Anesthesiology Principles, Pain Management, and Conscious Sedation

The history of anesthesiology began only a little more than 150 years ago with the administration of the first ether anesthetic. Throughout much of the subsequent history, the risk of anesthesia-related mortality and morbidity was unacceptably high as a consequence of primitive equipment, complication-prone drugs, and lack of adequate monitors. However, during the past four decades, rapid technological and pharmacologic progress has resulted in the ability to provide anesthesia safely for complex surgical procedures, even in patients with severe underlying disease.

The most notable advances in anesthesia equipment have been the development of anesthetic machines that reduce the possibility of providing hypoxic gas mixtures, vaporizers that provide accurate doses of potent inhalational agents, advanced airway devices that facilitate ventilation in difficult airway scenarios, and intraoperative anesthesia ventilators that provide more precise and sophisticated respiratory support. Pharmacologic advances have generally consisted of shorter-acting drugs with fewer important side effects. However, the greatest advances have been in monitoring devices. These include in-circuit oxygen analyzers, capnometers to assess the presence of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), pulse oximeters, and anesthetic vapor–specific analyzers. Although these monitors do not guarantee a successful outcome, they markedly increase its probability. Advances in ultrasound have facilitated safe and effective execution of peripheral nerve blocks, central venous access, and hemodynamic monitoring. This chapter sets the stage for discussing anesthetic management by reviewing the unique aspects of the anesthetic environment: the drugs, equipment, and monitors that are the basis for safe practice. Subsequent sections address preanesthetic assessment and preparation for anesthesia, selection of anesthetic techniques and drugs, airway management, conscious sedation, postanesthetic care, and management of acute postoperative pain.

Pharmacologic Principles

The initial practice of anesthesiology used single drugs such as ether or chloroform to abolish consciousness, prevent movement during surgery, ensure amnesia, and provide analgesia. In contrast, current anesthesia practice combines multiple agents, often including regional techniques, to achieve specific end points. Although inhalational agents remain at the core of modern anesthetic combinations, intravenous (IV) anesthetics, especially propofol, are gaining prominence. Most anesthesiologists initiate anesthesia with IV induction agents and then maintain anesthesia with inhalational or IV agents supplemented by adjuncts such as opioids, ketamine, lidocaine, and muscle relaxants. Benzodiazepines are often added to induce anxiolysis and amnesia. In many cases, total IV anesthesia is desirable and is executed through administration of anesthetics such as propofol in combination with opioids and other adjuncts.

Inhalational Agents

The original inhalational anesthetics—ether, nitrous oxide, and chloroform—had important limitations. Ether was characterized by notoriously slow induction and equally delayed emergence but could produce unconsciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and lack of movement without the addition of other agents. In contrast, both induction and emergence were rapid with nitrous oxide, but the agent lacked sufficient potency to be used alone. Nevertheless, nitrous oxide is still used in combination with other agents in modern practice. Chloroform was associated with hepatic toxicity and, occasionally, fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

Subsequent drug development emphasized inhalational agents that facilitate rapid induction and emergence and are nontoxic. Such drugs include isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. Although halothane and enflurane were also commonly used in the past, the use of both agents has decreased dramatically during the last 5 to 10 years. The important aspects of each volatile anesthetic can be summarized in terms of key clinical attributes ( Table 14.1 ). Two of the most important characteristics of inhalational anesthetics are the blood/gas solubility coefficient and the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC). The blood/gas solubility coefficient is a measure of the uptake of an agent by blood. In general, less soluble agents (lower blood/gas solubility coefficients), such as nitrous oxide and desflurane, are associated with more rapid induction of and emergence from anesthesia, whereas induction and emergence are slower with agents having high solubility in blood, such as halothane. Isoflurane and sevoflurane have intermediate rates of induction and emergence. MAC is the concentration of volatile agent required to prevent movement in response to a skin incision in 50% of patients and is a way of describing the potency of a volatile anesthetic. A higher MAC represents a less potent volatile anesthetic. Among modern volatile agents, halothane is the most potent, with a MAC of 0.75%, while desflurane has a MAC of 6% and is the least potent of the hydrocarbon-based volatile agents. Nitrous oxide has a MAC of 104% at sea level, meaning that nitrous oxide alone is generally not suitable for maintenance of general anesthesia. The pungency of anesthetic agents also has practical implications. Agents with low pungency, such as halothane and sevoflurane, do not cause significant airway irritation when delivered at commonly used concentrations and are useful for inhalation induction of anesthesia. Desflurane is highly irritating to the airways and is not useful for inhalation induction under most conditions.

Table 14.1
Important characteristics of inhalational agents.
Anesthetic Potency Speed of Induction and Emergence Suitability for Inhalational Induction Sensitization to Catecholamines Metabolized (%)
Nitrous oxide Weak Fast Insufficient alone None Minimal
Diethyl ether Potent Very slow Suitable None 10
Halothane Potent Medium Suitable High 20+
Enflurane Potent Medium Not suitable Medium <10
Isoflurane Potent Medium Not suitable Minimal <2
Sevoflurane Potent Rapid Suitable Minimal <5
Desflurane Potent Rapid Not suitable Minimal 0.02

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide provides only partial anesthesia at atmospheric pressure because its MAC is 104% of inspired gas at sea level. Nitrous oxide minimally influences respiration and hemodynamics. In addition, it has low solubility in blood. Therefore, it is often combined with one of the potent volatile agents to permit a lower dose of the potent volatile agent, thus limiting side effects, reducing cost, and facilitating rapid induction and emergence. The most important clinical problem with nitrous oxide is that it is 30 times more soluble than nitrogen and diffuses into closed gas spaces faster than nitrogen diffuses out, thus increasing gas volume and pressure within the closed space. Because of this characteristic, nitrous oxide is contraindicated in the presence of closed gas spaces such as pneumothorax, small bowel obstruction, or middle ear surgery, as well as in retinal surgery in which an intraocular gas bubble is created. Because nitrous oxide gradually accumulates in the pneumoperitoneum, some clinicians prefer to avoid its use during laparoscopic procedures. However, periodic venting can prevent gas accumulation.

The Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide in the Gas Mixture for Anaesthesia (ENIGMA) Trial, reported in 2007, indicated that patients having major surgical procedures lasting more than 2 hours had a higher incidence of postoperative complications and severe postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) if they received 70% nitrous oxide as part of their anesthetic regimen compared to patients randomized to not receive nitrous oxide. However, the more recent ENIGMA II Trial, published in 2014, reported that use of nitrous oxide was not associated with an increased incidence of death, cardiovascular complications, or wound infection in high-risk surgical patients. Although the incidence of severe PONV was higher (15% vs. 11%) in patients receiving nitrous oxide compared to controls, the occurrence of PONV in the nitrous oxide group was effectively controlled by antiemetic prophylaxis. A one-year follow-up of ENIGMA II patients did not show an increase in long-term morbidity and mortality with nitrous oxide administration.


Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1979, isoflurane rapidly replaced halothane as the most commonly used potent inhalational agent. Despite the recent release of sevoflurane and desflurane, isoflurane remains commonly used in modern operating rooms, in part because the cost of the now-generic compound is well below that of the newer agents. Isoflurane has several advantages over halothane, including less reduction in cardiac output, less sensitization to the arrhythmogenic effects of catecholamines, and minimal metabolism ( Tables 14.1 and 14.2 ). However, isoflurane-induced tachycardia, a variable response, can increase myocardial oxygen consumption. Careful observation and management of the heart rate are necessary when it is used in patients with coronary artery disease. In concentrations of 1.0 MAC or less, isoflurane causes little increase in cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure (ICP) and depresses cerebral metabolic activity more than halothane or enflurane does. Its pungent odor virtually precludes use for inhalational induction.

Table 14.2
Cardiopulmonary effects of inhalational anesthetics.
Inhalational Agent Blood Pressure Heart Rate Cardiac Output Sensitization to Catecholamines Ventilatory Depression BronchodilatATion
Nitrous oxide Little effect Little effect Little effect No Minimal No
Halothane Marked dose-dependent decrease Moderate decrease Marked dose-dependent decrease Marked Moderate dose-dependent effect Moderate
Enflurane Marked dose-dependent decrease Moderate decrease Moderate dose-dependent decrease Moderate Marked dose-dependent effect Minimal
Isoflurane Moderate dose-dependent decrease Variable increase Minimal decrease Minimal Marked dose-dependent effect Moderate
Sevoflurane Moderate dose-dependent decrease Little effect Moderate dose-dependent decrease Minimal Moderate dose-dependent effect Moderate
Desflurane Minimal decrease Variable; marked increase with rapid increase in concentration Minimal decrease Minimal Marked dose-dependent effect Moderate


Sevoflurane’s relatively low blood solubility facilitates rapid induction and relatively rapid emergence. Sevoflurane is associated with faster emergence than isoflurane is, especially in longer cases, although its slightly faster emergence does not result in earlier discharge after outpatient surgery. Sevoflurane is associated with a lower incidence of postoperative somnolence and nausea in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) and in the first 24 hours after discharge than isoflurane is. Unlike isoflurane, sevoflurane is pleasant to inhale, thus making it suitable for inhalational induction in children. However, the clinical differences between halothane and sevoflurane are subtle. In premedicated pediatric patients undergoing bilateral myringotomy and tube placement and randomized to receive sevoflurane or halothane, anesthesiologists correctly identified the agent (to which they were blinded) in only 56.6% of cases.

Sevoflurane is clinically suitable for outpatient surgery, mask induction of patients with potentially difficult airways, and maintenance of patients with bronchospastic disease. When sevoflurane, halothane, and isoflurane were compared, all three of the potent agents decreased respiratory resistance in endotracheally intubated nonasthmatics; sevoflurane reduced airway resistance more than halothane or isoflurane did. Another advantage of sevoflurane is that its cardiovascular side effects are minimal.

Considerable metabolic transformation of sevoflurane takes place and results in increases in the serum fluoride ion concentration and, in the presence of soda lime or Baralyme, production of compound A, a metabolite that is nephrotoxic in experimental animals. However, β-lyase, the enzyme responsible for the formation of compound A, has 8 to 30 times greater activity in rat kidney tissue than in human kidney tissue. Therefore, the toxicity of compound A in humans appears to be theoretical and not clinically important.


Desflurane is rapidly taken up and eliminated. After anesthesia lasting more than 3 hours, desflurane was associated with more rapid recovery than isoflurane was. The most volatile and least potent of the volatile anesthetics, desflurane must be administered through specialized electrically heated vaporizers. Its pungent odor precludes inhalational induction. In addition, desflurane is associated with tachycardia and hypertension if the inspired concentration is increased too rapidly.

When exposed to dry CO 2 absorbent, desflurane, isoflurane, and enflurane are partially converted to carbon monoxide. Desflurane, enflurane, and isoflurane produce more carbon monoxide than halothane or sevoflurane does. Carbon monoxide production is greater with dry CO 2 absorbent, with Baralyme than with soda lime, at higher temperatures, and at higher anesthetic concentrations. Because continued gas flow in an unused machine will desiccate the CO 2 absorbent, turning gas flow off in anesthesia machines when they are not in use can reduce carbon monoxide production.


Since the introduction of thiopental, IV agents have become an indispensable component of modern anesthetic practice. IV agents are used primarily for induction of anesthesia and as part of a multidrug combination to produce total IV anesthesia.

Induction Agents

For most adult patients and many older children, IV induction is preferable to inhalational induction. IV induction is rapid, pleasant, and safe for the vast majority of patients; however, there are situations in which IV induction introduces hazards. Although several agents can be used for IV induction of anesthesia, propofol is the most widely used agent in the United States. Other agents include sodium thiopental, ketamine, methohexital, etomidate, and midazolam ( Table 14.3 ).

