Acquired Heart Disease: Coronary Insufficiency


We would like to acknowledge Scott Weldon and Michael DeLaflor for graphic services, and Johnny Airheart for photographic support.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the predominant public health problem worldwide. Coronary heart disease (43.8%) is the leading cause of death attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States, followed by stroke (16.8%), high blood pressure (9.4%), heart failure (9.0%), diseases of the arteries (3.1%), and other CVDs (17.9%).

It is estimated that by 2035, more than 130 million adults in the U.S. population (45.1%) are projected to have some form of CVD, and total costs of CVD are expected to reach $1.1 trillion in 2035, with direct medical costs projected to reach $748.7 billion and indirect costs estimated to reach $368 billion.

Despite recent advances in percutaneous intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) still remains the most effective treatment for coronary artery disease (CAD) and is the most commonly performed open cardiac procedure in the United States.

Coronary Artery Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomic Considerations

The coronary arteries, the predominant blood supply to the heart, arise from the sinuses of Valsalva. They are the first arterial branches of the aorta, and two are usually present. The coronary arteries are designated right and left according to the embryologic chamber that they predominantly supply. The left coronary artery (LCA) arises from the left coronary sinus, which is located posterior; the right coronary artery (RCA) arises from the right coronary sinus, which is located anterior. The LCA, also called the left main coronary artery, averages approximately 2 to 3 cm in length and courses in a left posterolateral direction, winding behind the main pulmonary artery trunk and then splitting into the left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex arteries. The LAD courses in an anterolateral direction to the left of the pulmonary trunk and runs anteriorly over the interventricular septum. The diagonal branches of the LAD supply the anterolateral wall of the left ventricle (LV). The LAD is considered the most important surgical vessel because it supplies more than 50% of the LV mass and most of the interventricular septum. The LAD has several septal perforating branches that supply the interventricular septum from its anterior aspect. The LAD extends over the interventricular septum up to the apex of the heart, where it may form an anastomosis with the posterior descending artery (PDA), which is typically a branch of the right coronary system ( Fig. 60.1 ).

Fig. 60.1, Anatomy of normal coronary artery vasculature. CA , Circumflex artery; LAD, left anterior descending; LM , left main; OM , obtuse marginal; PD , posterior descending; RC , right coronary.

The circumflex artery passes in the atrioventricular (AV) groove and gives off the obtuse marginal branches that extend toward but do not quite reach the apex of the heart. The obtuse marginal branches are designated numerically from proximal to distal. The circumflex coronary artery usually terminates as the left posterolateral branch after taking a perpendicular turn toward the apex.

The term ramus intermedius is used to designate a dominant coronary vessel that arises from the occasional trifurcation of the LCA. This branch can be intramyocardial and difficult to locate at times.

The RCA supplies most of the right ventricle as well as the posterior part of the LV. The RCA emerges from its ostium in the right coronary sinus and passes deep in the right AV groove. At the superior end of the acute margin of the heart, the RCA turns posteriorly toward the crux and usually bifurcates into the PDA over the posterior interventricular sulcus and right posterolateral artery. The RCA also supplies multiple right ventricular branches (i.e., the acute marginal branches). On occasion, the PDA arises from both the RCA and LCA, and the circulation is considered to be codominant. The AV node artery arises from the RCA in approximately 90% of patients. The sinoatrial node artery arises from the proximal RCA in 50% of patients. Although the source of the PDA is often used clinically to define dominance of circulation in the heart, anatomists define it according to where the sinoatrial node artery arises. Table 60.1 summarizes the hierarchy of the coronary artery anatomy.

Table 60.1
Anatomic architecture of coronary arteries.
Left main coronary artery Left anterior descending
Circumflex coronary
Ramus intermedius
Left anterior descending Diagonal arteries
Septal perforators
Circumflex coronary artery Obtuse marginal branches
Left posterolateral artery
Right coronary artery Acute marginal artery
Posterior descending artery
Right posterolateral artery

All the epicardial conductance vessels and septal perforators from the LAD give rise to a multitude of branches, termed resistance vessels, that penetrate into the ventricular wall. These vessels play a crucial role in oxygen and nutrient exchange with the myocardium by forming a rich capillary plexus. This plexus offers a low-resistance sink that allows arterial blood flow to increase unimpeded when oxygen demand rises. This is important because the myocardial vascular bed extracts oxygen at its full capacity, even in low-demand circumstances, thereby allowing no margin for further oxygen extraction when demand is high.

