Nutrition and Selected Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Part 1: Nutrition for the High-Risk Infant

David H. Adamkin, Paula G. Radmacher

Key Points

  • 1.

    Begin intravenous amino acids in the first hours of life.

  • 2.

    Consider using lipid emulsions early with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) (especially docosahexaenoic acid [DHA], arachidonic acid [ARA], and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]) to prevent omega 3 deficiencies.

  • 3.

    Prioritize the use of human milk. If mother’s own milk is unavailable, use donor milk.

  • 4.

    Human milk should be fortified early so that protein intake is not compromised during the transition from parenteral to enteral nutrition.

  • 5.

    Early malnutrition may have serious long-term consequences.


The goal of nutritional support for the high-risk infant is to provide sufficient nutrients postnatally to ensure continuation of growth at rates similar to those observed in utero. The preterm infant presents a particular challenge in that the nutritional intake must be sufficient to both replenish tissue losses and permit tissue accretion. However, during the early days after birth, acute illnesses such as respiratory distress and patent ductus arteriosus with fluid restriction preclude maximal nutritional support. Functional immaturity of the renal, gastrointestinal (GI), and metabolic systems limits optimal nutrient delivery. Substrate intolerances are common, limiting the nutrients available for tissue maintenance and growth.

During the last trimester of pregnancy, nutrient stores are established in preparation for birth at 40 weeks’ gestation. Fat and glycogen are stored to provide ready energy during times of caloric deficit. Iron reserves accumulate to prevent iron-deficiency anemia during the first 4 to 6 months of life. Calcium and phosphorus are deposited in the soft bones to begin mineralization, which continues through early adult life. However, the infants who are delivered before term have minimal nutrient stores and higher nutrient requirements per kilogram than their term-born counterparts.

Infants weighing less than 1.5 kg have a body composition of approximately 85% to 95% water, 9% to 10% protein, and 0.1% to 5% fat. The fat is primarily structural with only negligible amounts of subcutaneous fat; hepatic glycogen stores are virtually nonexistent. The growth of these infants lags considerably after birth. Such infants, especially those less than 1000 g birth weight (extremely low birth weight [ELBW]), historically did not regain birth weight until 2 to 3 weeks of age. The growth of most less than 1500 g (very low-birth-weight [VLBW]) infants proceeds at a slower rate than in utero, often by a large margin. Although many of the smallest VLBW infants are also born small for gestational age (less than the 10th percentile [SGA]), both appropriate for gestational age (AGA), VLBW, and SGA infants develop extrauterine growth restriction (EUGR). Fig. 5.1 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network demonstrates the differences between normal intrauterine growth and the observed rates of postnatal growth in the NICHD study. These postnatal growth curves are shifted to the right of the reference curve in each gestational age category. This “growth faltering” is common in ELBW infants. It has been over 20 years since the publication of this data and, despite newer strategies, EUGR or postnatal growth failure (PGF) persists. Epidemiologic data from across the United States demonstrate that in 2013, over half of VLBW infants left the neonatal intensive care unit with a weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age.

Fig. 5.1, Postnatal shifts in weight percentiles (10th and 50th) compared with in utero growth curves. 1

In 1998, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on the Fetus and Newborn stated that the goal of nutrition of these VLBW infants is to achieve a postnatal growth rate approximating that of the normal fetus of the same gestational age. Although reaffirmed by the AAP and other neonatal and pediatric organizations worldwide, this goal continues to be elusive. Many questions remain: Is this the best approach? If it is the best approach, how can it be safely achieved? And how can it be supported by measurable outcomes?

Nutrient intakes received by VLBW infants are much lower than what the fetus receives in utero—an intake deficit that persists throughout much of the infants’ stay in the hospital and even after discharge. Although nonnutritional factors (comorbidities) contribute to the slower growth of VLBW infants, suboptimal nutrient intakes are critical in explaining their poor growth outcomes. Considerable evidence exists that early growth deficits, which reflect inadequate nutrition, have long-lasting effects, including short stature and poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Therefore another frequently occurring morbidity seen in VLBW infants is neurodevelopmental impairment. These infants demonstrate difficulties across a wide range of domains, including cognitive, motor, language, and behavioral functioning. Links between neurodevelopmental impairment and early nutrition are well established and are explained by the sensitivity of the developing brain to nutrition.

In a 2016 commentary on growth failure, Hay and Ziegler state, “The significance of growth failure is that it puts all these infants at risk for neurodevelopmental impairment. Growth failure is, however, preventable and so is neurodevelopmental impairment, as both are attributed to inadequate nutrition.” Undernutrition is, by definition, nonphysiologic and undesirable. Any measure that diminishes it is inherently good, providing safety is not compromised. Avoiding inadequate nutrition must be a priority. This chapter will provide guidance on steps to prevent growth failure and thereby reduce the risk of developmental impairment. For growth failure to occur, nutrient intakes must be inadequate for more than just a few days. The nutrient that is virtually always limiting for growth is protein, whereas energy tends to be provided in amounts that cover at least basic needs, but often to excess. First, we will review the fluid and electrolyte challenges in managing these VLBW infants and then specifically address nutritional support.


In the fetus at 24 weeks’ gestation, the total body water (TBW) represents more than 90% of the total body weight, with approximately 65% in the extracellular compartment, 25% in the intracellular compartment, and 1% in fat stores. The TBW and extracellular fluid volumes decrease as gestational age increases. By term, the infant’s TBW represents 75% of total body weight, with extracellular and intracellular compartments comprising 40% and 35%, respectively.

Compared with the full-term infant, the preterm infant is in a state of relative extracellular fluid volume expansion with an excess of TBW. The dilute urine and negative sodium balance observed during the first few days after birth in the preterm infant may constitute an appropriate adaptive response to extrauterine life. Therefore the initial diuresis should be regarded as physiologic, reflecting changes in interstitial fluid volume. This should be included in the calculation of daily fluid needs. As a result, a gradual weight loss of 10% to 15% in a VLBW infant and 5% to 10% in a larger baby during the first week of life is to be expected without adversely affecting urine output, urine osmolality, or clinical status. Provision of large volumes of fluid (160–180 mL/kg/day) to prevent this weight loss appears to increase the risk of the development of patent ductus arteriosus, cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Therefore a careful approach to fluid management is currently appropriate. It appears that the preterm infant can adjust water excretion within a relatively broad range of fluid intake (65–70 mL/kg/day to 140 mL/kg/day) without disturbing renal concentrating abilities or electrolyte balance.

Estimation of daily fluid requirements includes insensible water losses (IWL) from the respiratory tract and skin, GI losses (emesis, ostomy output, and diarrhea), urinary losses, and losses from drainage catheters (chest tubes). IWL is a passive process and is not regulated by the infant. However, the environmental conditions in which the infant is nursed should be controlled to minimize losses ( Box 5.1 ).

BOX 5.1
Factors Affecting Insensible Water Loss in Preterm Neonates

  • Severe prematurity

  • Open warmer bed

  • Forced convection

  • Phototherapy

  • Hyperthermia

  • Tachypnea

The transepithelial losses are dependent on gestational age, the thickness of the skin and stratum corneum, and blood flow to the skin. The preterm infant has a high body surface area-to-body weight ratio, with thinner, more permeable skin that is highly vascularized. These factors increase heat and fluid losses. In addition, the use of open bed platforms with radiant warmers as well as phototherapy lights may increase the IWL by more than 50%. This excessive IWL may be reduced with the use of humidified incubators to care for the infant.

Editorial Comment:

Although phototherapy has long been included in the causes of increased insensible water loss, with the use of LED phototherapy units, it is unlikely that this is still a significant factor.

The measurement of urine specific gravity is commonly used to predict urine osmolality. Although this is a reliable means of predicting hyperosmolality (urine osmolality >290 mOsm/kg water with a urine specific gravity ≥1.012), its reliability in predicting hypo-osmolality (urine osmolality <270 mOsm/kg water with a urine specific gravity ≤1.008) is variable, ranging from 71% to 95% accuracy. Accuracy is even lower in predicting iso-osmolality (urine osmolality of 270–290 mOsm/kg water with a urine specific gravity of 1.008–1.012). In addition, glucose and protein in the urine may increase the urine specific gravity, giving a falsely high estimate of urine osmolality. Therefore urine specific gravity should be checked only to rule out hyperosmolar urine. A test for sugars and proteins in the urine should be conducted at the same time. The maximal concentrating capabilities in the neonate are limited compared with those in adults. Thus an infant with a urine osmolality of approximately 700 mOsm/kg water (urine specific gravity of 1.019) may be dehydrated. One can estimate the urine osmolality by determining the potential renal solute load of the infant’s feeding and the fluid intake ( Box 5.2 ). The infants at risk for high urine osmolality are those who are receiving a concentrated formula and those whose fluid intake is restricted.

BOX 5.2
Renal Solute Load Calculation

Potential renal solute load (PRSL):

  • 4 × (g protein/L) + mEq sodium/L + mEq potassium/L + mEq chloride/L = PRSL (mOsm/L)


  • Preterm formula 24 (PT 24 ) contains:

    • 22 g protein/L × 4= 88.0

    • 15.2 mEq sodium/L × 1= 15.2

    • 26.9 mEq potassium/L × 1 = 26.9

    • 18.6 mEq chloride/L × 1= 18.6

    • PRSL = 148.7 mOsm/L

    • Baby A is a 2-week-old former 32 week AGA infant weighing 1400 g now receiving 150 mL/kg/d of PT 24

  • Estimated fluid losses are:

    • Stool 10 mL/kg/d

    • Insensible water loss 70 mL/kg/d

    • Total fluid loss 80 mL/kg/d

    • 150 mL/kg/d intake – 80 mL/kg/d output = 70 mL/kg/d available for urine output

  • The PRSL of PT 24 is 148.7 mOsm/L:

    • 148.7 mOsm ×X mOsm

    • 1000 mL150 mL

    • X = 22.3 mOsm/L

    • This infant has 70 mL/kg/d to excrete22.3 mOsm of PRSL.

    • 22.3 mOsm × 1000 = X mOsm/L

    • 70 mL

    • X = 318.6 mOsm/L

Therefore, the estimated osmolality of the urine is 319 mOsm/L.

AGA, Appropriate for gestational age.

Water balance may be maintained with careful attention to input and output. Infants should be weighed nude and at approximately the same time of day. During the first week of life, VLBW infants should be weighed daily; ELBW infants should be weighed twice daily. Meticulous records of fluid intake (with the use of accurate infusion pumps and careful measurement of enteral feedings) and output (by weighing diapers and collecting urine, ostomy output, and drainage from any indwelling catheters) are necessary to compute fluid requirements. Serum glucose, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine may be monitored two times per day during the first 2 days in critically ill ELBW infants and then daily or as needed thereafter. Urine glucose is routinely tested, and urine specific gravity is measured as necessary.

