
Intravenous (IV) access is a mainstay of modern medicine. IV cannulation is a procedure ( and ) performed by a wide array of health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, phlebotomists, and emergency medical technicians. In the emergency department (ED), uncomplicated peripheral venous access is usually secured by a nurse or technician. In the United States, more than 25 million patients have peripheral IV catheters placed each year as vascular access for the administration of medications and fluids and the sampling of blood for analysis. IV access can usually be accomplished in less than 5 minutes. Despite their growing number, dedicated IV teams are very costly and not always cost effective. Moreover, in the ED setting, multiple providers may be called on to obtain IV access, thus making it an essential skill for both emergency physicians and nurses to master. Subtleties in technique are important and can be improved with practice; newer technologies such as ultrasound can assist providers in placing IV lines in even the most challenging situations.

Historical Perspective

Bloodletting, or bleeding, dates to the time of Hippocrates. The ancient technique consisted of tying a bandage around the arm to distend the forearm veins, opening a vein with a sharp knife, and collecting the blood into a basin. In the Middle Ages, this was performed by barber-surgeons. In 1656, Sir Christopher Wren injected opium into dogs intravenously with a quill and bladder, thereby becoming the father of modern IV therapy. Blood transfusions also date back to the mid-1600s. The French physician Jean Denis is credited with the first successful transfusion by giving lamb's blood to a 15-year-old boy.

Originally, 16- to 18-gauge indwelling steel needles were used for IV infusions. In the 1950s the Rochester needle was introduced, which was a resinous catheter on the outside of a steel introducer needle. Because of increased comfort and mobility, plastic catheters have replaced indwelling metal needles and are now almost universal.

Indications and Contraindications

Obtaining timely and adequate vascular access is a major priority during any resuscitation. In patients with normal perfusion, differences in delivery times for injections centrally versus peripherally are minimal, within seconds. During cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), however, medications have been shown to reach the central circulation faster with central access than with peripheral venous access. A change in outcome, though, has not been demonstrated with the central administration of advanced cardiac life support drugs; hence, peripheral IV cannulation is the procedure of choice even during CPR because of the speed, ease, and safety with which it can be accomplished. In less critically ill patients, the role of IV therapy is more often debated and access is ultimately unnecessary in a large proportion of patients in whom it is obtained. In broad terms, IV access or therapy is needed in patients for whom IV medications are required or when oral therapy is inadequate (e.g., severe shock states), contraindicated (e.g., surgical emergencies), or impossible (e.g., intractable vomiting).

Review Box 21.1, Peripheral intravenous access: indications, contraindications, complications, and equipment.

Saline or heparin locks are preferable when IV medications are needed and there are limited foreseeable fluid requirements. Saline locks cost less than a full IV fluid and tubing assembly and are especially helpful when vascular access is needed suddenly. Access to the catheter requires irrigation with a separate syringe and flush.

A peripheral IV central catheter (PICC) shares the attributes of both central and peripheral venous IV lines (see Chapter 24 ). A PICC is composed of a thin tube of biocompatible material with an attachment hub. It is inserted percutaneously, under ultrasound guidance by a dedicated PICC team, into a peripheral vein and then advanced into a large central vein, followed by radiographic confirmation of placement. PICCs are suitable for long-term vascular access for blood sampling, infusion of antibiotics and hyperosmolar solutions such as total parenteral nutrition, and infusion of certain chemotherapeutic agents. Insert a PICC line as soon as long-term access is anticipated.

Peripheral IV lines should not be placed in extremities with massive edema, burns, sclerosis, phlebitis, or thrombosis due to risk for extravasation or suboptimal volume flow. When practical, avoid placing an IV line in extremities on the same side as radical mastectomies, though they can be used when an urgent condition exists and other peripheral access is not possible. When feasible, cannulation at infected sites, such as through an area of cellulitis, and extremities with shunts or fistulas should be avoided because it may cause bacteremia or thrombosis. If possible, do not cannulate a vein over or distal to a recent fracture site on an extremity ( Fig. 21.1 ). Veins that drain from an area affected by trauma or major vascular disruption (e.g., distal to a ruptured aorta) are also suboptimal because fluid or medications may not be delivered to the circulatory system.

Figure 21.1, Do not place peripheral intravenous (IV) access (long arrow) near or distal to a fracture in an extremity (short arrow). In this case an IV line for pain medication was placed before obtaining the radiograph. The scaphoid fracture was not suspected and the opposite arm had difficult access.

