Brain Injury in the Preterm Infant

Key Points

  • Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) remains a common cause of chronic neurologic morbidity. Despite a gradual decline in the incidence of most grades of IVH, the increased survival of very low birth weight infants has resulted in an increase in the absolute number of infants with IVH.

  • Preterm infants are currently at much lower risk of severe white matter injury (WMI), which typically results in focal cystic necrosis and secondary gray matter degeneration. Cystic WMI is commonly associated with cerebral palsy, cortical visual impairment, and a spectrum of cognitive and learning disabilities.

  • Preterm infants commonly display less severe diffuse WMI that results primarily in myelination disturbances related to the death of oligodendrocyte progenitors (preOLs). As applied clinically, both diagnostic cranial ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appear to underdiagnose the full extent of diffuse WMI.

  • Chronic diffuse WMI is accompanied by reduced cerebral white matter growth related to a series of dysmaturation events that result in the regeneration of preOLs that fail to differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes. Chronic diffuse WMI is also accompanied by reduced cerebral gray matter growth that appears to be related to widespread disturbances in neuronal maturation rather than loss of developing neurons. These changes are evident in experimental models and in preterm neonates studied with quantitative MRI.

  • Diffuse WMI, often reflected in punctate WMI on diagnostic MRI, is linked to a broad spectrum of persistent neurobehavioral disabilities that include impairments in motor and cognitive skills. Punctate WMI is most readily diagnosed on early-preterm MRI scans, becoming harder to detect at term-equivalent age. The burden of punctate WMI, referring to lesion volume and location, predicts motor and cognitive dysfunction. The spectrum of neurodevelopmental impairments that follow WMI in the preterm neonate are consistent with the dysmaturation in white matter and cerebral gray matter.

  • These recently recognized forms of cerebral gray and white matter dysmaturation present new challenges for diagnosis and suggest new therapeutic strategies to promote the reversal of the processes that cause dysmaturation of neurons and preOLs.

General Principles of Preterm Brain Injury

The preterm brain is susceptible to a broad spectrum of injury that ranges from diffuse nonnecrotic lesions to hemorrhage to severe necrotic tissue destruction. Brain injury is initiated by two major upstream mechanisms—hypoxia and ischemia— with the potential for infection/inflammation to interact with these triggers and potentiate each other. Because the developing brain is rapidly evolving, the susceptibility to injury is critically related to the timing and severity of the insult. As brain development progresses, distinct populations of cells are selectively more vulnerable to injury, whereas others display greater resistance. Moreover, a wide variety of additional factors may sensitize the brain's susceptibility to injury. The preterm brain may be exposed to a variety of subclinical factors that in isolation may not be injurious but in combination may synergize to potentiate injury. Such factors include nutritional status, systemic illnesses, exposure to glucocorticoids, analgesics, and sedatives, the burden of painful procedures, and other sources of neonatal stress. Equally important to consider is the concept of tolerance in which an antecedent subinjurious insult may reduce the severity of a subsequent one. For example, a low-grade fetal infection or chronic hypoxia in a child with congenital heart disease may be protective against a subsequent more severe hypoxic-ischemic insult.

This chapter addresses three common and frequently overlapping forms of preterm cerebral injury: intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), white matter injury (WMI), and gray matter injury. The impact of preterm cerebral injury is considerable. Among children born very preterm, even with modern neonatal intensive care, 5% to 10% have major motor deficits, including cerebral palsy related to significant WMI, and more than half have significant cognitive, behavioral, or sensory deficits. These cognitive and neurobehavioral deficits are increasingly observed in the absence of significant motor impairments or cerebral palsy, which has also suggested primary involvement of multiple gray matter structures. Gray matter injury was previously attributed to cystic necrotic WMI that led to secondary cortical and subcortical gray matter degeneration. Although contemporary cohorts of preterm survivors commonly display less severe injury, these milder forms of injury are associated with both reduced cerebral gray matter growth and reduced cerebral white matter growth.

