Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature Patients


Mid-substance anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the skeletally immature athlete are being recognized with increasing frequency. ACL injury has been reported in 10% to 65% of pediatric knee injuries with acute hemarthroses. This increased incidence is largely attributed to changes in the activity patterns of young athletes. Participation in sports is on the rise, with young athletes training year-round and specializing at earlier ages. Increased demand for peak performance at an age of major physiologic change and neuromuscular deficits may also contribute to an increase in ACL injuries in young athletes.

Ongoing debate regarding the optimal treatment for ACL injuries in children has not resulted in a clear consensus for initial nonoperative treatment or operative reconstruction. The age and relative skeletal maturity of the child influence management. Although nonoperative treatment avoids iatrogenic injury to open physes, the current literature supports the trend toward early operative treatment to restore knee stability and prevent meniscal and chondral damage that is irreversible.

The optimal surgical approach to ACL reconstruction in this age group also continues to be debated. The concern regarding iatrogenic growth disturbance in children prevents the routine use of anatomic ACL reconstruction that has proved successful in adults. The armamentarium of operative techniques for treating ACL injuries in skeletally immature patients has expanded over the past decade. Alternative surgical treatment options include primary repair, extraarticular reconstruction, and all-epiphyseal and transphyseal intraar­ticular reconstruction. Although these injuries are occurring with increasing frequency, long-term studies to help guide optimal management approach are still lacking.


Critical Points

  • Historically, recommendations for nonsurgical treatment were based on concerns about physeal injury.

  • A majority of active patients who are treated nonsurgically are unable to return to sports, develop symptomatic instability, sustain meniscal tears, and experience long-term sequelae of articular cartilage damage.

  • If instability persists, the permanent sequelae of nonoperative treatment can be more difficult to manage than growth plate injury.

Historical recommendations for nonsurgical management of ACL insufficiency in the skeletally immature patient were based primarily on the concern for complications related to physeal injury. However, the majority of active patients treated nonsurgically were unable to return to sports, developed symptomatic instability, sustained meniscal tears, and experienced long-term sequelae of articular cartilage damage. Unfortunately, the options for the young patient who develops traumatic osteoarthritis are very limited. Therefore, instability (giving-way) must be controlled. If activity modification can successfully eliminate episodes of instability, nonoperative treatment is an option. If instability persists, the permanent sequelae of nonoperative treatment are seemingly more difficult to deal with than physeal injury.

Graf and associates reported poor results at 15 months after ACL injury, with new meniscal tears and episodes of instability in seven of eight skeletally immature patients who did not undergo reconstruction. Similarly, in a series of 18 skeletally immature patients examined an average of 51 months after complete ACL tear, Mizuta and colleagues found that all patients had symptoms, 6 had meniscal tears, and 11 had developed radiographic changes. McCarroll and associates reported superior results with surgical management of complete ACL tears in prepubescent and junior high school patients compared with patients receiving conservative treatment. Of 16 prepubescent patients treated nonoperatively, 9 stopped all sports participation, 4 sustained at least one reinjury, and only 3 were able to return to sport. In their study of a separate group of 75 junior high school athletes with mid-substance tears, McCarroll and colleagues reported that 37 of 38 patients who were initially treated nonoperatively had instability and 27 (71%) developed meniscal tears. Overall, 92% (55 of 60) of those treated with reconstruction were able to return to play. Prolonged delay between injury and reconstruction has been associated with irreparable meniscal injury. Lawrence and colleagues reported on a cohort of 29 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction more than 12 weeks from the time of injury. There was a significant association between time to reconstruction and severity of both chondral lesions and medial meniscal tears. Henry and colleagues compared two treatment strategies for the management of ACL rupture in skeletally immature patients. Group 1 patients were treated at a children's hospital with physeal-sparing reconstruction. Group 2 participants underwent delayed reconstruction at an adult hospital once skeletally mature. Patients in group 2 had a higher rate of medial meniscal tears (41% vs 16%) and a higher rate of meniscectomy.

In a recent metaanalysis of nonoperative versus operative treatment, Ramski and colleagues revealed multiple trends that favored early surgical stabilization over nonoperative or delayed treatment. Patients treated nonoperatively or with delayed reconstruction experienced more instability and inability to return to previous activity levels.

