Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Vascular Disease Management


The use of antibiotics in vascular surgery has undergone significant change in the course of the past half-century. Initial experience with devastating arterial graft infections and significant data supporting antibiotic use led to overuse of antibiotics. More recent experience with restricted use of antibiotics has resulted in a more balanced approach. Our goal in this chapter is to review the use of antibiotics in vascular surgery both as prophylaxis and as therapeutic intervention. Specific instances of arterial infections and use of antibiotics in the management of them will also be addressed.

Prophylactic Antibiotic Therapy

Although infections of implanted vascular prostheses are relatively uncommon, when they do occur, they are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Complications of graft infection include pseudoaneurysm, anastomotic disruption, hemorrhage, fistula formation, and sepsis. Infection of a vascular graft almost always requires partial or complete graft removal, which is associated with a high incidence of amputation. Vascular graft infection leads to the patient's death in one-quarter to one-half of cases in contemporary series. These dire consequences have prompted laboratory and clinical investigation into the role of antibiotics in the prevention of vascular graft infection. The widespread use of prophylactic antibiotics in vascular surgery has significantly altered the microbiology and clinical presentation of graft infections. New insights have been gained into the pathogenesis of this process, and alternative methods of antibiotic delivery have been developed in animal models. This section presents the bacteriology and current understanding of the pathogenesis of graft infection, a historical overview of the development of antibiotic prophylaxis in vascular surgery, current recommendations for prophylaxis, and new directions in antibiotic delivery.

Clinical Significance of Graft Infection

The reported incidence of infection after the placement of vascular prostheses ranges from 1% to 6%. This relatively low rate of infection has remained stable over time, despite improvements in technique and the introduction of routine preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis. Two early series, from Hoffert and colleagues in 1965 and Fry and Lindenauer in 1967, reported graft infection rates of 6.0% (12 of 201) and 1.34% (12 of 890), respectively. In 1972, Szilagyi and colleagues reported a large series of 3397 cases in which the graft infection rate was 1.9%. Later reports detailed similar findings. The series of Lorentzen and coauthors from 1985 described graft infections in 62 of 2411 patients, a rate of 2.6%. Although the overall incidence of infection has not changed significantly, the use of antibiotic prophylaxis has clearly changed the clinical presentation of most vascular graft infections. Suppurative infections appearing in the first few weeks after graft implantation have given way to more insidious, low-grade, chronic infections.

Infection in prosthetic grafts remains a critical issue in vascular surgery. Reported mortality rates from graft infection range from 25% to 75% ( Table 11.1 ). Mortality is greatest for proximal grafts, with almost uniform lethality reported in aortic stump sepsis. Despite attempts to reduce mortality in aortic graft infection, it remains relatively high at 24% to 43%. Peripheral graft infections are generally associated with lower mortality rates (as low as 6%). Amputation rates are similar for survivors of aortic and peripheral graft infections, ranging from 22.5% to 43%. In more recent series, reported amputation rates range from 24% to 27%.

TABLE 11.1
Influence of Graft Site on Incidence and Outcome of Graft Infection
Author Year Type of Graft Patients Rate (%) a Rate (%) b Rate (%)
Hoffert and colleagues 1965 Aortoiliac 84 0 NA NA
Aortofemoral 30 0 NA NA
Iliofemoropopliteal 83 13.0 75 25
Szilagyi and colleagues 1972 Aortoiliac 418 0.7 0 66
Aortofemoral 1244 1.6 21 53
Iliofemoropopliteal 270 3.0 40 7
Bouhoutsos and colleagues 1974 Aortoiliac/aortofemoral 412 1.5 0 50
Iliofemoropopliteal 108 7.4 25 0
Liekweg and Greenfield 1977 Aortoiliac NR NR 3 8
Aortofemoral NR NR 11 47
Iliofemoropopliteal NR NR 30 13
Yashar and colleagues 1978 Aortoiliac 300 1.0 0 33
Aortofemoral 210 2.9 33 50
Iliofemoropopliteal 65 4.6 67 0
Casali and colleagues 1980 Aortoiliac NR NR 0 50
Aortofemoral NR NR 25 67
Iliofemoropopliteal NR NR 33 33
Lorentzen and colleagues 1985 Aortoiliac 515 0.0 NA NA
Aortofemoral 1497 3.0 22 29
Iliofemoropopliteal 489 3.5 53 18
Edwards and colleagues 1987 Aortic/aortoiliac 769 0.0 NA NA
Aortofemoral 1060 0.47 20 40
Iliofemoropopliteal 583 2.9 12 18
NA, Not applicable; NR, not reported.

a Primary graft infections only; excludes aortoenteric fistulas.

b Amputation rate among survivors.

