schematic diagram depicts the two major locations (levels) of delay or actual block in the proximal atrioventricular (AV) conduction system. Block above the double line is AV nodal ( AVN ), whereas block below, involving the bundle of His ( HB ) and bundle branches, is infranodal.

The relatively short (approximately 120-200 msec) physiologic delay between atrial and ventricular activation, represented by the normal PR interval, allows the ventricles near optimal time to fill with blood during and just after atrial contraction. Excessive slowing or actual interruption of electrical signal propagation across the heart’s conduction system is referred to as AV block or heart block. The closely related topic of AV dissociation is discussed at the end of this chapter.

Clinical Focal Points

Clinicians should try to answer two key questions when examining the electrocardiogram (ECG) of a patient with apparent AV heart block:

  • 1.

    What is the degree of block: first-, second-, or third-degree (also called “complete”) block?

  • 2.

    What is the most likely level of the block: in the AV node (nodal) or below the AV node (infranodal, i.e., in the His–bundle branch system)?

What is the Degree of AV Block?

Based on increasing severity of conduction impairment, cardiologists define three degrees of AV block/degree:

  • First-degree (PR interval prolongation): slowing of conduction between the atria and ventricles (an increase in the physiologic AV junctional delay described earlier but without its actual interruption

  • Second-degree: intermittent interruption of AV conduction, which may be further designated as either (1) Mobitz I (AV Wenckebach) where the block is in the AV node (i.e., located above the His bundle) or (2) Mobitz II where the block is infranodal (i.e., located in the His bundle and/or its branches)

  • Third-degree (complete heart block): complete interruption of AV conduction, with a nodal or infranodal escape rhythm, or with asystole. Complete heart block can occur as a progressive change in patients with nodal or infranodal conduction abnormalities, or it may occur suddenly and unexpectedly ( paroxysmal AV block ).

In addition, we will then discuss two other important subtypes of second-degree AV block, namely 2:1 block and high-grade block (also referred to as “ advanced second-degree AV block ”). We will also discuss complete heart block with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, and complete heart block with acute myocardial infarction. The final section of the chapter, as noted, is on AV dissociation in relation to complete heart block.

First-Degree AV “Block” (Prolonged PR Interval)

First-degree AV block ( Fig. 17.2 ) is characterized by a P wave (usually but not always sinus in origin) followed by a QRS complex with a prolonged PR interval of greater than 200 msec (one big box or five small boxes in width at the standard 25 mm/sec recording speed). More precise terms for this finding are prolonged PR interval or PR interval prolongation because the electrical signal is not actually blocked but rather delayed. The PR interval can be mildly to moderately prolonged (e.g., 232 msec in Fig. 17.2 B), or it can become markedly long (occasionally up to 400–600 msec or longer) or may fluctuate from beat to beat ( Fig. 17.2 C). PR prolongation in concert with prominent sinus bradycardia ( Fig. 17.2 D) should raise strong consideration of functional (not structural) slowing of conduction, especially because of enhanced vagal tone or drugs (e.g., beta blockers).

Fig. 17.2, Examples of first-degree atrioventricular (AV) block (AV delay) in four different clinical scenarios. (A) Acute inferior myocardial infarction. Note the ST elevation lead II. (B) PR prolongation in association with another conduction abnormality (in this case, right bundle branch block). This combination may indicate concomitant nodal delay or more advanced infranodal disease. (C) Extreme, progressive PR interval prolongation. P waves, marked with arrows, are sometimes partly hidden on top of the preceding T waves. This syndrome can result in a variant of “pacemaker syndrome” (see Chapter 22 ) because of near simultaneous atrial and ventricular contraction. Note also that worsening of AV conduction with increases in sinus rate strongly suggests structural vs. functional (e.g., vagal) nature of the AV junctional impairment. (D) Simultaneous occurrence of marked sinus bradycardia (43 beats/min) and mild-moderate PR prolongation (252 msec). This combination suggests a functional not structural basis of both the SA and AV conduction abnormalities due to high vagal activity or possibly drug effect (e.g., beta blockers).

Second-Degree AV Block

Second-degree AV block is characterized by intermittently “dropped” QRS complexes. With underlying sinus rhythm, the metaphorical term “dropped beat” means that a P wave is not followed by a QRS. As noted, there are two major subtypes of second-degree AV block: Mobitz I (AV Wenckebach) and Mobitz II.

With Mobitz I , the classic AV Wenckebach pattern ( Figs. 17.3 and 17.4 ), each stimulus (e.g., sinus P wave) from the atria encounters progressively more “difficulty” (decremental conduction) in traversing the AV node en route to the ventricles (i.e., the node becomes increasingly refractory). Finally, an atrial stimulus is not conducted at all, such that the expected QRS complex is blocked (“dropped QRS”), producing that a P wave that is not conducted despite the fact that it comes “on time.” This cycle is followed by recovery of the AV node; then the cycle starts again.

