Anesthesia and Analgesia for the Ambulatory Management of Children’s Fractures


The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Eric C. McCarty and Dr. Gregory A. Mencio for their contributions to the previous versions of this chapter.


The goal of anesthesia in the management of fractures in children is to provide analgesia and relieve anxiety so that successful closed treatment of the skeletal injury is facilitated. Optimal pain management in the emergency department or other ambulatory setting is delivered by the combined efforts of the orthopedic surgeon and anesthesiologist or emergency medicine specialist. Numerous techniques are available to control pain associated with fractures in children, including blocks (i.e., local, regional, and intravenous [IV]), sedation (i.e., moderate or deep), and general anesthesia. Important factors in choosing a particular technique include safety, efficacy, and ease of administration. Additional considerations include patient and parent acceptance and cost.

Local and regional techniques such as hematoma, brachial plexus, and IV regional blocks are particularly effective for upper extremity fractures. Sedation with inhalational agents such as nitrous oxide, parenteral narcotic and benzodiazepine combinations, ketamine, and propofol are not region specific and are suitable for patients over a wide range of ages. With all of these techniques, protocol-based monitoring and adherence to hospital sedation safety guidelines are essential.

Fractures in children are common. The majority (approximately 65%) involve the upper extremity. Most are closed and best treated by closed reduction. Time, logistics, and cost favor treatment in the emergency department or other ambulatory setting, as opposed to the operating room, when possible. In a study of axillary block anesthesia for the treatment of pediatric forearm fractures in the emergency department, Cramer and colleagues estimated a cost reduction of almost 70% compared with similar treatment in the operating room.

Performance of satisfactory closed treatment of displaced musculoskeletal injuries in an ambulatory setting requires effective and safe levels of sedation and analgesia so that pain is minimized and the apprehensions of the child are allayed. A variety of anesthetic techniques are available to the orthopedic surgeon faced with the challenge of treating a child with a closed fracture. The purpose of this chapter is to describe current methods of sedation and analgesia for fracture management in children.

Principles of Pain Management in Children

Children with fractures typically have significant pain and apprehension. Psychologically, their perceptions of the emergency department and the impending treatment of their injury often exacerbate their level of discomfort and anxiety. Children with painful injuries about to undergo an additionally painful procedure are entitled to adequate analgesia and sedation. Despite the rationale of this concept, the problem of undertreatment of pain in children in the emergency department has been documented but occurs less frequently due to more recent extensive residency training of emergency physicians and fellowship training of pediatric emergency physicians. Ignorance of the problem of pain in children, lack of familiarity with the methods of anesthesia and sedation for children, and concern for complications such as respiratory depression and hypotension are reasons for the often inadequate management of pain in the pediatric population. Additionally, children with developmental disabilities, specifically autism spectrum disorders, require a more cautious approach in selection of procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA). Specifically, the need for additional time, specialized personnel, and personalized nonpharmacologic behavioral management strategies will optimize the efficiency and satisfaction for the orthopedic surgeon and for patients and their families.

In recognition of the increase in the number of minor procedures performed on children in a variety of ambulatory settings, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) have both developed goals for sedation and analgesia in children. Their purpose is to ensure the child’s safety and welfare while minimizing the physical discomfort and negative psychological repercussions frequently associated with treatment of painful injuries, as well as returning the child to a state in which safe discharge is possible. From a practical perspective, the method of analgesia-sedation must also allow for the satisfactory treatment of the primary problem. Thus, efficacy, safety, ease of administration, patient-parent acceptance, and cost are all important factors to be considered in selecting a technique.

From an orthopedic perspective, the ultimate goal of anesthesia for the child with a closed fracture requiring manipulation is to facilitate the satisfactory reduction of the injury and obviate the need for a trip to the operating room. The ideal method should include management of preprocedure pain and anxiety, efficaciously and safely eliminate procedural pain, promote patient compliance, and produce amnesia of the procedure. It should be easy to administer, predictable in its action, and reliable for a wide range of ages. It should have a rapid onset and short duration of action, result in little or no complications or side effects, and be reversible. Finally, it should be relatively inexpensive to administer and completely satisfactory to the child and his or her parents.

