Acute Rheumatic Fever


Rheumatic fever (RF) is an acute, diffuse, and nonsuppurative inflammatory disease that occurs as a delayed complication after an untreated or partially treated pharyngotonsillitis, the infection itself sometimes being asymptomatic. It is caused by group A β-hemolytic S treptococcus , specifically, S treptococcus pyogenes . The process is triggered by an inappropriate immunologic response, both humoral and cellular, and results from a complex interaction between individual susceptibility, environment, and bacteria. The disease is characterized by four distinct phases. The initial streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis is followed by the latent period and then by the acute and chronic phases. The chronic phase is also known as rheumatic heart disease, when the cardiac lesions remain as sequels of the acute phase. RF has the potential to involve multiple organ systems including the heart, the joints, the brain, and the subcutaneous and cutaneous tissues. Cardiac injury is the most important manifestation, and it is the damage to the heart that produces its clinical, social, and economic impact.

Both RF and chronic rheumatic heart disease continue to pose serious concerns with regard to health in many parts of the world, and present a significant challenge for those involved in providing health care. In developed countries, although its frequency has been markedly reduced since the 1950s, RF remains a risk because of its potential for resurgence. The disease still presents a high incidence in many resource-limited settings, where it is often the most frequent cardiovascular disease in people younger than 25 years. RF still maintains a noteworthy high incidence in some indigenous populations. In low- and middle-income countries, this preventable disease continues to be both socially and clinically devastating, with significant rates of morbidity and mortality. Acute episodes of RF are still a cause of death in childhood and its sequels are the major cause of cardiovascular death in children and young adults. The repercussions of the disease involve patients of all ages, since the valvar sequels can be a condition carried throughout life. The children and adolescents who are most frequently admitted to hospital with acute episodes are the same individuals who, after the fourth decade of life, will constitute large numbers when analysis is focused on invasive intervention and death. The economic impact must also be considered, not only with regard to the financial costs of clinical and surgical treatments, but also relative to the loss of productivity as the result of a disability acquired at an early age.

Historical Background

From the historical perspective, the clinical manifestations of RF had been well described prior to the recognition of the complete syndrome. Arthritis had been mentioned since the days of Hippocrates, but only in the 17th century did the French doctor Guillaume de Baillou distinguish acute articular rheumatism from the other forms of rheumatism. In the posthumous edition of the Liber de Rheumatismo et Pleuritide dorsali , published in 1642, he was the first author to use the term rheumatism to describe the acute form of arthritis. Thomas Sydenham, in England, in his book Observationes Medicae , published in 1676, provided an accurate description of the acute migratory polyarthritis as distinct from gout. He also described, 2 years later, St. Vitus’ dance, another major manifestation of RF, which we now call Sydenham chorea. Important discoveries in cardiac pathology were made in the 18th century. Warty vegetations and thickening of the valvar leaflets as an isolated postmortem feature were recognized in 1709 by Giovanni Maria Lancisi, while Raymond Vieussens in 1715 contributed a description of mitral stenosis, with calcification of the leaflets. Giovanni Battista Morgagni, in the tome De Sedibus , published in 1761, dealt with lesions of all cardiac valves and described endocardial vegetations. The association of cardiac disease and rheumatism was noted by Morgagni but deemed coincidental. In the same year, Richard Pulteney, on the basis of his observation of pathology, called attention to the association of cardiac involvement and acute articular rheumatism. Matthew Baillie, nonetheless, in his tome entitled A Series of Engravings Tending to Illustrate the Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body , gave credit for this recognition of a causal relationship between cardiac disease and rheumatism to David Pitcairn. The first full account of the pathology of RF was then provided in 1808 by Dundas, who underscored the relationship of the cardiac features to rheumatism. In 1812, a detailed report was given in On Rheumatism of the Heart by William Charles Wells, who in 1813 also described the subcutaneous nodules. This author confirmed that, although Pitcairn had failed to provide a written record, he had already by 1788 established the association between rheumatism and cardiac lesions. The introduction of the stethoscope by René Laennec in 1816 facilitated the study of cardiac diseases, but not until 1832 did Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud provide a detailed account of rheumatic cardiac disease, correlating the clinical events with the postmortem findings. In his treatise Traité clinique des maladies du coeur he introduced the term endocarditis and clarified the clinical picture, giving an accurate account of the cardiac involvement and other manifestations in patients with RF. The eponym maladie de Bouillaud for RF recognized his great contribution, distinguished by its exceptional accuracy and clinical significance. In the same year, James Hope, as had already been pointed out by Wells and Dundas, detailed and emphasized the association of acute pericarditis with RF. In the Harveian lecture of 1898, Walter Butler Cheadle offered a full description of the RF syndrome as we know it today: carditis, polyarthritis, and chorea as well as subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum. Thus RF was first described about 120 years ago. Subsequently, the pathognomonic and distinctive microscopic nodules of rheumatic carditis were described in 1904 by Ludwig Aschoff.