Principles of Antibiotic Prophylaxis

The goal of prophylactic antibiotic therapy is to prevent infection after surgery. The most important indication for antibiotic prophylaxis in vascular reconstructive surgery is the use of prosthetic materials. Synthetic materials provide a protective substrate for bacterial colonization and proliferation. Experimental studies have demonstrated that the presence of a foreign body increases the infectivity of Staphylococcus aureus 10,000-fold. In light of the potentially catastrophic consequences of vascular graft infection, prophylactic antibiotics are recommended in patients undergoing procedures in which prosthetic materials are used.

The ideal prophylactic antibiotic should be bactericidal for the most common pathogens causing postoperative infection and adequately concentrated in serum and at the site of surgery. It should be present in adequate concentrations throughout the surgical procedure and nontoxic to the patient. In addition, its cost should be reasonable enough to justify its routine use.

Most vascular graft infections are caused by relatively few specific bacteria; therefore, broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis is unnecessary. Selecting an antibiotic with the narrowest spectrum of activity that includes the most common pathogens involved in graft infection will limit the emergence of resistant organisms. Antibiotics that are the principal line of therapy in difficult infections (such as vancomycin in the treatment of Staphylococcus epidermidis infections) should generally be reserved for that indication and not used in prophylaxis. Generally, the threshold for using prophylactic antibiotics in procedures without insertion of prosthetic material is high. This is particularly true in those instances where the consequence of an infection would present a low risk of serious sequelae. An example of this would be venous ablation or sclerotherapy. Less certainty arises in cases that involve open surgery with suture repair of the arteries. In such instances some hematoma is common, and infection would have the potential of resulting in an arterial disruption and hemorrhage. Although this may be a “clean” operation, the potential consequence of an infection could be devastating. For this reason, some would advise use of antibiotic prophylaxis.

Efforts have been made to identify risk factors that would predispose to infectious complications in vascular surgery. Basetti and colleagues noted that longer surgical times (>2 hours), reintervention on the same site within the first week, vascular stent placement in the inguinal canal, immunosuppression, and history of prosthetic surgery were identified as situations where antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered. Also, procedures including endograft placement, embolization and chemoembolization, and central venous access in immunocompromised individuals may merit antibiotic prophylaxis. Ott and associates performed a retrospective analysis of cases to identify independent risk factors for surgical site infection. They specifically noted Fontaine stages III–IV, femoral grafting, postoperative drainage for more than 5 days, duration of operation greater than 214 minutes, and body mass index (BMI) greater than 29 as being significant risk factors for vascular infection.

Bacteriology of Graft Infection

Gram-positive cocci, the predominant flora of the skin and dermal appendages, are most often responsible for vascular graft infections. Although the bacteriology of graft infection varies somewhat by anatomic site, when all sites are considered together, approximately 60% to 65% of reported cases are currently due to gram-positive organisms. The remaining 35% to 40% are largely due to gram-negative rods, which account for approximately half of all infections in intraabdominal (aortic, aortoiliac) grafts. Although S. aureus has historically been the most frequently cultured pathogen, the introduction of routine antibiotic prophylaxis and improved culture techniques have led to the emergence of S. epidermidis and other coagulase-negative staphylococci as the most frequent cause of vascular graft infection ( Table 11.2 ). The most commonly cultured gram-negative rod is Escherichia coli, followed by Proteus species, Pseudomonas species, and Klebsiella species.

TABLE 11.2
Effect of Antibiotic Prophylaxis on the Microbiology of Graft Infection
Author Year Type of Graft Antibiotics Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus epidermidis Escherichia coli Other GNRs Culture Negative (%)
Hoffert and colleagues 1965 Aortic and distal No 67 17 8 25 17
Fry and Lindenauer 1967 Aortic No 67 0 25 8 8
Goldstone and Moore 1974 Aortic and distal In some cases b 41 26 15 11 7
Liekweg and Greenfield 1977 Aortic and distal No 50 4 13 18 NR
Bandyk and colleagues 1984 Aortofemoral Yes 10 60 13 23 10
Yeager and colleagues 1985 Aortic Yes 0 50 0 0 33
Distal Yes 14 14 0 29 43
Quiñones-Baldrich and colleagues 1991 Aortic Yes 13 21 18 45 21
GNR, Gram-negative rod; NR, not reported.

a Expressed as the percentage of cases from which each organism was cultured.

b Prophylaxis administered in 10 of 27 cases of graft infection.

In early reports from the 1960s and 1970s, S. aureus was identified as the predominant pathogen in vascular graft infections. In 1965, Hoffert and colleagues reported that S. aureus was cultured in 67% (8 of 12) of aortic, femoral, and popliteal reconstructions. Likewise, in a series of 890 aortic grafts from Fry and Lindenauer, S. aureus was cultured in 67% (8 of 12) of cases. In 1967, Smith and colleagues reported on nine cases of femoropopliteal graft infection, eight of which were due to S. aureus . In a review of 108 published cases of vascular graft infection reported between 1959 and 1974, Liekweg and Greenfield noted that S. aureus was responsible for 50% of cases. The next most common pathogens were gram-negative rods (30.5%) and streptococci (8.5%); only 3.6% of cases were due to S. epidermidis .