An intricate network of veins drains the coronary circulation, and the venous circulation can be divided into three systems: the coronary sinus and its tributaries, the anterior right ventricular veins, and the thebesian veins. The coronary sinus predominantly drains the LV and receives 85% of coronary venous blood. It lies within the posterior AV groove and empties into the right atrium. The anterior right ventricular veins travel across the right ventricular surface to the right AV groove, where they enter directly into the right atrium or form the small cardiac vein, which enters into the right atrium directly or joins the coronary sinus just proximal to its orifice. The thebesian veins are small venous tributaries that drain directly into the cardiac chambers and exit primarily into the right atrium and right ventricle. Understanding of the anatomy of the coronary sinus is essential for placement of the retrograde cardioplegia cannula during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Physiology and Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow

Aortic pressure is a driving force in the maintenance of myocardial perfusion. During resting conditions, coronary blood flow is maintained at a fairly constant level over a wide range of aortic perfusion pressures (70–180 mm Hg) through the process of autoregulation.

Because the myocardium has a high rate of energy use, normal coronary blood flow averages 225 mL/min (0.7–0.9 mL per gram of myocardium per minute) and delivers 0.1 mL/g/min of oxygen to the myocardium. Under normal conditions, more than 75% of the delivered oxygen is extracted in the coronary capillary bed, so any additional oxygen demand can be met only by increasing the flow rate. This highlights the importance of unobstructed coronary blood flow for proper myocardial function. Box 60.1 summarizes the unique features of coronary blood flow.

Box 60.1
Unique features of coronary blood flow.

  • Autoregulated over wide pressure ranges

  • Blood flow: 0.7–0.9 mL per gram of myocardium per minute

  • 75% oxygen extraction

  • Coronary sinus blood is the most deoxygenated blood in the body

  • 4- to 7-fold increase in flow with increased demand

  • 60% blood flow occurs during diastole

  • Flow-limited oxygen supply

In response to increased load, such as that caused by strenuous exercise, the healthy heart can increase myocardial blood flow four- to sevenfold. Blood flow is increased through several mechanisms. Local metabolic neurohumoral factors cause coronary vasodilation when stress and metabolic demand increase, thereby lowering the coronary vascular resistance. This results in increased delivery of oxygen-rich blood, mimicking the phenomenon of reactive hyperemia. When a transient occlusion to the coronary artery is released (e.g., during the performance of a beating-heart operation), blood flow immediately rises to exceed the normal baseline flow and then gradually returns to its baseline level. The autoregulatory mechanism responsible is guided by several metabolic factors, including carbon dioxide, oxygen tension, hydrogen ions, lactate, potassium ions, and adenosine. Adenosine, a potent vasodilator and a degradation product of adenosine triphosphate, accumulates in the interstitial space and relaxes vascular smooth muscle. This results in vasomotor relaxation, coronary vasodilation, and increased blood flow. Another substance that plays an important role is nitric oxide, which is produced by the endothelium. Without the endothelium, coronary arteries do not autoregulate, suggesting that the mechanism for vasodilation and reactive hyperemia is endothelium dependent.

Extravascular compression of the coronaries during systole also plays an important role in the regulation of blood flow. During systole, the intracavitary pressures generated in the LV wall exceed intracoronary pressure, and blood flow is impeded. Hence, approximately 60% of coronary blood flow occurs during diastole. During exercise, increased heart rate and reduced diastolic time can compromise flow time, but this can be offset by vasodilatory mechanisms of the coronary vessels. Buildup of atherosclerotic plaques and fixed coronary occlusion significantly impair coronary arterial compensatory mechanisms while heart rate is elevated. This forms the basis for exercise-induced stress tests, in which abnormal physiologic responses to increased physical activity unmask underlying CAD.

History of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

One of the first attempts at myocardial revascularization was made by Arthur Vineberg from Canada. He operated on a series of patients who presented with symptoms of myocardial ischemia and implanted the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) into the myocardium by creating a pocket. The operation did not entail a direct anastomosis to any coronary vessel and was performed on a beating heart through a left anterolateral thoracotomy. Dr. David Sabiston, Jr., performed the first CABG with venous grafting on April 4, 1962, in a patient with an occluded RCA. A saphenous vein graft (SVG) was taken from the leg and anastomosed from the ascending aorta to the RCA. Unfortunately, the patient had a stroke and died shortly thereafter. Michael DeBakey performed a successful aortocoronary SVG in 1964. At the Cleveland Clinic, Mason Sones, who is credited with inventing cardiac catheterization, and cardiac surgeon, Rene Favaloro, helped establish CABG surgery as a planned and consistent therapy in patients with angiographically documented CAD.