The first report of a possible connection between a bacterial infection and RF had been suggested by Mantle in 1887, but it was not until early 1930s that the causal relationship between infection by the β-hemolytic streptococcus and RF was established. From then on, data about the disease was gathered in many other fields. Todd, in 1932, introduced a method for measuring one of the antibodies developed by the human body after the contact with the bacteria. Then, a year later, Rebecca Lancefield classified Streptococcus into five distinct groups. Subsequently, continuous administration of sulfanilamide was shown to prevent recurrences followed in 1950 and 1951 with demonstration that adequate treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis with penicillin prevented the disease.

As early as 1944, Thomas Duckett Jones had proposed a set of clinical and laboratorial data to guide and reduce the overdiagnosis of RF. The Jones criteria were subsequently modified and updated by the Committee of the American Heart Association. Subclinical carditis, diagnosed by echocardiography and Doppler, has been included in the last revision, published in the year 2015. Jones criteria have long been recognized as guidelines for the diagnosis of the first episode of the acute phase. The knowledge of the action of antibiotics in preventing the disease, and the systematization of the diagnosis by means of the important Jones criteria, heralded a new era of studies.


RF has a universal distribution, although significant differences in the rates of incidence and prevalence depend on the interaction of characteristics of the etiologic agent and its human host, besides environmental and socioeconomic conditions. RF has almost disappeared in developed countries; it remains rampant in countries and regions characterized by poverty, overcrowding, and lack of adequate health care. Due to the causal relationship of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis and RF, the epidemiology of the two diseases is closely related. As with most diseases, factors responsible for the occurrence of RF may pertain to the host, the environment, or the pathogen, or a combination of all three. A genetic predisposition has been previously suggested based on association of rheumatic heart disease with certain haplotypes such as HLA DR2, DR4, DR1, and DRw6; however it has not been convincingly proven. A meta-analysis of twin studies showed a concordance risk of RF of 44% in monozygotic and 12% in dizygotic twins. RF is more frequent among children and adolescents between the ages 5 and 15 years, and has a peak of incidence around the ages of 8 to 9 years. These ages coincide with the peak of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis in school-aged children; this infection is found to be less common in late adolescence and in adults. Likewise, RF is uncommon in children younger than 4 years and exceedingly rare under the age of 2 years. Data from Brazil revealed that 2.5% of patients had their first episode before age 3 years. In a study from India, Aschoff bodies were found in one-tenth of autopsied cases, the majority from patients between 16 and 40 years of age, indicating a recent attack of carditis. Under special circumstances, such as focal epidemics of streptococcal infections in military populations or closed institutions, the incidence of RF can increase in adults.

RF occurs in all populations, and shows equal frequency in both genders. The exception is Sydenham chorea, which is more common in females, and is hardly ever seen in males after puberty. RF has usually been reported as a disease of the temperate climates, but currently it is more prevalent in warm tropical climates, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Similarly, the influence of seasonal variation in the rates of incidence is now less defined, but in general follows that of streptococcal infections, which are most commonly observed in late winter and early spring. The disease is reputed to be more frequent in urban centers than in rural communities, but this is probably due to overcrowding. Although data thus far are inconclusive, it has been suggested that there is an increased susceptibility to RF in certain ethnic groups. The aboriginals of Australia's Northern Territory, and the Polynesians, both from rural areas, show a markedly increased incidence of the disease. In Hawaii, wide differences in the prevalence of chronic rheumatic heart disease have been documented in Samoan schoolchildren when compared with white Hawaiians. Similarly, higher frequencies of RF and chronic rheumatic heart disease have been found in the Maori population of New Zealand, and among black schoolchildren in South Africa. Data from India show a more severe or malignant disease, with multivalve involvement and congestive heart failure even in the first attack of RF. Many factors, however, can overlap and interfere in the calculations of the incidence of RF and the prevalence of chronic rheumatic heart disease, since different rates can be found under diverse environmental conditions for any given population. In this context, besides the role played by the bacteria and human host, other factors, such as differences in patterns of living conditions and streptococcal exposure, in addition to quality of and access to health care, are important and can impact the geographical distribution of the disease, as well as the severity of its sequels.

All over the world, pharyngotonsillitis is one of the most prevalent infections caused by the β-hemolytic streptococcus. It accounts for up to one-third of the throat infections in children, and up to one-tenth in adults. Although streptococcal infections are very frequent, only a few individuals develop RF. It is calculated that under endemic conditions, 0.3% of untreated infections, and 3% in epidemics, will lead to a first episode of RF. Despite the fact that group A Streptococcus has continued to constitute about 30% of all pharyngitis in children over the past five decades, the occurrence of RF in industrialized countries has fallen to a great extent. The reasons for this selective decline are not entirely clear. It is presumed to be linked to change in the epidemiology of Streptococcus pharyngitis with a shift from rheumatogenic to nonrheumatogenic strains. In some of the Aboriginal population of the Northern Territory of Australia, RF has occurred secondary to pyoderma rather than pharyngitis, and group C and G Streptococci rather than group A Streptococci. An analysis of emm type distribution shows a variation in the molecular epidemiology of group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections in Africa and the Pacific in comparison with that observed in high-income countries.

