Acute Appendicitis

Acute appendicitis remains the most common acute surgical condition in children and a major cause of childhood morbidity and health care costs, mostly associated with complicated/perforated appendicitis (PA). The peak incidence of acute appendicitis occurs in children in the second decade, and approximately 100,000 children are treated in children's hospitals for appendicitis each year. The broad spectrum of clinical presentation in acute appendicitis has been associated with significant practice variation in evaluation, diagnostic measures, and treatment of abdominal pain and suspected appendicitis. The traditional strategy of the liberal use of computed tomography (CT) to avoid misdiagnosis and early surgery to avoid progression to perforation has lacked validation in large reviews and resulted in high negative appendectomy rates and excessive radiation exposure. Perforation rates have remained around 40% and negative appendectomy rates as high as 10–20% in the past several decades. In current practice, most centers have adopted clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) combining history, physical examination findings, laboratory data, and appendicitis risk scoring systems to standardize care, improve diagnostic accuracy and outcomes, and direct cost-conscious resource utilization. Appendiceal ultrasound has emerged as a highly sensitive and specific imaging modality for diagnosis and led to a significant decrease in the use of CT and radiation exposure in the initial evaluation of children presenting with abdominal pain and possible suspected appendicitis. While prompt appendectomy remains the standard treatment in acute appendicitis, advances in imaging techniques, improved antibiotic regimens, increased use of percutaneous drainage procedures by interventional radiologists, and emerging data on high success rates with initial antibiotic treatment alone have led to an increase in the initial nonoperative management of both simple and complicated (abscess, phlegmon) appendicitis. Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA, minimally invasive technique) has emerged as the preferred surgical approach for both simple and PA, with an open surgical approach reserved as an alternative for selected cases or when attempted LA is technically difficult and/or deemed unsafe.


The incidence of acute appendicitis increases with age, from a rate of 1-2 per 10,000 children from birth to 4 yr of age, to a rate of 19-28 per 10,000 children younger than age 14 yr annually. Children have a lifetime risk of 7–9% and appendicitis is diagnosed in 1–8% of children presenting to the emergency department (ED) for evaluation of abdominal pain. Appendicitis is most common in older children, with peak incidence between the ages of 10 and 18 yr; it is rare in children younger than 5 yr of age (<5% of cases) and extremely rare (<1% of cases) in children younger than 3 yr of age.

Infants with appendicitis are often misdiagnosed with sepsis and because of the diagnostic delay, they present in advanced stages of the disease. Most infant cases are primary, but some may be associated with Hirschsprung disease, cystic fibrosis, inguinal hernia, prematurity, meconium plug syndrome, or complex multiorgan syndromes.

Incidence rates for acute appendicitis are higher in males, whites, and Hispanics compared to African Americans and Asians; Hispanics, Asians, and patients with nonprivate insurance have higher odds of perforation. There is a peak incidence of appendicitis in the third quarter between July and September and the incidence is higher in the West and North Central regions compared with the Mid-Atlantic States. The reasons for these ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic disparities remain unclear with possibilities including cultural differences in interaction with the medical system, limitations in access to care, or differences in disease progression by race.

Mortality is low (<1%), but morbidity remains high, mostly in association with PA. Up to 40% of children have PA at presentation, and perforation rates approach 90% in young children (<3 yr). Children with simple (nonperforated) appendicitis typically recover easily, with a low complication rate and rapid return to premorbid state and full activities. In contrast, PA is associated with substantial postoperative morbidity including readmission rates estimated at 12.8%, postoperative intraabdominal abscess rate ∼20%, surgical site infection (SSI) rate ∼20%, prolonged length of stay (LOS), need for prolonged antibiotic exposure, increased postoperative use of CT, and significant delay in return to wellness and normal activities. The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project estimated that appendicitis with peritonitis accounted for 25,410 pediatric hospital admissions in 2012, with a mean LOS of 5.2 days and mean costs of $13,076.


