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Antithrombotic therapies are a mainstay of contemporary cardiovascular medicine; it is essential for providers in the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) to have a thorough understanding of these pharmacologic agents. Patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) account for a substantial proportion of CICU admissions; the thoughtful use of antithrombotic therapies in these settings is required to safely balance the antithrombotic and bleeding risks. The desire to achieve consistent, rapid anticoagulation within a specific therapeutic window has motivated decades of drug development and clinical investigation. The resultant highly evidence-based discipline has improved survival and reduced morbidity, thus forming the basis of contemporary pharmacologic management of coronary artery disease (CAD). While several other categories of medications, such as β-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG coenzyme A) reductase inhibitors (statins) also have robust evidence-supported roles in the long-term treatment of CAD, antithrombotic agents are the only acute therapies that have been convincingly shown to reduce short-term ischemic events associated with ACS and PCI. This chapter offers a broad overview of the coagulation cascade and reviews the clinical evidence supporting the most commonly used anticoagulant therapies, including unfractionated heparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, and bivalirudin. Adjunctive pharmacologic management with antiplatelet agents is presented separately in Chapter 36 .
Hemostasis refers to the formation of a platelet-fibrin clot at the site of vascular endothelial injury and involves the activation of platelets as well as the coagulation cascade. Fibrinolysis refers to the dissolution of a platelet-fibrin clot by separate protease reactions. A delicate balance between the carefully regulated systems of coagulation and fibrinolysis is required to keep blood fluid and vessels patent within the circulation; disturbances in either system will cause a tendency toward thrombosis or bleeding. Coagulation, as shown in Fig. 35.1 , has often been represented as two independent pathways that converge to a common pathway with thrombin generation as the endpoint of the cascade. This model provides a basic representation of the processes observed in clinical coagulation laboratory testing. The prothrombin time (PT) measures the factors of the extrinsic pathway and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) measures factors of the intrinsic pathway. However, this model is a simplification of a complex physiologic process and has certain inadequacies when applied to the multifaceted in vivo hemostatic processes that involve interactions between cellular-based (e.g., vascular- and platelet-mediated) and soluble coagulation processes. Others have demonstrated that, under normal circumstances, in vivo hemostasis is initiated by tissue factor (TF), a transmembrane glycoprotein that is a member of the class II cytokine receptor superfamily and functions both as the receptor and the essential cofactor for factors (F) VII and VIIa. Assembly of the TF/FVIIa complex on cellular surfaces leads to the activation of FX and initiates coagulation. TF is constitutively expressed in cells surrounding blood vessels and large organs to form a hemostatic barrier. In addition to its role in hemostasis, the TF/FVIIa complex has been shown to elicit intracellular signaling, resulting in the induction of various genes, thus explaining its role in various biologic functions, such as embryonic development, cell migration, inflammation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis.
In the cell-based model, coagulation occurs in three overlapping phases: initiation, priming, and propagation. A disruption in vascular endothelium brings plasma into contact with TF-bearing cells; FVII binds to the exposed TF and is rapidly activated by coagulation proteases and by noncoagulation proteases. The FVIIa/TF complex then activates FX and FIX. The activated forms of these two proteins (FIXa and FXa) play very different roles in subsequent coagulation reactions. FXa can activate plasma FV on the TF cell. If FXa diffuses from the protected environment of the cell surface from which it was activated, it can be rapidly inhibited by the TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI) or antithrombin (AT). However, the FXa that remains on the TF cell surface can combine with FVa to produce small amounts of thrombin (the enzyme responsible for clot formation). This thrombin, although not sufficient to cleave fibrinogen throughout a site of injury, nonetheless plays a critical role in amplifying the initial thrombin signal. The initial FVIIa/TF complex is subsequently inhibited by the action of the TFPI in complex with FXa. In contrast to FXa, FIXa is not inhibited by TFPI, and is only slowly inhibited by AT. FIXa moves in the fluid phase from TF-bearing cells to nearby platelets at the injury site.
In the priming (or amplification) phase, low concentrations of thrombin activate platelets adhering to the injury site to release FV from their α-granules. Thrombin cleaves the partially activated FV to yield a fully active form. Thrombin also cleaves FVIII, releasing it from von Willebrand factor. These activated factors bind to platelet surfaces and provide the backbone for thrombin generation that occurs during the propagation phase.
In the propagation phase, the phospholipid surface of activated platelets acts as a cofactor for the activation of the FVIIIa/FIXa complex and the FVa/FXa complex, which accelerates the generation of FXa and thrombin, respectively. The burst of thrombin leads to the bulk cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin. Soluble fibrin is stabilized by FXIIIa and activated by thrombin to form a fibrin network (i.e., a thrombus).