Similarly, in a systematic review of 48 studies that included both surgical and conservative treatment of complete ACL tears in immature individuals, Vavken and Murray found that conservative treatment resulted in poor clinical outcomes as well as a high incidence of secondary meniscal and chondral injuries. They concluded that surgical stabilization should be considered the preferred treatment.


Nonoperative treatment is contraindicated in patients with giving-way episodes that produce meniscal tears or articular cartilage damage. If surgical intervention is chosen, the patellar tendon autograft should not be harvested in a skeletally immature individual, because it violates the proximal tibial apophysis and may result in tibial recurvatum. The placement of bone blocks into tunnels drilled across the femoral or tibial physis reliably causes growth arrest and must be avoided. Similarly, disruption of the periosteum surrounding a growth plate (perichondrial ring) can alter growth. In the pubescent patient in whom a final growth spurt is anticipated, a soft tissue graft can be used.

Clinical reports of growth disturbance following ACL reconstruction in the skeletally immature athlete are rare. A survey of the Herodicus Society noted 15 cases of growth disturbance. Associated risk factors included fixation hardware across the physis, large tunnels (≥12 mm), lateral extraarticular tenodesis, dissection in proximity to the perichondrial ring of LaCroix, and suturing near the tibial tubercle. Yoo and associates reported a retrospective review of 43 patients who underwent transphyseal reconstruction of the ACL using a soft tissue graft with postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a mean of 16 months. A focal bone bridge was observed in five patients, four involving the tibial physis and one at the femoral physis. Despite this, physeal angles did not change significantly during follow-up in either the coronal or sagittal plane. The risk of physeal arrest following trauma with fractures involving the distal femoral and proximal tibial growth plates is much higher (30%-50%). If parents are unwilling to accept the risk of growth plate injury to their child, reconstruction should be delayed until the physes are closed.

Clinical Evaluation


Critical Points
Clinical Evaluation

  • The most important component of diagnosing pediatric knee injuries is the physical examination.

  • MRI can assist in detection of anterior cruciate ligament tears, as well as associated meniscal pathology and chondral injury. However, MRI does not quantify abnormal translation or rotation.

  • An examination of the contralateral knee and generalized laxity is essential.

A tear of the ACL can result from a direct impact to the knee, but more commonly it is the result of a noncontact twisting or landing injury. The timing of injury, either acute or chronic, and any prior knee injury should be noted. Knee effusion, pain, and ability to bear weight are important factors in diagnosing an ACL tear. An audible pop heard at the time of injury may be reported. An acute hemarthrosis, particularly in the first 6 to 12 hours after injury, should raise concern for ACL injury. Stanitski and coworkers found that 47% of preadolescents with a knee effusion had an ACL injury. Acute patellar dislocations may present with a similar mechanism and symptoms. Children with congenital limb deficiencies, such as tibial and fibular hemimelia, congenital short femur, or proximal femoral focal deficiencies, are a subset of patients with ACL insufficiency. These children may develop knee instability at a much younger age and without any history of trauma to the knee. These cases are more complex and must be evaluated on an individual basis.

Risk Factors for Injury

Notch volume.

Prior studies have demonstrated a correlation between femoral intercondylar notch stenosis and ACL injuries in collegiate athletes. In a recent study, Swami and associates used MRI to compare notch volumes in skeletally immature patients with or without a torn ACL ligament. Their study results showed that notch volumes were significantly lower in knees with ACL tears than in control knees. Notch volumes were also significantly smaller in girls than in boys. A decrease in notch volume implies a smaller ACL that has decreased strength on a congenital basis.

Landing mechanics.

Existing studies have demonstrated that frontal knee motions and torques are strong predictors of noncontact ACL injury risk in female athletes. Video analysis studies also indicate a frontal plane “valgus collapse” mechanism of injury in females. Females have typically been found to land with greater peak knee abduction angles compared with males. Because the load-sharing among the knee ligaments is complex, coronal as well as sagittal plane loading mechanisms likely contribute to noncontact ACL injury. Risk factors are discussed in detail in Chapter 13 .

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