Recurrences of RF, as a consequence of inadequate prophylaxis, are more frequent in low- and middle-income countries, where predisposing factors to streptococcal infections still persist. The risk of subsequent attacks increases with the number of previous attacks, with the continued exposure to streptococcal infections, and falls with age. The recurrence rate is higher during the first 5 years subsequent to the acute episode, particularly in the first 2 years. Likewise, the risk of other attacks is higher in patients receiving oral secondary prophylaxis when compared to parenteral medication. The clinical features of subsequent attacks show a tendency to mimic those seen in the initial attack. Prospective follow-up to identify predictors of significant chronic rheumatic valvar disease shows that almost half of recurrences occur in the first 2 years of the disease ( Fig. 54.1 ).

Fig. 54.1, Frequency of recurrences in 258 children and adolescents followed up in the Rheumatic Fever Outpatients Clinic, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

In spite of a decline in both frequency and severity, RF still remains a risk. According to a recent published study a total of over 33.4 million individuals are affected by rheumatic heart disease worldwide. In low- and middle-income countries, the incidence of RF is still very high, with a wide variation from 1.0 to 254 for each 100,000 of the population. Regions with the highest rates are likely to have the least accurate data with substantial underreporting. In some high-income countries, there are population groups that live in poverty and have high rates of RF and rheumatic heart disease, as in the indigenous populations of northern and central Australia and New Zealand. The Aboriginal population living in the Northern Territory of Australia has the highest documented incidence rate of RF at 153 to 380 cases per 100,000 children aged 5 to 14 years. More than 300,000 cases of RF occur in children and adolescents aged from 5 to 14 every year. Although a downward trend has been noticed worldwide, the rates in some areas are similar to those found in developed countries at the turn of the 20th century. Investigations in the Aboriginal communities in northern Australia suggest a lifetime risk for having RF to be as high as 5% to 7%.

RF, nonetheless, has now become rare in developed countries, where the incidence is estimated at below 1 for each 100,000 of the population. The reasons for this decline of up to 100-fold over the last 50 to 60 years are not completely understood. Several factors are involved, but none can explain this decline when considered in isolation. It has been attributed to the decreasing rheumatogenic potential of group A streptococcal strains, and to changes in susceptibility of the human host, besides the modifications in the environment. In this context, the increased nutrition and better living conditions, as a consequence of improvements in social and economic standards, have contributed to reduce the spread of infecting agent. Other determining factors are the better availability of health care and the advent of antimicrobial agents. The widespread use of antibiotics has accelerated the decrease of the disease in terms of both morbidity and mortality. A fourfold acceleration of the decline was observed after the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics. Furthermore, the establishment of stricter clinical criteria enhanced the accuracy of the diagnosis, and consequently reduced overdiagnosis. Technological advances in laboratory diagnosis also improved the differential diagnosis from other cardiac diseases, such as congenital structural diseases, myocarditis, and mitral valvar prolapse, which in a clinical setting had often been misdiagnosed as RF.

Despite the apparent control, the disease had resurged in the United States of America by the mid-1980s. During the last 2 decades of the 20th century, outbreaks were reported in distinct geographical regions of the country among different age groups, mainly schoolchildren and young adults in military bases. The outbreaks showed an unexpected pattern, occurring among white, middle-class patients with ready access to health care and antibiotic therapy. Between 1985 and 1988, a national survey was performed in cities of 24 states of the United States, and showed evidence of an increase in the number of cases from 5 to 12 times when compared to the previous decade. Isolated reports of increased frequency of RF also came from Europe. With the collapse of USSR, the incidence of RF also increased significantly in the formal central Soviet Republics, approaching 233 per 100,000 in children in Kyrgyzstan.

No isolated factor can be held responsible for the epidemiologic changes in both the disappearance and the reappearance of RF, and the underlying reasons have still to be completely explained. It has been questioned whether the outbreaks represented a true risk of return of the disease, or simply were an oscillation in its declining profile of incidence.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

A broad range of clinical manifestations may occur after a streptococcal infection, varying in severity from mild and superficial dermal infection to necrotizing fasciitis or severe septicemia. Nonsuppurative sequels depend on a delayed immune-mediated host response, and include RF, acute glomerulonephritis, and reactive arthritis. As we have already discussed, the association between streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis and the subsequent development of RF was recognized in the first half of the 20th century, but the pathogenesis of the disease continues to be an area of active research. Major advances in the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms have only recently been achieved from immunologic, molecular biologic, and genetic studies. Susceptibility to RF depends on the interaction between Streptococcus components and host factors, influenced also by environmental conditions. Both humoral and cellular delayed immune responses to streptococcal throat infection take part in the process. Their extension determines the severity of the disease in one individual. In particular, autoimmunity against the tissues of the host plays a key role in the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. Molecular mimicry between streptococcal antigens and several human tissues such as cardiac valves and myosin, cartilage, synovial and cerebral proteins has been proposed and proved to be the basic mechanism triggering autoimmunity. It is important to emphasize that bacteria are absent from the acute and chronic tissue lesions of RF.