Table 14.3
Clinical characteristics of intravenous induction agents.
Intravenous Induction Agent Dose mg/kg Comments Side Effects Situations Requiring Caution Relative Indications
Thiopental 2–5 Inexpensive; slow emergence after high doses Hypotension Hypovolemia; compromised cardiac function Suitable for induction in many patients
Ketamine 1–2 Psychotropic side effects controllable with benzodiazepines; good bronchodilator; potent analgesic at subinduction doses Hypertension; tachycardia Coronary disease; severe hypovolemia Rapid-sequence induction of asthmatics; patients in shock (reduced doses)
Propofol 1–2 Burns on injection; good bronchodilator; associated with low incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting Hypotension Coronary artery disease; hypovolemia Induction of outpatients; induction of asthmatics
Etomidate 0.1–0.3 Cardiovascularly stable;burns on injection; spontaneous movement during induction Adrenal suppression (with continuous infusion) Hypovolemia Induction of patients with cardiac contractile dysfunction; induction of patients in shock (reduced doses)
Midazolam 0.15–0.3 Relatively stable hemodynamics; potent amnesia Synergistic ventila-tory depression with opioids Hypovolemia Induction of patients with cardiac contractile dysfunction (usually in combination with opioids)

Propofol is a short-acting induction agent that is associated with smooth, nausea-free emergence. Small doses are also useful for short-term sedation during brief procedures such as retrobulbar or peribulbar eye blocks, and propofol is commonly used as a continuous infusion during total IV anesthesia and for sedation during less invasive procedures such as gastrointestinal endoscopy. The primary limitations of propofol are pain on injection and blood pressure reduction. Thus propofol should be used with caution in patients who may be hypovolemic or who may tolerate hypotension poorly, such as those with severe coronary artery disease.

Propofol produces excellent bronchodilatation. In asthmatic patients, 0% of those who received propofol wheezed at 2 or 5 minutes after intubation versus 45% of those who received a thiobarbiturate and 26% of those who received an oxybarbiturate. In nonasthmatic patients, three quarters of whom smoked, airway resistance was less after induction with propofol than after induction with thiopental or etomidate. Evidence indicates that the bronchodilatory effects of propofol and ketamine are mediated through blockade of vagus nerve–mediated cholinergic bronchoconstriction.

Ketamine, which produces a dissociative state of anesthesia, is the only IV induction agent that increases blood pressure and heart rate and decreases bronchomotor tone. Usually associated with increased sympathetic tone, ketamine causes direct cardiac depression that may become evident if given to patients with high preanesthetic sympathetic tone, as in patients in hemorrhagic shock. In markedly reduced doses (15%–20% of the usual induction dose), ketamine is an appropriate choice for IV induction of severely hypovolemic patients in whom it causes the least fall in blood pressure of any of the induction agents. Ketamine is an appropriate agent for IV induction of asthmatic patients because it reduces the increase in bronchomotor tone associated with endotracheal intubation. Among the IV induction agents, ketamine also causes the least amount of ventilatory depression and loss of airway reflexes. However, because of the induction of copious oropharyngeal secretions, a drying agent such as glycopyrrolate is generally administered with ketamine.

Ketamine can be used as the sole anesthetic for brief, superficial procedures because it produces profound amnesia and somatic analgesia. It is less useful, however, for abdominal cases or delicate surgery because it produces no muscular relaxation, does not control visceral pain, and may not completely control patient movement. The potent pain-relieving effects of ketamine have been exploited for preemptive analgesia. In patients in whom ketamine was infused continuously before incision and continued through wound closure, postoperative morphine consumption was significantly lower on postoperative days 1 and 2 than in patients who did not receive ketamine.

In patients with coronary artery disease, ketamine is usually avoided because tachycardia and increased blood pressure may cause myocardial ischemia. In patients with increased ICP (e.g., after traumatic brain injury), ketamine may further increase ICP because it is the only IV agent that increases cerebral blood flow. Another clinically important side effect of ketamine is emergence delirium. In adults and older children, supplemental benzodiazepines or volatile agents are generally effective in preventing emergence delirium.

Etomidate is an imidazole compound that produces minimal hemodynamic changes. Because it preserves blood pressure in most patients, etomidate is often chosen as an alternative for induction of patients with cardiovascular disease or severe hypovolemia. Major drawbacks include burning pain on injection, abnormal muscular movements (myoclonus), and adrenal suppression when given as a prolonged infusion for sedation of critically ill patients.

Induction with thiopental, the oldest IV induction agent, is rapid and pleasant. Although the drug is remarkably well tolerated by a wide variety of patients, it is not commonly used in modern anesthetic practice and several clinical situations necessitate caution ( Table 14.3 ). In hypovolemic patients and those with congestive heart failure, thiopental-induced vasodilatation and cardiac depression can lead to severe hypotension unless doses are markedly reduced. In such patients, etomidate or ketamine is an alternative agent. Although thiopental does not directly precipitate bronchospasm, bronchospasm may develop in patients with reactive airway disease in response to the intense airway stimulation produced by endotracheal intubation. Consequently, propofol or ketamine is often chosen as an alternative for induction in patients with reactive airway disease. In the usual doses used for induction of anesthesia, thiopental is associated with rapid emergence because of redistribution of the agent from the brain to peripheral tissues, particularly fat. In higher doses, circulating blood levels increase and the action of thiopental must be terminated by hepatic metabolism, which eliminates only about 10% per hour.

Midazolam is sometimes used for induction because it usually causes minimal cardiovascular side effects and has a much shorter duration of action than diazepam does. Its onset of action is acceptably rapid and, even in smaller doses, induces profound amnesia for painful or anxiety-producing events. Midazolam is frequently selected for induction of patients for cardiovascular surgery. Because midazolam combines powerful anxiolytic and amnesic effects, smaller doses also are commonly used to premedicate anxious patients and as a component of a multidrug anesthetic.


Opioids are used in the majority of patients undergoing general anesthesia and are given systemically to a large proportion of patients receiving regional or local anesthesia. As a component of a multifaceted anesthetic, opioids produce profound analgesia and minimal cardiac depression. Their disadvantages include ventilatory depression and inconsistent hypnosis and amnesia, which must usually be provided by other agents.

Several reasons explain the popularity of opioids in anesthetic management. First, they reduce the MAC of potent inhalational agents. For example, fentanyl (3 ng/mL plasma concentration) decreased the MAC of sevoflurane by 59% and reduced MAC awake (the alveolar concentration at which an emerging patient responds to commands) by 24%. Second, they blunt the hypertension and tachycardia associated with manipulations such as endotracheal intubation and surgical incision. Third, they provide analgesia that extends through the early postemergence interval and facilitates smoother awakening from anesthesia. Fourth, in doses 10 to 20 times the analgesic dose, opioids act as complete anesthetics in a high proportion of patients by providing not only analgesia but also hypnosis and amnesia. This characteristic has prompted their use in cardiac surgery patients, sometimes as sole anesthetic agents and more often as a major component of a multimodal anesthetic. Finally, they are now often added to local anesthetic solutions in epidural and intrathecal blocks to improve the quality of analgesia.