The development of the heart-lung machine and its successful clinical use by John Heysham Gibbon in the 1950s, along with the advancement of cardioplegia techniques in later years by Gerald Buckberg, allowed surgeons to perform coronary anastomosis on an arrested (nonbeating) heart with a relatively bloodless field, thus increasing the safety and accuracy of the coronary bypass. In the 1990s, the advent of devices that could atraumatically stabilize the heart provided another pathway for the development of off-pump techniques of myocardial revascularization. Today, an armamentarium of techniques ranging from conventional on-pump CABG to minimally invasive robotic and percutaneous approaches is available to manage CAD. Table 60.2 summarizes the timeline of major historical events in the development of surgery for myocardial revascularization.

Table 60.2
Evolution of surgical coronary artery interventions: timeline.
1950 A. Vineberg Direct implantation of mammary artery into myocardium
1953 J. H. Gibbon First successful use of cardiopulmonary bypass machine
1962 F. M. Sones Successful cineangiography
1964 M. E. DeBakey First successful coronary artery bypass grafting
1964 T. Sondergaard Introduced routine use of cardioplegia for myocardial protection
1964 D. A. Cooley Routine use of normothermic arrest for all cardiac cases
1968 R. Favoloro First large series showing success of coronary artery bypass grafting
1973 V. Subramanian Beating-heart coronary artery bypass grafting
1979 G. Buckberg First use of blood cardioplegia as preferred method for arrested myocardial protection

Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary atherosclerosis is a process that begins early in the patient’s life. Epicardial conductance vessels are the most susceptible and intramyocardial arteries, the least. Risk factors for atherosclerosis include elevated plasma levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, cigarette smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, advanced age, low plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and family history of premature CAD.

Epidemiologic evidence suggests that coronary artery atherosclerosis is closely linked to the metabolism of lipids, specifically low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The development of lipid-lowering drugs has resulted in a significant reduction in mortality. In one observational study of patients who received statin therapy and were known to have CAD, statin treatment was associated with improved survival in all age groups. The greatest survival benefit was found in those patients in the highest quartile of plasma levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, a biomarker of inflammation and CAD. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that statin therapy also modifies the lipid composition within plaques by lowering the amount of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and stabilizing the plaque through various mechanisms, including reduced macrophage accumulation, collagen degradation, reduced smooth muscle cell protease expression, and decreased tissue factor expression.


The primary cause of CAD is endothelial injury induced by an inflammatory wall response and lipid deposition. There is evidence that an inflammatory response is involved in all stages of the disease, from early lipid deposition to plaque formation, plaque rupture, and coronary artery thrombosis. Vulnerable or high-risk plaques that are prone to rupture have the following characteristics: a large, eccentric, soft lipid core; a thin fibrous cap; inflammation within the cap and adventitia; increased plaque neovascularity; and evidence of outward or positive vessel remodeling.

Thinner fibrous caps are at a higher risk for rupture, probably because of an imbalance between the synthesis and the degradation of the extracellular matrix in the fibrous cap that results in an overall decrease in the collagen and matrix components ( Fig. 60.2 ). Increased matrix breakdown caused by matrix degradation by an inflammatory cell-mediated metalloproteinase or reduced production of extracellular matrix results in thinner fibrous caps. Not all plaque ruptures are symptomatic; whether they are depends on the thrombogenicity of the plaque’s components. Tissue factor within the lipid core of the plaque, secreted by activated macrophages, is one of the most potent thrombogenic stimuli. Rupture of a vulnerable plaque may be spontaneous or caused by extreme physical activity, severe emotional distress, exposure to drugs, cold exposure, or acute infection.

Fig. 60.2, Components of atherosclerotic plaque. Thinning of the fibrous cap eventually results in plaque rupture and extrusion of highly thrombogenic lipid-laden material into the coronary artery. This causes an acute occlusion of the coronary artery, resulting in myocardial infarction. (Adapted from Choudhury RP, Fuster V, Fayad ZA. Molecular, cellular and functional imaging of atherothrombosis. Nat Rev Drug Discov . 2004;3:913–925.) ICAM , Intercellular adhesion molecule; LDL , low-density lipoprotein; MMP , matrix metallopeptidases; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging; PET , positron emission tomography; VCAM1 , vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.

