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When travelers cross several time zones, go to hot or cold climates, or are subject to novel motion stimuli, they may face problems adapting to new environmental situations. This chapter presents some common states of disequilibrium likely to be encountered by the traveler and suggests practical approaches to the problems. Socioeconomic position, class, or economic status can affect individuals with these conditions profoundly, but like most afflictions, studies ignore these factors. Increasingly, we can expect more displaced people that present with travel-related conditions to be poor. Evidence from which to base prevention, advice, and treatment in these circumstances is limited at best, so experience and clinical judgment, tailored to the specific situation the traveler faces, are paramount.
When many time zones are crossed quickly, the traveler's normal sleep–wake cycle is disrupted and is put into conflict with the body's underlying physiologic circadian rhythms. The traveler experiences disturbed sleep, loss of mental efficiency, and fatigue during the day—symptoms commonly known as “jet lag,” which when combined with the fast-paced, security-conscious stress of travel today can make the traveler feel even more uncomfortable. “Surface travel lag” is almost unheard of, but there are stresses inherent in any travel away from home that, combined with the increasing sleep deprivation that has become a part of so-called normal everyday life, can result in similar symptoms.
Jet lag symptoms increase with the number of time zones crossed and generally begin when there is a 2-hour difference. The incidence of jet lag in travelers is almost universal, and symptoms can persist for 1 week or more. Circadian rhythms may take up to 2 weeks to adjust. Specific complaints include insomnia, daytime sleepiness and fatigue, poor concentration, slowed reflexes, indigestion, hunger at odd hours, irritability, depression, exacerbation of major psychiatric disorders, increased vulnerability to infections, headache, myalgias, and dysphoria. Sleep disturbances persist longer than the other symptoms. The lower oxygen content aboard jet planes may exacerbate the symptoms.
Older people tend to have more difficulties, although experienced travelers and those with more convenient travel arrangements report fewer symptoms. “Morning types”—individuals who tend to go to bed earlier and awaken earlier in the day—may be more susceptible than “evening types.” There is little data on the impact of co-existing morbidity on jet lag, although those with pre-existing sleep disorders are expected to have worse symptoms. Travelers may have affective disorders from jet lag desynchronization. Chronic jet lag has been associated with neuro-anatomic changes, persistent cognitive deficits, and other health problems.
Performance errors in pilots, reduced functioning among athletes, and decreased mental performance among diplomats are ascribed to jet lag. Those crossing many time zones quickly should be advised to avoid potentially hazardous activities on arrival until symptoms improve. Operating dangerous machinery including motor vehicles, undertaking risky recreational activities, and making critical decisions are to be avoided. Competing athletes are advised to schedule sufficient arrival days before events. Melatonin and nonbenzodiazepine benzodiazepine-receptor agonists (NBRAs; see below) are not banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, so athletes could consider their use.
While the role of socioeconomic status, class, or other contextual markers has not been studied in the severity of jet lag symptoms, individuals under both acute and chronic stress can be expected to fare worse than those who have more control over their lives. Wealthy travelers are likely to have increased access to preferred travel schedules, choice airline seats, comfortable layovers, purchased food and refreshments, pharmaceuticals, luggage-handling services, massages, traveling nannies, etc., in contrast to the harried, resource-poor family on a once-in-a-lifetime journey.
Minimizing the effects of jet lag is best accomplished by a multifactorial approach. Few controlled studies have examined the various means of preventing jet lag, and none has compared different available modalities. Current approaches are reviewed in order of ease of use for travelers.