Senterre and Rigo showed that optimizing nutritional support based on nutritional recommendations profoundly affected postnatal weight loss, limiting that loss to day 3 in the majority and dramatically reducing PGF. This was a prospective, nonrandomized, observational study in 120 consecutive infants less than 1250 g over 2 years. First-day nutritional intake was 38 ± 6 kcal/kg/day with 2.4 g/kg/day of protein. Mean intake during the first week of life was 80 ± 14 kcal/kg/day with 3.2 g/kg/day of protein. On average from birth to discharge, 122 ± 10 kcal/kg/day and 3.7 g/kg/day of protein were administered. Postnatal weight loss was limited to the first 3 days of life, and birth weight was regained after a mean of 7 days. Catch-up growth occurred after the second week in all groups of VLBW infants. This study confirmed that the first week of life is a critical period to promote growth and that early nutrition from the first day of life is essential. Postnatal weight loss may be limited, and subsequent growth may be optimized with a dramatic reduction in PGF.


Sodium is required in quantities sufficient to maintain normal extracellular fluid volume expansion, which accompanies tissue growth. In animal studies, if insufficient amounts are provided, the extracellular fluid volume expansion is suppressed, and there are subsequent alterations in quantitative and qualitative somatic growth.

Catheter flushes (using isotonic saline solution) may contribute significant quantities of electrolytes, including chloride, to the infant’s total intake. Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in LBW infants has been associated with chloride loads greater than 6 mEq/kg/day. The intake can easily be decreased by substituting acetate or phosphate for chloride in the intravenous (IV) solution.

Hypochloremia has also been associated with poor growth. Supplementation with chloride to normalize serum chloride concentrations in infants with BPD resulted in improved growth. Hypochloremia has been noted in infants with BPD who did not survive. However, whether this is a predictor of poor outcome or a symptom of severe illness remains to be resolved.

(Isemann B, Mueller EW, Narendran V, Akinbi H. Impact of early sodium supplementation on hyponatremia and growth in premature infants: a randomized controlled trial. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016;40:342-349.)
Editorial Comment:

Sodium may be considered a growth hormone in preterm infants. In infants who are not thriving, paying careful attention to their serum sodium and supplementation may be in order.

Isemann et al tested the hypothesis that sodium supplementation in early preterm infants prevents late-onset hyponatremia and improves growth without increasing common morbidities during birth hospitalization. They performed a randomized controlled trial of 4 mEq/kg/d of sodium (intervention) versus sterile water (placebo) from days-of-life 7 to 35 in infants born at less than 32 weeks’ corrected gestational age. The primary outcome was weight gain in the first 6 weeks of life.

Infants receiving the intervention had greater velocity of weight gain and fewer reports of serum sodium concentrations less than 135 mmol/L. The supplemented infants more closely followed and maintained fetal reference birth percentile for body weight compared with infants receiving placebo. There were no increases in comorbidities.

Potassium chloride (2 mEq/kg/day) is added to the IV fluid within the first days of life as soon as urinary output is established and hyperkalemia is not present. The potassium dose may be adjusted depending on urine output and use of diuretics. However, it is often difficult to obtain accurate determinations of serum potassium, especially when the blood samples are from heel-sticks, which may lead to excessive red blood cell hemolysis and spuriously high serum potassium levels. If an elevated potassium concentration is obtained, a second blood sample from venipuncture should be obtained for confirmation of the level. If infused via a peripheral vein, concentrations of potassium chloride up to 40 mEq/L are usually tolerated and do not cause localized pain. However, if higher concentrations are needed because of fluid restriction, a central vein should be used. See Table 5.1 for characteristics of various intravenous fluids.

Editorial Comment:

The immature kidney has a diminished ability to reabsorb water and respond to mineralocorticoids, in addition to a high excretion of filtered sodium. Their renal function may be compromised by perinatal complications and the use of medications such as diuretics, indomethacin, and amphotericin B, which affects tubular function. All these factors contribute to sodium and potassium imbalances.

Although hyperkalemia is defined as a potassium greater than 6 mmol/L, treatment is unnecessary in preterm infants unless potassium is above 6.5 mmol/L. This is unusual.

Characteristics of Intravenous Fluids
Modified from Wolf BM, Yamahata WI. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. In Zeman FJ, ed. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics . New York, NY: MacMillan; 1991:40-41.
Cations Anions
Type of fluid Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Ca (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) HCO 3 a (mEq/L) Osmolarity (mOsm/L) b
Dextrose in water
D 5 W 253
D 7.5 W 378
D 10 W 505
D 12.5 W 939
D 15 W 757
D 20 W 1009
D 25 W 1261
Dextrose in saline
D 5 W and 0.225% NaCl (¼ NS) 38.5 38.5 329
D 5 W and 0.45% NaCl 77 77 406
D 5 W and 0.9% NaCl 154 154 559
D 10 and 0.225% NaCl 38.5 38.5 582
D 10 and 0.45% NaCl 77 77 659
D 10 W and 0.9% NaCl 154 154 812
Saline solutions
¼ NS (0.225% NaCl) 38.5 38.5 77
½ NS (0.45% NaCl) 77 77 154
NS (0.9% NaCl) 154 154 308
3% NaCl 513 513 1026
Multiple electrolyte solutions
Ringer’s solution 147 4 5 155 309
Lactated Ringer’s solution 130 4 3 109 28 273
D 5 W in Lactated Ringer’s 130 4 3 109 28 524
Lipid emulsions
20% only 258–315
For example:
D 10 W and 0.45% NaCl (½ NS)
D 10 W = (10 x 51)= 510 mOsm/L
0.45% NaCl = (0.45 x 340) = 153 mOsm/L
TOTAL663 mOsm/L
D 10 W and 4% amino acids (no calcium or heparin)
D 10 W = (10 x 51)= 510 mOsm/L
4% AA = (4 x 87.5)= 350 mOsm/L
TOTAL 860 mOsm/L
An easy way to approximate the osmolarity of an intravenous fluid is to consider that for each 1% dextrose there are 51 mOsm/L; for each 1% amino acids there are 87.5 mOsm/L; and for each 1% NaCl there are 340 mOsm/L.

a Or its equivalent in lactate, acetate, or citrate.

b Osmolarity of the blood is 285–295 mOsm/L.

Total Parenteral Nutrition

The early postnatal period for the preterm infant represents a critical developmental stage with significant nutritional needs. In fact, it can be viewed as a nutritional emergency. Because these VLBW infants are unable to receive adequate nutrition enterally because of GI immaturity and critical illness, parenteral nutrition serves as a bridge. Over the past decade, clinicians have come to recognize the safety of and need for immediate provision of amino acids with the appropriate amount of energy to promote positive nitrogen balance and to minimize the protein deficit that would accumulate without it. Consideration of the correct timing to add lipids as well as the best dose are less well understood. Inadequate nutritional support, especially over the first days to weeks of life, may set the stage for postnatal growth faltering, which may have implications for long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Amino Acids

The fetus receives a continuous supply of amino acids via active transport by the placenta. Animal studies have shown that fetal amino acid uptake is higher than that needed solely for protein accretion. When that supply of amino acids ends with preterm delivery, the infant immediately experiences a reduction in protein accretion that, unless addressed, will result in a significant deficit of protein by hospital discharge. Early institution of parenteral nutrition with sufficient amino acid content to meet fetal growth requirements (2.0–4.0 g/kg/day) is important to minimize such deficits, improve glucose tolerance, avoid metabolic shock, and prevent negative nitrogen balance. Even the administration of as little as 1 g/kg/day of amino acids has been shown to eliminate negative nitrogen balance, whereas 3 g/kg/day leads to protein accretion.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of early amino acid administration in the VLBW infant. In addition to preventing the catabolism of body protein, the provision of amino acids in the first administered fluids smooths the metabolic transition to extrauterine life. Early amino acids may stimulate insulin secretion and improve glucose tolerance. A study from Rivera et al of early amino acid infusion in preterm infants showed that VLBW infants receiving early amino acids with glucose were able to receive more glucose (and consequently more energy) than infants receiving glucose alone. Mahaveer et al compared data from a clinical nutrition practice change (early initiation of amino acids at a higher dose) to historical experiences with glucose tolerance in infants less than 29 weeks. Cumulative protein intake (mean ± standard error of the mean) over the first 7 days was statistically higher in the change group (15.3 ± 0.4 g/kg vs. 11.8 ± 0.4). The proportion of infants that required insulin in the change group was half that of the historical group (26% vs. 53%). The mechanism for this finding is that hypoaminoacidemia leads to decreased insulin secretion and down-regulation of glucose transporters at the cell membrane, leading to a decrease in Na + , K + ATPase activity, and intracellular energy failure. Data from Radmacher et al showed that in the first 5 days of life, ELBW infants receiving earlier and higher doses of amino acids (∼3 g/kg/day) had lower glucose levels than those initiating amino acids at a lower dose. Glucose tolerance was enhanced with a higher dose of amino acids.

The predicted daily rate of protein accretion in a fetus at 70% of gestation (∼28 weeks) is around 2 g/kg. Studies have shown that infusions of glucose alone without amino acids will actually lead to a loss of body protein that is inversely proportional to gestational age. Fig. 5.2 compares the degree of protein loss in infants at gestational ages of 26 weeks, 32 weeks, and term when infused with glucose alone. How this protein loss is manifest in the 26-week 1-kg infant is shown in Fig. 5.3 . With body protein stores of around 88 g at birth and losses of around 1.5% each day without exogenous amino acids, this infant’s body protein pool shrinks by more than 10% in the first week of life. The comparable fetus in utero would be increasing body protein by around 2% each day or up to 15% for the week. The provision of amino acids at a dose as little as 1 to 1.5 g/kg/day can meet losses, but higher doses are necessary for protein accretion.

Fig. 5.2, Protein losses measured in three groups of infants receiving glucose alone at 2 to 3 days of age. Protein losses are calculated from measured rates of phenylalanine catabolism.

Fig. 5.3, Change in body protein over the first week of postnatal life for a theoretical 1000-g, 26 weeks’ gestation infants provided with glucose alone versus protein accretion of the fetus in utero at the same gestational age.

Studies have shown that early amino acid administration in VLBW infants can improve protein balance, minimize protein deficits, and improve growth. Initiating amino acids at doses of 2 to 3.5 g/kg/day within hours of birth has been shown to be safe. In short-term toxicity studies, acid–base status in VLBW infants receiving early amino acids has not been negatively affected. Studies have reported no rise in ammonia levels in infants receiving amino acids compared with those receiving glucose alone.