Morphine, hydromorphone, and meperidine are inexpensive, intermediate-acting agents that are less commonly used for maintenance of anesthesia than for postoperative analgesia. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 100 to 150 times more potent than morphine, is commonly used for maintenance of anesthesia because of its shorter duration of action and rapid onset. Newer synthetic, short-acting opioids, including sufentanil and alfentanil, are also used during anesthesia because they are quickly metabolized and excreted. Remifentanil, an opioid metabolized by serum esterases, is particularly short acting. Remifentanil does not accumulate during prolonged infusions and is therefore often used as part of IV anesthetics. Methadone is a long-acting opioid that is not only a potent μ-opioid receptor agonist but also interacts with N -methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and alters the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. A recent study comparing intraoperative methadone to hydromorphone in patients undergoing posterior spinal fusion showed that methadone administration decreased postoperative opioid requirements, decreased pain scores, and improved patient satisfaction with pain management.

Neuromuscular Blockers

Fifty years ago, anesthesia was typically conducted with single potent inhalational agents that produced all the components of general anesthesia, including the degree of muscle relaxation that was necessary for the conduct of surgery. Among the drawbacks of this approach was the fact that the depth of anesthesia necessary to produce profound muscle relaxation was much deeper than that necessary to provide hypnosis and amnesia. The addition of muscle relaxants afforded the opportunity to deliver only enough of the inhalational and IV agents to achieve hypnosis, amnesia, and analgesia while still providing satisfactory operating conditions.

The two categories of neuromuscular blockers in clinical use are depolarizing (noncompetitive) and nondepolarizing (competitive) agents. The depolarizing agents exert agonistic effects at the cholinergic receptors of the neuromuscular junction, initially causing contractions evident as fasciculations followed by an interval of profound relaxation. The nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers compete for receptor sites with acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction, with the magnitude of block dependent on the availability of acetylcholine, the concentration of neuromuscular blocker in the neuromuscular junction, and the affinity of the agent for the receptor.

Succinylcholine, the only depolarizing agent still in clinical use, remains popular for endotracheal intubation because of its rapid onset and short duration of action. However, it is associated with serious hazards, including hyperkalemia and malignant hyperthermia, in a small proportion of patients. The drug can be administered in a relatively high dose for intubation because it is rapidly metabolized by plasma pseudocholinesterase, except in a small fraction of patients with atypical or absent pseudocholinesterase. At high doses, onset of muscle relaxation is rapid (60–90 seconds), which facilitates rapid intubation in patients at risk for aspiration. Because its duration of action is only 5 minutes, a patient who cannot be successfully intubated can be ventilated by mask for a short time until spontaneous respiration resumes. However, a patient who cannot be ventilated by mask after succinylcholine administration will likely not resume spontaneous breathing before the onset of life-threatening hypoxemia.

The side effects of succinylcholine include bradycardia, especially in children, and severe, life-threatening hyperkalemia in patients with burns, paraplegia, quadriplegia, and massive trauma. Succinylcholine, alone or when combined with a volatile agent, is also implicated in triggering malignant hyperthermia in susceptible individuals. Therefore, it is best avoided in patients at risk for malignant hyperthermia, including those with muscular dystrophy or a family history of malignant hyperthermia. Some anesthesiologists avoid succinylcholine in children because masseter spasm is a common occurrence that may presage malignant hyperthermia, but it is usually a benign effect. Because succinylcholine is a depolarizing agent that causes visible muscle fasciculations, it has been implicated in causing postoperative muscle pain, which can be reduced by pretreatment with a small, precurarizing dose of a nondepolarizing agent. As a result of the multiple sporadic problems associated with the use of succinylcholine, some anesthesiologists now reserve its use only for situations in which an airway must be rapidly secured (i.e., rapid-sequence induction). In other situations, nondepolarizing agents, chosen largely on the basis of their mode of excretion and duration of action, are preferable. For instance, cisatracurium is largely metabolized in serum by Hoffman degradation and is suitable for patients with reduced renal function in whom pancuronium and vecuronium would be unsuitable because they are partially eliminated by the kidneys.

Nondepolarizing relaxants are used when succinylcholine is contraindicated as an alternative to succinylcholine for patients in whom easy endotracheal intubation is anticipated and when intraoperative relaxation is required to facilitate surgical exposure. Knowledge of the side effects of individual agents (often related to vagolysis or release of histamine) and routes of metabolism plays a major role in the selection of specific agents for individual cases. Doses required to provide satisfactory operating conditions are summarized in Table 14.4 . Dosing of nondepolarizing agents requires knowledge of several important characteristics. First, the use of neuromuscular blockers prevents movement in response to noxious stimuli. Therefore, chemical paralysis can mask the signs of inadequate anesthesia (or sedation or analgesia in postoperative patients). Medicolegal claims of intraoperative awareness during general anesthesia were more than twice as frequent in patients receiving intraoperative muscle relaxants. Second, higher doses are required to provide satisfactory conditions for intubation than for surgical relaxation. Therefore, if a nondepolarizer is used only after intubation, smaller doses are required. Third, other anesthetic drugs potentiate the actions of nondepolarizing agents. Succinylcholine used for intubation decreases subsequent requirements for nondepolarizers. Potent inhalational agents dose-dependently potentiate the effects of competitive neuromuscular blockers. The newer inhalational agent desflurane potentiates the effects of vecuronium approximately 20% more than isoflurane does. Fourth, individual responses to muscle relaxants vary widely, with patients demonstrating both markedly increased and markedly decreased neuromuscular blockade in comparison to expected levels.

Table 14.4
Dose-response relationships of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs in humans.
  • Data are mean (95% confidence limits). Somewhat larger doses are required to facilitate endotracheal intubation.

  • Modified from Naguib M, Lien CA. Pharmacology of muscle relaxants and their antagonists. In: Miller RD, Fleisher LA, Johns RA, et al, eds. Miller’s Anesthesia . 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA; Churchill Livingstone; 2005:481–572.