Streptococcus and Its Antigens

Streptococcus pyogenes, or the GAS, is a gram-positive extracellular bacterium covered by an outer layer of hyaluronic acid. Its cell wall is composed of repeating units of N-acetyl D-glucosamine carbohydrates linked to a rhamnose polymer backbone ( Fig. 54.2 ).

Fig. 54.2, Schematic representation of the cell wall of group A Streptococcus .

The classification of the microorganism in serogroups is based on the serology of the mural polysaccharides, giving groups A, B, F, and G. The concept of different bacterial strains causing disease in specific target organs emerged from decades of epidemiologic studies, revealing serotypes of GAS as having a strong tendency to cause pharyngotonsillitis, and others to be associated with impetigo. Although different serogroups may also cause throat infections, there is no evidence linking bacteria from the remaining serologic groups with the development of RF.

The M, T, and R proteins on the bacterial cell surface, along with lipoteichoid acid, are involved in the adhesion of the bacteria to the host epithelial cells, and in their ability to resist phagocytosis in the human host (see Fig. 54.2 ). Thus far, it has proved possible to identify more than 100 M serotypes, based on the antigenic variation of the N-terminal portion. The M protein is particularly important in determining the virulence of the microorganism, since it promotes avid adherence to host tissues. Moreover, it is the M protein that shares structural homology with certain alpha-helical human molecules such as myosin, tropomyosin, laminin, vimentin, keratin, and laminin, thus forming the basis for the immune-mediated postinfectious sequels. Laminin is an extracellular matrix protein present in the cardiac valves, being secreted by the endothelial cells that line them.

The M protein molecule itself has a variable composition ( Fig. 54.3 ). As explained, its N-terminal portion contains the A-repeat region that produces antigenic variation. The B-repeat region also varies from serotype to serotype, while the C-repeat regions contain highly conserved epitopes. Classification of Streptococcus into class I or class II depends on whether their M protein reacts with a monoclonal antibody that targets epitopes in the C-repeat region. While class I strains are predominantly negative for the production of serum opacity factor and are recognized as rheumatogenic, class II strains produce the serum opacity factor, bind fibronectin, and are usually associated with production of glomerulonephritis. Serotypes, such as M types 1, 3, 5, 6, 14, 18, 24, have also been associated with the development of RF. An alternative means of serotyping is to sequence the gene encoding the 5′ terminal end of the M protein. A great range of genetic diversity has been shown in this fashion in isolates recovered from many different geographic locations. The identification of these so-called emm types present in a community at the time of an outbreak of RF permitted recognition of the types most commonly associated to the disease, and revealed emm types 1, 3, 5, 6, 14, 18, 24, 17, and 29 to be rheumatogenic. This concept of rheumatogenicity, however, has recently been challenged, since some types frequently associated with acute RF are infrequently found in several communities with high burdens of the disease, where new, non-M antigen typeable microorganisms have been identified. These new types probably result from genetic recombination between different strains of the GAS. It is not surprising that a clear distinction between the rheumatogenic and nonrheumatogenic strains of the GAS does not exist in areas of the world with high rates of superficial infections, since multiple genetically distinct strains circulate at the same time. Usually, a higher diversity of strains circulate in low-income areas of the world while from high-income populations a relatively limited number of emm serotypes have been recovered. This broad genetic diversity has important implications in the development of a vaccine against streptococcal infections.

Fig. 54.3, A, B, C, and D repeat regions of streptococcal M protein. At the N-terminus, the A repeat region contains the highly variable amino acid sequences that are serotype specific. The C and D regions are highly conserved among the strains of streptococci.

Human Host

Alleles of the Human Leukocyte Antigen Associated With Rheumatic Fever

Considering that less than 3% of the patients with acute streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis develop RF, it is reasonable to suggest that the genetic predisposition of the individual plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. In the 19th century, it was suggested that both RF and rheumatic heart disease were hereditary, possibly transmitted in autosomal recessive fashion. Further studies on the determinants of host susceptibility indicated that the immune response to streptococcal infection is genetically controlled. More recently, molecular biologic techniques have identified an association between the disease and some alleles of the major histocompatibility complex. These class II human leukocyte antigen molecules are expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, such as macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells. Together with the bound peptide antigen, they trigger the activation of T-lymphocytes. Several such alleles have been associated with RF in different countries ( Table 54.1 ). While DR7 is the allele most frequently associated with RF in Brazil, Turkey, and Latvia, the DR4 allele is found in American-Caucasian, Indian, and Saudi-Arabian patients. Recently, in Mexican and Brazilian patients with rheumatic heart disease, some alleles of the tumor necrosis factor alpha, also located in the region of the major histocompatibility complex, were described with increased frequency. A possible explanation for the frequent association of certain alleles with the development of RF and rheumatic heart disease is that these molecules might cause inappropriate activation of the T-cells, resulting in autoimmunity. Large future multiethnic genome studies shall provide more comprehensive understanding of the genetic susceptibility to RF.