A nonvisual, photoreceptive, monosynaptic retinohypothalamic tract directly mediates the synchronization of the sleep–wake cycle with the light–dark cycle. Melatonin from the pineal gland modulates this link, as does the light–dark cycle. Melatonin is produced only during nighttime darkness in sighted individuals and is affected only by exposure to bright light. Melatonin resets the phase shift curve marking the circadian phase position. Ingestion of an appropriately timed physiologic dose (0.5 mg) of exogenous melatonin can shift the phase response curve the required number of hours of time zone change. Several studies demonstrate benefits on subjective rating of jet lag. Melatonin delays circadian rhythm when taken in the morning and advances it when taken later in the day. Table 9.1 shows one possible schedule for timing melatonin ingestion for eastward and westward travel beginning the day before departure and continuing for 3 days after arrival. This is time zone traverse-specific.
Time Zone Change | 1-6 h | 7-9 h | ≥10 h |
Time to take melatonin the day before and the day of departure | |||
Travel from east to west | When you awake | When you awake | When you awake |
Travel from west to east | About 15:00 h (3 pm) | About 15:00 h (3 pm) | When you awake |
Time to take melatonin on arrival | |||
Travel from east to west | Day 1: when you awake | Day 1: when you awake | Day 1: when it is the same time at departure as when you took it yesterday |
Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h later than the day before | Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h later than the day before | Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h later than the day before | |
Travel from west to east | Day 1: when it is the same time at departure as when you took it yesterday | Day 1: when it is the same time at departure as when you took it yesterday | Day 1: when it is the same time at departure as when you took it yesterday |
Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h earlier than the day before | Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h earlier than the day before | Days 2 and 3: 1-2 h earlier than the day before | |
Time periods to be in or to avoid bright light | |||
Travel from east to west | Get bright light later in the day | Get bright light in the middle of the day, avoid bright light later in the day | Get bright light in the morning and avoid it the rest of the day |
Travel from west to east | Get bright light in the morning | Get bright light in the middle of the day, avoid bright light earlier in the day | Get bright light in the middle of the day, avoid bright light later in the day |
Times for exposure to bright light are also given there, since light exposure is synergistic with melatonin. The suggested physiologic melatonin dose can produce drowsiness before departure, so the dose can be adjusted downward to that which does not cause unacceptable drowsiness and repeated every 2 hours to a total of 0.5 mg. Over-the-counter preparations available in the United States in health food stores are not standardized nor can potencies be guaranteed. Liquid preparations allow titration of an appropriate dose for an individual. Melatonin is not available in some countries and in others only by prescription. There are no data on long-term safety of exogenous melatonin ingestion nor any reports of safety during pregnancy. A Cochrane review by Herxheimer found reports of short-term adverse effects of melatonin to include confusion, ataxia, headache, convulsant effects, and blood-clotting issues (prothrombin increased or decreased, suspected interaction with warfarin), as well as cardiovascular symptoms including chest pain and dyspnea. People with epilepsy and those taking warfarin or other anticoagulants should not use melatonin without an informed medical discussion.
An alternative dosing schedule is to take melatonin at bedtime on arrival at the destination. Most trials have used large doses, 5-8 mg, continued for 3-7 days after arrival. A commonly reported side effect on this regimen is drowsiness after ingestion.
Short-term pharmacologic manipulation of the sleep–wake cycle with hypnotic drugs to induce sleep is a convenient way to manage jet lag in healthy travelers. There may not be much improvement in performance, and hypnotics do not appear to adjust circadian rhythms in humans. The short-acting drugs known as nonbenzodiazepine benzodiazepine-receptor agonists (NBRAs) have become very popular sleep agents, as typified by zolpidem. Others include zopiclone or the enantiomer eszopiclone, and the even shorter-acting zaleplon. They may be used to treat early awakening, while using melatonin, although studies are lacking and more adverse effects may be expected. Zolpidem, like some short-acting benzodiazepines such as triazolam, has been shown to have idiosyncratic side effects including amnesia, dysphoria, excitability, and somnambulism. Consider a home-based trial before departure to gauge the side effects. Some travelers use these agents during flights, taking them at the destination's sleep time.