Many clinicians follow BUN levels as an indicator of amino acid tolerance. Multiple investigators have reported that BUN concentrations do not correlate with the dose of intravenous amino acids. Modest increases in BUN with no change in serum creatinine or other indicators of metabolic disturbance have been seen with early amino acid administration. BUN reflects not only intake but also acuity of illness, renal function, hepatic synthesis, and hydration status. Thus a comprehensive evaluation of the infant, not a single blood test, is necessary to determine a need to reduce amino acid intake in an infant with an “elevated” BUN.

Most amino acids formulations have not changed in over 25 years, and the optimal intake of individual parenteral amino acids for premature infants remains unknown. Pediatric amino acid solutions are more appropriate for the preterm infant than those designed for adults. However, the original safety data were compiled in the 1990s and may need to be revisited, as amino acid dosing was much lower, was usually initiated later, and did not include the higher doses being used today. Conditionally essential amino acids such as tyrosine, glutamine, and cysteine are unstable in current products and have been shown to be in low plasma concentrations in parenterally nourished infants.

Morgan et al conducted a single-center randomized controlled trial to compare a standard neonatal parenteral nutrition plan to one with enhanced macronutrient content. The protocol was followed for up to the first 28 days of life as long as parenteral nutrition was required. Clinical care (fluid management, enteral nutrition introduction, and biochemical monitoring) for both groups was by unit protocol. Parenteral nutrition was discontinued when enteral intake exceeded 75%. Plasma profiles were analyzed for 20 specific amino acids. Among the conditionally essential amino acids, there was little difference between groups, despite the higher total amino acid intake in the enhanced group. The median plasma levels of glutamine, arginine, and cysteine were all below reference values.


Preterm birth leads to early termination of placental delivery of fatty acids. This coincides with a period of rapid brain growth and significant lipid accretion in VLBW infants. Coupled with scarce amounts of adipose tissue, these infants are fully dependent on postnatal nutritional strategies to meet their needs during this period because they are not able to form sufficient quantities of needed long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) from precursor fatty acids ( Fig. 5.4 ). Intravenous lipid infusions serve as a source of LCPUFA, including the n-3 (linolenic LNA, 18:3n-3) and n-6 (linoleic LA, 18:2n-6) fatty acids, to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) and be a source of energy as a partial replacement for glucose. However, soybean oil–based emulsions are devoid of other important LCPUFAs, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:n-5), and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6). The proper balance of lipid classes is critical, especially for the developing brain and retina, where these fatty acids serve as structural components of lipid-based cell structures. Soybean oil–based products, originally designed for use in adults, have been the most commonly used products in the United States, even in preterm infants. Recent research has shown the importance of providing a broader mix of LCPUFA to meet the needs of infants at critical windows of development.

Fig. 5.4, Metabolic derivatives of linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. ARA, Arachidonic acid; PPHN, persistent pulmonary hypertension.

Martin et al have shown the rapid decrease in DHA and ARA levels in preterm infants in the first postnatal week. This rapid loss of structural lipids cannot be corrected with soybean oil–based products. Research from multiple groups in both animals and humans has shown that deficiencies in LCPUFAs may have roles to play in the development of such neonatal complications as chronic lung disease, NEC, and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

When to start intravenous lipids is not universally agreed among clinicians, especially in critically ill VLBW infants with respiratory disease. Concerns related to potential adverse effects on gas exchange and bilirubin displacement from albumin because of increases in free fatty acids (FFA) have been raised. A number of studies have shown that with slow infusion rates over longer periods of time (up to 24 hours) and with careful monitoring of triglycerides, modest amounts of lipids can be infused in most infants, even in the first days of life, without adverse effects. In vitro, the displacement of bilirubin from binding sites on serum albumin by the increased FFA depends on the relative concentrations of all three compounds and may occur even with adequate metabolism of infused lipid. Andrew et al found no free bilirubin (B f ) generated in vivo if the molar FFA/albumin remained less than 6. Adamkin et al also found acceptable FFA/albumin (<3) when lipids were infused over long periods (18–24 hours).

Amin et al conducted a prospective, nested study of bilirubin binding during intravenous lipid infusions in infants 24 to 33 weeks’ gestational age. Infants were stratified into two cohorts based on gestational age less than or equal to 28 or greater than 28 weeks. Intralipid 20% (IL; Fresenius Kabi, Uppsala, Sweden) was infused over 16 to 20 hours at a rate less than 0.15 g/kg/hour in increasing doses (0.5–3 g/kg/day) over the first 10 days of life. Triglycerides were monitored, and IL was held less than or equal to 2 g/kg/day in the presence of hyperbilirubinemia. Total serum bilirubin (TSB) and B f were analyzed with each increase in IL; albumin was analyzed by the third postnatal day. The bilirubin/albumin equilibrium association binding constant ( K ) was calculated at IL intakes of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 g/kg/day.

For infants greater than 28 weeks’ gestational age, TSB, K, and B f did not change significantly as the IL dose increased to 2.5 or 3.0 g/kg/day. For infants 28 weeks or lower, the median differences in B f and K at 1 gm/kg/day were not statistically significant compared with that in the more mature infants. However, as the dose increased above 1.5 g/kg/day, K was significantly lower ( P < .01), and B f was significantly higher ( P <.05) in the more immature infants. Although there are no data that define the intake of lipid at which clinically significant bilirubin displacement occurs, these results suggest there may be a maturational effect.

Concerns about adverse effects of intravenous lipid on pulmonary function have been raised but have not generally been found to be an issue. For infants with significant respiratory disease, providing lipid at low dosages sufficient to prevent EFAD may be more prudent during the height of pulmonary disease, although it will not meet the needs of the preterm infant. It should only be a short period of time before lipids can be advanced.

The most commonly used lipid emulsions in the United States are Intralipid 20% (Fresenius Kabi USA, Lake Zurich, IL) and Liposyn III 20% (Hospira, Lake Forest, IL). These are 100% soybean oil and provide alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids, but no DHA, EPA, or ARA. Alternative lipid source emulsions have been developed, as evidence increasingly suggests that excessive polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and linoleic acid content may have harmful effects, especially regarding the inflammatory response and oxidative stress. Few large randomized trials are available to evaluate these newer products. Table 5.2 lists commercial products both in and outside the United States. Smoflipid, a mixed-oil product (soybean, medium-chain triglycerides [MCT], olive, and fish; Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany) was approved for use in adults by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016. However, it comes with a warning regarding use in preterm infants. Two studies with Smoflipid have been published from Europe.

Commercially Available Intravenous Fat Emulsion Products in the United States and Elsewhere
From Vanek VW, Seidner DL, Allen P, et al. ASPEN position paper: clinical role for alternative intravenous fat emulsions. Nutr Clin Pract . 2012; 27:157. With permission.
Product Manufacturer or Distributor Lipid Source Concentrations of Selected FA (% by weight) n-6/n-3 Ratio Alpha-Tocopherol (mg/L)
Linoleic Alpha-Linolenic EPA DHA
Available in the United States
Intralipid Fresenius Kabi/Baxter 100% soybean oil 44–62 4–11 0 0 7:1 38
Liposyn III Hospira 100% soybean oil 54.5 8.3 0 0 7:1 NA
Available outside the United States
Intralipid Fresenius Kabi 100% soybean oil 44–62 4–11 0 0 7:1 38
Ivelip Baxter Teva 100% soybean oil 52 8.5 0 0 7:1 NA
Lipovenoes Fresenius Kabi 100% soybean oil 54 8 0 0 7:1 NA
Lipovenoes 10% PLR Fresenius Kabi 100% soybean oil 54 8 0 0 7:1 NA
Intralipos 10% Mitsubishi Pharma
Green Cross Otsuka
Pharmaceutical Group
100% soybean oil 53 5 0 0 7:1 NA
Lipofundin-N B. Braun 100% soybean oil 50 7 0 0 7:1 180 ± 40
Soyacal Grifols Alpha Therapeutics 100% soybean oil 46.4 8.8 0 0 7:1 NA
Intrafat Nihon 100% soybean oil NA NA 0 0 7:1 NA
Structolipid 20% a Fresenius Kabi 64% soybean oil; 36% MCT oil 35 5 0 0 7:1 6.9
Lipofundin MCT/LCT B. Braun 50% soybean oil; 50% MCT oil 27 4 0 0 7:1 85 ± 20
Lipovenoes MCT Fresenius Kabi 50% soybean oil; 50% MCT oil 25.9 3.9 0 0 7:1 NA
ClinOleic 20% Baxter 20% soybean oil; 80% olive oil 18.5 2 0 0 9:1 32
Lipoplus B. Braun 40% soybean oil; 50% MCT oil;
10% fish oil
25.7 3.4 3.7 2.5 2.7:1 190 ± 30
SMOFlipid Fresenius Kabi 30% soybean oil; 30% MCT;
25% olive oil;
15% fish oil
21.4 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5:1 200
Omegaven Fresenius Kabi 100% fish oil 4.4 1.8 19.2 12.1 1:8 150–296
EPA , Eicosapentaenoic acid; FA , fatty acid; MCT , medium-chain triglyceride; n-6/n-3 ratio, ratio of ω-6 fatty acids to ω-3 fatty acids; NA, not available.

a Fat source uses structured lipids

Tomsits et al randomized 60 premature infants to Intralipid or Smoflipid and stratified them into three birth weight groups. The primary safety parameter was serum triglyceride concentrations. Some 51 infants completed the study with mean durations of 11 and 10 days (study vs. control, respectively).

Triglyceride values were similar between groups at the beginning and end of the study period, showing a slight rise with lipid infusion but remaining within expected limits. No significant differences between groups were noted for vital signs, growth, occurrence of adverse events, and hematological and clinical chemistry lab results, with the exception of gamma-glutamyl transferase, which remained relatively constant in both groups through study day 8 but was significantly increased in the control group ( P < .05) at the end of treatment. Alpha-tocopherol levels were significantly increased in the study group compared with the control group ( P < .05). Red blood cell phospholipid fatty acid patterns were similar at baseline, but significant differences were seen at study termination for linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and EPA fatty acids that reflected the differences in lipid profile of the two emulsions: a significant increase in EPA and smaller decrease in DHA in the study group. Linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids significantly increased in the control group. Overall, Smoflipid was well tolerated.