The clinical entity of acute appendiceal inflammation followed by perforation, abscess formation, and peritonitis is most likely a disease of multiple etiologies, the final common pathway of which involves invasion of the appendiceal wall by bacteria. Genetic, environmental, and infectious etiologies (bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic) have all been implicated in acute appendicitis. Family history confers a nearly threefold increased risk for appendicitis. One pathway to acute appendicitis begins with luminal obstruction; inspissated fecal material, lymphoid hyperplasia, ingested foreign body, parasites, and tumors have been described. Obstruction of the appendiceal lumen initiates a progressive cascade involving increasing intraluminal pressure, lymphatic and venous congestion and edema, impaired arterial perfusion, ischemia of the appendiceal wall, bacterial proliferation and invasion of the wall, and necrosis. This sequence correlates with the clinical disease progression from simple appendicitis to gangrenous appendicitis and, thereafter, appendiceal perforation.

Because the appendix has the highest concentration of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) in the intestine, some have hypothesized that the appendix may have an immune function similar to that of the thymus or bursa of Fabricius. Submucosal lymphoid follicles, which can obstruct the appendiceal lumen, are few at birth but multiply steadily during childhood, reaching a peak in number during the teen years, when acute appendicitis is most common.

Enteric infection likely plays a role in many cases of acute appendicitis in association with mucosal ulceration and invasion of the appendiceal wall by bacteria. Bacteria such as Yersinia , Salmonella, and Shigella spp., and viruses such as infectious mononucleosis, mumps, coxsackievirus B, and adenovirus, are implicated. In addition, case reports demonstrate the occurrence of appendicitis from ingested foreign bodies, in association with carcinoid tumors of the appendix, Ascaris infestation and rarely, following blunt abdominal trauma. Children with cystic fibrosis have an increased incidence of appendicitis; the cause is believed to be the abnormal thickened mucus. Appendicitis in neonates is rare and warrants diagnostic evaluation for cystic fibrosis and Hirschsprung disease.

Appendectomy decreases the risk of ulcerative colitis and increases the risk of recurrent Clostridium difficile-associated colitis. Appendicoliths and appendicitis are more common in developed countries with refined, low-fiber diets than in developing countries with a high-fiber diet; no causal relationship has been established between lack of dietary fiber and appendicitis. In a large database analysis for genetic inheritability of appendicitis one locus had genome-wide significance, and a candidate gene (PITX2) was identified which was associated with a protective risk of appendicitis. A family history is associated with a nearly threefold increased appendicitis risk and genetic factors may account for 30% of appendicitis risk.

Clinical Features

Appendicitis in children has an immensely broad spectrum of clinical presentation; <50% of cases have the classic presentation. The signs and symptoms in acute appendicitis can vary depending on the timing of presentation, patient age, the abdominal/pelvic location of the appendix, and most importantly, individual variability in the evolution of the disease process. Children early in the disease process can appear well and demonstrate mild symptoms, minimal findings on physical examination, and normal laboratory studies, while those with perforation and advanced peritonitis can demonstrate severe illness with bowel obstruction, renal failure, and septic shock. Most patients with appendicitis demonstrate an insidious onset of illness characterized by generalized nonspecific malaise or anorexia in the first 12 hr, and a steady, escalating progression in severity of signs and symptoms over 2-3 days with increasing abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, and tachycardia; perforation is common beyond 48 hr of illness. Thus, the opportunity for diagnosis before perforation in acute appendicitis in children is most often brief (48-72 hr) and a high percentage of patients are perforated at presentation.