Drug Duration ED 50 (mg/kg) ED 95 (mg/kg) Intubating Dose (mg/kg)
d-Tubocurarine Long 0.23 (0.16–0.26) 0.48 (0.34–0.56) 0.5–0.6
Pancuronium Long 0.036 (0.022–0.042) 0.067 (0.059–0.080) 0.08–0.12
Vecuronium Intermediate 0.027 (0.015–0.031) 0.043 (0.037–0.059) 0.1–0.2
Cisatracurium Intermediate 0.026 (0.15–0.31) 0.04 (0.32–0.55) 0.15–0.2
Rocuronium Intermediate 0.147 (0.069–0.220) 0.305 (0.257–0.521) 0.6–1.0
ED 50 , Dose effective for surgical relaxation in 50% of patients; ED 95 , dose effective for surgical relaxation in 95% of patients.

Fifth, and most important, subtle blockade can be difficult to detect and can be associated with postoperative complications. The importance of subtle residual paralysis has recently been quantified by using the train-of-four (TOF) fade ratio, a semiquantitative monitoring technique used to assess the adequacy of neuromuscular blockade and the adequacy of pharmacologic reversal. At the conclusion of anesthesia, a TOF ratio greater than 0.90 has been considered adequate return of neuromuscular function. This ratio means that the fourth of four muscle twitches in response to supramaximal stimuli delivered at 0.5-second intervals to the ulnar nerve is at least 90% of the magnitude of the first twitch. In a 2003 study, at TOF ratios less than 0.90, subjects had diplopia and difficulty tracking objects in all directions. The ability to strongly oppose the incisors did not return until the TOF ratio was higher than 0.90. The authors concluded that satisfactory return of neuromuscular function requires return of the TOF ratio to greater than 0.90 and ideally to 1.0. In patients who received the intermediate-acting neuromuscular blockers atracurium, vecuronium, or rocuronium only for endotracheal intubation, the TOF ratio was lower than 0.9 in 37% of patients 2 hours after receiving the muscle relaxant. More recent studies show that patients with TOF ratios lower than 0.9 have an increased incidence of postoperative respiratory complications and delayed PACU discharge. Thus, it is important to optimize return of neuromuscular function at the end of surgery through judicious use of muscle relaxants and reversal agents.

The use of neuromuscular blocking agents in general and nondepolarizing agents in particular necessitates a strategy to ensure adequate muscular function at the conclusion of anesthesia. Many of the complications associated with neuromuscular blockers relate to inadequate reversal at the conclusion of cases or inadequate assessment of reversal. Historically, nondepolarizing relaxants are generally pharmacologically reversed with an anticholinesterase (neostigmine or edrophonium) accompanied by atropine or glycopyrrolate to counteract the muscarinic effects of the anticholinesterase. However, recovery depends both on the intensity of neuromuscular blockade at the time that reversal is attempted and on the effects of the reversal agent. At the end of anesthesia, profound neuromuscular blockade may preclude reliable antagonism by an anticholinesterase within 5 to 10 minutes. With the longer-acting muscle relaxants, residual blockade can potentially complicate postoperative recovery. In a clinical trial of reversal of muscle relaxation, 691 patients undergoing abdominal, gynecologic, or orthopedic surgery under general anesthesia were randomized to receive pancuronium, vecuronium, or atracurium. After reversal with neostigmine, a higher proportion (26%) of patients who had received pancuronium had residual neuromuscular blockade (TOF <0.70) than did patients who had received vecuronium or atracurium (5.3% combined). Patients who received pancuronium and had a TOF ratio less than 0.70 had a higher incidence of atelectasis or pneumonia on postoperative chest radiographs (16.9% of 59 patients in that category). There was no association between postoperative pulmonary complications and residual blockade with the other two muscle relaxants. However, the development of sugammadex has overcome many of the problems associated with using anticholinesterases to reverse neuromuscular blockade. Sugammadex is a cyclodextrin that directly binds nondepolarizing steroidal neuromuscular blocking agents such as rocuronium and vecuronium. Sugammadex rapidly reverses neuromuscular blockade and avoids the muscarinic side effects associated with use of anticholinesterases. Dosing of sugammadex is based on the depth of neuromuscular blockade. Therefore, monitoring of blockade depth with a twitch monitor is required for optimal reversal of neuromuscular blockade with sugammadex. Nevertheless, comparison of sugammadex to neostigmine for reversal of neuromuscular blockade in patients undergoing abdominal surgery showed that sugammadex administration eliminated residual neuromuscular blockade in the PACU and shortened the time of readiness for discharge from the operating room.

One key factor determining recovery from neuromuscular blockade is the ability to metabolize and excrete the drugs. In patients with renal disease, the half-lives of d -tubocurarine, rocuronium, vecuronium, and pancuronium are prolonged. In such patients, alternative drugs such as cisatracurium, which is metabolized by Hoffman degradation and thus does not have a prolonged half-life in patients with renal dysfunction, should be considered. The sugammadex-neuromuscular blocking agent complex is excreted in the kidney. Therefore, complexes will persist longer in the circulation of patients with renal insufficiency. However, sugammadex binds neuromuscular binding agents irreversibly, so return of neuromuscular blockade is not a concern.

Anesthesia Equipment

Anesthesia equipment has undergone rapid development over the past few decades. The central piece of equipment for delivery of anesthesia is the modern anesthesia machine. The anesthesia machine functions primarily to deliver oxygen and volatile anesthetics to the patient. In addition, modern anesthetic machines have sophisticated ventilators that allow for effective respiratory support and have integrated monitors that accurately measure oxygen delivery, inspired and end-tidal gas concentrations, airway pressures, minute ventilation, and fresh gas flows. Despite many years of improving design, hazards of gas delivery systems must still be considered. The primary concern is inadvertent delivery of a hypoxic gas mixture. Adverse anesthetic outcomes were associated with gas delivery equipment in 72 of 3791 cases in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) closed claims database. Misuse of equipment occurred in 75% of incidents, and 78% could have been detected with monitoring of pulse oximetry or capnography. The essential elements of an anesthesia machine are gas sources (oxygen, nitrous oxide, and air), flowmeters, and a flow-proportioning device. In most cases, gases are delivered to the anesthesia machine from a bank of large H cylinders housed in a central area within the hospital. A backup system of E cylinders is attached directly to the anesthesia machine and provides a source of gases, particularly oxygen, if the central gas source becomes unavailable. The flowmeters allow independent administration of individual gases. So-called fail-safe valves that require pressurization of the oxygen line before nitrous oxide can be delivered and flow-proportioning devices that automatically reduce the flow of nitrous oxide if the flow of oxygen is reduced below a safe concentration are present to minimize the chance of delivering a hypoxic gas mixture. The measurement of inspired oxygen concentration provides a further safeguard against delivering hypoxic gas mixtures.