Rayyan et al conducted a randomized trial of Smoflipid and Intralipid in 53 preterm infants less than 34 weeks’ gestation and stratified into three weight groups. Lipid solutions were infused 1 g/kg/day for 3 days and then increased to 2, 3, and 3.5 g/kg/day from day 6 on. The maximum infusion rate was 0.17 g/kg over 18 hours/day. Routine labs were collected as well as blood for fatty acid analysis (plasma and red blood cells). The primary safety parameter was change in serum triglycerides from baseline to study day 8.

There were no significant differences in nutrient intake or occurrence of adverse/serious events between groups. The rise in triglycerides was similar between groups (baseline to day 8). With the exception of total and LDL cholesterol, lipid parameters were similar between groups. Cholesterol values were higher in the study group but remained within expected ranges. In the control group, the direct bilirubin increased significantly from baseline to final observation ( P = .036). Plasma phospholipids were significantly different between groups at the end of the study period: total n-6 PUFA (control > study, P < .001), total n-3 PUFA (study > control P < .001), n-6/n-3 ratio (control > study, P < .001).

Omegaven (Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany) is 100% fish oil, approved for use in Germany, but only in expanded access protocols in the United States. Fish oil is rich in n-3 fatty acids, especial EPA and DHA. Gura et al showed that using a fish oil–based emulsion helped reverse cholestasis that developed in infants with short bowel syndrome after receiving a soybean-based emulsion for a prolonged period of time. The investigators noted the absence of EFAD, hypertriglyceridemia, coagulopathy, infections, or growth delay in these infants. Other investigators have noted a role for alternative lipid emulsions in preventing/ameliorating liver compromise related to use of soybean oil products.

Carnitine is an essential cofactor required for the transport of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) across the mitochondrial membrane for beta-oxidation. Because of the limited carnitine reserves and low plasma carnitine levels in preterm infants, some investigators have recommended supplementing parenteral nutrition. A secondary analysis of metabolic profile data by Clark et al showed that supplementation with L -carnitine during parenteral nutrition significantly increased plasma free carnitine concentrations within the first week compared with infants not supplemented. During the transition to enteral nutrition, free carnitine content decreased but remained higher in the most immature infants who received supplementation. Thus carnitine supplementation is recommended only for VLBW infants who require prolonged parenteral nutrition (2–3 weeks). Dosage at 8 to 10 mg/kg/day has been used without observable side effects.

Editorial Comment:

Premature birth occurs at a critical time when the fetus is undergoing rapid intrauterine brain and body growth. It is challenging yet most important to maintain this growth trajectory postnatally. Despite adoption of a more aggressive approach with amino acid infusions, there is still some hesitation to use early intravenous lipids because of concerns that lipid infusions may cause or exacerbate lung disease, displace bilirubin from albumin, aggravate sepsis, lower platelets, and cause central nervous system injury. The case for using intravenous lipids is strongly summarized above. Further well-designed and adequately powered studies are necessary to determine the optimal product and dose of lipid infusion and the long-term effects on morbidity, growth, and neurodevelopment. The fish oil–based products appear to be gaining momentum.

Parenteral Vitamins

Adequate supplies of vitamins are essential for normal growth and development. The optimal requirement for vitamins in neonates has not been determined, and little additional information has been developed in the past 20 years. Current recommendations are generally based on expert opinion. With commercially available products, dosing is generally done by adding one-third, two-thirds, or a full vial to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) based on weight groups (<1 kg or 1–3 kg) (see Table 5.3 ).

Vitamins for Total Parenteral Nutrition Solutions
MVI Pediatric b Infuvite Pediatric c
Vitamin 5 mL Vial 1 (4 mL) Vial 2 (1 mL)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 80 mg 80 mg
Vitamin A a 0.7 mg (retinol) 2300 IU (0.7 mg)
(retinyl palmitate)
Vitamin D a 10 mcg (ergocalciferol) 400 IU (10 mcg)
Thiamine (Vitamin B 1 ) (as the hydrochloride) 1.2 mg 1.2 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B 2 ) (as riboflavin-5-phosphate sodium) 1.4 mg 1.4 mg
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6 ) (as the hydrochloride) 1.0 mg 1.0 mg
Niacinamide 17 mg 17 mg
Dexpanthenol (d-pantothenyl alcohol) 5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) a 7 mg 7 IU (7 mg)
Biotin 20 mcg 20 mcg
Folic acid 140 mcg 140 mcg
Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) 1 mcg 1 mcg
Vitamin K 1 (phytonadione) a 200 mcg 0.2 mg

a Vitamins A, D, E, and K 1 water solubilized with polysorbate 80.

b Hospira, Inc., Lake Forest, IL

c Baxter Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL

Parenteral vitamin preparations are exposed to light, oxygen, and the lipophilic surfaces of tubing materials during administration, which may reduce the amounts delivered to VLBW infants. For these reasons, vitamins are usually added to TPN shortly before infusing. Some nurseries cover the TPN bags and tubing with foil or opaque materials. Others choose to add vitamin preparations to the lipid emulsion. See Table 5.4 for recommended parenteral and enteral intakes.

Comparison of Parenteral and Enteral Macronutrient and Vitamin Intake Recommendations for Stable, Growing Preterm Infants
From Schanler RJ, Anderson D. The low birth-weight infant: inpatient care. In: Duggan C, Watkins JB, Walker WA, eds. Nutrition in Pediatrics . 4th ed. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: BC Decker Inc; 2008. With permission.
Recommendations (unit/kg/day unless noted)
Component, units Parenteral Enteral
Water/fluids, mL 120–160 135–190
Energy, kcal 90–100 110–130
Protein, g 3.2–3.8 3.4–4.2
Carbohydrate, g 9.7–15 7–17
Fat, g 3–4 5.3–7.2
Linoleic acid, mg 340–800 600–1440
Vitamins: fat soluble
Vitamin A, IU 700–1500 700–1500
Vitamin D, IU 40–160 150–400
Vitamin E, IU 2.8–3.5 6–12
Vitamin K, a mcg 10 8–10
Vitamins: water soluble
Ascorbate, mg 15–25 15–25
Thiamine (vitamin B1), mcg 200–350 200–350
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), mcg 150–200 250–360
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), mcg 150–200 150–210
Niacin, mg 4–6.8 3.6–4.8
Biotin, mcg 5–8 5–8
Folic acid, mcg 56 25–50
Vitamin B 12 , mcg 0.3 0.3
Conversion factors:

  • Vitamin A: 1 mcg retinol = 3.33 IU Vitamin A = 6 mcg beta-carotene = 1.83 mcg retinyl palmitate = 1 retinol equivalent (RE)

  • Vitamin E: 1 mg α-tocopherol = 1 IU Vitamin E

  • Vitamin D: 1 mcg Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) = 40 IU Vitamin D (cholecalciferol)

  • Niacin: 1 mg niacin = 1 niacin equivalent (NE) = 60 mg tryptophan

a Vitamin K: 0.5 to 1 mg given at birth

Trace Minerals

As with vitamins, precise requirements for individual trace minerals remain unknown, especially in the low-birth-weight (LBW) infant who has inadequate stores and rapid growth demands. Parenteral preparations are designed to provide sufficient amounts to prevent deficiencies and to match in utero accretion rates. Contaminants such as aluminum and chromium require monitoring in cases of long-term parenteral nutrition. Copper levels may need to be monitored in infants with cholestasis to avoid toxicity. See Table 5.5 for parenteral and enteral recommended intakes.

Comparison of Parenteral and Enteral Electrolyte and Mineral Intakes for Stable, Growing Preterm Infants
From Schanler RJ, Anderson D. The low birth-weight infant: inpatient care. In: Duggan C, Watkins JB, Walker WA, eds. Nutrition in Pediatrics . 4th ed. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: BC Decker Inc; 2008. With permission.
Recommendations (unit/kg/day unless noted)
Component, units Parenteral Enteral
Sodium, mg 69–115 69–115
Potassium, mg 78–117 78–117
Chloride, mg 107–249 107–249
Calcium, mg 60–80 100–220
Phosphorus, mg 45–60 60–140
Magnesium, mg 4.3–7.2 7.9–15
Trace elements
Iron, mg 100–200 2000–4000
Zinc, mcg 400 1000–3000
Copper, mcg 20 120–150
Chromium, mcg 0.05–0.3 0.1–2.25
Manganese, mcg 1 0.7–7.5
Selenium, mcg 1.5–4.5 1.3–4.5
Carnitine, mg ∼3 ∼3
Conversion factors:

  • Calcium: 40 mg = 1 mmol = 2 mEq

  • Phosphorus: 31 mg = 1 mmol

  • Magnesium: 24 mg = 1 mmol = 2 mEq

  • Sodium: 23 mg = 1 mmol = 1 mEq

  • Potassium: 39 mg = 1 mmol = 1 mEq

  • Chloride: 35 = mg 1 mmol = 1 mEq

Calcium and Phosphorus

Preterm infants require increased intakes of calcium and phosphorus for optimal bone mineralization. The fetus accretes calcium at a rate of around 104 to 125 mg/kg/day at 26 weeks’ gestation; phosphorus uptake is around 63 to 86 mg/kg/day. It is difficult to deliver adequate amounts of these mineral in conventional TPN solutions because of Ca/P precipitation. The addition of cysteine hydrochloride lowers the pH of the solution and improves solubility. Suggested parenteral intake of calcium is 60 to 80 mg/kg/day and phosphorus 45 to 60 mg/kg/day. See Table 5.5 and chapter on glucose calcium and magnesium.


In the fetus, glucose is the main carbohydrate used for fuel and is provided by the placenta at a rate of around 7 g/day in the last trimester of pregnancy. In the early postnatal period, carbohydrates continue to serve as the primary energy substrate for the preterm infant receiving parenteral nutrition, supplying metabolic fuel for all major organs, especially the brain.

The glucose infusion rate should maintain euglycemia. Depending on the degree of immaturity, 5% or 10% glucose is commonly used; higher concentrations may require a central line for infusion. Glucose intolerance, defined as an inability maintain euglycemia at glucose administration rates of less than 6 mg/kg/minute, is a frequent problem with VLBW infants, especially those less than 1000 g birth weight, and must be avoided. Endogenous glucose production is elevated in VLBW infants (8 mg/kg/minute) compared with term infants and adults. Additionally, high glucose production rates are found in VLBW infants who receive only glucose compared with those receiving glucose plus amino acids and/or lipids. Clinical experience with glucose intolerance suggests that glucose alone does not always suppress glucose production in these infants. Although not all of the contributing factors to hyperglycemia are entirely clear, it appears likely that persistent glucose production is the main cause, fueled by ongoing proteolysis that is not suppressed by physiologic concentrations of insulin. Hyperglycemia can also occur in the presence of nonoliguric hyperkalemia.