Abdominal pain is consistently the primary symptom in acute appendicitis; beginning shortly (hours) after the onset of illness. As with other visceral organs, there are no somatic pain fibers within the appendix; therefore, early appendiceal inflammation results in pain which is vague, poorly localized, unrelated to activity or position, often colicky, and periumbilical in location as a result of visceral inflammation from a distended appendix. Progression of the inflammatory process in the next 24 hr leads to involvement of the adjacent parietal peritoneal surfaces, resulting in somatic pain localized to the right lower quadrant (RLQ); thus, the classic description of periumbilical mid-abdominal pain migrating to the RLQ. The position of the appendix is a critical factor affecting interpretation of presenting signs and symptoms and accurate diagnosis. When the appendix is in a retrocecal or pelvic position, a slower progression of illness is typical and clinical presentation is likely to be delayed. Localized pain in the RLQ leads to spasm in the overlying abdominal wall muscles and now the pain is predictably exacerbated by movement. The child often describes marked discomfort with the bumpy car ride to the hospital, moves cautiously, and has difficulty getting onto the examining room stretcher. Nausea and vomiting occur in more than half the patients, and typically follow the onset of abdominal pain by several hours. Anorexia is a classic and consistent finding in acute appendicitis, but occasionally affected patients are hungry. Diarrhea and urinary symptoms are also common, particularly in cases of PA when there is likely inflammation near the rectum and possible abscess in the pelvis. Painful voiding may not be from dysuria, but pressure transmitted to an inflamed peritoneum. As it progresses, appendicitis is often associated with adynamic ileus, leading to the complaint of constipation and possible misdiagnosis.

Because enteric infections can cause appendicitis, diarrhea may be a manifestation and gastroenteritis may be the assumed diagnosis. In contrast to gastroenteritis, the abdominal pain in early appendicitis is constant (not cramping or relieved by defecation), the emesis may become bile stained and persistent, and the clinical course worsens steadily rather than demonstrating a waxing and waning pattern often seen in viral gastroenteritis. Fever is common in appendicitis and typically low-grade unless perforation has occurred. Most patients demonstrate at least mild tachycardia, likely secondary to pain and dehydration. The temporal progression of symptoms from vague, mild pain, malaise, and anorexia to severe localized pain, fever, and vomiting typically occurs rapidly (24-48 hr) in the majority of cases. If the diagnosis is delayed beyond 48 hr, perforation is likely (>65%). When several days have elapsed in the progression of appendicitis, patients typically develop signs and symptoms evidencing advanced disease, including worsening and diffuse pain, abdominal distension, and bilious emesis suggestive of developing small bowel obstruction. The retrocecal appendix can demonstrate symptoms suggestive of septic arthritis of the hip or a psoas muscle abscess.

A primary focus in the management of appendicitis is the avoidance of sepsis and the infectious complications leading to increased morbidity, mostly seen with PA.

Bacteria can be cultured from the serosal surface of the appendix before microscopic or gross perforation and bacterial invasion of the mesenteric veins (pylephlebitis) can result (rarely) in thrombosis and possible liver abscess or portal hypertension. A period after perforation of lessened abdominal pain and acute symptoms has been described, presumably with the elimination of pressure within the appendix. If, following perforation, the omentum or adjacent intestine is able to wall off the fecal contamination, the evolution of illness is less predictable and delay in presentation is likely. If perforation leads to diffuse peritonitis, the child generally has escalating diffuse abdominal pain and rapid development of toxicity evidenced by dehydration and signs of sepsis including hypotension, oliguria, acidosis, and high-grade fever. Young children have a poorly developed omentum and are often unable to control the spread of infection. Perforation and abscess formation with appendicitis can lead to intestinal fistula formation, scrotal cellulitis and abscess through a patent processus vaginalis (indirect inguinal hernia), or small bowel obstruction. The most likely diagnosis in children who present with signs and symptoms of mechanical small bowel obstruction who have not had prior abdominal surgery is complicated appendicitis.

Physical Examination

Although the hallmark of diagnosing acute appendicitis remains a careful and thorough history and physical examination, all clinicians know the arcane nature of acute appendicitis, the consistent or typical clinical features are not present in all patients, and the diagnosis can be a humbling experience even for the most experienced clinicians. A primary focus of the initial assessment is attention to the temporal evolution of the illness in relation to specific presenting signs and symptoms. In some patients, the diagnosis can be made on history and physical examination alone; in current practice the selective use of advanced imaging has improved diagnostic accuracy and resulted in significant progress in lowering of negative appendectomy rates.