In addition to the anesthesia machine, the other major components of anesthesia equipment are monitors. The use of monitors to assess changes in respiratory and cardiovascular function during anesthesia and surgery has been instrumental in improving overall safety ( Box 14.1 ).

Box 14.1
Routine and specialized electronic monitors used in anesthetic practice and their indications.
BIS , Bispectral index; ECG , electrocardiography; EEG , electroencephalography.

Routine Monitors

  • Pulse oximetry

    • Blood oxygen saturation

    • Heart rate

    • Tissue perfusion (via plethysmography)

  • Automated blood pressure cuff

    • Blood pressure

  • ECG

    • Heart rhythm

    • Heart rate

    • Monitor of myocardial ischemia

  • Capnography

    • Adequacy of ventilation

    • Intratracheal placement of endotracheal tube

    • Pulmonary perfusion

  • Oxygen analyzer

    • Monitoring of delivered oxygen concentration

  • Ventilator pressure monitor

    • Ventilator disconnection during general anesthesia

    • Monitoring of airway pressure

  • Temperature monitoring

Specialized Monitors

  • Monitoring of urine output (Foley catheter)

    • Gross indicator of intravascular volume status and renal perfusion

  • Arterial catheter

    • Continuous measurement of arterial blood pressure

    • Sampling of arterial blood

  • Central venous catheter

    • Continuous measurement of central venous pressure

    • Delivery of centrally acting drugs

    • Rapid administration of fluids and blood

  • Pulmonary artery catheter

    • Measurement of pulmonary artery pressure

    • Measurement of left ventricular pressure

    • Measurement of cardiac output

    • Measurement of mixed venous oxygenation

  • Precordial Doppler

    • Detection of air embolism

  • Transesophageal echocardiography

    • Evaluation of myocardial performance

    • Assessment of heart valve function

    • Assessment of intravascular volume

    • Detection of air embolism

  • Esophageal Doppler

    • Assessment of descending aortic blood flow

    • Assessment of cardiac preload

  • Transpulmonary indicator dilution

    • Measurement of cardiac output

    • Measurement of preload

  • Esophageal and precordial stethoscope

    • Auscultation of breathing and heart sounds


    • Depth of anesthesia

Patient Monitoring During and After Anesthesia

Effective monitoring is a critical aspect of anesthesia care. The essential components of monitoring include observation and vigilance, instrumentation, data analysis, and institution of corrective measures, if indicated. The goal of patient monitoring is to provide optimal anesthetic management and detect abnormalities early in their course so that corrective measures can be instituted before serious or irreversible injury occurs. Although it is difficult to directly relate improved patient outcomes with specific monitors, the reduction in anesthesia-related morbidity and mortality has paralleled the institution of current monitoring practices.

The indications as well as risks and benefits associated with the use of noninvasive and invasive electronic monitors must be assessed for each individual patient ( Box 14.1 ). These decisions are guided by the patient’s medical condition, the type of surgery, and the potential complications associated with invasive monitoring. However, the proliferation of electronic monitoring devices does not circumvent the need for clinical skills such as observation, inspection, auscultation, and palpation. The ASA has established standards for basic anesthetic monitoring that were most recently updated in 2015 ( ). These standards are designed to integrate clinical skills and electronic monitoring with the goal of enhancing patient safety.

Standard I asserts that a qualified anesthesia care provider must be continuously present in the operating room during the administration of anesthesia. The practitioner must continuously monitor the status of the patient and alter anesthesia care based on the patient’s response to the dynamic changes associated with anesthesia and surgery.

Standard II mandates continuous assessment of ventilation, oxygenation, circulation, and temperature during all anesthetics. Specific requirements include the following:

  • 1.

    The use of an oxygen analyzer with a low–oxygen–concentration alarm during general anesthesia.

  • 2.

    Quantitative assessment of blood oxygenation such as by pulse oximetry.

  • 3.

    The adequacy of ventilation must be continuously ensured by clinical evaluation. Quantitative monitoring of the CO 2 content in expired gas and the volume of expired gas is strongly recommended.

  • 4.

    Clinical assessment and monitors to determine the presence of CO 2 in expired gases to ensure correct endotracheal tube placement after intubation. A device capable of detecting disconnection of breathing system components during mechanical ventilation must be in continuous use. This device must give an audible signal when its alarm threshold is exceeded. During moderate or deep sedation, adequacy of ventilation shall be evaluated by assessment of clinical signs and monitoring of the presence of exhaled CO 2 unless precluded or invalidated by the clinical situation.

  • 5.

    The electrocardiogram (ECG) must be continuously monitored during anesthesia, and blood pressure and the heart rate must be evaluated at least every 5 minutes. In patients undergoing general anesthesia, adequacy of circulatory function must be continuously monitored by electronic means, palpation, or auscultation.

  • 6.

    A means of temperature evaluation must be readily available in the operating room and is used during periods of intended or expected changes in body temperature.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood pressure monitoring is required during all anesthetics. Noninvasive blood pressure monitoring is appropriate for the majority of surgical cases, and most modern operating rooms are equipped with automated oscillometric blood pressure analyzers. Indications for invasive blood pressure monitoring include intraoperative use of deliberate hypotension, continuous blood pressure assessment in patients with significant end-organ damage or during high-risk surgical procedures, anticipation of wide perioperative blood pressure swings, need for multiple blood gas analyses, and inadequacy of noninvasive blood pressure measurements, such as in morbidly obese patients. Several sites for arterial cannulation are available, each with inherent advantages and potential for complications. The radial artery is most commonly cannulated because of its superficial location, relative ease of cannulation, and in most patients, adequate collateral flow from the ulnar artery. Other potential sites for percutaneous arterial cannulation include the femoral, brachial, axillary, ulnar, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial arteries. Possible complications of intraarterial monitoring include hematoma, neurologic injury, arterial embolization, limb ischemia, infection, and inadvertent intraarterial injection of drugs. Intraarterial catheters are not placed in extremities with potential vascular insufficiency. However, with proper patient selection, the complication rate associated with intraarterial cannulation is low and its benefits can be important.


ECG monitoring is a standard of care during the administration of anesthesia. Information regarding dysrhythmias and cardiac ischemia can be readily obtained from ECG data. Analysis of ECG tracings is the cornerstone of cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocols.