Strategies to treat early hyperglycemia include:

  • 1.

    decreasing the glucose infusion rate until the hyperglycemia resolves;

  • 2.

    administering parenteral amino acids, which results in lowering glucose concentrations, presumably by enhancing endogenous insulin secretion;

  • 3.

    initiation of exogenous insulin at rates to control hyperglycemia ; and

  • 4.

    infusion of insulin as a nutritional adjuvant (to control hyperglycemia and to increase nutrient uptake).

The first and third options limit the amount of energy available to the infant, and the last approach has been shown to lead to lactic acidemia. The second strategy is preferred because it more closely mimics the fetal circumstance and has been shown to work. The decline of specific amino acids at the time of birth may trigger the starvation response, which includes an increase in endogenous glucose production. By smoothing the metabolic transition to extrauterine life with early amino acid infusion, one may forestall the starvation response and improve glucose tolerance. With the current practice of earlier initiation of parenteral amino acids, the frequency of early hyperglycemia can be reduced.

Excessive glucose infusion may result in increased energy expenditure, oxygen consumption, serum osmolality, osmotic diuresis, and fat deposition. A study by Poindexter et al examined the effect of insulin using a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in normoglycemic ELBW infants receiving only glucose. They reported significant increases in plasma lactate concentrations and metabolic acidosis. A study by Beardsall et al showed in a randomized trial in VLBW infants that 20% glucose coupled with insulin in the first 7 days of life led to increased episodes of hypoglycemia and increased mortality at 28 days compared with standard practice. Thus routine use of insulin is not recommended.

(For further details on glucose management, see Chapter 11 .)


Energy needs are dependent on age, weight, rate of growth, thermal environment, activity, hormonal activity, nature of feedings, and organ size and maturation ( Table 5.6 ). Measurement of a true basal metabolic rate requires a prolonged fast and cannot ethically be determined in VLBW infants. Therefore resting metabolic rate (RMR) is used to estimate energy needs, dietary-induced thermogenesis, minimum energy expended in activity, and the metabolic cost of growth. The metabolic rate increases during the first weeks of life from an RMR of 40 to 41 kcal/kg/day during the first week to 62 to 64 kcal/kg/day by the third week of life. The extra energy expenditure is primarily as a result of the energy cost of growth related to various synthetic processes. The metabolic rate of the nongrowing infant is approximately 51 kcal/kg/day, which includes 47 kcal/kg/day for basal metabolism and 4 kcal/kg/day for activity. Excessive energy intake may result in hyperglycemia, increased fat deposition, fatty liver, and other complications.

Estimation of the Energy Requirement of the Infant With Low Birth Weight
Modified from the Committee on Nutrition of the Preterm Infant, European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Bremer HJ, Wharton BA. Nutrition and feeding of preterm infants, Oxford, 1987; Kleinman RE, ed. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook . 6th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009:83.
Average Estimation, kcal/kg/day
Energy expended 40–60
Resting metabolic rate 40–50 a
Activity 0–5 a
Thermoregulation 0–5 a
Synthesis 15 b
Energy stored 20–30 b
Energy excreted 15
Energy intake 90–120

a Energy for maintenance

b Energy cost of growth

The contribution of activity to overall energy expenditure seems to be small, between 3 and 5 kcal/kg/day. Because of the large amount of time spent in the sleep state, energy expenditure in muscular activity in immature infants is relatively small in comparison to their resting metabolism. As infants mature, they become more active; therefore energy expenditure from activity increases.

The exposure of infants to a cold environment affects energy expenditure with small alterations in the thermal environment, making a significant contribution to energy expenditure. Infants nursed in an environment just below thermal neutrality increase energy expenditure by 7 to 8 kcal/kg/day; any handling adds to this energy loss. A daily increase of 10 kcal/kg/day should be allowed to cover incidental cold stress in the preterm infant. Infants who are intrauterine growth restricted, particularly the asymmetrical type, have a higher RMR on a per-kilogram body weight basis because of their relatively high proportion of metabolically active mass. Other factors that may increase metabolic rate include the effects of fever, sepsis, and surgery. The degree to which the infant’s energy requirements are increased is uncertain.

Caloric intake above maintenance contributes to growth. On average, for each 1-g increment in weight, approximately 4.5 kcals above maintenance energy needs are required. Therefore to attain the equivalent of the third-trimester intrauterine weight gain (10–15 g/kg/day), a metabolizable energy intake of approximately 45 to 70 kcal/kg/day above the 51 kcal/kg/day required for maintenance must be provided, or approximately 100 to 120 kcal/kg/day. Increasing metabolizable energy intakes beyond 120 kcal/kg/day with energy supplementation alone does not result in proportionate increases in weight gain. However, when energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals are all increased, weight gain with increases in rates of protein and fat accretion can be realized. The higher the caloric intake, the more energy that is expended through excretion, dietary-induced thermogenesis, and tissue synthesis. The energy cost of weight gain at 130 kcal/kg/day has been shown to be 3.0 kcal per gram of weight gain. However, at an intake of 149 kcal/kg/day and 181 kcal/kg/day, the energy cost of weight gain has been estimated to be 4.9 and 5.7 kcal/g of weight gain, respectively. In summary, to increase lean body mass accretion and limit fat mass deposition, an increase in protein-to-energy ratio in enteral diets is necessary.

The energy needs of the parenterally nourished infant differ from the enterally fed infant in that there is no fecal loss of nutrients. Preterm infants who are appropriately grown for gestational age are able to maintain positive nitrogen balance when receiving 50 nonprotein calories (NPCs)/kg/day and 2.5 g protein/kg/day. At an NPC intake of greater than 70 NPC/kg/day and a protein intake of 2.7 to 3.5 g/kg/day, preterm infants exhibit nitrogen accretion and growth rates similar to in utero levels. In the ELBW infant with minimal respiratory disease but requiring mechanical ventilation, energy expenditure may be as high as 85 kcal/kg/day in early postnatal life. There are few data that describe energy expenditure in these infants, as a result of technical difficulties and methodologic limitations affecting the interpretation of data.

The primary sources of energy for parenteral nutrition in infants are either glucose or lipid or a combination of the two. Although both glucose and fat provide equivalent nitrogen-sparing effects in the neonate, studies have demonstrated that a nutrient mixture using IV glucose and lipid as the nonprotein energy source is more physiologic than supplying glucose alone. The amount of glucose required to meet the total energy needs approximates 7 mg/kg/min (10 g/kg/day). Excess glucose is converted to fat or triglycerides. When lipids supply 60% to 63% of the NPCs given to LBW infants, nitrogen retention is decreased, and temperature control is adversely affected. A moderate IV fat intake, comprising approximately 35% of the NPCs, is preferred.

Practical hints for fluid and TPN management in the first few days of life:

  • Provide sufficient fluid to result in a urine output of 1–3 mL/kg/hour, a urine specific gravity of 1.008 to 1.012, check for sugar and protein.

  • Target a weight loss of 5% or less in full term or 15% or less in VLBW infants.

  • Weigh infants twice daily in the first 2 days, then daily.

  • Use birth weight to calculate intake until birth weight is regained.

  • Record fluid intake, output, and weight.

  • Use only 20% lipid emulsions. Infuse lipids slowly, not to exceed 0.17 g/kg/hour. If the infant is hyperbilirubinemic, limit lipids to 0.5 to 1.0 g/kg/day. The maximum lipid dose should be 3 to 4 gm/kg/day while maintaining serum triglyceride less than 200 mg/dL. Check before starting lipids, when lipids are advanced, and weekly thereafter;

  • Aim to provide a parenteral energy intake of 90 to 100 kcal/kg/day and an amino acid dose up to 3.5 gm/kg/day. The NPC:N ratio should be 150 to 250.

  • (Lipid calories + dextrose calories) ÷ (protein [grams] ∗ 0.16) = NPC/N (grams)

Enteral Nutrition

When parenteral nutrition is used exclusively for the provision of nutrients, morphologic and functional changes occur in the gut with a significant decrease in intestinal mass, a decrease in mucosal enzyme activity, and an increase in gut permeability. The changes are due primarily to the lack of luminal nutrients rather than the TPN. The timing of the initial feedings for the VLBW infant should be within the first days of life, with many clinicians now initiating gut priming as soon as day 1. This strategy of early feeding replaces the one in which feedings were held during the first days of life because of concerns about NEC with early feedings. Physicians chose to use parenteral nutrition alone in the sick, ventilated, preterm infant. Total parenteral nutrition was thought to be a logical continuation of the transplacental nutrition the infants would have received in utero.

However, this view discounts any role that swallowed amniotic fluid plays in nutrition and in the development of the GI tract. In fact, by the end of the third trimester, amniotic fluid provides the fetus with the same enteral volume intake and approximately 25% of the enteral protein intake as that of a term, breast-fed infant. Parenteral nutrition does little to support the function of the GI tract. Enteral feedings have direct trophic effects and indirect effects secondary to the release of intestinal hormones, for example, significant rises in plasma concentrations of enteroglucagon.

Regardless of feeding strategy, the advancement of feedings has been based on the absence of significant pregavage residuals or greenish aspirates. These gastric residuals are very frequent in the early neonatal period, are virtually always benign when not accompanied by other signs of GI abnormalities, and not associated with NEC. One study demonstrated that in ELBW infants, excessive gastric residual volume either determined by percent of the previous feed or an absolute volume (>2 mL or >3 mL) did not necessarily affect feeding success as determined by the volume of total feeding on day 14. Similarly, the color of the gastric residual volume (green, milky, clear) did not predict feeding intolerance. Nonetheless, the volume of feeding on day 14 did correlate with a higher proportion of episodes of zero gastric residual volumes and with predominantly milky gastric residuals. Thus isolated findings related to gastric emptying alone should not be the sole criterion in initiating or advancing feeds. Stooling pattern, abdominal distention, and the nature of the stools should also be considered. Some units have now abandoned checking gastric residuals at all, and randomized trials support such an approach.

The etiology and pathophysiology of NEC remain unclear. Because NEC rarely occurs in infants who are not being fed, feedings have come to be seen as a cause of NEC. However, intestinal immaturity, abnormal microbial colonization, and a highly immunoreactive intestinal mucosa appear to be leading elements of a multifactorial cause. The association between feedings and NEC is likely explained by the fact that feedings can act as vehicles for the introduction of bacterial or viral pathogens or toxins. They are more likely to survive the gastric barrier because of low acidity, against which the immature gut is poorly able to defend itself. Efforts aimed at minimizing the risk of NEC have focused on the time of introduction of feedings, on feeding volumes, and on the rate of feeding volume increments. One by one, the strategies that had been developed with the aim of reducing the risk of NEC were shown to be ineffective. Therefore, as discussed above, feedings should not be reduced in volume or held altogether because of minor GI irregularities, such as gastric emptying defined by residuals. If PGF is to be avoided, the neonatologist must pay close attention to nutrition from the minute the infant is born.