Fixed Coronary Obstructions

More than 90% of patients with stable IHD (SIHD) have advanced coronary atherosclerosis caused by a fixed obstruction. Atherosclerotic plaques of the coronary arteries are concentric (25%) or eccentric (75%). Eccentric lesions compromise only a portion of the lumen; through vascular remodeling, the arterial lumen may remain patent until late in the disease process. The impact of an arterial stenosis on coronary blood flow can be appreciated in the context of the Poiseuille law. Reductions in luminal diameter up to 60% have minimal impact on flow, but when the cross-sectional area of the vessel has decreased by 75% or more, coronary blood flow is significantly compromised. Clinically, this loss of flow often coincides with the onset of exertional angina. A 90% reduction in luminal diameter results in resting angina.

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease

Clinical Presentation

Clinically, IHD has two predominant modes of presentation:

  • Stable angina

  • Acute coronary syndrome: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and its complications, non-STEMI (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA)

Anginal pain is the main presenting symptom of IHD. It typically lasts minutes. The location is usually substernal, and pain can radiate to the neck, jaw, epigastrium, or arms. Anginal pain is precipitated by exertion or emotional stress and relieved by rest. Sublingual nitroglycerin also usually relieves angina within 30 seconds to several minutes.

On presentation, angina must be classified as stable or unstable. Patients are said to be having UA if the pain is increasing (in frequency, intensity, or duration) or occurring at rest. Such patients should be transferred promptly to an emergency department.

Patients, especially female and elderly patients, sometimes present with atypical symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, midepigastric discomfort, or sharp (atypical) chest pain. In the Women’s Ischemic Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) study, 65% of women with ischemia presented with atypical symptoms.

The term acute coronary syndrome has evolved to refer to a constellation of clinical symptoms that represent myocardial ischemia. It encompasses both STEMI and NSTEMI. Myocardial infarction (MI) often is manifested as crushing chest pain that may be associated with nausea, diaphoresis, anxiety, and dyspnea. Symptoms of the hypoperfusion that follows MI may include dizziness, fatigue, and vomiting. Heart rate and blood pressure may be initially normal, but both increase in response to the duration and severity of pain. Loss of blood pressure is indicative of cardiogenic shock and indicates a poorer prognosis. At least 40% of the ventricular mass must be involved for cardiogenic shock to occur.

Mechanical complications of MI include acute ventricular septal defect (VSD), papillary muscle rupture, and free ventricular rupture. They usually occur approximately 7 to 10 days after the initial MI.

Physical Examination

Some clinical findings are generic and are related to the systemic manifestations of atherosclerosis. Eye examination may reveal a copper wire sign, retinal hematoma or thrombosis secondary to vascular occlusive disease, and hypertension. Corneal arcus and xanthelasma are features noticed in cases of hypercholesterolemia. Other clinical manifestations are caused by sequelae of CAD ( Box 60.2 ).

Box 60.2
Sequelae of coronary artery disease.
CAD , Coronary artery disease; CHF , congestive heart failure.

Clinical Manifestations

  • Abnormal neck vein pulsations, which may be seen in patients with second- or third-degree heart block or CHF

  • Bradycardia—a subtle presentation of ischemia involving the right coronary territories and a possible sign of heart block

  • Weak or thready pulse suggestive of ectopic or premature ventricular beats

  • Third heart sound that is noted with elevated left ventricular filling pressures/CHF

  • Fourth heart sound, which is commonly heard in patients with acute and chronic CAD

  • Mitral regurgitant heart murmurs caused by ischemic papillary muscles

  • Ejection systolic murmur indicative of aortic stenosis, which can contribute to coronary ischemia

  • Holosystolic murmurs caused by ventricular septal rupture

  • Manifestations of CHF, such as rales, hepatomegaly, right upper abdominal quadrant tenderness, ascites, and marked peripheral and presacral edema

A thorough vascular evaluation is essential for any patient who presents with CAD because atherosclerosis is a systemic process. In addition, if surgery is being planned, the extremities should be evaluated for any previous surgical scars or fractures that could potentially preclude conduit harvest.

Diagnostic Testing

Biochemical Studies

Patients suspected of having an acute coronary syndrome should undergo appropriate blood testing. Levels of creatine kinase muscle and brain subunits (CK-MB) and troponin T or I should be assessed at least 6 to 12 hours apart. Additional laboratory tests include a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol). Elevated brain natriuretic peptide and C-reactive protein levels suggest a worse outcome.