Ventilation Monitoring

Sedation and opioid administration and the induction of general or regional anesthesia can depress or abolish spontaneous ventilation and thus necessitate intraoperative ventilator support. Several means are available to assess the adequacy of ventilation, among which are physical assessment of chest expansion, auscultation of breath sounds, and evaluation for evidence of upper airway obstruction and stridor. Precordial and esophageal stethoscopes provide continuous input regarding air movement and the development of wheezing. During mechanical ventilation, monitors of airway pressure and minute ventilation alert the anesthesiologist to conditions that can impair ventilation, such as disconnection of the ventilatory circuit, dislodgement of the endotracheal tube, obstruction of the gas delivery system, and changes in airway resistance or compliance, or both.

The advent of end-tidal CO 2 (ETCO 2 ) monitoring has greatly enhanced the monitoring of ventilation and detection of esophageal intubation. In normal individuals, the difference between ETCO 2 and PaCO 2 is 2 to 5 mm Hg. The gradient between end-tidal and arterial CO 2 reflects dead space ventilation, which is increased in cases of decreased pulmonary blood flow, such as pulmonary air embolism or thromboembolism and decreased cardiac output. Therefore, ETCO 2 monitoring can also provide important information regarding systemic perfusion. Specifically, ETCO 2 will decrease during periods of decreased cardiac output and pulmonary perfusion.

Oxygenation Monitoring

Monitoring the fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired gas (FiO 2 ) and hemoglobin oxygen saturation is a standard of care during all general anesthetics. Modern anesthesia machines are equipped with oxygen analyzers that detect the delivered oxygen concentration (FiO 2 ). This monitor, in combination with fail-safe devices, low–oxygen delivery alarms, and oxygen ratio monitors, greatly decreases the chance of delivering a hypoxic gas mixture during anesthesia.

Temperature Monitoring

Temperature is monitored in all patients undergoing general anesthesia. The site of measurement is dependent on the surgical procedure and the physical characteristics of the patient. Esophageal temperature is most commonly measured during general anesthesia. Other sites of temperature monitoring include rectal, cutaneous, tympanic membrane, bladder, nasopharynx, and, in patients with pulmonary artery catheters, the pulmonary artery. Because of the potential morbidity associated with hypothermia and hyperthermia, it is important to monitor body temperature and institute measures to maintain temperature as close to normal as possible.

Neuromuscular Blockade Monitoring

Because of variability in sensitivity to and metabolism of neuromuscular blockers among patients, it is essential to monitor neuromuscular function in patients receiving intermediate- and long-acting muscle relaxants. The most common sites of monitoring are at the ulnar or orbicularis oculi muscles. The basis of neuromuscular monitoring is assessment of muscle activity after proximal nerve stimulation ( Box 14.2 ). This evaluation gives an indication of acetylcholine receptor blockade at the neuromuscular junction. The degree of neuromuscular blockade is indicated by a decreased evoked response to twitch stimulation. As noted earlier in this chapter, it is essential to monitor neuromuscular blockade and to assure resolution of blockade at the end of anesthesia to minimize the incidence of postoperative complications related to residual neuromuscular blockade.

Box 14.2
Techniques for assessing neuromuscular blockade.

Train-of-Four: Four Successive 200-μsec Stimuli Over a 2-Second Period

  • Twitch height progressively fades with increasing blockade

    • Loss of the fourth twitch indicates 75% receptor blockade

    • Loss of the third twitch indicates 80% blockade

    • Loss of the second twitch indicates 90% blockade

    • Loss of the first twitch indicates 100% blockade

    • Clinical relaxation requires 75% to 95% blockade

  • Presence of four twitches without fade suggests adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade

Double-Burst Stimulation: Two Successive Sets of 50-Hz Bursts (Three Stimuli/Burst) Separated by 750 msec (Appears as Two Twitches)

  • Easier to detect fade visually with this technique than with train-of-four

  • Loss of the second twitch indicates 80% receptor blockade

  • Presence of two twitches without fade suggests adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade

Tetany: Sustained 50- or 100-Hz Burst

  • Duration of sustained contraction fades with increasing blockade

  • Sustained contraction for 5 seconds suggests adequate reversal of neuromuscular blockade


  • Provides a quantitative comparison of the first and fourth twitches of the train-of-four and generates a train-of-four ratio (ratio of the fourth twitch over the first twitch)

  • A train-of-four ratio of less than 0.9 signifies clinically significant residual neuromuscular blockade

Central Nervous System Monitoring

Awareness during anesthesia is an uncommon, but a disturbing, complication. Many years of experience with intraoperative electroencephalogram signal processing has resulted in the development of the bispectral index (BIS) array, which is believed to monitor awareness during anesthesia. The monitor is essentially a modified electroencephalogram that assesses brain wave activity and reports numbers from 0 to 100, which correlate with the level of awareness. A value of 100 represents complete awareness and 0 represents complete suppression of brain wave activity. Data suggest that BIS is an accurate indicator of the depth of anesthesia. Monitoring the depth of anesthesia may allow for more precise titration of volatile and IV anesthetics and may improve time to awakening and discharge in the outpatient setting. Furthermore, some reports indicate that BIS values of less than 40 for more than 5 minutes during general anesthesia may be associated with increased perioperative morbidity, including myocardial infarction and stroke in high-risk patients. A recent metaanalysis concluded that BIS monitoring can reduce intraoperative awareness in high-risk patients, but it is unclear if the use of BIS monitoring provides advantages in that regard over monitoring end-tidal anesthetic gas concentration in most patients. In addition to intraoperative use, BIS monitors are gaining acceptance as a means of assessing awareness in locations such as emergency departments and intensive care units (ICUs).

Hemodynamic Monitoring (Transesophageal Echocardiography/Right Heart Catheter)

Hemodynamic monitoring techniques have become less invasive with greater yield to include devices that provide continuous oximetry information via a central venous catheter, arterial pulse-contour continuous cardiac output monitoring, and even transcutaneous bioimpedance monitoring. The use of pulmonary artery catheters has subsided due to insufficient data to support their use and emergence of evidence that suggested an increase in morbidity and mortality. This also applies to the cardiac surgery population where there also appears to be an association with increased morbidity and mortality. However, with a rise in heart failure and pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients undergoing surgery, there has been a resurgence in the use of pulmonary artery catheters. Even in these patient populations, there are insufficient data to support their use. As for intraoperative monitoring, the use of ultrasound has had a significant impact on monitoring for surgery. The use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has also played a significant role in cardiac and noncardiac surgery for identification of occult pathology and as an aid in the rescue and guidance of management for patients in shock. The impact of TEE in the hands of an anesthesiologist has evolved from rescue, to qualitative assessment, to quantitative analysis, and, in the recent past, onto critical procedural guidance and monitoring.