The usual adult dose of hypnotics should be halved for first-time users and for geriatric patients, and travelers on NBRAs should be warned not to drink alcoholic beverages or to use other medications that cause drowsiness (e.g., antihistamines) concurrently. Triazolam has been banned or allowed only limited use in several European countries due to reported adverse side effects (psychosis). Other benzodiazepines are longer acting and less suitable for use. Use of these drugs has been associated with increased mortality.
Ramelteon is a melatonin receptor agonist approved for insomnia and is said to not cause rebound insomnia like the NBRAs and benzodiazepines. It appears to have phase-shifting effects for treating jet lag. One study found that doses of 1 mg at bedtime for four nights in the new destination decreased sleep latency, but light exposure may be more beneficial. Drug interactions and hepatotoxicity may limit extensive use in those with co-morbidities. Ramelteon could also be used like the NBRAs above.
Table 9.2 lists pharmaceuticals to consider for jet lag.
Drug | Adult Dose a | Elimination Half-Life |
Hypnotics | ||
Zolpidem (Ambien®) | 5-10 mg p.o. hsb | 3-5 h |
Zaleplon (Sonata®, Starnoc®Andante®) | 5-10 mg p.o. hsb | 1-2 h |
Eszopiclone (Lunesta®) | 1 mg p.o. hsb | 6 h |
Zopiclone (Imovane®) | 7.5 mg p.o. hsb | 6 h |
Oxazepam (Serax®) | 10-15 mg p.o. hsb | 8-10 h |
Circadian rhythm agents | ||
Ramelteon (Rozerem®) | 1-8 mg p.o. hsb | 1-2 h |
Melatonin | See text and Table 9.1 | |
Wakefulness promoters | ||
Armodafinil | 150 mg p.o. am. on arrival |
a Use half the dose for elderly patients or first-time users. b, bedtime.
One study has found that armodafinil, a wakefulness-promoting drug, increased wakefulness after eastward travel in a dose of 150 mg in the morning on arrival. Side effects such as headache, nausea, and diarrhea may limit its use. Modafinil may also be useful but neither drug is FDA-approved for this use.
Older people who adapt less well to jet lag could be treated with agomelatine, a melatonergic antidepressant, although studies of its efficacy are lacking, and it is not available in the United States.
Traditional advice has been to adjust the sleep schedule, beginning 3 days before departure, gradually moving bedtime closer to the customary time at the destination. For instance, if traveling eastward, a traveler would try to go to bed 1 hour earlier each succeeding night in the 3-day period before departure. Smartphone applications are available to help calculate sleep times. If traveling westward, the traveler would try to stay up 1 hour later each night in the pre-travel period. Because it is easier to stay up later than to retire earlier, westward flights across a few meridians result in faster adaptation than eastward ones. Naps should be avoided on eastbound trips. It is useful to exercise before, during, and after the flight and to maintain good hydration.
If traveling across multiple time zones and returning after a day or two, it is better not to try to adjust to the proximate destination but to maintain the home sleep schedule. If traversing more than three time zones, scheduling a stop-over of a day or more in the travel itinerary may help with readjustment of the sleep–wake cycle. Resetting the watch early on each flight to the new local time at destination is advisable for orientation. On arrival at the destination, activities should be scheduled that are appropriate for the new local time. For the first few days after arrival at a destination, major decisions should be avoided if possible, and important meetings should be scheduled at the individual's most alert time of the day at home. Vigorous physical exercise on arrival—mid-morning for travel east and late afternoon for going west—helps.
The circadian clock can be shifted by exposure to bright light. Such techniques are of no value for the blind. To use principles of phototherapy to reset the circadian clock, the traveler should expose him- or herself to intense bright light (7000-12,000 lux, comparable to that of natural sunlight at sunrise). An exposure time of approximately 5-9 hours is needed. Light episodes before 0400 (at the originating time zone) retard the circadian clock, whereas those after 0400 (at the originating time zone) advance the clock. Thus travelers going eastward should expose themselves to bright light for a few hours early every morning after arrival at the destination. Those traveling westward should expose themselves to bright light in the late afternoon. Three to four days of such light exposure will entrain the original clock and allow it to be reset for sleeping at the destination time zone bedtime ( Table 9.3 ).