Chest Radiography

The chest radiograph is helpful in identifying causes of chest discomfort or pain other than CAD. Chest radiography does not detect CAD directly; it only identifies sequelae, such as cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema, and pleural effusions, that are indicative of heart failure. From a surgical standpoint, preoperative chest radiography is important because it can identify obvious abnormalities, such as porcelain aorta, lung masses, effusion, and pneumonias, that may affect further workup or prompt a change in operative strategy.

Resting Electrocardiography

A 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) should be obtained in all patients with suspected IHD or sequelae thereof. The ECG is evaluated for evidence of LV hypertrophy, ST-segment depression or elevation, ectopic beats, or Q waves. In addition, arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia) and conduction defects (left anterior fascicular block, right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block) are suggestive of CAD and MI. Persistent ST-segment elevation or an evolving Q wave is consistent with myocardial injury and ongoing ischemia. Fifty percent of patients with significant CAD nonetheless have normal electrocardiographic results, and 50% of ECG recordings obtained during chest pain at rest will be normal, indicating the inaccuracy of the test. Patients with SIHD tend to have a worse prognosis if they have the following abnormalities on a resting ECG: evidence of prior MI, especially Q waves in multiple leads or an R wave in V 1 indicating a posterior infarction; persistent ST-T wave inversions, particularly in leads V 1 to V 3 ; left bundle branch block, bifascicular block, second- or third-degree AV block, or ventricular tachyarrhythmia; or LV hypertrophy.

Functional (Stress) Tests

In patients with suspected stable ischemic CAD, functional or stress testing is used to detect inducible ischemia. These are the most common noninvasive tests used to diagnose SIHD ( Box 60.3 ). All functional tests rely on the principle of inducing cardiac ischemia by using exercise or pharmacologic stress agents, which increase myocardial work and oxygen demand, or by causing vasodilation-elicited heterogeneity in induced coronary flow. Whether ischemia is induced, however, depends on the severity of both the stress imposed (e.g., submaximal exercise can fail to produce ischemia) and the flow disturbance. Approximately 70% of coronary stenoses are not detected by functional testing. Because abnormalities of regional or global ventricular function occur later in the ischemic cascade, they are more likely to indicate severe stenosis; thus, such abnormalities have a higher diagnostic specificity for SIHD than do perfusion defects, such as those seen on nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI).

Box 60.3
Stress tests to identify coronary artery disease.
ECG , Electrocardiogram; SPECT , single-photon emission computed tomography.

Exercise Stress ECG

  • Bruce protocol

  • Five 3-minute bouts of treadmill exercise

  • Determines the ischemia threshold

  • 12 metabolic equivalents of energy expenditure needed for complete test

  • Low cost and short duration

  • Highly sensitive in multivessel disease


  • Suboptimal sensitivity

  • Low detection rate of one-vessel disease

  • Nondiagnostic with abnormal baseline ECG

  • Poor specificity in premenopausal women

  • Many cannot accomplish the 12 metabolic equivalents for a complete test or an appropriate heart rate response

Exercise and Pharmacologic Stress SPECT Perfusion Imaging

  • Simultaneous evaluation of perfusion and function

  • Higher sensitivity and specificity than exercise ECG

  • Quantitative image analysis


  • Long procedure time with Technetium-99m

  • Higher cost

  • Radiation exposure

  • Poor-quality images in obese patients

Exercise and Pharmacologic Stress Echocardiography

  • Higher sensitivity and specificity than exercise ECG

  • Comparable value with dobutamine stress

  • Short examination time

  • Identification of structural cardiac abnormalities

  • Simultaneous evaluation of perfusion with contrast agents

  • No radiation


  • Decreased sensitivity for detection of one-vessel disease or mild stenosis

  • Highly operator dependent

  • No quantitative image analysis

  • Poor imaging in some patients

  • Infarct zone poorly defined

Exercise versus pharmacologic testing

In patients capable of performing routine activities of daily living without difficulty, exercise testing is preferred to pharmacologic testing because it induces greater physiologic stress than drugs can. This may make exercise testing the better means of detecting ischemia as well as providing a correlation to a patient’s daily symptom burden and physical work capacity not offered by pharmacologic stress testing.

The treadmill protocols initiate exercise at 3.2 to 4.7 metabolic equivalents of the task (METs) and increase by several METs every 2 to 3 minutes of exercise (e.g., modified or standard Bruce protocol). Performance of most activities of daily living requires approximately 4 to 5 METs of physical work. Patients unable to perform moderate physical activity and those with disabling comorbidities should undergo pharmacologic stress imaging instead.