Finally, the withholding of feeding for prolonged periods of time to prevent NEC eventually came under scrutiny and was compared in a number of controlled trials with early introduction of feedings. A systematic review of the results of these trials concluded that early introduction of feedings shortens the time to full feeds, as well as the length of hospitalization, and does not lead to an increase in the incidence of NEC. A controlled study involving 100 VLBW infants confirmed these findings and found a significant reduction in serious infections when feedings were introduced early.

Another strategy aimed at preventing NEC has been to keep the rate increments low. Unnecessarily slowing advancement of nutrition will adversely affect growth. The strategy was based on the findings of Anderson and Kliegman, who conducted a retrospective analysis of 19 cases of NEC with two matched controls per case of NEC. They found that in infants who went on to develop NEC, feedings were advanced more rapidly than in control infants without NEC. Based on these findings, they recommended that feedings not be advanced by more than 20 mL/kg each day. In this study, some of the feeding advancements were much beyond current practices and bear no resemblance to how infants are fed today. However, the recommendation has found wide acceptance, although its validity has not been confirmed in randomized controlled trials.

In a prospective randomized trial, Rayyis et al compared increments of 15 mL/kg/day with increments of 35 mL/kg/day. They found that with fast advancement, return to birth weight occurred earlier, full intakes were achieved sooner, weight gain set in earlier, and there was no difference in the incidence of NEC. A Cochrane review found 10 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a total of 3753 infants (2804 participated in one large trial) to compare feeding advancement. Although most participants were stable AGA, very preterm infants, about one-third were ELBW and 20% were SGA, or compromised in utero, as indicated by absent or reversed-end diastolic flow velocity in the fetal umbilical artery. Trials typically defined slow advancement as daily increments of 15 to 20 mL/kg and faster advancement as daily increments of 30 to 40 mL/kg/day. Meta-analyses did not show effects on risk of NEC or all-cause mortality. Subgroup analyses of extremely preterm or of SGA or growth restricted/growth compromised infants showed no evidence of an effect on risk of NEC or death. Slow feed advancement delayed establishment of full enteral nutrition by between 1 and 5 days. Meta-analyses showed a borderline increased risk of invasive infection. Therefore advancing feeds at a slow rate results in several days of delay in establishing of full enteral feedings and may be associated with metabolic and infectious morbidities secondary to prolonged exposure to parenteral nutrition.

When initiating early enteral feedings, infants may still have umbilical artery catheters (UACs) in place, and safety is often a concern. The presence of a UAC has led to delay of feedings until catheters are removed. This may make early gut priming and day 1 feeding more difficult. However, few data from controlled studies support this policy of delaying feeds because of the UAC. Davey et al examined feeding tolerance in 47 infants weighing less than 2000 g at birth who had respiratory distress and UACs in place. Infants were assigned randomly to begin feedings as soon as they met the predefined criterion of stability or to delay feeding until their UACs were removed for 24 hours. Infants who were fed with catheters in place started feeding significantly sooner and required half the number of days of parenteral nutrition. The incidence of NEC was comparable for infants fed with catheters in place and those whose catheters were removed before initiation of feedings. In addition, large epidemiologic surveys have not shown a cause-and-effect relationship between low-lying UACs and NEC.

The decision when to start these early enteral or trophic feeds may be influenced by what milk is available to feed the infant. Donor milk (DM) is widely used when own mother’s milk (OMM) is unavailable. Both older and more recent studies suggest that DM is as efficacious as OMM in preventing NEC in preterm infants. A recent meta-analysis of data from six trials found a statistically significantly increased incidence of NEC (twice the risk) and feeding intolerance in the formula-fed group compared with the human milk fed groups. It has been estimated that one extra case of NEC will occur in every 25 preterm infants who receive formula. (See also Section 3 of this chapter on NEC.)

Feedings with human milk for the VLBW infant may have to include DM to be able to start within the first days of life. A frequently encountered problem is that own mother’s breast milk takes at least 2 days to come in and often does not come in for 3, 4, or 5 days. During that time, only small amounts of colostrum are available, which is very beneficial to the infant and must be fed, but will not provide enough volume. Gastric residuals should not interfere with feeding. Initial feeding volumes should be kept low (1–2 mL/feed) and provided at 3-hour intervals. Incremental advances should be about 20 mL/kg/day when a decision is made to advance feedings.

Editorial Comment:

The old wives’ tale was that all babies regurgitated human milk, including through their nose, so that the upper respiratory tract would be lined and protected by secretory immunoglobulin A and other factors from the milk.

Indeed, cytokines applied to the oropharynx may stimulate the lymphoid tissue, enhancing the immune system. Colostrum is rich in cytokines and other immune agents that provide bacteriostatic, bactericidal, antiviral, antiinflammatory, and immunomodulatory protection against infection. Oropharyngeal administration of colostrum may decrease clinical sepsis, inhibit secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, and increase levels of circulating immune protective factors in extremely premature infants. Placing the colostrum with a small syringe into the cheek pouch has become commonplace. even if they are on the ventilator.

For ELBW infants on life support with invasive monitoring, trophic feedings may be introduced with 1 mL/feed every 8 hours for a period of a few days and then proceed as above. Each nursery should establish criteria for feeding readiness; standardization of feeding protocols leads to better results. These may include normal blood pressure and pH, Pa O 2 greater than 55, at least 12 hours from last surfactant or indomethacin dose, normal GI examination, heme-negative stools, and fewer than two desaturation episodes (Sa O 2 <80%) per hour. Collectively, these signs are a surrogate for establishing “physiologic” stability before feeding initiation.

Editorial Comment:

Standardization of feeding protocols reduces time to full feeds, enhances growth, and reduces necrotizing enterocolitis.


Carbohydrate provides 41% to 44% of the calories in human milk and most infant formulas. In human milk and standard infant formulas, it is present as lactose, which has been shown to enhance calcium absorption. Once the infant’s condition stabilizes, the requirement for carbohydrate is estimated at 40% to 50% of calories, or approximately 10 to 14 g/kg/day. In soy and other lactose-free formulas, the carbohydrate is in the form of sucrose, maltodextrins, and glucose polymers (corn syrup solids or modified starches). The three major disaccharidases responsible for the digestion of disaccharides are lactase, maltase, and sucrase-isomaltase. Maltase and sucrase-isomaltase first appear at 10 weeks’ gestation, reaching approximately 70% of newborn levels at 28 weeks. However, by 28 to 34 weeks’ gestation, lactase has only 30% of the activity found in the term infant. However, in clinical settings, lactose intolerance is rarely a problem. Human milk is usually well tolerated, possibly because preterm infants acquire a relatively efficient capacity to hydrolyze lactose in the small intestine at an earlier developmental stage that do infants in utero.

When lactose is not hydrolyzed in the small intestine, bacterial fermentation of the undigested portion occurs in the colon, producing short-chain fatty acids, which enhance mineral and water absorption and may stimulate growth and cell replication in the gut lumen. Thus colonic salvage is apparently important in disposal of unabsorbed lactose; however, its exact quantitative contribution remains unknown. Colonic bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed lactose to absorbable organic acids enables the infant to reclaim this carbohydrate energy and appears to prevent clinical symptoms of diarrhea.

Although pancreatic alpha-amylase, the major enzyme in starch hydrolysis, is either absent or in very low concentrations in the first 6 months of life, newborns are capable of tolerating small amounts of starch without side effects, and preterm infants are able to hydrolyze glucose polymers. Several enzymes may compensate for the physiologic pancreatic amylase deficiency in infancy. Glucoamylase, an enzyme found in the brush border of the small intestine, is present in the neonate in concentrations similar to those in adults. Also, salivary and human milk amylases may provide additional pathways for glucose polymer digestion in infancy.

Because lactase is found only at the tip of the villus, it is very sensitive to mucosal injury. Lactose intolerance may develop in infants with diarrhea, those suffering from undernutrition, or those recovering from NEC, necessitating temporary use of a lactose-free formula. In contrast, glucoamylase is able to survive partial intestinal atrophy because it is located at the base of the villi, thus enabling glucose polymers to be an alternative carbohydrate source when enteritis is present and lactase may be in low concentrations.

In premature infant formulas, lactose has been partially replaced by glucose polymers, polysaccharides with chains of 5 to 10 glucose residues joined linearly by 1, 4-alpha linkages to decrease the osmolality of the formula and to decrease the lactose load in the diet. Glucose polymers are well tolerated by preterm infants with glucose and insulin responses similar to those of a lactose feeding. Because glucose polymers add fewer osmotic particles to the formula per unit weight than does lactose, they permit the use of a high-carbohydrate formula with an osmolality less than 300 mOsm/kg of water. Special formulas for preterm infants contain approximately 40% to 50% lactose and 50% to 60% glucose polymers, a ratio that does not impair mineral absorption.


The protein requirement of the preterm infant is estimated to be 3.2 to 4.2 g/kg/day for VLBW infants and 3.5 to 4.4 g/kg/day for ELBW infants. One study suggests that in VLBW infants, a formula with higher protein content (3.6 g/100 kcal) versus 3.0 g/100 kcal in standard formula results in increased protein accretion and weight gain without evidence of metabolic stress. The quality and quantity of protein that the infant receives are important. Although weight gain and growth of VLBW infants fed protein intakes of 2.2 to 4.5 g/kg/day of either a casein- or whey-predominant formula have been shown to be no different from those receiving pooled human milk, the metabolic responses can be significantly different. Serum BUN, ammonia, albumin, and plasma methionine and cysteine concentrations were higher in the infants receiving high-protein formulas. Elevated levels of phenylalanine and tyrosine were seen in infants fed the casein-predominant, high-protein formula, and lower concentrations of taurine were noted in infants fed casein-predominant formulas regardless of quantity. Preterm infants fed soy protein formula supplemented with methionine exhibit slower weight gain and lower serum protein and albumin concentrations than infants fed a whey-predominant formula. Thus premature infant formulas are whey predominant with a 60 to 40 whey-to-casein ratio; soy protein-based formulas are not recommended for the preterm infant.