Table 54.1
Class II HLA Alleles Associated With the Development of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease in Different Countries
Modified from Guilherme L, Fae K, Oshiro SE, Kalil J. Molecular pathogenesis of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Expert Rev Mol Med . 2005;7:1–15.
HLA Class II Allele Country
DR1 South Africa
DR2 United States
DR3 Turkey
DR4 United States
Saudi Arabia
DR5 Turkey
DR6 South Africa
DR7 Brazil
DR9 United States
DQA1*0104 Japan
DQB1*05031 Japan

Interactions Between Host and Pathogens

It is well recognized that the molecular mimicry between some antigens present on the surface of GAS and specific human tissues triggers the autoimmune response causing acute RF. Structural similarities between streptococcal M protein and myosin are the key for the development of acute carditis. On the other hand, valvar lesions are triggered by immune reactions against human proteins such as laminin, an alpha-helical coiled-coil molecule present in the valvar subendothelium. Both the humoral and cellular arms of the immune response take part in the host response against these self-proteins sharing some homology with Streptococcus . Despite the strong evidence of the existence of a molecular mimicry between the host tissues and the microorganism, some authors have questioned the likelihood of such mimicry in RF based on the description of an autoantibody reaction against collagen IV in the disease.

Humoral Response

After the adherence of the bacteria to the host cells, the processes of colonization and invasion supervene, inducing the production of type-specific antibodies by B-derived mononuclear cells, leading to opsonization and phagocytosis. As pointed out recently, heart-reactive antibodies were first described by Calveti in 1945. The recognition of cross-reactive streptococcal epitopes and human antigens, mainly myosin and laminin, led to a great advance in the studies directed to the knowledge of the mechanism of the disease.

Cross-reaction between antibodies to cardiac valvar tissue and the N-acetyl glucosamine of the polysaccharide from GAS has been clearly demonstrated. Additionally, some studies have shown that the cross-reacting antibodies bind to the endocardial surface of valves, upregulating the local expression of adhesion molecules like vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, which facilitates infiltration of inflammatory cells inside the valvar leaflets, which are avascular, leading later to scarring ( Fig. 54.4 ). The pathogenic mechanism responsible for the Sydenham chorea present in some patients with acute RF is also dependent on the cross-recognition of neuronal tissue proteins by antibodies directed to the N-acetyl-glucosamine of Streptococcus . Such antibodies against the group A carbohydrate of Streptococcus spp. attack the neurons from basal ganglia, activating an altered cell signaling toward increased levels of dopamine, leading to abnormal movements and behaviors.

Fig. 54.4, Cellular and molecular events leading to the development of rheumatic fever and the lesions found in those with rheumatic heart disease. IFN, Interferon; IL4, interleukin 4; IL10, interleukin 10; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

Cellular Response

T lymphocytes of subsets CD4 and CD8 are the main mediators of the myocardial and valvar lesions of RF and rheumatic heart disease, participating in a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (see Fig. 54.4 ). Cross-reactive antibodies upregulate the vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1) on the surface of the valvar endothelium, promoting infiltration of T cells into the valvar stroma. In the acute phase, the pathognomonic histologic feature is the Aschoff body, a granulomatous lesion found in both the myocardium and in valvar leaflets, and composed of T, B lymphocytes and macrophages, large mononuclear cells, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The presence of activated macrophages inside the bodies is consistent with an immune response of the CD4 + T helper 1 type.

Proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1, are overproduced by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with RF. They are also predominantly expressed by mononuclear inflammatory cells inside the chronic valvar lesions, indicating their local role even in the chronic phase of the disease. Cytokines are considered important second signals after infections, triggering effective immune responses in most individuals, but in the context of autoimmune diseases they induce a deleterious response. T cell recruitment to the sites of inflammation is favored by specific chemokines and contribute to the maintenance of the rheumatic lesions. Differences in the pattern of cytokine production were observed between inflammatory cells derived from valvar and myocardial tissue from patients with RF. These findings reinforce the putative role of these regulatory cytokines in the myocardial healing, but not in valves, where the damage is progressive and permanent. The sparing of the right-sided cardiac valves in most cases of RF is usually attributed to the lower pressure and shear stress to which they are usually submitted compared to the left-sided valves. Quadrivalvar rheumatic disease has been reported only rarely, and usually then in patients with congenitally malformed hearts. The location of the acute valvar lesions along the lines of closure of the leaflets corroborates the hypothesis that lesions occur at places that are most liable to trauma.