Point-of-Care Ultrasound

Emergency medicine physicians and trauma surgeons have been early adopters of point-of-care ultrasound with the implementation of the Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma protocol. Anesthesiologists also adopted ultrasound with the use of TEE. More recently, the use of ultrasound in the preoperative clinic and just prior to surgery led to a significant impact to avoid delays for further work-up and, in remote cases, identification of occult pathology that changed the trajectory of management for these patients. The use of ultrasound in the operating room has found a niche for multiple facets in the care of surgical patients to include confirmation of the airway, assessment of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, and identification of gastric contents prior to surgery. Furthermore, the use of ultrasound in postoperative care has also had impact in the assessment of patients and for the management of patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. In some cases, the use of ultrasound has also had an impact on survival for those in septic shock.

Preoperative Evaluation

The ASA has established basic standards for preanesthetic care in which an anesthesiologist is required to evaluate the medical status of the patient, derive a plan for anesthetic care, and discuss the plan with the patient ( ). The Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations requires that all patients receiving anesthesia undergo a preanesthetic evaluation. Because a decreasing percentage of patients are admitted to the hospital on the day before surgery, preoperative testing clinics have been developed to facilitate preoperative evaluation. The advent of preoperative clinics has facilitated efficient use of operating room resources. Ferschl and colleagues reported that the development of an anesthesia preoperative evaluation clinic in a teaching hospital reduced day-of-surgery cancellations and delays. Optimally, preoperative clinics need to be efficient, predictable, and thorough. In modern practice, many patients without complicated medical problems who are scheduled for elective, low-risk procedures are interviewed by telephone prior to surgery and given preoperative instructions.

The anesthesia preoperative evaluation serves multiple purposes. First, the patient has the opportunity to speak to an anesthesiologist and discuss the expected impact of anesthesia, including the patient’s fears and concerns regarding anesthesia and postoperative pain management. Second, the preanesthetic interview focuses on the type of surgery, the underlying conditions necessitating surgery, any history of previous anesthetics, and the presence of coexisting diseases. The preoperative interview allows evaluation of the patient’s medical status to determine whether additional medical evaluation or treatment is needed before surgery. This process requires a focused history, physical examination, and, if indicated, laboratory evaluation. Current medications must be reviewed to anticipate potential drug interactions and manage medical problems during the perioperative period. Instructions regarding oral intake, changes in medication use, and other important issues that need to be addressed prior to surgery are communicated to the patient during the preoperative interview.

A well-focused history will allow the practitioner to perform targeted physical and laboratory examinations. Laboratory tests performed within 6 months of surgery generally do not need to be repeated unless a significant change in the patient’s medical status has occurred. Healthy patients undergoing elective procedures may not need any preoperative laboratory testing. In the current climate of cost containment, preoperative testing must be minimized but effective. The use of routine preoperative testing is associated with significant costs, both in dollars and potential harm. False-positive tests can cause needless delays in surgery and could require follow-up, which will increase costs and could lead to harm or injury associated with further tests and procedures. Studies have shown that routine testing adds to costs but has little impact on patient care. However, targeted testing based on results of the history and physical exam can significantly improve overall patient care. Investigation of conditions associated with increased perioperative morbidity is important for reducing the risks related to anesthesia and surgery. Coexisting conditions that must be carefully evaluated include intravascular volume status, airway abnormalities, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, neurologic disease, renal and hepatic disease, and disorders of nutrition, endocrinology, and metabolism. Preoperative pregnancy testing is controversial. The rationale for performing preoperative pregnancy testing is the potential for spontaneous abortion and birth anomalies associated with surgery and anesthesia. There is no clear evidence to demonstrate an association of anesthetic drugs with the development of fetal anomalies in humans, but animal studies have shown that some anesthetics, such as nitrous oxide, may cause developmental abnormalities. A clear sexual history and documentation of the last menstrual cycle are obtained in women of childbearing age. In ambiguous situations, a preoperative pregnancy test is indicated.

Airway Examination

Assessing the airway is a crucial step in developing an anesthetic plan. Even if regional anesthesia is planned, general anesthesia and the need to maintain a patent airway could be necessary in the advent of failed block, surgical needs, or complications. The goal of the airway examination is to identify characteristics that could hinder assisted mask ventilation or tracheal intubation. A history of diseases or conditions that are associated with airway closure or difficult laryngoscopy will alert the practitioner to potential airway difficulties. Review of previous anesthetic records can provide invaluable information regarding previous airway management. The airway examination is completed by systematic inspection of the mouth opening, thyromental distance, neck mobility, and the size of the tongue in relation to the oral cavity ( Box 14.3 ). The patient is observed in both frontal and profile views because many airway abnormalities, such as a receding mandible, will not be evident from a frontal view. The size of the tongue in relation to the oral cavity can be graded by using the Mallampati classification ( Fig. 14.1 ). The Mallampati examination is performed with the patient sitting and the head in a neutral position, the mouth opened as wide as possible, and the tongue protruded maximally. The observer views the oral and pharyngeal structures that are evident. In general, a patient in whom the uvula, tonsillar pillars, and soft palate are visible (class I) will be easy to mask ventilate and intubate. Patients in whom only the hard palate is visible, a class IV airway, have a higher likelihood of being difficult to mask ventilate and intubate. However, the Mallampati classification is only one component of the airway examination and must be used in conjunction with other aspects of the airway examination and the patient’s history to provide a complete airway assessment. Other physical factors that are associated with uncomplicated airway management are adequate mouth opening, neck extension, and thyromental distance. In a metaanalysis examining more than 50,000 patients, Shiga and coauthors reported that individual physical characteristics, by themselves, have poor predictive value for identifying airway difficulties. However, the combined presence of two or more physical endpoints that predict difficult airway management increasingly improves sensitivity and specificity.

Box 14.3
Important factors in performing an airway examination.

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