WMI is tightly linked with brain dysmaturation. The primary mechanism of myelination failure in preterm neonates is dysmaturation, a disrupted cellular response whereby pre-oligodendrocytes fail to differentiate, that is, maturation arrest. This is often accompanied by neuronal dysmaturation, a process that may also be initiated by hypoxia alone. There is emerging evidence that neonatal brain dysmaturation is the most important predictor of neurodevelopmental impairments in preterm neonates in the first years of life. Dysmaturation leads to impairment in cerebral growth that arises from complex and disparate responses of neurons and glia that fail to fully mature during a critical window in the development of neural circuitry. Thus, preterm children are at increased risk for a broad range of cognitive impairments, including reduced IQ, processing deficits in attention and executive functions (e.g., processing speed, working memory), and challenges with information processing and language that impact educational performance and behavior and persist through childhood. Adult survivors of prematurity have increased rates of cognitive, behavioral, and psychological problems that correlate with altered markers of brain development on MRI. Hence, these highly prevalent neurocognitive impairments that span early development to adulthood support widely distributed disturbances in brain growth and connectivity that involve both gray matter and white matter.

Intraventricular and Periventricular Hemorrhage


IVH is a common injury in the preterm brain, originating in the subependymal germinal matrix, a highly vascularized region with highly active angiogenesis during this period in development. Cortical neuronal and glial progenitors develop from the germinal matrix and adjacent ventricular germinal zone during the late second and early third trimesters. The consequences of IVH are thus potentially several fold. IVH triggers degeneration of progenitor populations that are actively establishing cerebral connectivity. Hemorrhage disrupts the blood-brain barrier exposing the preterm brain to toxic and pro-inflammatory substances, which may potentiate the risk for further hemorrhage by disrupting pathways that stabilize the vasculature. Moreover, disruption of the germinal matrix disrupts neonatal neurogenesis, with a particular impact on later maturing populations of neurons including interneurons, which are key to the regulation of synaptic activity. Severe IVH with parenchymal white matter extension additionally targets vulnerable glial progenitors leading to disturbances in myelination.

Involution of the germinal matrix occurs with advancing gestation. The subependymal germinal matrix derives its arterial supply from the anterior and middle cerebral arteries as well as the anterior choroidal artery. These arteries feed an elaborate capillary network of thin-walled vessels that is continuous with a deep venous system that terminates in the vein of Galen. The terminal, choroidal, and thalamostriate veins course anteriorly to form the internal cerebral vein, which courses posteriorly to join the vein of Galen. Several of these veins make a pronounced U-shaped turn as they join with the internal cerebral vein. This turn may influence venous drainage and pressure in the germinal matrix. Visualization of subependymal venous anatomy using susceptibility-weighted venography recently identified five anatomical variants that differ from the classical anatomical pattern and were associated with increased risk for IVH.

The predisposition of the preterm infant to IVH is due to several hemodynamic factors. A pressure-passive state exists because of the lack of autoregulation of blood flow in the cerebral arterioles of the preterm brain. In the presence of a highly vascularized subependymal germinal matrix, the risk of IVH is enhanced by the lack of a supporting basement membrane for the germinal matrix blood vessels, an increased amount of fibrinolytic activity, and a decrease in extravascular tissue pressure in the first few days of extrauterine life. Thus, IVH may occur in the setting of elevated venous pressure or an increase in fluctuations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity triggered by factors that include respiratory distress, pneumothorax, asphyxia, myocardial failure, patent ductus arteriosus, arterial hypotension, hypothermia, and hyperosmolarity. Fluctuating pressure passivity is common in preterm infants and may be associated with and precede IVH.