Goldstone and Moore were among the first to note the effects of antibiotic prophylaxis on the presentation and bacteriology of graft infection. They retrospectively reviewed the incidence of graft infection before and after the initiation of routine antibiotic prophylaxis. During the preantibiotic prophylaxis period (1959–1966), the vascular graft infection rate was 4.1% (9 of 222). From 1966 to 1973, when prophylactic antibiotic use became routine, the graft infection rate dropped to 1.5% (5 of 344). Of all staphylococcal infections treated at the author's institution between 1959 and 1973, 14 of 18 (78%) occurred before the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics.

Reviews of graft infection since the advent of routine antibiotic prophylaxis demonstrate an increasing incidence of late infections resulting from fastidious organisms such as S. epidermidis and other coagulase-negative staphylococci. Bandyk and colleagues presented a report of 30 patients treated for aortofemoral graft infections from 1972 to 1982; 60% of these infections were due to S. epidermidis . The time of presentation influenced the microbiology of graft infection. Four of five early (<4 months) infections were due to gram-negative rods. Late infections (>4 months) were much more common, totaling 25; of these, 15 (60%) were due to S. epidermidis .

In 1985, Yeager and associates reported a 9-year experience in which they managed 14 aortic and 11 peripheral graft infections. Whereas peripheral graft infections appeared an average of 8 months after surgery, aortic graft infections appeared an average of 5 years afterward. Of five primarily infected aortic grafts (not graft-enteric fistulas or erosions) with positive cultures, four were due to S. epidermidis . A wide range of organisms was cultured from peripheral grafts, including coagulase-positive and -negative staphylococci, gram-negative rods, anaerobic streptococci, and diphtheroids.

Edwards and associates reported on 24 infections from a series of 2614 aortofemoropopliteal grafts over a 10-year period from 1975 to 1986; the majority (29%) were due to S. aureus . The authors noted, however, that prophylactic antibiotics were administered according to the departmental protocol in only 7 of 24 cases. This observation was supported by the fact that 63% of these infections appeared within 3 months of implantation. In addition, cultures were negative in 21% of patients, suggesting that the presence of fastidious organisms such as S. epidermidis may have been underestimated. In 1991, Quiñones-Baldrich and colleagues reported an 18-year experience (1970–1988) with 45 aortic graft infections. Culture results were available for 38 of 45 patients. Gram-negative organisms, most commonly Pseudomonas species (21%) and E. coli (18%), were cultured from 24 patients (63%). Gram-positive cocci, most frequently S. epidermidis (21%), were cultured from 21 patients (55%). Of note is the fact that cultures grew multiple organisms in 39% of cases. There were eight (21%) negative cultures, again suggesting that the incidence of infection owing to fastidious organisms may have been underestimated.

Pathogenesis of Graft Infection

Although there is no definitive explanation of how graft infection occurs, the two principal routes of infection are thought to be direct contamination (bacteria present in the surgical wound) and hematogenous or lymphatogenous seeding. It is generally thought that most graft infections are caused by direct intraoperative contamination of the prosthesis. Potential sources of infecting organisms include the patient's skin, breaks in aseptic technique, adjacent active infections, transudation of bowel flora into the peritoneal space, and the diseased arterial tree itself, which may become colonized with pathogenic bacteria.

Skin Flora

The normal skin flora is the most important source of bacteria. Accordingly, preoperative skin preparation influences subsequent infection rates. Kaiser and coworkers noted a higher rate of infection with a hexachlorophene-ethanol preparation compared with povidone-iodine. Close and colleagues reported that hexachlorophene is more effective alone than when used in combination with ethanol. In a prospective study, Cruse demonstrated that preoperative hexachlorophene showering can be effective in reducing wound infection rates, and overzealous shaving may actually increase the risk of infection. Wooster and colleagues demonstrated that vascular grafts routinely become contaminated with skin organisms intraoperatively and suggested that careful attention to aseptic technique can significantly reduce this occurrence.

Groin incisions appear to have special significance in the development of vascular graft infections. Grafts involving an inguinal wound have a higher incidence of infection than do those that avoid this region. Jamieson and colleagues reported that the presence of a groin incision increased the risk of graft infection 3.5-fold; the presence of a groin complication such as a seroma or hematoma increased the risk of infection ninefold over patients without groin complications. Up to 33% of groin incisions with hematomas may develop infections. Lorentzen and associates reported that the highest incidence of infection was in patients who underwent aortobifemoral grafting for abdominal aortic aneurysms (5.9%), whereas there were no infections in 425 patients who underwent aortoiliac bypass for aneurysms (213) and occlusive atherosclerosis (212).