Vaccine Development

Several efforts have been devoted in different centers to producing an effective vaccine against infection by the GAS, to avoid the occurrence of acute RF. A safe vaccine should evoke protective immune responses against Streptococcus , without eliciting tissue cross-reactive immunity. If the main mechanism of immunity generation against GAS infection is type-specific antibody protection, the challenge of a vaccine covering more than 200 emm types would be enormous. Different models of vaccines under development are based on the N- and the C-terminal regions of the surface-expressed M protein, while others focus on other streptococcal antigens. A promising antigen for a candidate vaccine is the C-terminal region of the M protein, which is conserved and common to most strains. Although some clinical trials are about to show the first results of vaccine development, global coordination and funding are among the main challenges to overcome for its production.

Morphology of the Acute Cardiac and Extracardiac Lesions

The sequence of immunologic events described above culminates in the development of acute RF, which presents as exudative and proliferative inflammatory reactions in the connective tissue of the affected organs. These lesions are more distinctive within the heart, but involve also the joints, subcutaneous tissue, brain, and vessels of the lung. Basically, they are characterized by mononuclear inflammatory cells around a focus of fibrinoid necrosis. In the heart, the pericardial, myocardial, endocardial layers are all affected; hence there is a pancarditis. The histologic landmark of acute RF is the Aschoff body, found underneath the valvar endocardium and in perivascular areas of the myocardium, to be described below.

Grossly, the pericarditis is characterized by the deposition of a serofibrinous exudate, giving the so-called “bread-and-butter” appearance. Acute valvar lesions are found as small vegetations of 1 to 2 mm along the lines of closure on the atrial aspect of the atrioventricular valves, and on the ventricular surface of the arterial valves ( Fig. 54.5 ). These small verrucous lesions may extend to the tendinous cords of the atrioventricular valves, and in rare instances, mainly in children, may be associated with chordal rupture, causing severe valvar regurgitation and cardiac failure. Microscopically, the vegetations are composed of fibrin thrombus overlying an area of fibrinoid necrosis of the valvar connective tissue. These areas of necrosis are surrounded by a dense inflammatory infiltrate, containing mononuclear cells and occasional giant cells. Presumably, the fibrin vegetations accumulate on the ulcerated endocardium in areas of extrusion of the damaged collagen ( Fig. 54.6 ). Although the typical Aschoff bodies, pathognomonic of the disease and most commonly seen in the myocardium, are not usually found in valvar tissues, the acute verrucous valvar lesion transforms with time, showing inflammatory cells arranged in palisade around the central necrotic core. These lesions eventually heal, producing local fibrosis. Moreover, the adjacent tissue of the valvar leaflets is edematous, and shows a diffuse nonspecific mononuclear infiltrate. Neovascularization is not a feature in this phase of the disease, but thin-walled blood vessels can be seen invading at the base of implantation of the leaflet.

Fig. 54.5, Characteristic lesions in the hearts from children who died in the acute phase of rheumatic fever. (A) Small vegetations on the line of closure of the mitral valve. (B–C) Similar lesions in the tricuspid and aortic valves, respectively. Note that in (A) there is moderate dilation of the left atrium and ventricle. The aortic valve shown in (C) also shows signs of chronic disease, characterized by partial fusion of the zone of apposition between the noncoronary and right coronary leaflets. (D) Surgically excised mitral valve, with massive deposits of fibrin on the line of closure of both leaflets. The tendinous cords are delicate, indicating absence of chronic disease in this valve.

Fig. 54.6, Photomicrograph taken from a mitral valve excised during the acute phase of rheumatic fever showing fibrin vegetations (arrows) overlying a densely inflamed valvar stroma. The section is stained with hematoxylin and eosin.

In the case of a recurrent attack, the fibrin vegetations still appear on the same structures, but there are already valvar sequels, such as cordal fusion and thickening of the leaflets ( Fig. 54.7 ). The relative frequency of valvar involvement correlates to the hemodynamic closing pressures, the decreasing order being mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary.

Fig. 54.7, Section taken from a surgically excised mitral valve revealing signs of coexisting chronic disease, with thickened leaflets and fused cords, and superimposed acute rheumatic lesions, with fibrin vegetations on the line of closure.

Although myocardial involvement in acute RF is sometimes called myocarditis, direct myocytic injury as it is observed in the usual form of acute viral myocarditis is not a feature. Instead, the finding of multiple Aschoff bodies is the fingerprint of the disease. These granulomatous nodules are usually located in the connective tissue around small vessels ( Fig. 54.8 ). They show fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by lymphocytes, some plasma cells, and plump macrophages with abundant cytoplasm and a clear nucleus where a central wavy ribbon of condensed chromatin is observed. These are called Anitschkow cells, or “caterpillar cells,” the latter reflecting their appearance when cut longitudinally. Multinucleated macrophages may also be present, and receive the name of Aschoff giant cells. Aschoff bodies often appear in the myocardium about 4 weeks after the acute onset of RF, and may remain in the tissue for as long as 3 to 6 months. Although the earliest lesions show prominent fibrinoid necrosis and inflammation, as described above, the life cycle of the nodule continues with a gradual decrease in the cellular content. The complete healing of those lesions takes the form of a fibrous scar around small myocardial vessels.