Blood samples for laboratory analysis are usually drawn before IV cannulation to avoid contamination with IV fluid or medication. However, studies have shown that accurate basic electrolyte and hematologic values can be obtained with peripheral IV lines when infusions are shut off for at least 2 minutes, at least 5 mL of blood is wasted, and all tubes are completely filled to avoid inaccurate bicarbonate readings. By adopting these techniques, one can reduce the number of peripheral needlesticks, minimize trauma or sclerosis of the vein, and improve patient satisfaction.

Ultrasound Guidance and Transillumination

Though more commonly used with central venous access, ultrasound can also assist in the placement of peripheral lines. For IV placements that have been designated “difficult” after a certain number of attempts by nursing staff, use of ultrasound guidance increases the success rate and decreases the number of attempts necessary for successful cannulation in both adult and pediatric patients. One 2016 randomized controlled trial showed that ultrasound guidance is particularly helpful in patients with perceived difficult access. However, this same trial noted that patients with perceived easy access had more success with landmarks alone. The caliber of the vein identified on ultrasound is predictive of its ability to be cannulated. If no vessel is identified, cannulation is not usually possible. An additional issue with ultrasound-guided peripheral IV lines is their longevity. One study highlighted the high premature failure rate of ultrasound-guided peripheral lines. Ongoing studies are evaluating this concern. It is likely related to the depth of the veins being cannulated, the length and type of catheter used, and the angle of the catheter through soft tissue.

Other devices transilluminate the veins to increase their visibility. This appears to be especially helpful in infants, though little evidence exists evaluating their utility. One 2012 study showed an increase in successful first attempt rates in pediatric patients with difficult peripheral access. As emergency providers have become more comfortable with these advancing technologies, ultrasound-guided and illumination-assisted insertion of peripheral lines have increased.


The success of cannulation depends on familiarity with the vascular anatomy of the extremities. In the upper extremity, the veins of the hands are drained by the metacarpal and dorsal veins, which connect to form the dorsal venous arch ( Fig. 21.2 ). These sites are excellent for IV therapy and comfortably accommodate 22- and 20-gauge catheters. The venous supply of the wrist and forearm consists of the basilic vein, which courses along the ulnar portion of the posterior aspect of the forearm. It is often ignored because of its location but can easily be accessed if the patient's forearm is flexed and the clinician stands at the head of the patient. On the radial side of the forearm, the cephalic vein is commonly known as the intern vein . Readily accessible, this vein can accommodate 22- to 16-gauge catheters. The median veins of the forearm course through the middle of the forearm, and the accessory cephalic veins on the radial aspect of the forearm are easily stabilized and accessible.

Figure 21.2, Anatomy of extremity veins for peripheral intravenous cannulation.

The antecubital veins consist of the medial cubital, basilic, and cephalic veins; these are often selected for catheters or blood drawing. IV placement here is easy, but mobility of the arm is restricted once the catheter is in place. The larger veins above the antecubital space, the cephalic and basilic veins, are often more difficult to see but can be accessed without difficulty if necessary.

The relevant lower extremity venous anatomy starts with the dorsal digital veins, which become the dorsal metatarsal veins and form the dorsal venous arch. The arch ultimately splits into the great saphenous vein, which travels up the medial aspect of the ankle, and the small saphenous vein, which courses laterally up the opposite side. These are the vascular structures most easily accessible for IV therapy.

The external jugular vein is formed below the ear and behind the angle of the mandible ( Fig. 21.3 ). It then passes downward and obliquely across the sternocleidomastoid and under the middle of the clavicle to join the subclavian vein. It is important to note the presence of valves in the external jugular, usually approximately 4 cm above the clavicle, because they can significantly impede IV function.

Figure 21.3, External jugular anatomy.



Universal precautions must be applied to all patients, especially in emergency care settings, in which the risk for exposure to blood is increased and the infection status of patients is largely unknown. One study showed that 11% of all hospital IV catheter injuries to health care workers occurred in the ED. Newer catheter devices have emerged that prevent inadvertent needle injuries ( Fig. 21.4 ). The Protectiv IV Catheter Safety System (Smiths Medical, Minneapolis, MN) has a protective sleeve that encases the sharp stylet as it is retracted from the catheter. The needle of the Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter (Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ) is instantly encased inside a tamper-resistant safety barrel by pressing an activation button. The Saf-T-Intima IV catheter (Becton, Dickinson and Company), Punctur-Guard Safety Winged Set (Gaven Medical, Grand Island, NY), Vacutainer Safety-Lok (Becton, Dickinson and Company), Shamrock safety winged needle (Smiths Medical, Dublin, OH), and Angel Wing Safety Needle systems (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) are all types of winged safety devices with shields that advance over the needle to prevent its exposure.

Figure 21.4, Intravenous catheter safety device. When the activation button is depressed (arrow), the spring is released and the needle is retracted into the safety barrel.

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