Gastrointestinal Flora

The gastrointestinal tract is a potential source of contamination during aortic reconstruction. Cultures of intestinal bag fluid have been reported by some investigators to yield enteric bacteria and skin organisms such as coagulase-negative staphylococci. In a report of 109 bowel bag cultures from abdominal aortic reconstructions, Scobie and colleagues found positive cultures in 14% of patients. S. epidermidis was the single most common organism isolated ( n = 11), whereas enteric flora were cultured in 12.

The impact of concomitant gastrointestinal surgery in the development of vascular graft infection is unclear. In separate series, DeBakey and colleagues, Stoll, and Hardy and colleagues reported a total of 670 patients who underwent aortic graft placement and simultaneous gastrointestinal procedures, with no episodes of graft infection. These authors concluded that such coincident procedures can be undertaken safely. Other investigators, however, described the development of graft infection in patients undergoing simultaneous appendectomy, cholecystectomy and gastrostomy, and anterior resection.

Arterial Colonization

The native arterial tree may harbor bacteria. The presence of pathogenic bacteria, particularly coagulase-negative staphylococci, in vascular tissues not previously operated on has been widely documented ( Table 11.3 ). Lalka and colleagues postulated that transient bacteremias resulting from breaks in the skin or mucous membranes may lead to arterial colonization. Bacterial contamination of vascular prostheses may therefore be inevitable in some cases. It is not yet clear, however, to what extent the presence of positive arterial wall cultures influences the likelihood of subsequent graft infection.

TABLE 11.3
Positive Arterial Wall Cultures: Incidence and Significance
Author Year Culture Source Positive Cultures (%) Associated With Subsequent Infection? Frequency of Staphylococcus epidermidis Among Positive Cultures (%)
Ernst and colleagues 1977 Aortic aneurysms 15 Yes 53
Scobie and colleagues 1979 Aortic aneurysms 23 No 71
Macbeth and colleagues 1984 Femoropopliteal specimens 43 Yes 71
McAuley and colleagues 1984 Aortic thrombus 14 No NR
Buckels and colleagues 1985 Aortic aneurysms 8 Yes 30
Durham and colleagues 1987 Aortofemoropopliteal specimens 44 Yes 56
Schwartz and colleagues 1987 Aortic aneurysms 10 No 54
Ilgenfritz and Jordan 1988 Aortic aneurysms and atrial septal defects 20 No 55
Brandimarte and colleagues 1989 Aortic aneurysms 31 No NR
Wakefield and colleagues 1990 Aortofemoropopliteal specimens 12 No 60
NR, Not reported.

The 1977 report by Ernst and associates of abdominal aortic aneurysmal wall cultures was one of the first to highlight the presence of pathogenic organisms in the native aorta. The overall incidence of positive cultures was 15%, and cultures were more likely to be positive when atherosclerotic disease was more advanced. Asymptomatic aneurysms were less likely to be culture positive (9%) than were symptomatic (13%) or ruptured aneurysms (35%). S. epidermidis was the most frequently isolated organism. The late graft sepsis rate was 10% in the culture-positive group versus 2% in the culture-negative group. In a similar report, Buckels and coauthors described an 8% (22 of 275) incidence of positive cultures from aortic aneurysm contents. The incidence of graft sepsis was 32% (7 of 22) in patients with positive cultures, compared with 2.4% (6 of 253) in the culture-negative group.

Similar data suggest that lower extremity arteries can also become infected. In 1984, Macbeth and colleagues reported on cultures of arterial wall specimens from 88 clean, elective, lower extremity revascularization procedures. Control cultures were taken from adjacent adipose or lymphatic tissue. Although all control cultures were negative, arterial wall cultures were positive in 43% of cases (38 of 88). Of these, 71% (27 of 38) grew S. epidermidis . The authors described three graft infections in 335 cases (0.9% infection rate), all of which had positive arterial wall cultures. Also included in this report was a retrospective review of 22 cases of graft infection for which arterial and graft culture data were available. Of the patients with positive arterial cultures, 57% (8 of 14) had suture line disruption, whereas there were no disruptions in the culture-negative group. Durham and colleagues reported a series of 102 patients undergoing vascular reconstruction with a 74% (75 of 102) incidence of positive arterial wall cultures. S. epidermidis accounted for 56% of the cultured organisms. Six infections (3.5%) occurred over 18 months; all these patients had prior positive arterial cultures. No patients with negative arterial cultures developed graft infection. The greatest risk for graft infection appeared to be in patients with positive arterial wall cultures undergoing reoperation.

Hematogenous and Lymphatogenous Seeding

Hematogenous seeding of vascular prostheses is another potential source of graft infection. Anecdotal reports implicate urinary tract infection, abdominal sepsis, and other infections in the development of vascular graft infections. Laboratory models demonstrate that bacteremia reliably produces prosthetic graft infections.