Fig. 54.8, Histologic evolution of the Aschoff body in the myocardium. (A–C) Exudative phase. (A) Central fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by large mononuclear cells. (B) Large mononuclear cells with prominent nucleoli as well as Aschoff giant cells (arrows) . (C) Anitschkow cells (arrows) . (D) Proliferative phase with perivascular accumulation of mononuclear cells and absent fibrinoid necrosis. (E) Healed perivascular lesion characterized by fibrosis.

The role of myocarditis in the failure of the heart in acute RF has recently been questioned, since levels of troponin I are typically within normal limits, which indicates absence of direct damage to cardiomyocytes as described above. Since most patients with heart failure have valvar dysfunction, mainly isolated mitral regurgitation, or combined mitral and aortic regurgitation, this in itself could explain the congestive symptoms. Even without direct damage to the contractile cells, nonetheless, the myocardium in the setting of acute RF is edematous and, besides the Aschoff bodies, an interstitial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of variable intensity is a common finding. The process has been referred to as interstitial carditis. Such features could disrupt the myocardial integrity, and possibly interfere with the cardiac function. Dilation of the mitral annulus is also a contentious topic. Some believe that valvar regurgitation precedes dilation of the chambers, while others argue that myocardial impairment comes first, since in the acute phase the leaflets are just mildly deformed by fibrin deposition. Since it is virtually impossible to be certain that a given episode of rheumatic carditis is the first, valvar regurgitation, when present in the context of an acute carditis, could always be the consequence of previous deformity of the leaflets. Another lesion considered characteristic of the acute phase is MacCallum patch. This is an endocardial lesion on the posteroinferior left atrial wall, frequently containing Aschoff bodies when examined histologically. This thickening, however, is more likely to be a “jet lesion” from mitral regurgitation than a specific rheumatic lesion. Although the diagnosis of acute RF is usually made on clinical grounds, the endomyocardial biopsy is said to have value in diagnosis. Histologic diagnosis, however, is based on the presence of Aschoff bodies. These structures were found, in one study, in less than one-third of patients with acute RF, and only two-fifths of those with recurrent attacks. This suggests that endomyocardial biopsy is not likely to add important diagnostic information.


Clinical Manifestations

Since the description provided by Cheadle in 1889, no modifications have been incorporated into the clinical profile of RF. The disease is characterized by its uniformity as a syndrome and by its diversity as a multisystemic disease. The clinical presentation, with its variable patterns of symptoms and signs, is determined by the site of involvement, by the time of appearance along the course of the acute attack, and whether the manifestations occur alone or combined. Additionally, the clinical picture is also influenced by a wide range in severity of the individual manifestations.

The latent, or asymptomatic, period between streptococcal infection and the onset of RF lasts from 1 to 5 weeks, more frequently between 1 and 3 weeks. Sydenham chorea usually is a delayed manifestation and it may take longer to appear, between 1 and 6 months. The acute episode is time limited, ranging from 6 to 12 weeks, but sometimes as long as 6 months in patients with severe carditis. The duration of the latent period is similar in both, the first episode and recurrences. No single symptom or sign is pathognomonic, nor are there specific laboratory tests. The diagnosis is made on a clinical basis. The supportive microbiologic and serologic laboratorial data is then used to characterize the underlying streptococcal infection, besides establishing the presence or the resolution of the acute inflammatory process. The diagnostic criteria formulated by Jones in 1944 have been revised and modified over the past decades. The reviews have clarified the categorization of major and minor manifestations, and emphasized the importance of the laboratory evidence of a preceding infection by the GAS. As a consequence, overdiagnosis has been reduced and more detailed information about clinical findings has been provided resulting in improvement of specificity. In addition, exceptions to the criteria were highlighted aiming at diminishing the risks of underdiagnosis. The division between major and minor criteria was based on the specificity of the manifestations for the diagnosis, and not on their frequency or prognostic significance.

Nonetheless, a single set of diagnostic criteria has become insufficient to encompass the variability in the clinical profile of acute episodes related to different populations in diverse geographic settings. Additionally, the concept of cardiac involvement in the absence of auscultatory findings, the so-called subclinical carditis, has emerged from the widespread use of Doppler echocardiography. Taking into account the technological advances and new evidence from epidemiologic data, the Jones criteria were last reviewed and updated in the year 2015 ( Table 54.2 ). First, subclinical carditis was incorporated as a major manifestation for all patient populations. Second, with the introduction of two different sets of diagnostic criteria based on population risk, monoarthritis or polyarthralgia was considered a major criterion for arthritis, and low-grade fever was included as a minor manifestation, both conditions applied only for moderate- and high-risk populations. Moderate–high risk is defined as coming from a population with an RF incidence of 2 or more per 100,000 school-aged children (usually 5 to 14 years old) per year or an all-age rheumatic heart disease prevalence of more than 1 per 1000 people per year.