Human milk is considered to have the ideal amino acid distribution for the human infant. Preterm infants fed their OMM have more rapid growth than infants fed pooled, banked human milk with accretion of protein and fat similar to that of the fetus. Human milk is lower in mineral content, especially magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, and iron. To attain intrauterine growth rates in larger preterms, large volumes (180–200 mL/kg/day) of human milk must be fed. Fortification of human milk is discussed below.

The recommended dietary allowances for infants and children to age 12 months are listed in Table 5.7 .

Comparison of Enteral Electrolyte and Mineral Intake Recommendations for Stable, Growing Preterm Infants
From Tsang RC, Uauy R, Koletzko B, Zlotkin SH. eds. Nutrition of the Preterm Infant: Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines . Cincinnati, OH: Digital Educational Publishing Inc; 2005:417-418. With permission; Kleinman RE, ed. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook . 6th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009:80.
Recommendations (units/kg/day unless noted)
Components, units ≤1000 g 1001–1500 g
Sodium, mg 69–115 69–115
Potassium, mg 78–117 78–117
Chloride, mg 107–249 107–249
Calcium, mg 100–220 100–220
Phosphorus, mg 60–140 60–140
Magnesium, mg 7.9–15 7.9–15
Iron, mg 2–4 2–4
Zinc, mcg 1000–3000 1000–3000
Copper, mcg 120–150 120–150
Selenium, mcg 1.3–4.5 1.3–4.5
Chromium, mcg 0.1–2.25 0.1–2.25
Manganese, mcg 0.7–7.75 0.7–7.75
Molybdenum, mcg 0.3 0.3
Iodine, mcg 10–60 10–60
Taurine, mg 4.5–9.0 4.5–9.0
Carnitine, mg ∼2.9 ∼2.9


Fat is a major source of energy for the infant, with approximately 50% of the calories in human milk derived from fat. In commercial formulas, fat provides 40% to 50% of the energy. These feedings provide 5 to 7 g of fat per kg per day. The saturated fat of human milk is well absorbed by the preterm infant, in part because of the distribution pattern of fatty acids on the triglyceride molecule. Palmitic acid is present in the beta position in human milk fat and more easily absorbed than palmitic acid in the alpha position, which occurs in cow milk.

Human milk contains a bile salt–activated lipase that enhances lipid digestion in the duodenum. The special formulas for preterm infants contain a mixture of medium-chain triglycerides and vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), both of which are well absorbed by preterm infants.

MCTs are oils with an 8 to 12 carbon chain length. Unlike LCTs, MCTs do not require bile for emulsification. MCTs are rapidly hydrolyzed in the gut and pass directly to the liver through the portal circulation, whereas LCFAs must be re-esterified once absorbed and are transported via the lymph system into the blood circulation, where they are hydrolyzed by lipoprotein lipase. Medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) metabolism differs from that of LCFA in that it does not require carnitine for transport into the mitochondria and is not regulated by cytosolic acyl-CoA synthetase. MCFAs enter the mitochondria directly and are rapidly oxidized. Formulas with MCTs have been shown to improve nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium absorption. Preterm infant formulas have been developed with approximately half the fat as MCTs.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes normal growth and differentiation of epithelial tissues. At birth, preterm infants less than 36 weeks’ gestational age have been reported to have lower plasma retinol concentrations as compared with full-term infants, although the measured levels are quite variable. There is a further decrease in the plasma retinol and retinol-binding protein levels during the first 2 weeks after birth, particularly when sufficient amounts of vitamin A are not provided. A number of reasons, including impaired absorption and low concentrations of intestinal carrier proteins for retinol, place the preterm infant at risk of vitamin A deficiency. The measured hepatic levels of retinol expressed as μmol/g in preterm infants are reported to be the same as in infants born at term gestation but lower than those in older children and adults. The preterm infant’s vitamin A status may affect the maintenance and development of pulmonary epithelial tissue. Recommendations for vitamin A intake range from 700 to 1500 IU/kg/day.

Retinol has been shown to be essential for the growth and differentiation of epithelial cells and has been suggested to have a role in prevention and repair of lung injury. Vitamin A deficiency is associated with histopathologic changes in the lung similar to those seen in BPD. For these reasons, the impact of vitamin A supplementation on BPD in VLBW infants has been examined. In a multicenter, blinded, randomized trial, the use of vitamin A 5000 IU (1.5 mg) administered intramuscularly three times per week for 4 weeks improved the biochemical vitamin A status and resulted in a modest advantage in relation to prevention of chronic lung disease. Vitamin A in such large doses was shown to have no clinically measurable toxic effects. In a meta-analysis of seven randomized trials, supplementation with vitamin A resulted in reduction of death or oxygen requirement at 1 month of age and oxygen requirement at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age (chronic lung disease) as well as trends toward a reduction in oxygen requirement in survivors at 1 month of age. Clinicians must weigh the modest benefits against necessity for repeated intramuscular injections.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, or alpha-tocopherol, serves as an antioxidant to protect double bonds of cellular lipids. Vitamin E requirements are increased with increasing PUFA intake and in the presence of oxidant stress, such as high iron intake. Vitamin E deficiency is rarely seen in infants because infant formulas are supplemented with vitamin E in proportion to the PUFA content. However, infants who are breast-fed and receiving supplemental iron should be given additional vitamin E. Preterm infants have low serum vitamin E levels and may be at increased risk for oxidative damage to cell membranes. Studies to investigate the effectiveness of pharmaceutical doses of vitamin E on ROP and BPD have not demonstrated benefits of this therapy. The VLBW infant should receive 6 to 12 IU/kg of vitamin E per day enterally. The formulas for preterm infants supply 4 to 6 IU/100 kcal per day.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K, an important cofactor in the activation of intracellular precursor proteins to blood clotting proteins, is synthesized endogenously by bacterial flora. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn infant, most commonly seen in exclusively breastfed infants, results from vitamin K deficiency.

As a preventive measure, an intramuscular injection of vitamin K is routinely provided after birth. In preterm infants weighing more than 1 kg at birth, the standard prophylactic dose of 1 mg of phylloquinone is appropriate. For those infants weighing less than 1 kg, a dose of 0.3 mg/kg of phylloquinone is recommended.

Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Vitamin D

The amount of enteral calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium intake required to match intrauterine accretion rates is high: calcium 185 to 200 mg/kg/day, phosphorus 100 to 113 mg/kg/day, and magnesium 5.3 to 6.1 mg/kg/day. VLBW infants with minimal illness may require lower intakes. The AAP recommends calcium intakes of 185 to 210 mg/kg/day, phosphorus 123 to 140 mg/kg/day, and magnesium 8.5 to 10 mg/kg/day. However, magnesium intake at this level with such high calcium and phosphorus intake results in negative magnesium balance. Therefore a higher intake of magnesium, approximately 20 mg/kg/day, may be needed.

The recommendation for vitamin D, which is required for normal metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, has ranged from 200 to 2000 IU per day for the preterm infant. VLBW infants can maintain normal vitamin D status with 400 IU/day; high-dose vitamin D supplementation does not decrease the incidence of rickets in VLBW infants.

Human milk has concentrations of calcium and phosphorus that are appropriate for full-term infants but not for the VLBW infant. Breast milk should be supplemented with additional calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which can easily be done with human milk fortifiers. Fortification yields better mineral accretion than breast milk alone, similar to that of VLBW infants fed a premature infant formula.

Inadequate intakes of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D result in metabolic bone disease of prematurity, also called rickets of prematurity. This disease is characterized by reduced bone mineralization and, in severe cases, frank radiologic evidence of rickets and spontaneous fractures. The biochemical findings, although not highly sensitive, include an elevated alkaline phosphatase (>500 IU/L), decreased serum phosphorus (<4 mg/dL), and normal serum calcium. The 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH vitamin D) level is usually normal, but 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-OH vitamin D) levels may be elevated as a result of increased parathyroid hormone levels and low serum phosphorus levels. The incidence of rickets was higher before institution of the current practices of higher calcium and phosphorus levels in parenteral nutrition solutions and early enteral feedings. The etiology of rickets remains unclear but is thought to be primarily because of an insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus. Risk factors for rickets are listed in Box 5.3 . Confirming the diagnosis requires radiologic evidence of osteopenia.

Editorial Comment:

Osteopenia of prematurity, also called metabolic bone disease of prematurity or rickets of prematurity, is characterized by a reduction in bone mineral content usually manifest between the 6th to 12th weeks of corrected gestational age. It occurs in over 50% of infants born with weight less than 1000 g and 25% of infants weighing less than 1500 g.

High levels of alkaline phosphatase can be considered a reliable biomarker to predict the status of bone mineralization and the need for radiological evaluation in premature infants.

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultrasonogram are important diagnostic tools. Standard x-ray only detects osteopenia when there is about 20% loss of bone mineralization. The focus on prevention has largely centered on providing adequate intake of phosphorus and calcium.

Exercise consisting of passive range of motion exercise with gentle compression of both the upper and lower extremities lasting 5 to 10 minutes each day may improve biochemical and imaging parameters.

BOX 5.3
Risk Factors for Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity

  • Extremely low birth weight (ELBW, ≤1000 g)

  • Prolonged parenteral nutrition

  • Unfortified human milk

  • Use of elemental and/or soy formulas

  • Chronic diuretic therapy (especially furosemide)

  • Chronic problems such as necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cholestasis, and acidosis

Fortified human milk or premature infant formula is the preferred feeding for VLBW infants. The use of soy formulas is not recommended for infants with birth weights less than 1800 g. If continuous infusion feeding of human milk is necessary, the syringe and the pump should be placed upright to prevent loss of calcium, phosphorus, and milk fat by separation and adherence to the tubing.

Vitamin B 12 and Folate

Vitamin B 12 requires intrinsic factor for its absorption in the distal ileum. Therefore particular attention to this vitamin is necessary in infants who have had gastric resection or resection of the terminal ileum (e.g., NEC surgery). The potential neurologic complications of vitamin B 12 deficiency are irreversible.

Serum folate levels may be low in the preterm infant. Folate is supplemented in the pediatric IV multivitamin preparation and in infant formulas. It is not available in the infant multivitamin drops because of its instability in the liquid form. Folate plays an important role in DNA synthesis. Deficiency of this vitamin may result in megaloblastic anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and growth failure. Requirements for fat- and water-soluble vitamins in VLBW and ELBW infants are shown in Table 5.7 . Advisable intakes for infants 0 to 12 months are shown in Table 5.8 .