Diagnostic accuracy of stress testing for SIHD

Exercise electrocardiography (Bruce protocol)

The criterion for diagnosis of ischemia is an ECG showing 1-mm horizontal or downsloping (at 80 milliseconds after the J point) ST-segment depression at peak exercise. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of this sign is 61%. It is lower in women than in men , and lower than that of stress imaging modalities.

Exercise and pharmacologic stress echocardiography

These tests rely on detecting new or worsening wall motion abnormalities and changes in global LV function during or immediately after stress. In addition to the detection of inducible wall motion abnormalities, most stress echocardiography includes screening images to evaluate resting ventricular function and valvular abnormalities.

Pharmacologic stress echocardiography is usually performed using dobutamine with an end point of producing wall motion abnormalities. Vasodilator agents such as adenosine can be used to the same effect.

The diagnostic sensitivity is 70% to 85% for exercise and 85% to 90% for pharmacologic stress echocardiography. The use of intravenous ultrasound contrast agents, by improving endocardial border delineation, can result in improved diagnostic accuracy.

Exercise and pharmacologic stress nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging

Myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) generally is performed with rest and with stress. Technetium-99m agents are generally used; one of these, thallium Tl 201, has limited applications (e.g., viability) because of its higher radiation exposure. Pharmacologic stress is generally induced with vasodilator agents administered by continuous infusion (adenosine, dipyridamole) or bolus injection (regadenoson).

The diagnostic end point of nuclear MPI is a reduction in myocardial perfusion after stress. The diagnostic accuracy for detection of obstructive CAD of exercise and pharmacologic stress nuclear MPI has been studied in detail. , Studies suggest that nuclear MPI’s sensitivity ranges from 82% to 88% for exercise and 88% to 91% for pharmacologic stress, and its diagnostic specificity ranges from 70% to 88% and 75% to 90% for exercise and pharmacologic stress nuclear MPI, respectively.

For myocardial perfusion SPECT, global reductions in myocardial perfusion, such as in the patients with left main or three-vessel CAD, can result in balanced reduction and an underestimation of ischemic burden.


From a surgical standpoint, most patients with SIHD should undergo preoperative echocardiography. Echocardiography provides information not only for surgical planning but also regarding prognosis. A resting left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 35% is associated with an annual mortality rate of 3% per year. Resting two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography provides information on cardiac structure and function, including identifying the mechanism of heart failure and differentiating systolic from diastolic LV dysfunction. Echocardiography can identify LV or left atrial dilation, identify aortic stenosis (a potential non-CAD cause of angina-like chest pain), measure pulmonary artery pressure, quantify mitral regurgitation, identify LV aneurysm, identify LV thrombus (which increases the risk of death), and measure LV mass and the ratio of wall thickness to chamber radius—all of which predict cardiac events and mortality. ,

Multidetector Computed Tomography

From a surgical standpoint, multidetector computed tomography (CT) has two pertinent applications in the management of CAD: to detect CAD and to inform the planning of grafting sites for CABG by providing additional information about coronary lesions, especially calcification and the course of coronary arteries. It also gives additional pertinent information about aortic disease and calcification, which might profoundly influence surgical decision making. However, the timing of cardiac CT should be carefully weighed against the risk of renal injury as a result of contrast nephropathy. Although revascularization decisions are currently made on the basis of coronary angiography, there have been tremendous improvements in temporal and spatial resolution of cardiac CT that make it useful for this purpose as well. Coronary CT angiography (CCTA) can now provide high-quality images of the coronary arteries. When it is performed with 64-slice CT, CCTA has a sensitivity of 93% to 97% and a specificity of 80% to 90% for detecting obstructive CAD.

The potential advantages of CCTA over standard functional testing for CAD screening include the high negative predictive value of CCTA for obstructive CAD. This can reassure caregivers that it is a sensible strategy to provide guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) and to defer consideration of revascularization. Among the greatest potential advantages of CCTA over conventional angiography, in addition to documentation of stenotic lesions, is that CCTA can assess remodeling and identify nonobstructive plaque, including calcified, noncalcified, and mixed plaque.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Myocardial first-pass perfusion magnetic resonance imaging has been considered a good alternative to nuclear cardiac ischemia and viability testing. However, the procedure has not gained widespread popularity because special training and expertise are required to perform this type of imaging and to interpret the results.

Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention

Coronary catheterization is the “gold standard” for diagnosis of CAD. Coronary angiography defines coronary anatomy, including the location, length, diameter, and contour of the epicardial coronary arteries; the presence and severity of coronary luminal obstructions; the nature of the obstruction; the presence and extent of angiographically visible collateral flow; and coronary blood flow.