Table 54.2
Revised Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever (2015)
From Gewitz MH, Baltimore RS, Tani LY, et al. On behalf of the American Heart Association Committee (on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young): Revision of the Jones Criteria for the Diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever in the Era of Doppler Echocardiography: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Endorsed by the World Heart Federation. Circulation. 2015;131:1806–1818.
Diagnosis: initial ARF 2 Major manifestations or 1 major plus 2 minor manifestations
Diagnosis: recurrent ARF 2 Major or 1 major and 2 minor or 3 minor manifestations
Low-risk populations (ARF incidence ≤2/100,000 school-aged children or all-age rheumatic heart disease prevalence of ≤1/1000 population per year) Moderate- and high-risk populations (all populations that are not low risk)

  • Clinical and/or subclinical


  • Polyarthritis only

Erythema marginatum
Subcutaneous nodules


  • Clinical and/or subclinical


  • Monoarthritis or polyarthritis

  • Polyarthralgia

Erythema marginatum
Subcutaneous nodules

Low-risk populations Moderate- and high-risk populations
Fever (≥38.5°C)
ESR ≥60 mm in the first hour and/or CRP ≥3.0 mg/dL
Prolonged PR interval, after accounting for age variability (unless carditis is a major criterion)
Fever (≥38°C)
ESR ≥30 mm in the first hour and/or CRP ≥3.0 mg/dL
Prolonged PR interval, after accounting for age variability (unless carditis is a major criterion)
Subclinical carditis indicates echocardiographic valvulitis as defined in Table 54.4 .
Polyarthralgia should only be considered as a major manifestation in moderate- to high-risk populations after exclusion of other causes.
ARF, Acute rheumatic fever; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; GAS, group A streptococcal.

The five most characteristic clinical features constitute the major manifestations, namely carditis, arthritis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum, independent of their severity. Classically, arthritis and carditis isolated or combined are seen most frequently. Chorea is less common, and the other major manifestations are rare ( Fig. 54.9 ). The minor manifestations are frequent and mostly related to the underlying systemic inflammation. These clinical and laboratorial findings are nonspecific but supportive of the diagnosis when accompanying a major manifestation. In addition to the Jones criteria, other nonspecific clinical findings may also be present during the course of the acute episodes.

Fig. 54.9, Proportional distribution of 1066 children and adolescents with rheumatic fever according to the major manifestations seen in the Rheumatic Fever Outpatients Clinic, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. EM, Erythema marginatum; SN, subcutaneous nodules.

The diagnosis of a first episode of RF includes the combination of two major, or one major and two minor manifestations, supported by evidence of a preceding infection with the GAS. When clinical or subclinical carditis is considered as a major manifestation, a prolonged P-R interval cannot be included as a minor manifestation in the same patient. Similarly, in the presence of arthritis, monoarthralgia, or polyarthralgia cannot be considered as a minor manifestation. Once other diagnoses are excluded, Sydenham chorea and indolent carditis are exceptions to the strict adherence to the Jones criteria. Since Sydenham chorea usually occurs as a late manifestation of the disease, evidences of the inflammatory process and of the preceding streptococcal infection could have already subsided when the major manifestation becomes evident. Similarly, evidence of a streptococcal infection is not required for patients with indolent carditis. This subacute condition is more frequently seen in young children and shows insidious onset and slow progression over several weeks or months. By the time of evaluation, the acute-phase reactants and levels of antistreptococcal antibodies may be normal. For the diagnosis of a recurrent attack, the complete set of Jones criteria is not needed when faced with a reliable history of a previous episode of RF, or an established chronic rheumatic heart disease. The diagnostic requirements are two major or one major and two minor or at least three minor manifestations, along with supporting evidence of a recent streptococcal infection. Diagnostic categories described as “possible” and “probable” RF have been used to include patients who did not meet the Jones criteria for a definitive diagnosis of an acute episode, although RF is the most likely diagnosis.

Major Manifestations


The cardiac involvement is variable ranging from subclinical to severe presentation with heart failure and fulminating evolution ( Box 54.1 ). The severity of carditis is the most important prognostic factor. Only the lesions in the heart are potential causes of sequels and death during the acute attack or later. Cardiac failure is more common in recurrences and has been reported in around less than one-tenth of patients during the first episodes. The cardiac failure is characterized by pancarditis. The determinants of morbidity and mortality, nonetheless, are the degree and extent of endocarditis, represented by the damage in the cardiac valves. The pericardial and myocardial damages carry no long-term morbidity. The cardiac involvement tends to appear early, and is usually diagnosed within the first 3 weeks of the acute episode. Carditis is reported to be seen in up to three-fifths of first attacks although more recent series of patients have shown higher rates when echocardiography is included in the evaluation. Nonetheless, a prevalence of 28%, much lower than expected, has been documented in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Box 54.1
Classification of Carditis According to the Magnitude of Clinical Manifestations, Electrocardiographic, Radiographic, and Doppler Echocardiographic Findings a

a According to the protocol of the Rheumatic Fever Outpatients Clinic, Division of Pediatric Cardiology/Department of Pediatrics/Hospital das Clínicas/Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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