IVH has been produced experimentally when hypotension is followed by reperfusion. These studies support the finding that IVH is more likely when an early period of prolonged hypotension is followed by an increase in blood pressure. Isolated hypertension associated with seizures, intubation, and suctioning also predisposes the brain to IVH. Even gavage feeding and surfactant administration can lead to changes in cerebral hemodynamics, as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy, that lead to IVH. Box 54.1 lists key factors that may interact to produce IVH.

BOX 54.1
Pathogenic Factors Leading to Intraventricular Hemorrhage

  • Increase in cerebral blood flow

  • Fluctuation in cerebral blood flow

  • Increase in cerebral venous pressure

  • Endothelial injury

  • Vulnerable germinal matrix capillaries

  • Coagulation disturbances

  • Increased fibrinolysis

Cellular injury in infants with grade III or grade IV (periventricular hemorrhagic infarction [PVHI]) IVH may occur from antecedent ischemic injury, a decrease in cerebral blood flow, increased intracranial pressure, or vasospasm. More severe IVH is associated with cerebral WMI, cerebellar injury, and less frequently, pontine neuronal necrosis. In this setting, venous infarction leads to neuronal as well as glial death. In a contemporary multi-center cohort, grade II-III intraventricular hemorrhage was associated with a higher risk of punctate WMI, suggesting links to the less severe spectrum of brain injury.

The contribution of coagulation disorders and genetic factors to the pathogenesis of fetal or neonatal IVH remains unresolved. Fetal IVH occurs infrequently and in association with a wide variety of conditions, which include fetal bleeding disorders, anticoagulation, and conditions associated with thrombocytopenia including alloimmunization and hypoxemia. Fetal IVH is also associated with apparent remote perinatal strokes in term newborns who present with hemiparesis related to periventricular venous infarction. Mechanisms for coagulopathies in neonatal IVH may include thrombocytopenia related to platelet consumption or destruction in the setting of sepsis or pro-inflammatory states. Roles for factor V Leiden or prothrombin variants in IVH also are of unclear significance. Currently under study are many potential IVH risk genes including those involved in collagen-mediated vascular stabilization (e.g., COL4A1), nitric oxide-mediated vasomotor function (e.g., NOS3, encoding endothelial nitric oxide synthase), and vasoconstriction-mediated cerebral autoregulation (e.g., END1, encoding endothelin 1).

Site, Incidence, and Timing of Hemorrhage

In preterm infants, germinal matrix hemorrhage is most commonly seen at the junction of the terminal, choroidal, and thalamostriate veins in the germinal matrix overlying the body of the caudate nucleus at the level of the foramen of Monro. Parenchymal hemorrhage occurs most commonly in the frontoparietal regions, where it appears not to be an extension of IVH but rather a separate process—a hemorrhagic infarction. The hemorrhage is more often unilateral or, in less than a third of cases, asymmetrically bilateral.

The incidence and severity of IVH increase with decreasing gestation and peak at the limit of viability. IVH occurs infrequently in term newborns, but often in association with birth-related complications. The overall incidence of grade III IVH and PVHI in VLBW infants varies among centers and generally ranges from 10% to 20% for the majority of population-based studies worldwide. Recent data from over 50,000 VLBW infants found an overall incidence of IVH of 24.6% and 8.1% for grade III IVH and PVHI. Importantly, in very preterm neonates, even low-grade IVH is associated with an increased risk of WMI. Although there has been a decline in the incidence of most grades of IVH, the increased survival of VLBW infants has resulted in an increase in the absolute number of infants with IVH who are at risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, which include cerebral palsy, developmental delay, hydrocephalus, and epilepsy.

The high-risk period for IVH is the first 3 or 4 days of life. Hemorrhage is rarely seen at birth, although it has been reported as early as the first hour of life. Around half of neonatal hemorrhages occur by the sixth hour of life, and only about a third occur after the first 24 hours of life. Less than 5% of newborns develop IVH after the fourth or fifth day of life with a small percentage occurring by 7 to 10 days of life. Both early and later onset of hemorrhage may occur because of systemic hypoperfusion that results in disturbances in cerebral blood flow.

