Paediatric basic life support


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    Paediatric life support differs from adult life support in several aspects, but the basic principles remain the same:

    • Ensure both the patient and rescuer are safe

    • Call for help

    • Initiate basic life support (BLS) measures at the earliest possible moment

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    DRSABC is a mnemonic used to remind the rescuer of the appropriate sequence of events that should be followed when encountering any collapsed patient. Check for potential D anger (to self and patient); check for patient R esponsiveness; S end for help; open the A irway; check for B reathing and if patient is not breathing normally, give two rescue breaths; assess C irculation by checking for signs of life and if absent, commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

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    Quality chest compressions involve compressing the lower half of the sternum to at least one-third of the anteroposterior chest diameter at a rate of 100–120 compressions per minute, with complete release between compressions to allow full recoil of the chest wall.

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    Lay rescuers and health professionals less familiar with paediatric BLS (PBLS) techniques should use the general BLS compression-to-ventilation ratio of 30:2. Health professionals trained in PBLS should use a compression-to-ventilation ratio of 15:2 for all children, except in the newborn infant where a compression-to-ventilation ratio of 3:1 is preferred.


Paediatric basic life support (PBLS) involves resuscitation to restore and maintain airway, breathing and circulation in infants and children without the aid of equipment and drugs. Effective PBLS reduces the risk of hypoxic damage to vital organs (e.g., brain and heart) while waiting for more advanced help to arrive. Once equipment, medications (and often more experienced clinicians) are available to help, paediatric advanced life support (PALS) represents the next stage in the life support continuum from PBLS.

Paediatric versus adult basic life support

The epidemiology, pathophysiology and common aetiologies of paediatric cardiorespiratory arrest are quite different from those in adult or newborn arrest, but the techniques utilised follow the same general principles. Some BLS techniques are modified depending on the child’s size to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Aetiology of arrests

Cardiac arrest in infants and children is not usually the result of a primary cardiac cause, but instead is often the end result of progressive respiratory or cardiovascular deterioration. In the paediatric population, cardiac arrest is usually preceded by a period of deterioration, which progresses to cardiorespiratory failure, bradycardia, and eventually cardiac arrest. The initial focus of BLS in children and infants is establishing effective ventilation. Most children with hypoxia undergo a period of deterioration with worsening bradycardia preceding cardiac arrest. It is important that paediatric BLS is commenced as soon as bradycardic deterioration is noted and is not withheld until the patient becomes pulseless and asystolic. Chest compressions should be provided in children who are unresponsive with no spontaneous breathing and a heart rate below 60 beats per minute (bpm).

Anatomy and physiology

The anatomy and physiology of the human body changes with age, as the infant progressively develops from the immature neonatal form into the more adult form of the older child. The differences listed below influence provision of BLS in children (see later) in a number of ways:

  • Airway : Infants and young children have a relatively large head (particularly the occiput) and short neck, resulting in neck flexion when lying on a flat surface in the supine position. Infants have large tongue and more easily compressible oropharyngeal soft tissues. The infant larynx lies more anteriorly and higher (C2–C3) and the cricoid ring is the narrowest part of the airway. Children have a softer and shorter trachea.

  • Breathing : Younger children have an increased respiratory rate; a more compliant chest wall; a greater dependence on diaphragmatic breathing; and reduced end-expiratory lung volume.

  • Circulation: Infants and young children have an increased heart rate; a greater dependence on heart rate for delivery of adequate circulation; and a small absolute volume of circulating blood (70–80 mL/kg).

  • Metabolism : Children have both a relatively higher metabolic rate and body surface area compared to adults.

Preparation and equipment

PBLS requires no equipment other than a trained rescuer/s. It is advantageous, however, to have certain basic equipment available to assist in the resuscitation process:

  • Portable suction and suction catheters (for clearing secretions) may improve the ability to achieve and maintain a patent airway.

  • An oropharyngeal airway may assist in improving airway patency.

  • A self-inflating bag and appropriately sized mask may assist provision of ventilation and reduces the risk of cross-infection.

  • The addition of high-concentration oxygen to ventilation may further reduce the risk of hypoxic injury.

Basic life support sequence

The ‘DRSABC’ approach

When first approaching the collapsed child, it is important to optimise rescuer and patient safety. DRSABC is a mnemonic used to remind the rescuer of the appropriate sequence of events that should be followed when encountering any collapsed patient:

  • D anger: check for dangers or hazards that may affect you or the patient.

  • R esponsiveness: check if the patient is responsive.

  • S end: send for help.

  • A irway: open the airway.

  • B reathing: check for breathing; if patient is not breathing normally, give two rescue breaths.

  • C irculation: assess circulation by checking for a pulse and/or for signs of life; if absent or inadequate pulse or no signs of life, commence CPR.

Check for danger (D)

Ensure both the patient and rescuers are safe. This may involve removing obvious hazards from the direct environment or even moving the patient to a safer location prior to commencement of PBLS. Endangering your own life will not benefit your patient if you are hurt or injured, so safety is a high priority. Personal protective equipment should be used according to the perceived risk in the local setting.

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