Myelination is characterized by the acquisition of the highly specialized myelin membrane around axons. The time period of myelination in the human is long, beginning mainly in the second trimester of pregnancy and continuing into adult life. Myelination in the brain begins before birth within the caudal brainstem and progresses rostrally to the forebrain, with the most rapid and dramatic period of human central myelination within the first 2 years of postnatal life. It is during this critical period that myelin is initially laid down in virtually all white matter tracts, with the last site to myelinate being intracortical fibers of the cerebral cortex, where myelination extends steadily into the third decade.


The process of myelination begins with proliferation of oligodendroglia, which align along axons. The plasma membranes of the oligodendroglia become elaborated as the myelin membrane of the central nervous system (CNS). Thus myelination is considered best in two phases: first, oligodendrocyte development (migration, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation), and second, myelin formation (axonal wrapping by oligodendrocytes and myelin deposition around axons) ( Fig. 8.1 ).

Fig. 8.1, Progression of the oligodendroglial lineage (OL) through the four major stages. The OL stages are marked with different antibodies and/or lineage markers, some of which are present throughout the OL lineage (OLIG2 and SOX10). Developmental events are described in the text. The peak period of periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) (marked by an arrow ) is from 23 to 32 gestational weeks, at which point the predominant forms of OLs are the O4+ O1− pre OL and O4+ O1+ immature OL forms. See text for details.

Oligodendroglial Development

The progression of the oligodendroglial lineage (OL) proceeds through four basic stages , beginning with the oligodendroglial progenitor and continuing successively with the preoligodendrocyte, the immature oligodendrocyte, and the mature oligodendrocyte ( Fig. 8.1 ). These stages are defined by a combination of enriched genes and/or specific antibodies ( Fig. 8.1 ). Oligodendrocytes originate from progenitors in the subventricular zone and also from radial glial progenitors (see Chapter 7 ). The early phase in the OL, arising from progenitors, is a mitotically active migratory cell recognized by the monoclonal antibodies A2B5 and NG2. This cell emerges in the forebrain around 10 to 15 gestational weeks to the early postnatal period. As this cell migrates into the cerebral white matter, oligodendroglial differentiation proceeds to the preoligodendrocyte, a multipolar cell that retains proliferative capacity and is recognized by a monoclonal antibody to O4. The waves of migration of these cells may be the anatomical correlate of the periventricular bands visualized on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the premature infant. The O4 positive preoligodendrocyte is the predominant oligodendroglial phase before term and accounts for 90% of the total oligodendroglial population until 28 weeks of gestation ( Fig. 8.1 ). The O4 cell differentiates into the postmitotic immature oligodendrocyte, a richly multipolar cell recognized by a monoclonal antibody to galactocerebroside (O1) The proportion of O1 cells among the entire oligodendroglial population rises from 5% to 10% before 28 weeks of gestation to 30% to 40% during the premature period and to approximately 50% at term (see Fig. 8.1 ). The scattered presence of MBP+ (myelin basic protein+) mature oligodendrocytes is noted at 30 weeks’ gestation. By term, MBP+ oligodendrocytes increase in number but do not become the dominant cell in the OL until after term ( Fig. 8.1 ).

Human Myelinogenesis Is Stage Specific and Initiated Only by the O1 Immature Oligodendroglial Lineage

In the well-studied human optic radiation, cell bodies of immature OLs are present by at least 18 gestational weeks, but the first myelin sheaths are not detected until around 30 weeks. During human parietal white matter development, the percentage of immature OLs in the cerebral white matter remains relatively stable until around 30 weeks, at which time the number of immature oligodendrocytes increases markedly. A number of factors, intrinsic and extrinsic, regulate the further development of oligodendroglia. These factors are discussed later. The onset of myelination of the optic radiation around 30 weeks coincides with the evolution of the visual evoked response between 32 and 35 weeks to the principal waveforms that closely resemble the mature response that is observed by 39 weeks. Consistent with these observations, there is no apparent contact between immature oligodendrocytes and axons before the onset of myelinogenesis ( Fig. 8.2 ). The initiation of myelinogenesis around 30 weeks is preceded by the appearance of a subset of specialized oligodendrocyte processes, pioneer processes that contact and wrap around axons. These initial contact sites serve to anchor the oligodendrocyte before it initiates the spiral wrapping of myelin along the same or other axon segments ( Fig. 8.3 ). In vivo and in vitro approaches support the role of actin filament poly-merization followed by actin disassembly at the leading edge of a myelin sheath to drive sheath protrusion and spreading, respectively.

Fig. 8.2, Cellular sequences of myelin wrapping of axons by oligodendrocytes. Processes A-C are described in the figure. a , Cell body; b , wrapping of myelin.

Fig. 8.3, Myelin wrapping of axons ( red , SMI 312) by O4 cells ( green , O4) in the human optic radiation at 30 gestational weeks. The white arrows indicate the points of contact of O4 with axon. White arrowheads in B and C show the point at which an OL process spirals around the axon. White arrowhead in E indicates an axonal varicosity. In Panel A, the letters C, D, and E indicate where higher power images are taken and shown in separate panels. S, soma.