Although arterial thrombosis can result from different mechanisms, the most clinically relevant in the context of cardiovascular medicine and PCI are endothelial erosion and plaque rupture. Plaque rupture results in the exposure of thrombogenic substances (e.g., collagen and TF) to the circulation, with the resulting activation of platelets and coagulation cascade that can lead to partial or complete obstruction of the vessel. This sequence of events, coupled with the simultaneous release of vasoactive substances, can result in thrombus formation and vasoconstriction. When this occurs in the coronary circulation, the result is myocardial ischemia and ACS.
Anticoagulant agents specifically target the soluble coagulation cascade proteins required to form fibrin clots. Fig. 35.2 displays the mechanisms of action of the different thrombin inhibitors described here. The heparin derivatives in current clinical use include unfractionated heparin (UFH), low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), and the synthetic pentasaccharide derivative fondaparinux. These are all parenteral agents that must be administered by intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SC) injection. They are classified as indirect anticoagulants because they require a plasma cofactor, AT, to exert their anticoagulant activity. By contrast, the direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs), such as bivalirudin, bind thrombin at its active site and/or its fibrin recognition site (exosite 1), essentially displacing it from fibrin, to provide a direct anticoagulant effect.
UFH is a glycosaminoglycan of varying molecular weights that accelerates the action of antithrombin (the enzyme that inactivates thrombin and factor Xa), thereby preventing conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. It is a natural product that can be isolated from beef lung or porcine intestinal mucosa. It consists of highly sulfated polysaccharide chains with a mean of about 45 saccharide units. Only one-third of the heparin chains possess a unique pentasaccharide sequence that exhibits high affinity for AT; it is this fraction that is responsible for most of the anticoagulant activity of heparin.
UFH must be given parenterally either by continuous IV infusion or by intermittent SC injection. When given SC for treatment of thrombosis, higher doses are needed to overcome the fact that heparin bioavailability after SC injection is only about 30% (however, this is highly variable across individuals). A number of plasma proteins compete with AT for heparin binding, thereby reducing its anticoagulant activity. The levels of these proteins vary among patients. This phenomenon contributes to the variable anticoagulant response to heparin and to the phenomenon of heparin resistance. Heparin is cleared through a combination of a rapid saturable phase and a slower first-order mechanism. Heparin binds to endothelial cells, platelets, and macrophages during the saturable phase. Once the cellular binding sites are saturated, heparin enters the circulation, from where it is cleared more slowly by the kidneys. The complex kinetics of heparin clearance render the anticoagulant response to UFH nonlinear at therapeutic doses, with both the peak activity and duration of effect increasing disproportionately with increasing doses.
Unfractionated heparin can be given in fixed or weight-adjusted doses; nomograms have been developed to aid with initial and maintenance dosing. The doses of UFH recommended for the treatment of ACS are lower than those typically used to treat venous thromboembolism (VTE) owing to the lower thrombus burden in arterial thromboses. A distinct advantage of UFH is that its anticoagulant effect can be followed (and subsequent dosing titrated) by routine laboratory studies. The test most often used to monitor heparin in the CICU is aPTT. An aPTT ratio between 1.5 and 2.5 (calculated by dividing the reported therapeutic aPTT value by the control value for the reagent) was associated with a reduced risk for recurrent VTE in a large retrospective registry. Based on this study, an aPTT ratio of 1.5 to 2.5 was adopted as the therapeutic range for UFH. Because of different reagents and control values across laboratories, it is important to emphasize that aPTT ratios should be adapted at each institution to the specific reagent used rather than adopting universal/fixed aPTT targets for specific therapeutic indications. Despite these shortcomings, aPTT remains the most commonly used method for UFH monitoring. The aPTT ratio should be measured approximately 4 to 6 hours after the bolus dose of heparin; the continuous IV infusion (maintenance dose) should be adjusted according to the result.
The point-of-care activated clotting time (ACT) can be used to monitor the higher doses of UFH given to patients undergoing PCI or cardiopulmonary bypass surgery as the required level of anticoagulation is beyond the range that can be reliably measured using aPTT assays. Common ACT targets during PCI range from 250 to 300 seconds for UFH monotherapy or 200 to 250 seconds when used concurrently with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors or if less intensive anticoagulation is indicated in the setting of increased bleeding risk or other patient-specific factors. Of note, this ideal ACT range has not been examined in the era of routine P2Y 12 receptor blocker use. At traditional dosing of 50 to 70 U/kg commonly used in PCI, UFH has a dose-dependent half-life of 30 to 60 minutes.
Additional advantages of UFH include its widespread availability, low cost, rapid clearance after the infusion is discontinued, and the ability to reverse its anticoagulant effects with protamine in urgent situations. Potential disadvantages include the higher incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) with UFH compared to other heparin preparations, platelet activation, inability to inhibit clot-bound thrombin owing to steric hindrance, circulating inhibitors, and inconsistent pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics due to nonspecific binding to multiple other proteins.
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