Other Local and Systemic Factors

Open wounds on the distal lower extremities can be a source of contaminating bacteria. Hoffert and colleagues noted that 75% of patients with graft infections (9 of 12) had open, infected lesions on the distal lower extremity at the time of graft implantation. Liekweg and Greenfield reported that 33% of inguinal infections (20 of 60) occurred proximal to open foot infections. Bunt and Mohr described the presence of bacteria cultured from a distally infected extremity in the inguinal lymph nodes of two patients undergoing lower extremity revascularization; both patients developed graft infection.

Prior vascular surgery has been implicated as a risk factor for vascular graft infection. Dense scar tissue, increased bleeding, and lymphatic leak may all contribute to this phenomenon. Goldstone and Moore noted that 45% of patients (12 of 27) with graft infections had undergone one or more revisions of the original graft before developing an infection in the same region. In 8 of the 12 patients, the infection was in the groin. In the series by Edwards and coworkers, 9 of 18 patients (50%) had undergone a previous vascular surgery at the site of the graft infection. Similarly, a report from Reilly and colleagues described a history of multiple previous vascular procedures at the site of graft infection in 40% of cases. Johnson and associates found that prior vascular procedures were not a significant risk factor for graft infection; however, only 12 of 135 patients in this series had prior operations at the site of infection.

The immunologic status of patients with vascular disease may also have an impact on the development of graft infection. Systemic disease, malnutrition, and medical debility may suppress the host response to invading microorganisms. Kwaan and colleagues reported on 12 patients with advanced, fulminating graft infections, all of whom had critical deficiencies in immune status as determined by serum albumin, hemoglobin, immunoglobulin, and lymphocyte assays and by response to standard skin test antigens. Eight of 12 patients who received total parenteral nutrition had significant enhancement of immune response and accelerated recovery from the graft infection. Of the four patients who did not receive nutritional support, two had a prolonged convalescence, and two subsequently died from complications of graft infection.

Experimental Investigations

The suggestion that prophylactic antibiotic therapy may be effective in the prevention of surgical infections was first made 50 years ago. In the early 1960s, Alexander and colleagues demonstrated the efficacy of penicillin prophylaxis in experimental wound infections.

Lindenauer and associates reported an experimental demonstration of the importance of antibiotics in preventing graft infection. Three groups of dogs underwent femoral arteriotomy with primary, Teflon patch, or vein patch closure. A fourth group received a sham operation alone. Wounds were contaminated with 10,000 to 100,000 S. aureus organisms. All subjects, except controls, received intramuscular procaine penicillin. Among control animals, the infection rate was 94% (8 of 9 shams, 3 of 3 arteriotomies, 3 of 3 Teflon patches, 3 of 3 vein patches). In animals treated with penicillin, the infection rate was 0% (15 shams, 5 arteriotomies, 5 Teflon patches, 5 vein patches). As a result, antibiotic therapy may sterilize a contaminated wound even in the presence of a prosthetic arterial patch.

Moore and colleagues tested the utility of antibiotic prophylaxis in a canine model of hematogenous aortic graft contamination. Thirty minutes before laparotomy, dogs were infused intravenously with 10 million S. aureus organisms and then underwent placement of a Dacron infrarenal aortic graft. The experimental group received an IV dose of cephalothin (25 mg/kg), which was started just before the skin incision and continued for 30 minutes after the procedure. Experimental animals then received intramuscular cephalothin three times a day for 5 days; control animals received no antibiotics. Control animals experienced a significantly increased rate of positive cultures (72%) compared with animals that received perioperative cephalothin (24%).

Clinical Investigations

Early Experience

Until the mid-1970s, the use of antibiotics in vascular reconstruction with synthetic materials was largely based on personal preference. It is notable that in the series of Szilagyi and colleagues, the graft infection rate among 2145 cases in which prophylactic antibiotics were not administered was 1.5%. Fry and Lindenauer reported an incidence of 1.34% in 890 cases in which no antibiotics were used. These infection rates were comparable with, and often lower than, those reported in series in which prophylactic antibiotics were used. Noting the preponderance of S. aureus in vascular graft infections, particularly in cases involving an inguinal incision, Szilagyi and colleagues suggested a clinical trial of an antibiotic directed at this organism in reconstructions that required an inguinal anastomosis.

In 1974, Goldstone and Moore published a review of the San Francisco Veterans Administration Hospital experience with vascular prosthetic infection. This series of 566 aortofemoropopliteal reconstructions was divided into two time periods: 1959 to 1965, when antibiotics were administered only postoperatively; and 1966 to 1973, when prophylaxis included preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative antibiotics. The incidence of graft infection in the former group was 4.1% (9 of 222), compared with 1.5% (5 of 344) in the latter. Although the investigators conceded that greater experience and skill might have contributed to the lower incidence of infection, they maintained that the major factor responsible was the more appropriate use of antibiotics in the second group of patients. The following year, Perdue published a similar retrospective review that suggested that the institution of routine antibiotic prophylaxis reduced the incidence of wound infections and other nosocomial infections in patients undergoing major arterial reconstructive procedures.