The classification for defining coronary anatomy that is still used today was developed for the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS) and further modified by the Balloon Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI) study group. This scheme assumes that there are three major coronary arteries: the LAD, the circumflex, and the RCA, with a right-dominant, left-dominant, or codominant circulation. The extent of disease is defined as one-vessel, two-vessel, three-vessel, or left main disease; a luminal diameter reduction of at least 70% is considered to be significant stenosis ( Figs. 60.3 and 60.4 ). Left main disease, however, is defined as stenosis of at least 50% ( Fig. 60.5 ). Despite being recognized as the traditional gold standard for clinical assessment of coronary atherosclerosis, this test is not without limitations. There is marked variation in interobserver reliability, and investigators have found only 70% overall agreement among readers with regard to the severity of stenosis; this was reduced to 51% when restricted to coronary vessels rated as having some stenosis by any reader. Also, angiography provides only anatomic data and is not a reliable indicator of the functional significance of a given coronary stenosis unless a technique such as fractional flow reserve (FFR) is used to provide information about the physiologic effects of the stenosis. FFR is measured by passing a sensor guidewire into the LAD or circumflex vessels for LCA lesions. Thereafter, the flow reserve in the artery is checked by using adenosine to induce hyperemia in the coronary system, which is discussed in the next section on FFR. In addition, angiography cannot distinguish between vulnerable and stable plaques. In angiographic studies performed before and after acute events and early after MI, plaques causing UA and MI commonly were found to be 50% obstructive before the acute event and were therefore angiographically “silent.” , Diagnostic testing methods to identify vulnerable plaque and, therefore, the patient’s risk of MI are being intensely studied, but no gold standard has yet emerged. Despite these limitations of coronary angiography, the extent and severity of CAD as revealed angiographically remain important predictors of long-term patient outcomes. ,

Fig. 60.3, Left coronary angiogram showing hemodynamically severe lesions in the left anterior descending artery (small arrow) and the circumflex artery (large arrow).

Fig. 60.4, Right coronary angiogram showing hemodynamically significant lesion (arrow). The right coronary artery terminates as a posterior descending artery in the right dominant system.

Fig. 60.5, Coronary angiogram showing critical left main coronary artery stenosis (arrow).

In the CASS registry of medically treated patients, the 12-year survival rate of patients with normal coronary arteries was 91% compared with 74% for those with one-vessel disease, 59% for those with two-vessel disease, and 40% for those with three-vessel disease.

Importantly, besides informing the decision whether to intervene surgically or with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the salient characteristics of coronary lesions (e.g., stenosis severity, length, and complexity and presence of thrombus), the number of lesions threatening regions of contracting myocardium, the effect of collaterals, and the volume of jeopardized viable myocardium also can afford some insight into the potential consequences of subsequent vessel occlusion and therefore the haste with which surgery should be scheduled.

PCI techniques in current use include balloon dilation, stent-supported dilation, atherectomy and plaque ablation with a variety of devices, thrombectomy with aspiration devices, specialized imaging, and physiologic assessment with intracoronary devices.

Coronary artery stents were the first substantial breakthrough in the prevention of restenosis after angioplasty. Although stent recoil and compression are not completely insignificant problems, the greatest cause of lumen loss in stented coronary arteries is neointimal hyperplasia. This is the principal mechanism of in-stent stenosis and results from inappropriate cell proliferation—hence, the advent of cytotoxic drug-eluting stents (DESs).

Fractional Flow Reserve

Angiography can underestimate the severity of CAD, especially LCA disease. , This underestimation may be due to the lack of a reference segment or to very ostial or distal disease. Therefore, in cases with intermediate lesions, FFR has emerged as a helpful modality.

FFR is measured by passing a sensor guidewire into the LAD or circumflex vessels for LCA lesions. Thereafter, the flow reserve in the artery is checked by using adenosine to induce hyperemia in the coronary system. An FFR below 0.75 is considered to signify ischemia-producing lesions. Some studies have used a threshold of 0.8.

Intravascular Ultrasonography

Intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) provides high-quality cross-sectional images of the coronary system. It is done by inserting an IVUS wire into the LAD or circumflex artery and gradually pulling it out while obtaining real-time images of the coronary system. In indeterminate lesions of the LCA, an IVUS minimum luminal diameter of 2.8 or a minimum luminal area of 6 mm 2 suggests a physiologically significant lesion.