Physical examination begins with inspection of the child's demeanor as well as the appearance of the abdomen. Because appendicitis most often has an insidious onset, children rarely present <12 hr from the onset of illness. Children with early appendicitis (18-36 hr) typically appear mildly ill and move tentatively, hunched forward and, often, with a slight limp favoring the right side. Supine, they often lie quietly on their right side with their knees pulled up to relax the abdominal muscles, and when asked to lie flat or sit up, they move cautiously and might use a hand to protect the RLQ. Early in appendicitis, the abdomen is typically flat; abdominal distention suggests more advanced disease characteristic of perforation or developing small bowel obstruction. Auscultation can reveal normal or hyperactive bowel sounds in early appendicitis, which are replaced by hypoactive bowel sounds as the disease progresses to perforation. The judicious use of morphine analgesia to relieve abdominal pain does not change diagnostic accuracy or interfere with surgical decision making, and patients should receive adequate pain control. Localized abdominal tenderness is the single most reliable finding in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. McBurney described the classic point of localized tenderness in acute appendicitis, which is the junction of the lateral and middle thirds of the line joining the right anterior–superior iliac spine and the umbilicus, but the tenderness can also localize to any of the aberrant locations of the appendix. Localized tenderness is a later and less-consistent finding when the appendix is retrocecal in position (>50% of cases). In cases of an appendix localized entirely in the pelvis, tenderness on abdominal examination may be minimal. A gentle touch on the child's arm at the beginning of the examination with the reassurance that the abdominal examination will be similarly gentle can help to establish trust and increase the chance for a reliable and reproducible examination. The examination is best initiated in the left lower abdomen, so that the immediate part of the exam is not uncomfortable and conducted in a counterclockwise direction moving gently to the left upper abdomen, right upper abdomen, and, lastly, the right lower abdomen. This should alleviate anxiety, allow relaxation of the abdominal musculature, and enhance trust. The examiner makes several circles of the abdomen with sequentially more pressure. A soft, compressible, nontender abdominal wall is reassuring. In appendicitis, any abdominal wall movement, including coughing (Dunphy sign), may elicit pain. A consistent finding in acute appendicitis is guarding—rigidity of the overlying abdominal wall muscles in the RLQ. This rigidity may be voluntary, to protect the area of tenderness from the examiner's hand, or involuntary, if the inflammation has progressed to peritonitis causing spasm of the overlying muscle.

Abdominal tenderness may be vague or even absent early in the course of appendicitis and is often diffuse after rupture. Rebound tenderness and referred tenderness (Rovsing sign) are also consistent findings in acute appendicitis, but not always present. Rebound tenderness is elicited by deep palpation of the abdomen followed by the sudden release of the examining hand. This is often very painful to the child and has demonstrated poor correlation with peritonitis, so it should be avoided. Gentle finger percussion is a better test for peritoneal irritation. Similarly, digital rectal examination is uncomfortable and unlikely to contribute to the evaluation of appendicitis in most cases of appendicitis in children. Psoas and obturator internus signs are pain with passive stretch of these muscles. The psoas sign is elicited with active right thigh flexion or passive extension of the hip and typically positive in cases of a retrocecal appendix. The obturator sign is demonstrated by adductor pain after internal rotation of the flexed thigh and typically positive in cases of a pelvic appendix. Physical examination may demonstrate a mass in the RLQ representing an inflammatory mass (phlegmon) around the appendix or a localized intraabdominal abscess (fluid collection).