In the process of myelinogenesis, there is a transitional phase during which the O4O1 premyelin sheath first forms (see Fig. 8.2 ) and then later begins to incorporate MBP. Before active myelination, MBP mRNA is transported in ribonucleoprotein transport granules toward the oligodendrocyte plasma membrane where local translation of MBP and subsequent myelin formation occurs. During the process of MBP mRNA transport, repression of MBP translation is necessary to prevent premature or ectopic myelination. Several mechanisms proposed to regulate translation inhibition during transport include heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and small noncoding RNAs.

The premyelination encasement of axons just described contributes to an important MRI correlate, the increase in directionality of water diffusion measured as an increase in relative anisotropy (RA) ( Fig. 8.4 ). In neuroimaging studies of living newborns between 24 and 40 weeks postconception, diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) showed changes in water diffusion that correlate with our morphological data. Thus in central white matter, RA, a measure of preferred directionality of water parallel to fiber tracts, increases markedly from 28 to 40 weeks ( Fig. 8.4 ). This increase in anisotropic diffusion occurred in parallel with a decline in overall water diffusion, as measured by the apparent diffusion coefficient. This combination of findings implies restriction of diffusion perpendicular to fiber tracts and could relate to the ensheathment of fibers by oligodendrocyte processes, as shown in our anatomical studies. Recently, still more sophisticated MRI studies of fetal brain have provided further insights into myelination in the second and third trimesters (see later).

Fig. 8.4, Diffusion tensor MR determination of relative anisotropy (RA) in cerebral white matter of normal preterm (PT) and term (FT) infants (open circles) as a function of postconceptional age. Note the striking increase in RA, indicative of increasing directionality of diffusion, perhaps related at least in part to oligodendroglial ensheathment of axons, with maturation. The lower values of the preterm infants studied at term ( closed circles ) suggest a deleterious effect of prematurity on this process (see text for details).

Environmental Interactions Influencing Oligodendrocyte Dynamics

The molecular determinants of the process of myelination include a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic cues. New methodology of single-nuclei RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) reveals transcriptional oligodendrocyte heterogeneity in the human, even among mature oligodendrocytes. Work in zebra fish models indicate that oligodendrocytes are not only distinct in transcriptomic profile but also in function. The development of this heterogeneity likely arises, in part, from microenvironmental interactions or cues that influence the different stages of oligodendroglial development previously discussed (i.e., proliferation, differentiation, and myelination).

During development, neuronal activity regulates axonal selection for myelination such that oligodendrocytes are biased toward active axons for myelination. The mechanisms by which neurons influence oligodendrocyte dynamics include neurotransmitter and neurotrophin interactions with specific receptors expressed on the oligodendrocyte. In addition to neurons, cues from the vasculature and glia (microglia and astrocytes) play an important role in shaping oligodendrocyte development. Vascular endothelial cells secrete Wnt signals that guide migration of oligodendrocytes. During development, microglia secrete insulin-like growth factor–I (IGF-1), which is critical for oligodendrogenesis and myelination. Microglia, under the influence of neuronal activity, phagocytose developing myelin sheaths to ensure correct matching of myelin to neuronal axons during myelination. Astrocytes regulate myelin thickness and nodal gap length via release of thrombin protease inhibitors. Astrocytes also supply external lipids necessary for myelin production. In addition to the factors just listed, other growth factors, hormones, cytokines, surface receptors, and secreted ligands influence oligodendrocyte dynamics. These molecules include basic fibroblast growth factor, nerve growth factor, transferrin, iron, zinc, members of the interleukin-6 family, thyroid hormone, neuregulin, erbB receptors, semaphorins, neuropilin receptors, ephrin, Eph receptors, Nogo, and Nogo receptors. Programmed cell death is an important feature of oligodendroglial development, as it is for neurons (see Chapter 7 ). Data show that approximately 50% of oligodendroglia undergo apoptosis during development.

Myelination in Human Brain Regions

The most informative of the anatomical descriptions of the progress of myelination in the human brain are those by Yakovlev and Lecours and Gilles, Kinney, and coworkers. Using the Loyez method for staining myelin, Yakovlev and Lecours defined the development of myelin in 25 areas of the human nervous system ( Fig. 8.5 ). Because approximately 7 to 10 myelin lamellae are necessary for resolution by light microscopy, it is not surprising that electron microscopic data demonstrated that the onset of myelination in various brain areas occurs several weeks or more before the onset indicated in Fig. 8.5 . Nevertheless, the data of Yakovlev and Lecours provide important information. Several general points can be made on the basis of current knowledge. The process of myelination follows orderly, predictable sequences in which different fiber tracts begin to myelinate before or after birth, and progress at different rates, with tracts that are fast, intermediate , and slow myelinators relative to each other.

Fig. 8.5, Myelogenetic cycles in the human brain. The width and length of the graphs indicate progression in the intensity of staining and the density of myelinated fibers. The vertical strips at the end of graphs indicate the approximate age range of termination of myelination.

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