Alterations in the Peripheral Circulation in Heart Failure

The complex pathology of heart failure (HF) can be attributed, at least in part, to important changes that occur in the peripheral circulation. As cardiac output declines, systemic perfusion pressure is maintained predominantly by peripheral vasoconstriction and sodium retention, both of which can be attributed to complex interactions among the autonomic nervous system (see also Chapter 13 ), neurohormonal mechanisms, and the kidney (see also Chapter 15 ). These homeostatic mechanisms tend to preserve circulation to the brain and heart while decreasing blood flow to the skin, skeletal muscles, splanchnic organs, and kidneys. Impaired circulation of skeletal muscle with a diminished oxygen supply is a major contributor to exercise intolerance and fatigue, a common and sometimes debilitating symptom in patients with HF. The sympathetic nervous system is activated very early in the disease process (see also Chapter 13 ), whereas the renin-angiotensin system is usually activated when clinical symptoms develop (see also Chapter 5 ). Vasopressin is released mainly in very advanced stages of chronic HF when systemic perfusion is already threatened. Furthermore, chronic severe HF is associated with an increased endothelial release of locally acting vasoconstricting factors such as endothelin.

These endogenous vasoconstricting factors are counterbalanced in part by endogenous vasodilators. In normal individuals, natriuretic peptides attenuate the release of norepinephrine, renin, and vasopressin, as well as their actions on peripheral blood vessels and within the kidneys. In addition, the continuous release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (nitric oxide) from the endothelium normally counteracts the vasoconstricting factors. In fact, the continuous basal release of nitric oxide keeps the peripheral vasculature in a dilated state. However, in patients with HF, the effects of circulating and locally active vasodilators are attenuated. The release of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is blunted in chronic HF, and the effects of both ANP and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) lose their ability to suppress the release of renin or dilate peripheral blood vessels (see also Chapter 9 ). In addition, the vascular availability of nitric oxide is severely diminished in patients with chronic HF. Thus diminished vasodilator forces leave the actions of vasoconstrictors unopposed. It is important to note that the interaction of the sympathetic and renin-angiotensin system even amplifies their vasoconstricting effects. Increased sympathetic activity increases the release of renin and vice versa, and angiotensin enhances the release of both norepinephrine and vasopressin.

Pathophysiologic Insights

One of the important insights that has emerged from studies on the peripheral circulation in HF is that endothelial dysfunction plays a significant role in the pathogenesis, symptomatic status, and prognosis in HF. It contributes to the impaired coronary and systemic perfusion and reduced exercise capacity in patients with HF. The endothelium is a monolayer of cells that cover the luminal side of the heart and all blood vessels, from the aorta to the capillaries. Historically, the endothelium was considered a relatively inert “border” between the blood and surrounding tissues. However, over the past two decades the endothelial cells, building blocks of the endothelium, were found to exert an extremely diverse range of activities implicated in cardiovascular biology and pathology. Indeed, the endothelium regulates vasomotor function, hemostatic status, angiogenesis, the balance of prooxidant and antioxidant, and proinflammatory and antiinflammatory processes. Adjacent endothelial cells can exhibit differential signaling to modulate functional properties of specialized cardiomyocytes (e.g., “pacemaker cells”). All these activities are highly relevant to the clinical status of the patients with compromised cardiac function, who are vulnerable to even minor shifts in hemodynamic and homeostatic state. Of note, the vast majority of research data in HF have focused on HF with impaired systolic function with previously limited information available on HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). However, evidence for the role of endothelial dysfunction in HFpEF is growing ( see also Chapter 11 ). For example, Lee and colleagues showed that patients with HFpEF have impaired macrovascular and microvascular functions as compared with age- and sex-matched controls. Cardiac endothelial dysfunction plays a key role in HFpEF leading to cardiomyocyte dysfunction, unfavorable left ventricular (LV) concentric remodeling and resulting diastolic dysfunction.