Prospective Trials

The first large, prospective, randomized, blinded clinical study of antibiotic prophylaxis in vascular reconstructive surgery was published by Kaiser and colleagues in 1978. In that series, 462 patients undergoing aortofemoropopliteal reconstruction were randomized to receive either 1 g of cefazolin or a saline placebo. There were no graft infections among 225 patients who received cefazolin, compared with 4 of 237 placebo recipients (1.7%). When superficial skin infections and subcutaneous skin infections were considered in the analysis (Szilagyi classes I and II), the overall infection rates were 0.9% in the cefazolin group and 6.8% in the placebo group. Given no adverse drug reactions and no noted cefazolin resistance, the authors strongly recommended a short course of cefazolin prophylaxis in patients undergoing arterial reconstructive surgery.

The benefit of a short course of systemic cephalosporin prophylaxis in vascular reconstructive surgery was subsequently confirmed in a number of other prospective, randomized trials. In 1983, Salzmann reported a trial of cefuroxime (a second-generation agent) and later cefotaxime (a third-generation agent) versus placebo in 300 patients undergoing aortofemoropopliteal reconstruction. The prophylaxis regimen was changed from cefuroxime to cefotaxime midway through the study because the latter was found to be more effective in vitro against the most common graft infection pathogens at the author's institution. Graft infection rates were 2.4% for the placebo group and 0.8% for the prophylaxis group. The incidence of wound infection was 15.1% in the placebo group and 3.0% in the prophylaxis group. No differences in infection rate were noted between the two antibiotics, and the author concluded that either agent could be used effectively in the prophylaxis of postoperative infection.

Addressing the question of duration of treatment for antibiotic prophylaxis, Hasselgren and colleagues compared 1- and 3-day courses of cefuroxime versus placebo in lower extremity arterial reconstruction. There was only one graft infection in this small cohort of 110 patients, and it occurred in the placebo group. The wound infection rate was 16.7% for patients receiving placebo, compared with 3.8% in the 1-day and 4.3% in the 3-day prophylaxis groups. The investigators recommended that prophylactic antibiotic therapy be limited to a short-term course.

Robbs and associates reported a trial of cloxacillin plus gentamicin versus cefotaxime in infrainguinal arterial reconstruction. This group had adopted a 48-hour course of cloxacillin plus gentamicin as their routine prophylaxis as a result of the predominance of S. aureus and gram-negative infections at their institution. Length of follow-up ranged from 6 to 20 months. The wound infection and graft infection rates for patients receiving cloxacillin plus gentamicin were 5.4% (7 of 129 wounds) and 1.5% (1 of 63 grafts), respectively. The rates for patients receiving cefotaxime were 6.3% (8 of 127 wounds) and 3.3% (2 of 61 grafts). The differences were not statistically significant. The authors concluded that the multiagent 2-day regimen conferred no advantage over the shorter, single-agent regimen.

Local Therapies

In 1980, Pitt and colleagues reported the results of a controlled study of cephradine prophylaxis in vascular procedures involving groin incisions in which topical, systemic, and topical plus systemic administration were compared. Of 205 patients, 52 had prosthetic grafts placed, whereas the remainder received vein grafts. Infection rates were equivalent in these two groups. Wound infection rates were 0% for those receiving topical administration alone and systemic administration alone, 5.9% for patients receiving both, and 24.5% for controls. No distinction was made between graft (Szilagyi class III) and isolated wound (Szilagyi classes I and II) infections. Minimum follow-up was 4 weeks, but the mean length of follow-up was not indicated. Patients in whom synthetic graft material was used did not experience a higher incidence of wound infection. The authors concluded that topical and systemic prophylaxes were equally efficacious and that combined prophylaxis was unnecessary. The follow-up interval in this study, however, was not long enough to make conclusive statements.

Mohammed and colleagues compared the effect of prophylactic intraoperative wound irrigation with vancomycin (along with systemic antibiotics) to use of systemic antibiotics alone in a retrospective analysis of 454 patients undergoing aortofemoral or infrainguinal vascular surgery. They noted that use of vancomycin irrigation resulted in reduced incidence of superficial infections, but did not reduce inguinal wound dehiscence or deep infections.