Clinical Presentation

The clinical presentation of IVH in the newborn depends on the extent of the hemorrhage. It may range from asymptomatic to a sudden and catastrophic deterioration that manifests itself with neurologic signs such as stupor or coma, seizures, decerebrate posturing, or apnea. A tense fontanel together with a sudden drop in hematocrit, hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, hypotension, or bradycardia may herald an IVH. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone may occur. The more common presentation, however, is that of a gradual clinical deterioration with an altered level of consciousness, hypotonia, abnormal extremity, or eye movements. In 25% to 50% of cases, clinical signs are lacking and IVH is identified on routine cranial ultrasound screening.

Grading of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

Ultrasound examination is a reliable and sensitive bedside technique for the evaluation of IVH. Papile et al. adapted the standard grading system originally applied to computed tomographic images of IVH to ultrasound images. They classified IVH into four grades of severity related to the location and extent of the hemorrhage ( Fig. 54.1 , Table 54.1 ). This classification system was previously used widely for outcome studies. Currently, the more widely used grading system is that proposed by Volpe et al., which relies on the cranial ultrasound examination to define the extent of ventricular hemorrhage. Because parenchymal involvement is a distinct process, it is not included in the continuous grading of IVH severity ( Table 54.1 ). PVHI appears to arise from venous infarction of the periventricular white matter rather than from a direct extension of the IVH into the parenchyma. Hence the presence of intracerebral hemorrhage or parenchymal lesions is described separately and is not designated as grade IV. Intraparenchymal hemorrhage is followed in 1 to 8 weeks by tissue destruction and the formation of a porencephalic cyst. Serial ultrasound examinations are especially important in linking the severity of IVH with neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Fig. 54.1, The Progressive Grades of Intraventricular Hemorrhage from Mildest to Most Severe.

Table 54.1
Grading of Intraventricular Hemorrhage by Cranial Ultrasound
Grade Findings Grade Findings
I Subependymal hemorrhage with minimal or no IVH I Germinal matrix hemorrhage IVH <10% of the ventricular volume
II Definite IVH without distention of the ventricles II IVH 10%–50% of the ventricular volume
III Enlargement of the ventricles secondary to distention with blood III IVH >50% of the ventricular volume, usually with distention of lateral ventricle
IV Extension of the hemorrhage into the parenchyma along with IVH and enlargement Periventricular hemorrhagic infarction (PVHI) Periventricular echodensity signifying parenchymal lesion
IVH , Intraventricular hemorrhage.

In addition to various forms of cerebral WMI, IVH may cause graded injury to the cerebellum ( Fig. 54.2 ) that manifests as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) defined changes in microstructure and reductions in cerebellar growth. This reduced growth appears to be related to a large population of proliferative external granule cells that are the progenitors that generate the internal granule cell layer, and which account for most of the cells in the human cerebellum. These cerebellar progenitors may be particularly vulnerable to the toxicity of IVH-derived blood products, which are detected by MRI as hemosiderin deposition on the surface of the brainstem and cerebellum. The heightened vulnerability of cerebellar progenitors is consistent with serial neuroimaging studies of human preterm survivors that demonstrated disrupted cerebellar growth in response to postnatal glucocorticoid exposure. Furthermore, with the increasing use of MRI with “blood-sensitive” sequences such as susceptibility weighted images, primary hemorrhage in the cerebellar germinal matrix is increasingly recognized. Neurodevelopmental assessments at 4.5 years show that the size and location of cerebellar hemorrhages are associated with dose-dependent disturbances in motor and visuomotor function and increased externalizing behaviors. Given this, the volumetric quantification and localization of a cerebellar hemorrhage, even when small, may allow for targeted rehabilitation interventions.

Fig. 54.2, Intraventricular Hemorrhage is Associated with Impaired Growth of the Cerebellum.

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