Although the term endothelial dysfunction is used throughout the chapter, there is a continuum from endothelial activation to endothelial “dysfunction” and endothelial “damage.” Endothelial activation usually refers to a physiologic response to various stimuli (including inflammatory cytokines), such as bleeding and infection, aiming to preserve homeostatic stability of the host (protective changes). Endothelial “activation” may involve increased expression and shedding of some surface adhesion molecules, release of von Willebrand factor, and fibrinolytic factors. A crucial aspect of “activation” is that it is reversible upon cessation of the activating agent(s). In contrast, endothelial dysfunction refers to the situations of sustained excessive (e.g., increased reactive oxygen species [ROS] production) or depressed (e.g., impaired vasodilation) endothelial performance. Given that endothelial “dysfunction” could follow chronic “activation” (e.g., by prolonged and inappropriate activation by inflammatory cytokines), there is clear overlap between the two states. In terms of blood flow control, a major pathologic feature of endothelial dysfunction (in the context of cardiovascular disorders) is a functional deficiency of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). This results in the reduced bioavailability of nitric oxide and excessive formation of ROS within the vascular wall and leads to endothelial dysfunction. Dysfunction may be reversible, whereas endothelial damage refers to the extreme degree of endothelial dysfunction characterized by premature apoptosis/death of endothelial cells. Increased shedding of the circulating endothelial cells and high plasma concentrations of von Willebrand factor are considered markers of endothelial damage. Such damage is unlikely to be reversible.

Although the endothelium serves as a critical regulator of different aspects of vascular biology, such as hemostasis and inflammation, its ability to produce nitric oxide is pivotal for the different endothelial-dependent functions related to the development and progression of HF. In addition to the regulation of the hemodynamics, nitric oxide acts as a potent modulator of myocardial oxygen consumption in the failing heart. The reduced availability of nitric oxide in HF stems either from its reduced production by eNOS or accelerated nitric oxide degradation by ROS ( Fig. 14.1 ). Downregulation of constitutively expressed eNOS by the endothelium is a characteristic feature of endothelial dysfunction that can be related to LV impairment. Paradoxically, the chronic production of nitric oxide by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in HF exerts detrimental effects on ventricular contractility and circulatory function. However, direct evidence for a pathogenic role of iNOS in human HF remains limited. Treatment with NOS inhibitors has no effect on the contraction of the failing heart or β-adrenoceptor sensitivity of ventricular myocytes.

Fig. 14.1, Mechanisms and effects of vasomotor endothelial function in heart failure.

Mice lacking eNOS have abnormal cardiac nitric oxide production, impaired myocardial glucose uptake, and pathologic concentric LV remodeling, whereas eNOS overexpression reduced severity of HF. Targeted overexpression of the eNOS gene within the vascular endothelium in mice has attenuated cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction and led to dramatic improvement in survival during severe HF. On the other hand, Scherrer-Crosbie et al. have demonstrated that eNOS-deficient mice have increased end-diastolic diameter and end-diastolic volume and depressed contractility, fractional shortening, and survival when compared with wild-type mice after 4 weeks of coronary artery ligation. Interestingly, the capillary density was lower in postinfarction eNOS-deficient mice compared with wild-type animals, indicating a role for nitric oxide in postinfarction capillary preservation. Reduced eNOS activity leads to the hypertrophic growth of cardiomyocytes in vitro and eNOS deficiency in mice was associated with impaired myocardial angiogenesis. Although eNOS mRNA is reduced in LV tissue of patients with end-stage HF, iNOS mRNA is upregulated and associates with impaired myocardial relaxation. iNOS is located primarily and invariably in the endothelium and smooth muscle cells of the myocardial vasculature, and its expression is associated with the condition of HF per se rather than related to HF etiology. Patients with advanced HF have increased circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines. Several studies have shown that proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) stimulate nitric oxide synthesis in cardiac myocytes by inducing iNOS expression. Nitric oxide induced by cytokines leads to sustained reduced myocardial contractility and negative chronotropic effects on cardiac myocytes.

An excess in ROS causes endothelial dysfunction by accelerating nitric oxide inactivation (see also Chapter 8 ). The family of multisubunit nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidases is a major contributor to the increase in superoxide anion production and oxidative stress is upregulated in HF. Depression of the endothelial function and eNOS activity may directly lead to increased ROS release, thus maintaining a vicious circle of oxidative stress. In a rat model of diastolic HF, the increase in cardiac eNOS expression by the eNOS enhancer, AVE3085 (which is an activator of eNOS transcription), is accompanied by the reduction in NADPH oxidase, as well as attenuation of cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, and diastolic dysfunction.

Antioxidant capacity is also diminished in HF. In animal experiments, activity of different superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms is present in the failing myocardium and gene transfer of extracellular SOD significantly improves endothelial function. Increased xanthine-oxidase and reduced extracellular SOD activity is closely associated with increased vascular oxidative stress in HF patients, indicating increased oxidative burden and loss of vascular oxidative balance as possible contributors to endothelial dysfunction in HF.