Use of a collagen implant impregnated with gentamicin sulfate for prophylaxis was studied retrospectively in 60 nondiabetic and nonobese patients undergoing infrainguinal prosthetic bypass procedures by Costa Almeida and colleagues. The results were promising in that the incidence of surgical site infection and the number of in-hospital days were reduced by the application of this implant when compared to the control group (0% vs. 20% for surgical site infection and mean of 5.66 days vs. 8.10 days for in-hospital days). In another review of current literature, the potential role of a gentamicin-containing collagen implant for prophylaxis was discussed. This approach may have a beneficial effect in prevention of infection in patients who are at a high risk for infection or who are undergoing high-risk procedures. Additional therapies described include the use of antibiotic-impregnated polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA; bone cement) beads with daptomycin, with or without the addition of tobramycin powder.

Pretreatment of vascular grafts with antibiotics and fibrin sealant has also been investigated in in vitro experiments. Use of antibiotics with fibrin allows delayed release of antibiotic and a potentially longer period of resistance to infection. In animal models using a vascular prosthesis, daptomycin has been seen to prevent staphylococcal biofilm formation. In the presence of rifampicin, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration of daptomycin are lower. Some authors have cautioned against relying solely on systemic antibiotic prophylaxis for vascular grafts because of emergence of resistant microbial strains. Consideration for antimicrobial silver grafts has been highlighted in this regard.

Hemodialysis Access

For hemodialysis access, the risk of infectious complications increases from arteriovenous fistulae (AVF) to arteriovenous grafts (AVGs) and central dialysis catheters. In patients with AVGs, most infections arise from inoculation due to skin flora or seeding from distant sites. Infections due to Staphylococcus have been noted to occur more commonly in carriers than noncarriers. With regard to reduction of AVG infections, two prophylactic measures may have some merit for consideration including reduction of nasal carriage of the pathogen in carriers and use of cryopreserved human femoral vein as an alternative to prosthetic graft.

Bennion and colleagues examined the utility of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with chronic renal insufficiency undergoing placement of a prosthetic arteriovenous shunt for hemodialysis. Patients were randomized to receive cefamandole or placebo just before placement of a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft, followed by two subsequent doses. The wound infection rate for the cefamandole group was 10.5% (2 of 19), with one graft (Szilagyi class III) infection. The wound infection rate in the placebo group was 42.1% (8 of 19), with three graft infections. This high rate of infection is not uncommon in renal failure patients, and the study emphasized the importance of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis.

A significant number of patients undergo minimally invasive percutaneous interventions aimed at maintenance of their dialysis access. Salman and colleagues recommended antibiotic prophylaxis in two particular situations in such patients: (1) peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter placement and (2) insertion of an accidentally extruded tunneled hemodialysis catheter (TDC). In their experience, patients who developed clinical infection after percutaneous interventions had other comorbidities such as diabetes or advanced HIV. For prophylaxis, they used cefazolin for extruded TDC patients and vancomycin for PD catheter insertion. Overall, the rates of infection were low with no patients developing infection after PD catheter placement, one after angioplasty (0.04%), and one after tunneled catheter placement (0.3%).

Tunneled central venous catheters can contribute to significant morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) due to catheter-related infections. The question of consideration of prophylactic antibiotics in these patients is therefore an important one. In a prospective study, 60 patients were randomized between two groups. The group that received prophylactic antibiotics (1 gram cefazolin) prior to catheter insertion had a lower incidence of catheter loss due to infection ( P < .05), catheter exit-site infections ( P < .05), and tunnel infections ( P < .05). In oncology patients, a Cochrane review in 2013 did not find any benefit to the administration of routine prophylactic antibiotics to prevent Gram-positive catheter-related infections for long-term central venous catheters.

Major Limb Amputation

McIntosh and colleagues conducted a review of literature to study the role of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients undergoing major limb amputations. They concluded that use of prophylactic antibiotics reduced rates of stump infection and even reamputation. The agent used for prophylaxis did not appear to affect outcomes. Sadat and colleagues evaluated outcomes after major lower limb amputation in relation to the duration of antibiotic prophylaxis received. Their results showed lower wound infection, hospital length of stay, and revision rate for the amputation in patients who received 5 days of antibiotic prophylaxis.

Arterial Closure Devices

Very low infection rates have been reported in the literature for patients undergoing angiography and angioplasty followed by deployment of arterial closure devices. A meta-analysis reviewed the incidence of infection in patients undergoing endovascular aortic repair involving use of vascular closure devices at access sites. Jaffan and colleagues reported a meta-analysis of closure device–related infections. They found no statistical difference in the rate of infection between patients who received antibiotic prophylaxis and those who did not. Based on these findings, the use of prophylactic antibiotics is not recommended. Conditions that increase the risk of infectious complications after arterial closure device use include obesity, diabetes, and use of a closure device within the last 6 months.