Direction of Travel | External Clock | Behavioral Change | Circadian Clock | Light Exposure |
West to east | Turn watch forward | Earlier bedtime, earlier awakening | Turn back circadian clock | Bright light in early morning at destination |
East to west | Turn watch backward | Later bedtime, later awakening | Advance circadian clock | Bright light in afternoon at destination |
The required light level can be measured with a digital camera (operating in manual mode). When set for ISO50, a camera meter reading of f:5.6 at 1/60 s indicates the brightness comparable to 11,000 lux. Short wavelength light exposure (blue, green), even if less intense, may be more effective than white light.
Wearing an eye shield on the plane or sitting by an unshaded window at the appropriate times can contribute toward circadian clock resetting during the journey. Enhancing destination time–appropriate sleep with ear plugs or playing soothing sounds on an audio device may help. On arrival, sunglasses are best not worn when it is necessary to get exposed to bright light, and it is advisable to be outdoors when possible. Wear a visor and/or sunglasses when outdoors in bright light that is not at an appropriate time. When indoors, the window curtains should be open and bright room lights should be kept on during the period of phototherapy. Indoor light is much dimmer than required, but it can shift the circadian clock.
Often travel schedules and conditions may prevent a traveler from using scheduled exposures to bright light to facilitate an adaptation to the new time zone.
The Argonne National Laboratory Jet Lag Diet tries to reset the circadian rhythm by alternative feasting and fasting, beginning 3 days before departure, and by timing the consumption of high-protein breakfasts and lunches, high-carbohydrate dinners, and caffeine. There is one study using it to advantage in US soldiers traversing nine time zones. Websites calculate this timed diet, and there are apps for smartphones to help adjust to the new time zone. Slow-release caffeine in a dose of 300 mg taken in the morning on arrival appears to have benefits to increase wakefulness. This may be more beneficial than 2 cups of espresso coffee. Other remedies, such as “anti-jet lag” pills sold over the counter or plant products, are of questionable efficacy.
In summary, jet lag is unavoidable; there are substantial individual variations in symptoms; and there are many ways of minimizing its effects.
Motion sickness is not a true disease but a normal response to a stimulating situation. It can be induced in anyone with a normally functioning vestibular system, given the right stimulation, but it is not produced by voluntary movement. People who lack vestibular function are immune. Vertigo, by contrast, is a sensation of movement without the stimulation of activity or sequelae of motion.
Motion sickness as a generic term includes sea sickness, motor vehicle sickness, air sickness, and other disorders such as ski sickness. One study collected data from 20,029 passengers on ferries on sea routes across the English Channel, Irish Sea, and North Sea and found that more than one-third of passengers reported some symptoms of motion sickness, and 7% vomited. The incidence of illness was greater in females than males, and there was a slight decline in incidence with age. Those who traveled frequently reported less motion sickness; this was presumed due to either habituation or self-selection.
Overpacked buses on winding mountain roads are common sites where adventure travelers experience motion sickness symptoms directly, while others may find it induced by a camel ride. Ski sickness is a special form of motion sickness produced by unusual and contradictory sensory information among the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems and develops while performing winding turns on uneven ground, with insufficient visual control, especially on foggy or white-out days with reduced visibility.
Women may be twice as susceptible to motion sickness as men, and more so toward the end of menstruation. Pregnant women are at an increased risk of motion sickness. Those with a history of migraine may be more at risk. A past history of motion sickness is strongly predictive of future problems. Children experience more symptoms and tend to outgrow them. Youth who engage in proprioceptive physical and sporting activities at an early age may be less susceptible. Retention of adaptation to motion sickness stimuli is retained for at least 1 month.