Fig. 17.3, Sinus rhythm is present. However, AV Wenckebach (Mobitz type I block) interrupts normal AV conduction (signaling) with a 3:2 P to QRS ratio. Note that the second PR interval is slightly longer than the first in each cycle and the third P wave is not conducted at all. The cycle is then repeated, with the PR interval after the nonconducted P shorter than the PR interval before. The intermittency of AV conduction with Mobitz I and II block gives the pattern of “group” beating.

Fig. 17.4, Sinus rhythm with Wenckebach (Mobitz I) second degree AV block. (A) The PR interval lengthens progressively with successive beats until one P wave is not conducted at all. The AV conduction ratio increases (worsens) from 5:4 to 3:2 concomitant with slowing of the sinus rate from 85 beats/min to 75 beats/min, suggesting a vagally mediated mechanism of block. (B) The AV conduction ratio improves from 2:1 to 1:1, while the sinus rate slows down from 55 to 33 beats/min. This finding indicates the organic (intrinsic, nonvagal) nature of the AV nodal disease. Both tracings were produced during carefully monitored carotid sinus massage (CSM). (Note the sinus arrhythmia (i.e., P wave rate variability) during CSM.)

The characteristic electrocardiogram (ECG) signature of classic AV Wenckebach block, therefore, is of progressive prolongation of the PR interval from one beat to the next until a QRS complex is dropped. (Occasionally, when the PR interval gets very long, it can fluctuate from one beat to the next and show minimal or no prolongation between the last conducted beats of a cycle.) However, the PR interval after the nonconducted P wave (the first PR interval of the new cycle) is always shorter than the PR interval of the beat just before the nonconducted P wave. This observation is the most useful and, indeed, a clinically imperative means of differentiating Mobitz I block from Mobitz II in which the conducted PR interval does not vary throughout the cycle.

The number of P waves occurring before a QRS complex is “dropped” may vary with AV Wenckebach. Cardiologists employ a simple index based on the ratio of the number of P waves to QRS complexes in a given cycle. The numerator is always one higher than the denominator. In the most readily diagnosed cases, just two or three conducted P waves are seen before one is not conducted (e.g., 3:2, 4:3 AV block). In other cases, longer cycles are seen (e.g., 5:4, 10:9, etc.).

As you see from the examples, the Wenckebach cycle also produces a distinct clustering of QRS complexes separated by a pause (the “dropped” QRS). Any time you encounter an ECG with this type of group beating, you should suspect AV Wenckebach block and look for the diagnostic pattern of lengthening PR intervals and the presence of a nonconducted P wave. As discussed in the following sections, infranodal second-degree AV block (Mobitz type II) also demonstrates group beating with dropped QRS complexes but without significant progressive PR interval prolongation ( Fig. 17.5 ). Another cause of group beating is the frequent occurrence of nonconducted (blocked) premature atrial complexes (blocked PACs) as discussed in Chapter 14

Fig. 17.5, Mobitz II atrioventricular (AV) second-degree heart block. Lead V 1 recording shows sinus rhythm (P wave; arrows ) at a rate of about 75 beats/min (with left atrial abnormality). Most important, note the abrupt appearance of sinus P waves that are not followed by QRS complexes (nonconducted or “dropped” beats). Furthermore, the PR interval before the nonconducted P wave and the PR of the beat after (about 140 msec) are of equal duration. This finding contrasts with AV Wenckebach with 3:2 or higher ratios of conduction in which the PR interval after the nonconducted beat is always noticeably shorter than the one before (see Figs. 17.3 and 17.4 ). The QRS of the conducted beats is also wide because of a left ventricular conduction delay. Mobitz II block is often associated with bundle branch abnormalities because the conduction delay is infranodal. Finally, note that the intermittent AV conduction pattern here gives rise to “group beating,” also a feature of AV Wenckebach block.

Caution! Clinicians must be careful not to mistake group beating because of blocked premature atrial complexes (PACs) for second-degree AV block. In the former, the nonconducted P waves come “early,” and in the latter, the P waves come “on time” (see 14, 24 ).

Mobitz II AV block (see Fig. 17.5 ) is a less common but more serious form of second-degree heart block. Its characteristic feature is the sudden appearance of a single, nonconducted sinus P wave without two features seen in Mobitz I block: (1) progressive prolongation of PR intervals and (2) noticeable shortening of the PR interval in the beat after the nonconducted P wave versus the PR before the nonconducted P wave.