Hybrid Imaging

Hybrid imaging has the potential of taking coronary artery assessment one step further by combining the advantages of two different modalities to give both anatomic and physiologic information in one snapshot. Hybrid imaging can combine positron emission tomography (PET) and CT or SPECT and CT, thus allowing combined anatomic and functional testing. In addition, novel scanning techniques make it possible to use CCTA alone to assess perfusion and FFR, in addition to coronary anatomy. Interestingly, these combined assessments can produce a fused image in which physiologic information about flow is combined with information about the anatomic extent and severity of CAD, plaque composition, and arterial remodeling. Robust evidence to support the use of hybrid imaging is lacking at this point, despite its reported accuracy in predicting cardiac events with both ischemic and anatomic markers. The strength of combined imaging is that it provides anatomic information to guide the interpretation of ischemic and scarred myocardium as well as information to guide therapeutic decision-making. Hybrid imaging also can overcome technical limitations of myocardial perfusion SPECT or myocardial perfusion PET by providing anatomic correlates to guide interpretative accuracy, and it can provide the functional information that an anatomic technique like CCTA or magnetic resonance angiography lacks; however, use of hybrid techniques requires increasing the radiation dose.

Indications for Coronary Artery Revascularization

Per the most current American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines, the only class Ia indication for PCI is acute STEMI. In all other indications, CABG has superior class based on current evidence ( Table 60.3 ). These guidelines are based on the existing literature, which spans four decades. Many of the studies on which current recommendations are based were conducted in the 1970s and 1980s.

Table 60.3
Guidelines for coronary revascularization.
From Reference 28.
Unprotected Left Main
PCI IIa—For SIHD when both of the following are present:

  • Cardiac catheterization reveals a low risk of PCI procedural complications with a high likelihood of good long-term outcome (low SYNTAX score 22, ostial or trunk left main).

  • Significantly increased risk of adverse surgical outcomes (STS-predicted risk of operative mortality 5%)

IIa—For UA/NSTEMI if not a CABG candidate
IIa—For STEMI when distal coronary flow is TIMI flow grade 3 and PCI can be performed more rapidly and safely than CABG
IIb—For SIHD when both of the following are present:

  • Cardiac catheterization reveals a low to intermediate risk of PCI procedural complications and an intermediate to high likelihood of good long-term outcome (low–intermediate SYNTAX score of 33, bifurcation left main)

  • Increased risk of adverse surgical outcomes (moderate–severe COPD, disability from prior stroke, or prior cardiac surgery; STS-predicted operative mortality 2%)

III: Harm—For SIHD in patients (versus performing CABG) with unfavorable anatomy for PCI and who are good candidates for CABG

Three-Vessel Disease With or Without Proximal LAD Artery Disease
IIa—It is reasonable to choose CABG over PCI in patients with complex three-vessel CAD (SYNTAX score 22) who are good candidates for surgery
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit
Two-Vessel Disease With Proximal LAD Artery Disease
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit
Two-Vessel Disease Without Proximal LAD Artery Disease
CABG IIa—With extensive ischemia
IIb—Of uncertain benefit without extensive ischemia
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit
One-Vessel Proximal LAD Artery Disease
CABG IIa—With LIMA for long-term benefit
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit
One-Vessel Disease Without Proximal LAD Artery Involvement
LV Dysfunction
CABG IIa—LVEF 35% to 50%
IIb—LVEF 35% without significant left main CAD
PCI Insufficient data
Survivors of Sudden Cardiac Death With Presumed Ischemia-Mediated VT
No Anatomic or Physiologic Criteria for Revascularization

Class I: benefit ≫> risk. Procedure should be performed.
Class IIa: benefit ≫ risk. Additional studies with focused objectives needed. It is reasonable to perform procedure.
Class IIb: benefit ≥ risk. Additional studies with broader objectives and additional registry data may be needed. Procedure treatment may be considered.
Class III: no benefit or
Class III: harm
CABG , Coronary artery bypass grafting (major adverse events occurred less frequently with CABG); CAD , coronary artery disease; COPD , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; LAD , left anterior descending; LIMA , left internal mammary artery; LV , left ventricle; LVEF , left ventricular ejection fraction; PCI , percutaneous coronary intervention; SIHD , stable ischemic heart disease; STEMI , ST-elevation myocardial infarction; STS , Society of Thoracic Surgeons; SYNTAX , Synergy between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery; TIMI , thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; UA/NSTEMI , unstable angina/non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction; VT , ventricular tachycardia.

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