Angiography, Inferior Vena Cava Filter

In general, aseptic technique appears to be more important than antibiotic prophylaxis in angiographic procedures. Factors that increase the risk of infection in such procedures include repeated puncture or repeated catheterization of a sheath that is already in place or repeated intervention within 7 days if an endovascular stent is involved. Routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis before placement of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is currently not recommended. A fresh venous access site instead of a pre-existing conduit such as a central venous catheter is, however, recommended for the placement of IVC filters.

Lower Extremity Superficial Venous Insufficiency Treatment

There is currently insufficient evidence in the literature to support the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics in procedures for lower extremity superficial venous insufficiency treatment such as varicose vein phlebectomy, endovascular thermal ablation, and sclerotherapy. Again, more emphasis is placed on use of aseptic technique.

Autologous Vein Graft Reconstruction of Lower Extremity

A recent retrospective study from the Netherlands specifically included patients undergoing lower extremity arterial bypass using vein grafts between 2004 and 2012. One group received single-dose antibiotic prophylaxis, whereas the second group did not receive prophylaxis. The incidence of surgical site infections between the two groups was greater than 20% and not statistically significant.

Comparisons of Antibiotic Regimens

Because it has become evident that a short course of a cephalosporin antibiotic is the ideal prophylaxis for vascular reconstructive procedures, several studies have focused on whether the most widely used cephalosporin, cefazolin, is the best choice. A large number of graft infections, particularly in abdominal grafts, are due to gram-negative rods. A theoretical disadvantage of first-generation cephalosporins such as cefazolin is that they are more vulnerable to gram-negative beta-lactamase than are second- and third-generation agents. Gram-negative activity is thus limited to E. coli, Proteus species, and Klebsiella species, and many hospital-acquired strains of these organisms are cefazolin resistant. It has also been demonstrated that other cephalosporins, such as the second-generation agent cefamandole, have greater in vitro activity against coagulase-negative staphylococci, which have been found to colonize the native arterial wall in a large number of patients. It is clear from previous studies by Salzmann, Hasselgren and colleagues, and Robbs and colleagues that second- and third-generation cephalosporins can be used effectively in vascular surgery prophylaxis.

In 1989, Lalka and colleagues examined this issue in a prospective study of arterial wall microbiology and antibiotic penetration. Forty-seven patients undergoing aortofemoropopliteal reconstruction were randomized to receive perioperative cefazolin or cefamandole, 1 g every 6 hours for nine doses. Serial samples of serum, subcutaneous fat, thrombus, atheroma, and arterial wall were obtained for culture and assay of drug levels by high-performance liquid chromatography. Serum and tissue levels of cefazolin were significantly higher than those of cefamandole at almost all time points. Positive arterial wall cultures were obtained in 41.4% of patients, and 68.8% of bacterial isolates were coagulase-negative staphylococci (half of these were slime producers). At times, the arterial wall concentration of both antibiotics fell below the geometric mean minimal inhibitory concentration for all organisms combined, but this occurred significantly more often with cefamandole. The investigators concluded that both antibiotics needed to be administered in larger doses (cefazolin, 1.5 g every 4 hours; cefamandole, 2 g every 3 hours) and that the antibiotics were essentially equal in efficacy if administered appropriately. This study corroborated the findings of Mutch and colleagues, who noted that serum antibiotic levels did not correlate well with aortic tissue concentrations of bioactive antibiotic, and it suggested that arterial tissue levels rather than serum levels should be the standard for comparison of antibiotic efficacy.

Edwards and colleagues reported a prospective trial of cefazolin versus the more β-lactamase–stable second-generation cephalosporin cefuroxime in patients undergoing aortic and peripheral vascular reconstruction. Prior studies had suggested that some failures of cefazolin prophylaxis were due to this agent's susceptibility to staphylococcal β-lactamase and that other cephalosporins might provide better protection in cardiac surgery. Antibiotics were administered just before surgery, redosed intraoperatively, and continued every 6 hours postoperatively for 24 hours. Dosage and administration schedules were based on a prior pharmacokinetic study. The infection rate in the cefazolin group was 1% (3 of 287), versus 2.6% (7 of 272) in the cefuroxime group. This difference was not statistically significant. Cefuroxime exhibited lower trough concentrations than did cefazolin, and the length of the operative procedure was found to be a risk factor for infection only in the cefuroxime group. The investigators concluded that despite its lower resistance to β-lactamase, cefazolin provides better perioperative prophylaxis because of its greater antistaphylococcal potency and superior pharmacokinetic profile. Data from this and other studies suggest that intraoperative redosing of cefazolin should be more frequent in prolonged procedures than in routine therapeutic administration—that is, every 4 hours rather than every 6 hours.

A study done in Sweden evaluated an antibiotic regimen for prophylaxis in patients undergoing vascular surgery involving groin incisions ( n = 219). One group received cloxacillin for antimicrobial prophylaxis, whereas the second group received trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX). This study failed to show a difference in the incidence of surgical site infections between the two groups.

Current Status of Antibiotic Prophylaxis

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