There are in vivo and in vitro data for impaired arginine (eNOS substrate) transport in human HF. This is mediated by the biochemical system y + carrier, which is principally represented by the CAT-1 transporter. The arginine uptake and mitochondrial expression of the CAT-1 arginine transporter are significantly reduced in HF. Williams and colleagues have shown that higher mitochondrial l -arginine availability achieved by transfection of a mitochondrially targeted CAT-1 significantly improved cardiomyocyte response to mitochondrial stresses, reduced oxidative stress, and improving survival. In addition, circulating levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA; an endogenous inhibitor of eNOS and circulating proinflammatory cytokines) are increased in HF, further contributing to endothelial dysfunction and accelerated apoptosis of endothelial cells. In patients with ischemic chronic HF elevated plasma, ADMA levels tend to be related to higher New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classes, increased N-terminal (NT)-proBNP levels, and worse clinical outcomes. A strong correlation has been demonstrated between eNOS downregulation and endothelial apoptosis. Of some interest, the β-blocker carvedilol suppresses the caspase cascade and excessive human umbilical vein endothelial cell apoptosis induced by the serum from HF patients or addition of TNF-α.

Inflammatory changes are common in patients with HF, with numerous studies reporting high concentrations of cytokines (e.g., TNF-α and IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) (see also Chapter 7 ). These biomarkers strongly correlate with HF severity and are strong and independent predictors of mortality. In animal models, inflammation is not an innocent bystander but is rather an active participant in HF development and progression. A dysfunctional endothelium also facilitates a proinflammatory status in HF by release of inflammatory factors, such as pentraxin 3 (see also Chapter 33 ). Endothelial activation of nuclear factor-κB, a key proinflammatory transcriptional factor, is more prominent in patients with severe HF undergoing heart transplantation. Of note, pentraxin 3 levels independently predict cardiac death or HF-related rehospitalization. Despite the strong evidence of a detrimental impact of inflammation in HF outcome, data on specific biologic therapies against TNF-α (i.e., using etanercept and infliximab) have been generally disappointing (see also Chapter 7 ).

Endothelial Dysfunction in Clinical Heart Failure

Direct evidence of involvement of the endothelial dysfunction in the genesis of hemodynamic abnormalities in HF derives from data on infusion of NG-monomethyl- l -arginine ( l -NMMA), an inhibitor of nitric oxide production, to volunteers with HF. Administration of l -NMMA increases median pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances and arterial pressures, characteristic features of the HF syndrome. Numerous studies have demonstrated peripheral endothelium-dependent vasomotor abnormalities in HF assessed by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) or forearm blood flow changes in response to acetylcholine. However, many such studies show weak, if any, correlations between these measures of endothelial dysfunction and clinical parameters of HF severity, cardiac contractility, or wedge pressure.

Although the presence of endothelial dysfunction has been uniformly reported in ischemic HF, the evidence is less robust in the case of nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Some data show no evidence of endothelial dysfunction in HF, whereas some reports show a lesser degree of endothelial abnormalities and other data suggest similar abnormalities in ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Both endothelial-dependent and endothelial-independent vasodilation have demonstrated HF secondary to valvular heart disease. Although endothelial dysfunction is a feature of HF of any etiology, multiple cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities that are common in patients with ischemic HF (e.g., diabetes, systemic atherosclerosis) can contribute to systemic endothelial impairment per se. In contrast, patients with nonischemic HF tend to have more localized endothelial dysfunction limited to the cardiac vasculature. The evidence supporting this concept will be discussed later.

Endothelial Dysfunction of the Coronary Circulation in Heart Failure

Evidence of endothelial dysfunction of coronary arteries is uniformly present in patients with HF of any etiology. Coronary artery endothelial dysfunction appears to play a particular role in nonischemic cardiomyopathy. As opposed to ischemic HF, in which atherosclerosis often affects multiple vascular sites, pathogenic processes in many forms of nonischemic cardiomyopathy are predominantly confined to the heart itself. Under these circumstances, prominent coronary endothelial dysfunction may be seen without any signs of peripheral artery endothelial dysfunction present. In some patients with nonischemic HF, impairment of endothelial function may occur and be attributable to the unmatched circulatory demand related to the failing heart. Of note, in patients with nonischemic LV dysfunction, significant impairment of the endothelial function is evident despite normal epicardial coronary arteries. Profound coronary endothelial dysfunction seen in patients with acute-onset dilated cardiomyopathy suggests early involvement of the endothelium in the pathogenic process.