Appendicitis Risk Scoring Systems

Several risk scoring systems have become commonly used tools to promote standardization of the approach to the child with abdominal pain and suspected appendicitis. The clear aim is to maximize diagnostic accuracy in acute appendicitis, and guide imaging evaluation and resource utilization. They all combine the predictive value of consistent symptoms, physical examination findings, and laboratory data yielding a numerical score. The systems most widely utilized are the Alvarado score and the Pediatric Appendicitis Score (PAS). The PAS combines elements of history (migration of pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting) with physical examination findings (RLQ tenderness, rebound tenderness, fever) and laboratory data (white blood cell [WBC] >10,000, polymorphonuclear neutrophils >75%) to assign a risk score in the low, intermediate, or high-risk range for acute appendicitis ( Table 370.1 ). Scores of ≤4 suggest a very low likelihood of appendicitis, whereas scores ≥8 are highly sensitive and specific for appendicitis. Intermediate scores, between 4 and 7 on the PAS, are considered inconclusive and typically trigger advanced imaging studies. Targeted (appendiceal) ultrasound has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity (∼90%) in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in centers experienced with the technique and has become the initial imaging study of choice for suspected appendicitis. The notable benefits of ultrasound compared to CT scan include that it is well-tolerated, non-invasive, and lacks ionizing radiation exposure. CT is reserved for cases of nonvisualization of the appendix on ultrasound, or when the ultrasound findings are inconclusive.

Table 370.1
Pediatric Appendicitis Scores
From Acheson J, Banerjee J: Management of suspected appendicitis in children, Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed. 95:9–13, 2010.
Fever > 38°C (100.4°F) 1
Anorexia 1
Nausea/vomiting 1
Cough/percussion/hopping tenderness 2
Right lower quadrant tenderness 2
Migration of pain 1
Leukocytosis > 10,000 (10 9 /L) 1
Polymorphonuclear-neutrophilia > 7,500 (10 9 /L) 1
Total 10

The use of appendicitis risk scoring systems, in conjunction with clinical judgment, have demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity for acute appendicitis (80–90%) and their application has reduced practice variability, improved diagnostic accuracy, decreased preoperative radiation exposure, and enabled efficient resource utilization—all important elements of current quality improvement and safety initiatives. Their greatest value to date appears to be in predicting patients that have a low likelihood of the diagnosis of appendicitis (negative predictive value) and can avoid imaging studies, and particularly ionizing radiation exposure.

Laboratory Findings

A variety of laboratory tests have been used in the evaluation of children with suspected appendicitis. Individually, none are very sensitive or specific for appendicitis, but collectively they can affect the clinician's level of suspicion and decision-making to proceed with pediatric surgery consultation, discharge, or imaging studies.

A complete blood count with differential and urinalysis are obtained. The leukocyte count in early appendicitis may be normal, and typically is only mildly elevated (11,000-16,000/mm 3 ) with a left shift as the illness progresses in the initial 24-48 hr. Whereas a normal WBC count never completely eliminates appendicitis, a count <8,000/mm 3 in a patient with a history of illness longer than 48 hr should be viewed as highly suspicious for an alternative diagnosis. The leukocyte count may be markedly elevated (>20,000/mm 3 ) in PA and rarely in nonperforated cases; a markedly elevated WBC count, other than in cases of advanced PA, should raise suspicion of an alternative diagnosis. Urinalysis often demonstrates a few white or red blood cells as a result of the proximity of the inflamed appendix to the ureter or bladder, but it should be free of bacteria. The urine is often concentrated and contains ketones from diminished oral intake and vomiting. Gross hematuria is uncommon, and in association with purpuric skin lesions and arthritis may indicate Henoch-Schönlein purpura.

Electrolytes and liver chemistries are generally normal unless there has been a delay in diagnosis, leading to severe dehydration and/or sepsis. Amylase and liver enzymes are only helpful to exclude alternative diagnoses such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis and are not commonly obtained if appendicitis is the strongly suspected diagnosis. C-reactive protein (CRP) increases in proportion to the degree of appendiceal inflammation. It has not demonstrated high sensitivity or specificity in the diagnosis of appendicitis; some studies have demonstrated an association between disease severity (PA and abscess formation) and elevated CRP levels. In this context, CRP may have a role in identifying patients with complicated appendicitis, which may be managed initially nonoperatively with antibiotics and drainage of fluid collections.

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