Anesthetic Techniques

A variety of techniques short of general anesthesia have been used to achieve analgesia and sedation in children with closed fractures requiring treatment in the ambulatory setting. The techniques can be grouped into two broad categories: blocks (i.e., local, regional, and IV) and moderate (formerly referred to as conscious ) or deep sedation (i.e., anxiolytics, narcotic analgesics, or dissociative agents alone or in combination). Each technique incorporates various aspects of the “ideal” method described earlier. It is incumbent on the orthopedic surgeon treating children’s fractures to be aware of the various techniques and the potential benefits, side effects, and complications of each to be able to make an educated decision about which to use in a particular situation.

Techniques to be Avoided

Vocal, or “O.K,” anesthesia is a technique that provides only the verbal assurance to the child that the manipulation of the fracture will be briefly painful. The concept that children are somehow more resilient to pain has been disproved as knowledge of the developmental and psychological makeup of children and their perception of pain has become better understood. The notion that it is acceptable for children to endure pain during the performance of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures has become dated with the evolution of techniques in pediatric pain management. Given the availability of many safe and effective options for pain management during the reduction of children’s fractures, the technique of “verbal reassurance” should be avoided if possible.

Chloral hydrate and the so-called lytic cocktail, a combination of meperidine (Demerol), promethazine (Phenergan), and chlorpromazine (Thorazine) (DPT), two techniques of sedation used frequently in the past, have fallen out of favor. Chloral hydrate was introduced in 1832 and was used commonly for children undergoing painless diagnostic procedures. Although it has been demonstrated to be effective for the sedation of young children (<6 years of age) undergoing therapeutic procedures, it has several disadvantages for the management of fractures in children. The onset of sedation is slow (40–60 minutes), and recovery can be prolonged, taking up to several hours, with residual effects lasting as long as 24 hours. Moreover, chloral hydrate has no analgesic properties, and children can become disinhibited and agitated in response to painful stimuli. For these reasons, chloral hydrate is not a preferred technique for sedation in the management of fractures in children.

DPT has been the second most commonly used method of sedation for children undergoing painless diagnostic tests and the one most widely used in children undergoing therapeutic procedures since 1989. DPT is typically administered in a single intramuscular (IM) injection and provides sedation with some analgesia.

Despite widespread usage, the drugs in the lytic cocktail have many undesirable characteristics. The combination is poorly titrated and has a delayed onset of action (20–30 minutes). The duration of sedation can last 20 hours, but the duration of analgesia is only 1 to 3 hours. The mixture does not have any anxiolytic or amnestic properties. Recently, it was demonstrated that the DPT cocktail is a largely empiric mixture of three drugs, not based on sound pharmacologic data, with a relatively frequent occurrence of therapeutic failure (29%) and a relatively high rate (approximately 4%) of serious adverse effects such as seizures, respiratory depression, and death. For these reasons, the use of DPT is discouraged by both the US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and the AAP.

Local and Regional Anesthesia

Local anesthetics work by blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. At the cellular level, they depress sodium ion flux across the nerve cell membrane and, in this way, inhibit the initiation and propagation of action potentials. After injection, local anesthetics diffuse toward their intended site of action and also toward nearby vasculature, where uptake is determined by the number of capillaries, the local blood flow, and the affinity of the drug for the tissues. Elimination occurs after vascular uptake by metabolism in the plasma or liver. Vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine are mixed with local anesthetics to decrease the vascular uptake and prolong the anesthetic effect.