In ischemic HF, coronary endothelial impairment parallels systemic endothelial dysfunction and involves both resistance and conductance vessels. However, coronary endothelial dysfunction in ischemic HF can vary substantially in its severity, possibly reflecting individual pathologic features of the disease (e.g., inflammatory activity). Pathophysiologic significance of dysfunctional coronary endothelium in ischemic cardiomyopathy is supported by the link between the degree of depression of the coronary blood flow reserve (an index of coronary endothelial dysfunction), magnitude of unfavorable cardiac geometry, and rise in BNP levels.

Activity of the coronary endothelium affects both systolic and diastolic cardiac function. Vasomotor capacity of the coronary arteries is predictive of subsequent improvement in LV contractility. The status of coronary endothelium is also independently linked to the impaired cardiac relaxation in patients with preserved systolic function. In addition, in patients with ischemic heart disease, coronary endothelial dysfunction predicts progression of the myocardial diastolic dysfunction. The details of molecular mechanisms that link endothelial dysfunction and abnormalities in cardiac contractility and relaxation are still to be understood; however, the altered balance between the generation of nitric oxide and the elimination of nitric oxide in the heart has been shown to be important with respect to the transition from cardiac hypertrophy to HF in experimental animals. Both activity and expression of the normal eNOS in cardiac tissue are reduced, whereas potentially detrimental iNOS is increased in failing human hearts. A direct mutual relationship between the coronary endothelial perturbations and pathogenesis of cardiac dysfunction in humans is difficult to establish, and to some extent coronary endothelial dysfunction could still be secondary to the other cardiac pathologic processes.

Systemic Nature of Endothelial Dysfunction in Heart Failure

As was mentioned previously, in most patients with HF, endothelial dysfunction is not confined to a single arterial bed but rather shows a systemic pattern of distribution with peripheral arteries, such as the brachial or radial artery being affected in parallel with the heart vessels. The systemic nature of the endothelial abnormalities spreads beyond the arterial tree itself. Accumulating evidence shows the endothelial dysfunction in systolic HF also involves the venous and capillary endothelium. Endothelium-dependent venodilation is impaired in chronic HF but particularly so in the acute decompensated phase of the disease. Improvement in vasomotor venous function in patients with decompensated systolic HF is accompanied by increase in exercise tolerance. Animal experiments showed inflammatory activation of the venous endothelial cells secondary to vascular stress and peripheral blood flow congestion typical of HF. However, knowledge of clinical significance of the venous endothelial function in this disorder is limited, and evidence of any independent role of venous endothelial abnormalities in the pathogenesis and prognosis in HF is lacking. It is likely that the bulk of venous endothelial abnormalities may be a consequence rather than a course of HF. Similar to arterial endothelial arterial dysfunction, changes in activity of the venous endothelium appear to vary depending on HF etiology, with no venous endothelial dysfunction evident in patients with chronic nonischemic HF even when the arterial endothelial dysfunction is present.

Resting exhaled nitric oxide, a marker of pulmonary endothelial nitric oxide production, is increased in HF, potentially indicating preserved endothelial function of the pulmonary vessels. Although one may speculate about the possibility that enhanced nitric oxide production may play a role in counterbalancing systemic endothelial dysfunction, this hypothesis seems unlikely. It is not clear whether this increased nitric oxide generation is mediated by eNOS associated with normal endothelial function or iNOS associated with uncontrolled nitric oxide release under conditions of abnormal systemic homeostasis (e.g., in sepsis) and responsible for excessive oxidative stress. The fact that patients with HF have reduced ability to increase nitric oxide release by pulmonary arteries during exercise despite enhanced resting nitric oxide production points toward the presence of endothelial dysfunction in the pulmonary vascular system. The presence of systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF is also supported by studies that have demonstrated a defective endothelium-dependent dilatory response of the microvascular bed. Microvascular endothelial dysfunction, together with reduced capillary density seen in systolic HF, may significantly contribute to the chronic hypoxia of peripheral tissues, symptoms of fatigue, and poor exercise tolerance.

Chronic dysfunction in the endothelium in HF contributes to the remodeling of peripheral arteries, resulting in the hypertrophy and reduced elastic properties. Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation correlates with the vascular wall hypertrophy and abnormalities of the local arterial elastic characteristics, such as distensibility and compliance. This systemic nature of endothelial dysfunction seen in HF reflects the concept of the endothelium as a single unique organ. Nevertheless, this approach also acknowledges significant diversity in phenotype and function of endothelial cells located within different segments of the vascular tree. Further research is still required to provide a holistic view on systemic versus local endothelial disarrangements in the pathophysiology of HF.

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