Nausea is a common presentation of motion sickness and may be preceded by pallor and cold sweats; eventually, vomiting occurs. Sufferers may express a desire for cool, fresh air, although ambient air temperature is not found to influence susceptibility. Hypersalivation, yawning, hyperventilation, and frontal headache are reported. Drowsiness, lethargy, inhibition of gastric motility, and loss of performance proficiency are the secondary symptoms of motion sickness. Diminished gastric motility reduces the absorption of oral drugs. Lethargy may take longer to resolve once the stimulus is gone. Altitude sickness should be included in the differential diagnosis.
Studies on motion sickness use self-reports or laboratory experiments simulating space sickness or extreme sea conditions. Advice is based on such limited information and anecdotal reports. General advice includes resting before the anticipated motion and beginning with an empty stomach. Generally, high-sodium foods, as well as those that are calorie dense or high in protein or fat, including cheese and milk products, may be more associated with symptoms, as is an increased frequency of eating. One study suggested a pleasant taste of food was more important than composition, although liquid high-protein, low-carbohydrate consumption produced less cardiac vagal tone. An ear plug in the nondominant side has been reported to help minimize symptoms.
Seeking a place in the vehicle where motion is least, sitting in a semi-reclining position, and minimizing head motion, as well as looking at the horizon, help. In a car, sit in the front seat and look out the front window at distant scenery. On an airplane, consider a window seat over the wings, and look out of the windows. For the susceptible on a ship, choose a cabin on a middle deck near the waterline. If lacking other modalities for an individual highly susceptible to seasickness, consider advising the use of a blindfold when inside a room on a ship. Symptoms of motion sickness may decrease with prolonged exposure to changing vestibular and optokinetic stimuli, for example, developing one's “sea legs.”
Those who are particularly susceptible to motion sickness could undergo desensitization through exercise procedures. Search the Web for “motion sickness desensitization” to find resources. Physical therapists specializing in vestibular disorders could be consulted. However, behavior modification techniques, including cognitive therapy, biofeedback, and desensitization therapy, require frequent exposure to motion over a considerable time to be effective.
Several pharmaceuticals are useful to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, especially if they are started prophylactically before severe symptoms are manifest ( Table 9.4 ). H1 receptor antihistamines useful for motion sickness include cyclizine, dimenhydrinate, and meclizine. Cyclizine is thought to affect gastric dysrhythmias; dimenhydrinate may work as a sedative; and meclizine affects the vestibular system. Common side effects include sedation and a dry mouth. These antihistamines are available without a prescription in the United States, but availability elsewhere should be determined. Caution is advised for use by the elderly, as these drugs may cause confusion and hallucinations, and caution is advised for use in pregnant women, although the common antihistamines are considered category B.
Drug | Adult Dose | Side Effects |
Granisetron (Kytril®) | 2 mg p.o. single dose | |
Ondansetron (Zofran®) | 8 mg p.o. single dose | |
Phenytoin (Dilantin®) | 200 mg p.o. single dose | |
Cyclizine (Marezine®) | 50 mg p.o. q4-6 h | Minimal sedation |
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine®) | 50 mg p.o. q4-6 h | Sedation |
Meclizine (Bonine®, Antivert®) | 25-50 mg p.o. q6-12 h | Mild sedation |
Promethazine (Phenergan®) | 25 mg p.o., p.r. q8-12 h | Moderate sedation |
Scopolamine patch (Transderm Scop®) | ![]() |
Dry mouth, blurry vision |
Scopolamine hydrobromide | 0.4 mg p.o. q6 h | Dry mouth, blurry vision |
Ephedrine sulfate | 25 mg p.o. q6-12 h | Cardiovascular (counteracts sedation) |
Pseudoephedrine | 30-60 mg p.o. q6-12 h | Cardiovascular (counteracts sedation) |
Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine®) | 5 mg p.o. q a.m. | Cardiovascular (counteracts sedation) |
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