Dietary Reference Intakes: Recommended Daily Intakes for Infants
From DRI Reports. and Kleinman RE, ed. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook . 6th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009:1294-1296.
Nutrient 0–6 Months 7–12 Months
Protein, g/kg 1.52 1.05
Carbohydrate, g 60 a 95 a
Fat, g 31 a 30 a
N–6 PUFA (linoleic acid) g 4.4 a 4.6 a
N–3 PUFA (alpha-linolenic acid), g
Sodium, g 0.12 a 0.37 a
Potassium, g 0.4 a 0.7 a
Chloride, g 0.18 a 0.57 a
Calcium, mg 210 a 270 a
Phosphorus, mg 100 a 275 a
Magnesium, mg 30 a 75 a
Iron, mg 0.27 a 11
Zinc, mg 2 a 3
Copper, mcg 200 a 220 a
Selenium, mcg 15 a 20 a
Vitamin A, mcg 400 a 500 a
Vitamin C, mg 40 a 50 a
Vitamin D, mcg 5 a 5 a
Vitamin E, mg 4 a 5 a
Vitamin K, mcg 2 a 2.5 a
Thiamin, mg 0.2 a 0.3 a
Riboflavin, mg 0.3 a 0.4 a
Niacin, mg 2 a 4 a
Vitamin B 6 , mg 0.1 a 0.3 a
Folate, mcg 65 a 80 a
Vitamin B 12 , mg 0.4 0.5
Pantothenic acid, mg 1.7 a 1.8 a
Biotin, mcg 5 a 6 a
Bold type: Recommended dietary allowances (RDA) are set to meet the needs of 97%–98% of individuals in a group. PUFA, Polyunsaturated fatty acid.

a Adequate intakes (AI) represent the mean intake for healthy, breast-fed infants.


There has been increased interest in iron deficiency, with data suggesting that mental and developmental test scores are lower in infants with iron deficiency anemia and that iron therapy sufficient to correct the anemia is insufficient to reverse the behavioral and developmental disorders in many infants. This indicates that certain ill effects are persistent depending on the timing, severity, and/or degree of iron deficiency anemia during infancy.

Iron stores in the preterm infant are lower than in the term baby because iron stores are relatively proportional to body weight. Iron depletion occurs around the time the baby doubles her/his birth weight, and thus iron therapy should begin by 4 weeks of life in the preterm infant when enteral feedings are tolerated. Smaller preterm infants may need as much as 4 to 6 mg/kg/day, with about 2 mg/kg/day provided by iron-fortified formula and the remainder as iron supplementation at 2 to 4 mg/kg/day. A higher dose is also necessary for infants being given erythropoietin. Oral iron supplementation can interfere with vitamin E metabolism in the VLBW infant, thereby further increasing the need for vitamin E in an infant who is at risk for low serum tocopherol levels. Although premature infant formulas, both with and without iron fortification, are manufactured with ample amounts of vitamin E and a PUFA-to-E ratio of 6 or greater, premature infants on human milk and receiving supplemental iron can be also supplemented with 4 to 5 mg (6–8 IU) of vitamin E per day. This can be readily accomplished by use of an oral multivitamin with iron.

The impression that low-iron formulas are associated with fewer GI disturbances is not supported by controlled studies. Because the bioavailability of iron from iron-fortified infant cereals is somewhat low, it is recommended that iron-fortified formulas or daily iron supplements be continued through the first year of life.

Among term infants, breast feeding usually provides adequate iron intake during the first 4 to 6 months of life, and supplementation during this time is not necessary. Although the iron content of human milk is low, averaging 0.8 mg iron/L, the bioavailability is high, with term infants absorbing about 49% of the iron content compared with 10% to 12% from iron-fortified cow milk formula. Infants who are exclusively breast fed can maintain normal hemoglobin and ferritin levels, and do not need iron supplementation until 4 to 6 months. See Table 5.5 .

The late Frank Oski, MD, a brilliant pediatrician and hematologist, claimed that he never saw evidence of iron deficiency in breast-fed infants. He maintained that although the iron content of human milk was extremely low, it was well absorbed.

There is overwhelming evidence that iron deficiency impairs intelligence. Optimal cord clamping may therefore be a critical means of providing extra hemoglobin and iron and may have a global impact on intelligence.


Because of reports of dental fluorosis in infants and toddlers, fluoride supplementation is no longer recommended in the infant younger than 6 months of age. The supplementation schedule ( Table 5.9 ) recommended by the AAP and the American Dental Association should be followed according to the fluoride content of the local water supply.

Dietary Reference Intake for Fluoride
From Kleinman RE, ed. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook . 6th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009:1050. With permission.
Age Group Adequate Intake (mg/day) Tolerable Upper Intake (mg/day)
0–6 months 0.01 0.7
7–12 months 0.5 0.9
1–3 yr 0.7 1.3
4–8 yr 1 2.2
9–13 2 10
Boys 14–18 yr 2 10
Girls 14–18 yr 3 10
Males 19 yr and older 4 10
Females 19 yr and older 3 10

Growth In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Influences Neurodevelopmental and Growth Outcomes

A multicenter cohort study from the NICHD included 600 infants with birth weights from 501 to 1000 g. These infants were stratified by 100 g–birth weight increments and divided into quartiles based on in-hospital growth velocity rates. As the rate of weight gain increased between quartile 1 and quartile 4 (from 12–21.2 g/kg/day), the incidence of cerebral palsy, Bayley II Mental Developmental Index (MDI) and/or Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) scores of less than 70, abnormal neurologic examination findings, neurodevelopmental impairment, and need for rehospitalization fell significantly at 18 to 22 months’ corrected age. Similar findings were observed as the rate of head circumference (HC) growth increased from 0.67 to 1.12 cm/week. Higher in-hospital growth rates were associated with a decreased likelihood of anthropometric measurements below the 10th percentile at 18 months’ corrected age. The influence of growth velocity remained after controlling for variables known at birth or identified during the infants’ neonatal intensive care unit hospitalizations that affect outcome, including comorbid conditions such as NEC or BPD. This study emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring the rate of in-hospital growth once birth weight has been regained. Goals for growth, including HC gain of more than 0.9 cm/week and weight gain of 18 g/kg/day from return to birth weight through discharge, were associated with better neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes. If growth rates falter, the infants’ diets should be reviewed to ensure adequate nutritional support, including protein/energy ratios of feeds and the use of calorically dense milks (>24 kcal/ounce).

Method of Feeding

The method of feeding for each infant should be chosen on the basis of gestational age, birth weight, clinical condition, and experience of the hospital personnel. An important consideration in feeding the newborn is the development of sucking, swallowing, gastric motility, and emptying. Swallowing is first detected at 11 weeks’ gestation, and the sucking reflex is first observed at 24 weeks’ gestation. However, a coordinated suck-swallow is not present until 32 to 34 weeks’ gestation, and even then, it is immature. The maturation of the swallowing reflex is related to postnatal age. Swallowing must be coordinated with respiration in that the two processes share the common channels of the nasopharynx and laryngopharynx. The inability of the infant to coordinate this action results in choking, aspiration of feedings, and vomiting. To evaluate the suck-swallow reflex, one should observe the number of swallows per second. An infant with a good suck-swallow reflex swallows approximately once per second. If greater than two per second are observed, the infant is probably not able to coordinate the swallowing. With a good suck, the temporal muscle will bulge.

When starting to introduce the nipple, a rule of thumb is to bottle-feed for 20 minutes, then gavage the remainder. At first, the infant may be offered nipple feeding once in a 24-hour period; the number of feedings is then increased as the infant becomes more able to nurse. Because of the additional work of sucking, the energy expenditure increases; therefore an increased caloric intake may be required to maintain an adequate rate of growth. Weight gain during the start of nipple feeding should be closely monitored. It is not necessary for an infant to be able to bottle-feed before attempting to breast feed. Infants who will be breast feeding may actually be able to nurse from the breast sooner than they will be able to coordinate bottle-feeding. If an infant’s respiratory rate is 70 to 80 breaths per minute or more, he or she should be tube fed because of the increased risk of aspiration.

If an infant is unable to nipple feed, he or she needs to be fed through an orogastric or nasogastric tube or, rarely, transpylorically. Intragastric tube feedings are preferable in that they allow for normal digestive processes and hormonal responses. The acid content of the stomach may impart bactericidal effects. Other benefits of intragastric tube feeding include ease of insertion of tube, tolerance of greater osmotic loads with less cramping, distention, diarrhea, and less risk of developing dumping syndrome. Continuous transpyloric feeding is rarely used in infants who cannot tolerate feedings because of impaired gastric emptying or a high risk of aspiration. However, this route of infusion has a higher risk of perforation of the gut, may not enable delivery of a large volume of feedings, and may result in inefficient nutrient assimilation because bypassing the gastric phase of digestion limits the exposure of food to acid hydrolysis and the lipolytic effects of lingual and gastric lipases.

If using tube feedings, the decision to feed intermittently or continuously must be made. There are differences seen in the endocrine milieu between infants fed continuously compared with those fed intermittently. The significance of these differences is unclear, and it is not possible to state with certainty which method is best for the prematurely born neonate. It has been suggested that the cyclic changes in circulating hormones and metabolites, as seen in intermittent bolus feeding, may have quite different effects on cell metabolism, gallbladder emptying, and gut development. Continuous infusion of human milk is not recommended because there is a loss of fat and, consequently, calories in the tubing of the pump. Additionally, at the end of the infusion, a large bolus of fat is delivered to the infant, owing to the separation of the fat during the infusion period.

Gastrostomy feedings are chosen when it becomes apparent that there will be long-term tube feeding (e.g., for a neurologically impaired infant), when there is persistent gastroesophageal reflux that is unresponsive to medical treatment, or when esophageal anomalies prevent the use of an orogastric or nasogastric tube.

Positioning of the infant during feeding is important for more efficient stomach emptying. Infants with respiratory distress fed in the supine position have delayed gastric emptying. The stomach empties more rapidly in the prone or right lateral positions; thus these positions are preferred, especially in infants with respiratory distress and in those infants who have the potential for feeding intolerance.

The evaluation of an infant’s feeding tolerance is an ongoing process to determine the appropriate feeding method, type of formula to feed, and increment of feeding advancement. Vomiting, abdominal distention, significant gastric residuals, abnormal stooling patterns, and presence of reducing substances or frank or occult blood in the stool are indicators of intolerance. Sepsis and NEC may first manifest with one or more of these signs of feeding intolerance. Vomiting or spitting in the high-risk infant increases the risk of aspiration.

Another consideration in promoting feeding tolerance is the use of compressed, intermittent feedings. In a study of duodenal motility patterns, the same volume of full-strength formula produced a normal duodenal motility administered with “slow bolus” technique (i.e., intermittent feedings lasting from 30 minutes to 2 hours) and may be the best tolerated feeding method versus the 15-minute bolus.

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