A relatively rare but important subset of second- degree heart block occurs when there are multiple consecutive nonconducted P waves present (e.g., P to QRS ratios of 3:1, 4:1, etc.). This finding is often referred to as high-degree (or advanced ) AV block. It can occur at any level of the conduction system ( Fig. 17.6 ). A common mistake is to call this pattern Mobitz II block or complete heart block.

Fig. 17.6, Modified lead II recorded during a Holter monitor ECG in a patient complaining of intermittent lightheadedness. The ECG shows sinus rhythm with 2:1 atrioventricular (AV) block alternating with 3:1 AV block (i.e., two consecutive nonconducted sinus P waves followed by a conducted one). The term high-grade or advanced second-degree AV block is applied when the ECG shows two or more nonconducted sinus P waves in a row.

Third-Degree (Complete) AV Block

First- and second-degree AV heart blocks are examples of incomplete block because the AV junction conducts at least some stimuli to the ventricles. With third-degree or complete heart block ( Figs. 17.7–17.9 ), no stimuli are transmitted from the atria to the ventricles. Instead, the atria and ventricles are paced independently. The atria may continue to be paced from the sinus node (or by an ectopic focus or even by atrial fibrillatory or flutter activity). The ventricles, however, are paced by a nodal or infranodal escape focus located below the point of block. Complete heart block can develop at the level of the AV node, or at the infranodal level. Typically, the escape rhythm in complete heart block at the level of the AV node tends to be narrow (junctional) with faster (40-60 beats/min) rates compared with a wide QRS escape beats with slower (30-40 beats/min or less) rates because of infranodal block.

Fig. 17.7, Complete heart block is characterized by independent atrial (P) and ventricular (QRS complex) activity. The atrial rate (sinus rate, here) is always faster than the ventricular rate. The PR intervals are completely variable. Some sinus P waves fall on the T wave, distorting its shape. Others may fall in the QRS complex and become “lost.” Notice that the QRS complexes are of normal width, indicating that the ventricles are being paced from the atrioventricular junction. Compare this example with Fig. 17.8 , which shows complete heart block with wide, very slow QRS complexes because the ventricles are most likely being paced from below the atrioventricular junction (idioventricular pacemaker).

Fig. 17.8, Example of sinus rhythm with complete heart block showing a very slow, idioventricular (wide, regular, slow QRS) escape rhythm punctuating a much faster, independent atrial (sinus) rhythm. Left atrial abnormality (LAA) is also present, evidenced by biphasic P waves in V1 with a prominent negative component (see Chapter 7 ).

Fig. 17.9, Paroxysmal AV block. Complete heart block develops abruptly and resolves after a junctional escape beat. No sinus slowing is seen, excluding a hyper-vagal mechanism. This condition is life-threatening and requires urgent pacemaker implantation.

Complete heart block can develop gradually because of the progression of first- or second-degree AV block, or a bundle branch block, noted on prior ECGs, or it may be observed suddenly without any apparent preexisting AV conduction abnormalities. The most dramatic example of the latter is referred to as paroxysmal complete AV block (see Fig. 17.9 ). Paroxysmal complete AV block occurs in severe conduction disease, which is often not apparent from the surface ECG. In susceptible individuals, paroxysmal complete heart block can be triggered by a PAC, a PVC, or an increase in heart rate, but it sometimes occurs without any identifiable precipitant. Unless the rhythm is “rescued” by ventricular or junctional (see Fig. 17.9 ) escape beats, cardiac arrest will ensue with asystole (see Chapter 21 ). Therefore, development of paroxysmal AV block because of intrinsic conduction disease is a potentially life-threatening condition requiring urgent pacemaker implantation. a

a Of potential confusion, the term paroxysmal AV block has also been used to describe acute and progressive AV block, including third-degree block, associated with excess vagal tone. This vagally mediated form of paroxysmal block may occur with vomiting, endotracheal suctioning, micturition, neurocardiogenic syncope, and so forth. In such cases, the sinus rate generally slows as well. A pacemaker is usually not required. In contrast, the intrinsic (degenerative) form of paroxysmal AV block described in the text may be associated with increased sinus rate and reflects primary conduction disease, requiring pacemaker insertion.

Complete AV heart block, where there is no signaling or “cross-talk” between the atria and ventricles and each of them is driven independently by a separate pacemaker at a different rate, is one generic example of AV dissociation. In the setting of complete heart block, AV dissociation usually produces more P waves than QRS complexes ( Box 17.1 ). However, as discussed later, AV dissociative rhythms are not restricted to complete heart block syndromes.

Box 17.1
ECG with Sinus Rhythm and Complete Heart Block: Three Key Features

  • P waves (upright in lead II) are present, with a relatively regular sinus rate that is typically much faster than the ventricular rate.

  • QRS complexes are present, with a slow (usually near constant) ventricular rate.

  • The P waves bear no relation to the QRS complexes; thus the PR intervals are variable.

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