Local anesthetics are classified chemically as either amines or esters ( Table 21.1 ). After absorption in the blood, esters are broken down by plasma cholinesterase, but amides are bound by plasma proteins and are then metabolized in the liver. Local adverse effects include erythema, swelling, and, rarely, ischemia when injected into tissues supplied by terminal arteries. Adverse systemic effects are caused by high blood levels of local anesthetics and include tinnitus, drowsiness, visual disturbances, muscle twitching, seizures, respiratory depression, and cardiac arrest. Bupivacaine is a long-acting amide that is particularly dangerous because it binds with high affinity to myocardial contractile proteins and can cause cardiac arrest. Ropivacaine, which is closely related to bupivacaine structurally, is a newer long-acting amide that, at clinically relevant doses, provides a greater sensorimotor differential block, has an increased cardiovascular safety profile, and has a shorter elimination half-life with lower potential for accumulation than bupivacaine. The lower systemic toxicity and cardiotoxicity is desirable when the potential exists for high plasma concentrations of local anesthetics, such as in peripheral nerve blocks or after inadvertent intravascular injections.

Table 21.1
Local Anesthetics
Generic Name Brand Name Onset Duration Maximum Dose
Lidocaine Xylocaine Fast 1.0–2.0 hours 5 mg/kg, 7 mg/kg (epinephrine)
Mepivacaine Carbocaine Fast (infiltration) 1.5–3.0 hours 5 mg/kg
Ropivacaine Naropin Slow (block)
Fast (infiltration)
2.0–8.0 hours 3 mg/kg
Bupivacaine Marcaine Slow 4.0–12.0 hours 3 mg/kg
Chloroprocaine Nesacaine Fast 30–60 min 15 mg/kg
Procaine Novocain Slow (block)
Fast (infiltration)
30–60 min 7 mg/kg
Tetracaine Pontocaine Slow (topical) 30–60 min 2 mg/kg

A number of local and regional techniques, including hematoma, IV regional, and regional nerve blocks, have been reported to be variably effective in providing anesthesia for fracture treatment in children. These methods require the surgeon to be familiar with regional anatomy, have working knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and dosing of local anesthetic drugs, and be proficient in the techniques of administering them. Compared with the performance of these techniques in adults, the performance of these techniques in children is often technically easier because anatomic landmarks are more readily identifiable. Physiologically, the relatively smaller calibers of the peripheral nerves in children are more susceptible to the pharmacologic actions of anesthetic agents.

Hematoma Block

The hematoma block has been a popular method of anesthesia for the reduction of fractures, particularly in the distal radius but also about the ankle. In this technique, a local anesthetic agent is injected directly into the hematoma surrounding the fracture. The anesthetic inhibits the generation and conduction of painful impulses primarily in small nonmyelinated nerve fibers in the periosteum and local tissues. This block is quick and relatively simple to administer. The skin is prepared with a bactericidal agent and draped at the site of infiltration. The fracture hematoma is aspirated with a 20- or 22-gauge needle and then injected with plain lidocaine. The typical dose of lidocaine is 3 to 5 mg/kg, which should be concentrated so as to limit the total amount of fluid injected to less than 10 mL; limiting the fluid will avoid elevating soft tissue compartment pressures and minimize the risk of creating a compartment syndrome or other neurovascular problem. Although direct injection of the hematoma theoretically converts a closed fracture into an open one, no infections have been reported with this technique.

Recent studies of hematoma blocks administered to children have shown its safety and efficacy. Studies have shown parental satisfaction and shorter length of stays in the emergency department. In three separate studies authored by Dinley and Michelinakis, Case, and Johnson and Noffsinger with a combined total of 491 adult and pediatric patients, hematoma block was shown to be effective for the reduction of a variety of fractures of the distal upper extremity in patients of all ages. Despite the generally favorable experience with hematoma block anesthesia, other methods of regional anesthesia have been shown to be more effective for the management of upper extremity fractures. A study by Abbaszadegan and Johnson found that analgesia during fracture reduction was superior with IV regional (Bier block) anesthesia compared with hematoma block and that fracture alignment after reduction was also better. The authors concluded that the more favorable outcomes achieved with the Bier block were related to better analgesia and muscle relaxation.

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